Thursday, April 28, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon W. H. French, in town yesterday from Blue Mountain farm south of Hardman, gave this paper permis sion to print the news that summer has arrived there as indicated by appearance of various blooms of the season. Still a foot and a half of snow covers the ground about his famed picnic spring. He suspects however, that this spring comes from a perpetual snow bank, as its temperature is 34 degrees the hot test day of the year, t Mr. and Mrs. Glee Boyer of Port land were visiting Heppner friends Tuesday on the way to their home after a visit at the homes of Mr. Boyer's brothers, Dempsey Boyer and Reid Buseick, who reside in Grant county. Mr. Boyer spent his boyhood days in Heppner and at tended the local schools, so enjoyed greeting old-time school friends. He is employed with the Orpheum the ater in the city. Mrs. Cecil Espy, formerly Miss Patricia Mahoney, arrived recently for a visit at the home of her moth er, Mrs. Harriet Mahoney, and with other relatives and friends. She ex pected to be joined here by Mr. Es py and go on shortly to Bonners Ferry, Idaho,. where Mr. Espy will be located in his work as engineer. R. A. Thompson, in the city yes terday, reported that it would be two weeks before he would start shearing. He was in Pendleton Tues day on business in connection with his position on the board of Pen dleton Production Credit associa tion. Fred Wilmarth, veteran printer who worked for the Heppner Ga zette about fifty years ago, dropped into the office just before press time today on his way from Montana to Portland. He enjoyed greeting old time friends including L. L. Mat lock and Dave McAtee. Henry Happold's shearing crew arrived back in the county the end of the week from the Prosser, Wn., district where they had been for two weeks and started work in the sand district. Mr. Happold spent Sunday with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Morton were week-end visitors here from their home at Newberg where Mr. Morton is manager of the Newberg branch, First National Bank of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin of The Dalles visited last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rasmus. Mrs. Martin and Mrs Ras mus are cousins. For Sale Chicks; 600 New Hamp shire Reds, 7 weeks old, 300 Leghorn cockerels, 6 weeks; also friers 18 and 25 cents a pound. Rufus Pieper, Lexington, Ore. 6-7 Mrs. M. S. Corrigall and daugh ter, Mrs. Wilbur Gourley, were bus iness visitors in town Saturday from the Skinner creek farm of Mr. and Mrs. Gourley. Msr. John McLaugnlin, formerly Miss Tina Doherty of this county, is reported quite ill with pneumonia at St. Anthony's hospital in Fendle ton. The Scott Furlong shearing crew pulled out the first of the week for the O'Brien ranch on Butter creek where operations were to start. Mrs. John Maylie left Sunday for her home at Portland after being the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney for four days. Mrs. Je Pierre and Mrs. J. A. Gil laspie of Joseph passed through Heppner Tuesday on a motor trip through central Oregon. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec ialist of Pendleton, will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY, MAY 4th. Ladies Aid will have window sale of cooked food and aprons on May 7th, at Case Furniture store. Mrs. Bonnie Cochran who has been indisposed for two weeks is up and around again. lone men attending the Morrow Conty Hunters and Anglers club meeting Monday evening included Bert Mason, J. O. Kincaid, Harold Kincaid, Carl Allyn and Carlton bwanson. Charles Bartholomew was in the city Monday from the Butter creek farm. He expected the Happold shearing crew to set up at his place yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake and son were visitors in the city Monday from their home at lone. ' $9.90 dresses, $2.95, at the Frances Shop. Public Speaking Plays, Band Coming May 6th Friday, May 6, at 8:00 p. m. in the local auditorium the Heppner high school will present a program con sisting of two one-act comedies by the public speaking classes and a short program by the Heppner band, state champions in class C. The pro ceeds of the entertainment will go toward buying the school system a new radio, which will be used for both educational and entertainment purposes. In the first one-act play, "How to Write a Play," the author has writ ten an example of what a play should not be. It features Johnny Hays as Jack, a college football hero, who makes ardent love to Molly, an un educated factory girl, played by Bet ty Jean Robinson. The part of the First Woman is taken by Alvina Casebeer; Second Woman, Ruth Green; First Rough Man With Whis kers, Homer Hughes; Second Rough Man With Whiskers, Floyd Wiliams; Third Rough Man With Whiskers, Lloyd Burkenbine. The second play, "The Duke," fea tures the amusing activities of Art McAtee, the butler, who masquer ades as the Duke. Martha Webster, Evelyn Kirk, has high social aspira tions as does Mrs. Cora Witherspoon, played by Betty Happold; Henry Joan Wright. The part of Estelle is Webster by Don Fredrickson; Ivan by Milton Morgan; Mr. William Van derspoon by Emery Coxen. General admission will be 15c, 25c and 35c. Shooters Expect to Place in State Meet Heppner Rod and Gun club fin ished the final round of the Oregon ian telegaphic trapshoot " Sunday with another 74 and the expectation of placing among the ten high teams to participate in the state shoot-off at Bend. Though names of the high teams had not yet been released by the Oregonian, the position of hav ing won 15, lost 12 and tied one match up to last Sunday made the locals' position favorable. P. W. Mahoney 25, H. E. Warner 25 and John Lane 24, composed Sun day's team. Lane turned in the best day's performance with 99 breaks out of a hundred targets. The day's individual scores are reported as follows: 150 targets, R. J. Jackson 121. 125 targets, P. W. Mahoney 119. 100 targets, John Lane 99, A. D. McMurdo 96, V. Kane 72, P. Auld 70, 75 targets, C. C. Carmichael 65. 50 targets, Luke Bibby 45, J. V. Crawford 43, Ed Bennett 39, C. A. Kane 34. 25 targets, H. E. Warner 25, Chas. Latourell 23, J Merritt 22, E. O. Fer guson 20, J. J. Wightman 18. BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN Mrs. Chris Brown was hostess for a birthday party i,n honor of Mrs. Milton Spurlock's birthday at the home of the honoree's mother, Mrs. Ada Cason, last Friday afternoon. Those present included Mrs. B. R. Patterson, Mrs. M. L. Curran, Mrs. B. G. Sigsbee, Mrs. E. L. Groshens, Mrs. E. E. Rugg, Mrs. Harold An derson and baby, Mrs. Roy John son, Mrs. Earl Evans, Mrs. Merle Kirk, Mrs. Ralph Marlatt, Mrs. Fay Prock, Mrs. Vernon Prock, Mrs. John Cason, Patricia Cason, Mrs. Paul Aiken, the honoree and hostess. Many beautiful and useful presents were received. HHS Net Team Ties Buckaroo Squad The Heppner high shcool tennis team composed of Jack Vaughn, Don Bennett, Hugh Cawford and La Verne Van Marter, with Mr. Blankenship, motored to Pendleton last Saturday to cross racqets with the experienced Pendleton 1 squad for the first matches of the season and returned home with a draw, three matches to three. 4 In the singles matches each sqaud member had to win two sets out of three in order to score a victory. The results of these matches are as follows: Van Marter lost to Schillar 8-6, 3-6, 4-6; Crawford edged out Mooney in the closest sets 5-7, 7-5, 6-4; Ganger won his sets from Ben nett 6-1, 6-4; Hoskins triumphed over Vaughn 6-1, 9-7. Heppner made a brilliant come back by making a clean sweep of the doubles. Van Marter and Crawford were teamed against Hoskins and McDaniel. They won handily 3-6, 6-4, 6-3. Vaughn and Bennett cli maxed the day's play by winning two straight sets from the Round up city lads 6-3, 8-6. CARS COLLIDE Dr. A. D. McMurdo's recently ac quired limousine sustained slight damages and the front bumper of the Art Parker car was torn off when the two cars collided at the inter section of May and Main streets Sunday evening. THE STAR Reporter Friday-Saturday HAWAII CALLS with Bobby Brecn, Ned Sparks, Irvin S. Cobb Adventure, romance and songs in a South Seas Paradise plus Midnight Intruder with Louis Hayward, Eric Linden Good comedy expert direction capable cast. Also, Disney's "Pluto's Quintupets" Friday 4 p. m. MATINEE HAWAII CALLS Pluto's Quintuplets Stange As It Seems 10c and 25c Sunday-Monday SALLY, IRENE AND MARY with Alice Faye, Tony Martin, Jim my Durante, Fred Allen, Gregory Ratoff, Joan Davis, Marjorie Weaver, Louise Hovick, Bamett Parker, J. Edward Bromberg Comedy Movietone News Tuesday No Time to Marry with Richard Arlen, Mary Astor, Lionel Stander It's rowdy knee deep in madness. Comedy Community Sing Wed.-Thu., May 4-5 WIDE OPEN FACES witn Joe E. Brown, Lyda Roberti, Alison Skipworth, Jane Wyman Crammed full of joe-viality; Joe's a lovesick sleuth on the loose for laughs. Screen Snapshots Trotting Thor oughbreds News of the Day NOTICE: New Matinee Schedule as follows: Sunday Matinees each Sunday at 1 p. m. and 3 p. m. Effective May 1st. Everyone in by 3:30 will see entire program. Saturday Matinee each Saturday at 1 p. m. Effective May 7th. Every one in by 2:30 will see entire pro gram. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt, Lexing ton, are invited to present this cou pon at the boxoffice for complimen tary admissions. Please use before May 6th. . StarTheater HEPPNEB, OBE. The Louis Marquardt family moved last week into the house on the George White farm which they recently purchased. BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby called for by the Directors of School District No. 1, Morrow County, Oregon, for the con struction of a Smith-Hughes Shop Building 31 feet by 64 feet by 12 feet. Bids wanted on both cement and hollow tile construction. Details can be secured at the city superin tendents' office. Bids to be opened Saturday, April 30. The board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. MURIEL F. VAUGHN, Clerk School District No. 1, Heppner, Oregon. RECEIVER'S NOTICE OF SALE To Whom it May Concern: Pursuant to authority of the Comptroller of the Currency of the United States, the undersigned J. L. Gault, as Receiver of the First National Bank, Heppner, Oregon, will offer at public sale to the high est bidder or bidders for cash, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 10, 1938, at 10 o'clock A. M., the remaining assets of the said The First Nation al Bank of Heppner, Oregon, con sisting of real estate, bills receivable, judgments, overdrafts, and other choses in action and chattels less such items as may be paid or other wise disposed of prior to the said date of sale herein mentioned. A descriptive list of the remaining as sets so offered for sale may be in spected by prospective purchasers at the office of the Receiver of The First National Bank, Heppner, Ore gon, on all business days up to and including the date of the said sale between the hours of 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. According to law, said remaining assets cannot be sold otherwise than without recourse and without war ranty of any kind or character, and subject to the approval of the Comp troller of the United States, and sub ject to confirmation by a court of record of competent jurisdiction. J. L. GAULT, Receiver. DSepafir Tubes Tested Free Latest Equipment SEE THE New ZENITH FARM RADIOS ESTIMATES GIVEN ALL WORK GUARANTEED BRUCE GIBB Phone 1382 SALE Complete line of Spring Apparel just arrived COATS SUITS DRESSES PRICED TO MOVE FRANCES SHOP For Mother's Day May 8th Give Flowers NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR BEDDING PLANTS Petunias, all colors, ruffled, also dou ble; large size plants budded, ready to bloom. Geraniums, three colors. Pansies, large size plants, ready to bloom. Lobelia, the border plant. Call and see samples Phelps Funeral Home Phone 1 332