Page Four Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, April 14, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times There was a time when anything Mr. Hoover had to say was thor oughly discredited by those support ing the new deal as coming from an incompetent source. However, since Mr. Roosevelt has sought to reorganize the executive department of the government, his admirers have discovered that Mr. Hoover, wisely, once sought to do likewise, Published every Thursday morning bv Jt may be opined that fifty years CRAWFORD publishing COMPANY from now new dealers may even and entered at the Post Office at Hepp- look upon Mr. Hoover with respect ner, Oregon, aa second-class matter. v THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15. 1912 JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager One thing right hand supporters of Mr. Roosevelts move to reorgan lze the government's executive de partment in aluding to Mr. Hoover' attempt to do likewise, is that Mr Three Months"" L8 Hoover did not attempt to dodge SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year , Three Years Six Months $2.00 6.UU Single Copies i05 constitutional methods. Official Paper for Morrow County Member, r i I fsH! vr i ins lo m-orm xne wona mat ne aid WO Newspaper Publishers not choose to be a dictator, he had When Mr. Roosevelt got reporters out of bed at 2 o clock in the morn CiV i in& to inform the world that he did vO Association To Seattle? rEPPNER'S school band won the just as well have left his own and the news boys' slumber unbroken, The American people will give him no choice in the matter, Lex. Girl Operated on A K ".. U 4.: . m . t TTEPPOT,T?'S .Annl V,- tJ .c ungress snows H . , , . , , . some signs of intelligence as evi xKuu lu piay in xne regional denced by its shelving the reorrani division of the national high school zation bill, there come rumors from contest to be held at Seattle May 14. Washington that another $4 billion That is a hieh honor and imnMM a PUDllc W0I-ks bill is about to be rnnnsikim,, t o-J Passed- After fiv years of futile X'rJZTZ L effort there seem to be some people contest the band should be sent t Wh T i, fVi?1 ca bor-nPP;i.i- A j Tx .-i i.: row himself out of debt and into juo.-uic. -u uu su. xi is aiso a lilting TJt0Da reward for the conscientious effort ' of band members and instructor. LEXINGTON NEWS mere are tnose who view the Seattle trip askance, however. For should the band win at. Seattle H would be almost too much of a load At The DallcS HoSDl'tal in carA T-v. X - 4-1 A. 1 ' -v. -v. u-dii ui tu uxe iiauunai tj,. til tt.. contest slated to be held at. Chi man And why go to Seattle, they ask, if Mr and Mrs- Henry Rauch took the way is not clear to go all the their daughter Edna to The Dalles way? luesaay or last weeK where she These and other questions will underwent an operation for appen worry parents and citizens of the dicitis on Thursday at a hospital community for awhile. mere. But in offering congratulations to Cliff Dherty was a business vis- Mr. Buhman and his bandsters for ltor ln Pendleton Thursday, their repeated good showing at the Mr- and Mrs- Ladd Sherman and state band contest, may we hope J- ? Lineberry, teachers in the for their appearance at Seattle and Lexington school, spent the week Chicago, too. And if the Seattle end m Portland. trip is not possible, may they know . Mrs Jimmy Johnson of Portland that the heart of the community is in Lexington with her mother, beats for them nonetheless. Mrs- Eva Lane, who is gravely ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Griffith and Who'; Government? family of Spray visited at the Wm VVMU OUVernmemY Padberg home Saturday. Mr. Pad- WHEN some upstart of a union berg who has spent several days in leader down in California has Spray returned to his home with the gall to publicly demand that a them. label be tacked on all wool sacks Mr. and Mrs. Clair Doherty and showing the contents to have been son Gary motored to Connell Sun shorn by union shearers, or else a day. Mr. Doherty returned Monday, national boycott will be declared on Mrs. Doherty will remain for a lamb and wool, it is time for the week s visit with relatives, American public to arise and ask, Mrs. George Peck entertained at "Who's government is this anyway?" her home Friday night with a party Whether it be CIO or AFL, the " honor of her sister, Miss Etta union that has any chance of crip- Millet of Monmouth. "500" and Con pling an industry to fulfill its die- centration were played during the tates is not working in the interests evening. In "500" Bernice Bauman of the nation or even of the work- had high score and Nellie Palmer ers it professes to represent. Only low. Those present were Mesdames one thing is truly apparent and that Edna Munkers, Nellie Palmer, Merle is unscrupulous individuals are as- Carmichael, Ann Miller, Thelma suming unto themselves extra-legal Smethurst, Mary Hunt, Lorena Mil rights to obtain power for them- ler, Bernice Bauman, Cora Allyn, selves. , . Anne Johnson, Laura Scott, Cecile There is a specific responsibility Jackson, Etta Millet, Mrs. Mary resting upon the national administra- Millet, Elva Ruhl and the hostess, tion for many of the present econ- Mr. and Mrs. Eslie Walker and omic ills which have irrefutably family are visiting relatives in Hard arisen from labor disputes. The na- man. tional administration has the power Rev. Carlson of Portland will to squelch the unscrupulous labor preach in the Congregational church leaders who are preying upon the at 10 a. m. Easter Sunday, productive efforts of both employ- Mrs. Cecil Jones left for her home ers and employees of the nation. This at Union Sunday afternoon after administration has the power to set visiting at the home of her parents, up boards of arbitration to see that Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan, for employers and employees alike are the past week. given just recognition while keep- An Easter program will be put on ing the wheels of industry moving by the Bible schools of both the smoothly. Congregational and the Christian There is nothing American about churches at the Congregational allowing free American citizens to church Sunday at 11 o'clock. Every- be forced into unions which have one welcome. nothing to offer them or the general F. F. Wehmeyer, of the forest public welfare, and which do naught service, gave an instructive talk at but take tribute. Let free men band Lexington grange meeting Saturday themselves together where they will evening. Speaking on the lecturer's to protect their interests so long as program, he stated Oregon possesses their methods of accomplishing their 26 percent of the standing timber in ends be within the bounds of pro- the United States. He quoted from priety and not injurious to equal President Theodore Roosevelt, who, rights of other free men; but let no he averred, was preeminent in mak free man be given the authority to ing us, as a nation, forest conscious, usurp the God-given prerogatives of Before him President Hayes had as other free men. Such authority, if sembled a fact-finding conference permitted to exercise itself, will in to ascertain how best we might util the ultimate be vanquished by those ize our forests. Under Roosevelt, 125 subjected, for free men love liberty, million acres of forest land was set Feeds Wrongly Blamed For Chicken Troubles Blaming chick rearing troubles on the feed is a common practice among poultrymen, for which the feed salesmen are considerably to blame themselves, believes H. E, aside and divided into regions to conserve and develop their use, Some of the activities, coordinating under the forest service are engin eering, mining, fire-fighting, graz ing and soil conservation. There are 22 forest divisions in Oregon Musical selections were provided r..hv hpaA of the oouirv deDart m t- i t-. -. .. oy xrina raricer, uona rsarnexx, uar- ment at Oregon State college, na Campbell and -With Awards. Althmh mixed feeds offered Or Two new members were elected farrnprs are rather rigidlv reg and twelve applications for mem- ulated through state law, so far as having their contents accurately stated nn labels, rival salesmen en- Dan Dinges underwent an opera- mlratri nrnA,,PPr susnieion of com- tion for appendicitis at St. Anthony's pive feeds, which results in dam- l il 1 T SI l l ! I r ' hospital in Pendleton yesterday. School News age to all concerns sooner or later, and diverts the attention of the pro- On Wednesday afternoon the grade Uiner frnTn tn( rf,al causes nf his school received a rare treat m the trouble says Cosby lorm oi an nour s aaaress Dy miss By guch attitudes a producer nose ueDDrana on me Mexican 1nSes tauu ;n an braTu.s when, in i 1 question, ane appeared in costume rpa1u nrpffnn has an outstanding c Tr i i -i i J ' ui d xuudwn way ana spoxe in list of reputabie poultry feeds pre- Spamsh tO illustrate many points. lA tw .nientifio.minHe.l men ,hn She also showed the children sever- cfav aUrea nf nritirmal al articles which she brought with ledg .. Cosb lwhen chicks i-.-.-- t. tt ; o ; a I i I ' ae' "um iviexiuo. o nce xne nun start to die off the cause is most grade was studying the country of often found eisewhere than in the Mexico at the time she came, the feed being used uxuiuren usjea many quesxions ana received much valuable information, ii ...! r n. . L Half f te - nioc D-,f. MiTiinscrei vusr 10 u. - -v- ,"' 6J"" wut. tained the others with a play day Fgf-gj ToiTIOrrOW Tuesday afternoon in return for a like entertainment given them a Heppner Elks will be host to the week aeo cast of the recent minstrel show at Students and teachers are very a dinner slated tor the lodge hall at busy preparing for open house to ' 0 clocK tomorrow evening, be held this Friday evening. Doors Invited as guests are all those who open at 7:30 and you are free to were in any way connected with the look at the things on display. There show's presentation. will also be a Drogram. and don't forget the luncheon set will be giv- sPech Conference Set for OSC en away. Uregon btate College Ihe eighth Maxine Way and Wilma Tucker annual state speech conference of Will represent Lexington's typing the Oregon Speech association is class at the typing contest to be scheduled for this campus Friday held at Heppner Saturday morning, and Saturday, April 22-23. The con ference is devoted to the interests Water Officials Plan of elementary, high school and coir . lege teachers of speech in this state, Conference in SpOKane says Dr. Earl W. Wells, Oregon State Oregon State College-Officers of c' f?slaem ftailea Pro" make a brooder out of an inverted wash tub and a lantern. While he explained to the inquirer how such a makeshift brooder is supposed to be made, he added that he would much prefer to raise a small num ber of chicks with hens than to take chances on this type of equipment. Myrtle Wood Process Developed Oregon State College A new method of seasoning myrtle wood which is expected to widen its use and prevent much present waste has been worked out by the wood prod ucts research department of the school of forestry here. Myrtle wood has heretofore resisted attempts to season it in a commercial dry kiln. Some details of the process remain to be perfected, but a successful basic schedule has been found. NOTICE I am putting out salt poisoning for rabbits and grain poisoning for squirrels in all of my fields. Owners of stray stock requested to take no tice. LEO GORGER, Lexington. O Ten Years Ago water departments in cities through out Oregon, Washington and north- gram just issued lists busy sessions devoted to group meetings, forensic a-tAX.llgL.1-lJ, CtllVA 111" I l"L4x , m ern Idaho are invited to attend the , ' aens"ra: xions ana speecn clinics. The tinal feature will be the Oregon high school championship debate to be held over KOAC, the state radio station. 1938 convention of the Pacific north west section of the American Wa terworkers association to be held at Spokane May 19 to 21, announces Fred Merryfield, assistant professor of civil engineering at Oregon State .. . . " . t iuaKesniri Brooders i-xpensive ganization. Corvallis Makeshift equipment Prnfessnr Merrvfielrl W in.t 0,m IOr Use ln hatching Or brooding plied all members of the association fhickens is most expensive in the witn an outime or the program which shows many technical mat ters in conjunction with the opera long run, Wieves H. E. Cosby, head of the poultry department at Ore gon State college. His comment came tion of water systems which will be as a result of inquiries on how to discussed at the convention. Such questions as water meters, public utility valuation, water works planning, water filters and steril izing of new mains will be discussed. Inspection of the Spokane water system and of the Coulee dam are also included. (From Gazette Times, April 12, 1928) F. R. Brown of Bown Warehouse Co. this week purchased three cars of wheat, 1927 cop, paying $1.25 a bushel. Large crowd attended Easter can tata, Resurrection Morn,' ven by combined choirs at Church of Christ, Sunday. Mrs. Sofia Cardine Carlson, pion eer, passes at Portland home. Pendleton Buckaroos beat locals 16 to 1. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aiken, April 5, a son. J. D. Bauman is feeling pretty prod there days, driving about in a new Whippet coupe, recently pur chased from Cohn Auto Co. Henry Howell departed this morn ing for Irrigon where he will join a shearing crew. Dutch operetta to be presented April 25 by high school students. Phelps Funeral Home Ambulance Service Trained Lady Assistant Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. SISTER FROM ALASKA Miss Margaret Wightman arrived Saturday from Wrangle, Alaska, to visit her bothers, John and Robert Wightman here. Miss Wightman has been a government nurse in Alaska for 31 years, and at times in her work has been the only white wo man within a radius of several hun dred miles. She once had the dis tinction of having been farther north than any other white woman. SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line Inc. Daily Service Between PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER and Way Points Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent BIDS WANTED Bids are hereby called for by the Directors of School District No. 1, Morrow County, Oregon, for the con struction of a Smith-Hughes Shop Building 31 feet by 64 feet by 12 feet. Bids wanted on both cement and hollow tile construction. Details can be secured at the city superin tendents' office. Bids to be opened Saturday, April 23. The board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. MURIEL F. VAUGHN, Clerk School District No. 1, Heppner, Oregon. CALL FOR WARRANTS Outstanding warrants of School District No. 25, Morrow County, Oregon, numbered 171 to 268 inclu sive, will be paid on presentation to the district clerk. Interest on said warrants ceases April 14, 1938. FLOSSIE COATS, Clerk, School District 25, Boardman, Oregon. Alfalf a Seed ' (All Grades) FRESH STOCK OF SPERRY'S CHICK and TURKEY STARTER FEED LOWER PRICES See us for prices on Seed Grain Farmers Elevator Phone 302 Heppner