Thursday, April-7, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner,- Oregon Page Five R. C. Phelps went to Tenino, Wash., last week where he attend ed funeral services for an old time friend, Mr. Edminster. The deceas ed had visited the Phelps home in .Heppner a few weekes ago shortly after his wife passed away. Mrs. Edminster died just six weeks be fore her husband, and Mr. Edmin ster was buried on their 45th wed ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. George French ex pect to leave this afternoon on the return to their home at Riverton, 'Wyo. They have been here for six months, during which time Mr. i French has been unable to be out much, due to ill health. Mrs. Alva Jones accompanied Mr. Jones and contingent of bandsters ; on their way to Eugene, stopping off at Portland to visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. V. Crawford, imtil the party's return. The regular business meeting of American Legion auxiliary will be Tield Monday evening, April 11, at -tl 1 C HIT T71 J A J ' , 1 me jiume ui mis. rioya. Aaams wiul Mrs. Harvey Bauman as hostess. Mrs. Percy Bleakman and Miss Ho Merrill were in the city Monday from Portland to attend funeral ser vices for their grandmother, the late Mrs. Susan Emma Whetstone. Mrs. Jennie McMurray was a vis itor in the city yesterday from the Jordan Siding home. To rent, 3 acres of alfalfa, garden ground and berries. Phone 1013, city. J. L. GAULT GIVES DETAILED REPORT OF INFANTILE PARALYSIS CAMPAIGN To the People of Morrow County: As chairman of the President's Birthday celebration for the New Na tional Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, I herewith submit the following report of the funds raised for that purposes, now in the hands of the treas urer, Mr. Jos. J. Nys, which fuonds will now be remitted to the offices of the Foundation in New York City; Boardman-Irrigon ' From sale of Founders Certificates : $ 29.00 From other sources: Dance ; $22.10 Card party 10.50 Donations : 1.50 . $34.10 Less expenses: Music ; $2.90 Miscellaneous 2.20 5.10 29.00 $58.00 Morgan-Cecil From sale of Founders Certificates $ 46.00 From other sources: 1 , Dance $20.00 Less expenses: Advertising $2.50 Tickets, wax 1.05 3.55 16.45 $ 62.45 lone From sale of Founders Certificates $134.00 From other sources: Dance tickets sold for President's Birthday cele bration dance held at Heppner 30.00 Benefit card party , $34.50 Less expense , 3.00 31.50 $195.50 Pine City-Lena . . . From sale of Founders Certificates $ 45.00 $ 45.00 Lexington From sale of Founders Certificates $ 49.24 $ 49.24 Gooseberry-Eightmile . From sale of Founders Certificates .'..$ 67.50 $ 67.50 Hardman From sale of Founders Certificates $ 6.75 From other sources: , Dance and supper : .$56.80 Making and raffling quilt 30.00 $86.80 Less expenses: , . Music v $24.00 Rent of hall 1.50 Refreshments 8.00 Miscellaneous for quilt 3.28 36.78 $ 50.02 $ 56.77 Heppner From sale of Founders Certificates .$196.25 From other sources: ... . Miscellaneous donations 5.00 Heppner CCC Camp No. 297 11.35 Auxiliary Episcopal Church, benefit card party 12.00 Heppner High School Student Body 12.25 President's Birthday dance, tickets sold and donations 221.70 Less expenses: Music $47.50 Rent of hall 20.00 - Alrovticintf .. 22.50 Tickets Total Trs! Dane tickets sold in lone, for included both in lone and Heppner totals 30.00 $869.01 Less administrative expense, cost of telegram from County Chair man to National Headquarters 52 Total $868 49 It is the desire of the Executive Committee, including the Secretary, the Treasurer, and myself as County Chairman, to extend to all the commu nity chairmen, their helpers and to all those who contributed of their time and money, our sincere thanks and appreciation of the splendid results obtained in putting over so successfully in Morrow County this really worth while undertaking. Respectfully submitted, J. L. GAULT, Chairman, Morrow County, Oregon. 2 cows for sale; 1 coming fresh with 2nd calf this month, the other older and milking about 3 gal.; both for $100. Walter Jepson, lone.. 5-6 E. J. Evans was transacting busi ness in the city yesterday from the Lexington farm, expressing pleasure over present growing conditions. . Mrs. Lena White arrived the end of the week from Payette, Idaho, to visit her daughter, Miss Mary White. Mrs. Edward Green of Portland visited the end of the week with her mother, Mrs. Agnes Curran. Must sell 1930 4-door sedan. Only $35. Phone 552. ltp. WILLOWS GRANGE NEWS The social committee of Willows grange has announced a dance in the Legion hall in lone on Saturday night, April 9. The Home Econom ics club ladies will serve supper. Good dance music is assured as the Troubadors will play. Willows grange Home Economics club will have their next meeting on April 15, at the home of the state grange home economics chairman, Mrs. Mary Lundell. This will be an all day pot-luck dinner meeting and every member is urged to at tend. If possible the business meet ing will be held before noon, as Mrs. Lundell plans to have a talk by Miss Stoneman, the visiting county health nurse, and perhaps other talks by visitors in the after noon. The men folk of the grange are invited to the Lundell home the same day, where they will have a 4.00 94.00 , 127.70 $364.55 : $899.01 the dance held at Heppner, and weed identification meeting with the county agent of Gililam county and the FFA instructor, Marvin Wight- man, from Arlington. RHEA CREEK NEWS Grange was held last Sunday, the first Sunday being our regular meeting day. Tom . Wells was obli gated in the third and fourth de grees. The resignation of Floy Akers as lecturer was read and accepted. Maud Rugg was elected to fill the unexpired term. The resignation of Fred Akers, chairman of the execu tive committee, was read and ac cepted. The Home Economics club will meet at the grange hall April 28 in an all-day meeting. Miss Dorothea Anderson is visit ing at the home of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Andere son, on Eight Mile. Estes orchestra will furnish music for a dance at Rhea creek Saturday, April 9. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark are vis iting at the home of Mrs. Clark's sister, Mrs. Walter Beckett. HARDMAN NEWS Visit Glutton Falls On Sneak Day By OPAL HASTINGS The Hardman high school took sneak day on Wednesday. They hiked to Glutton falls where they enjoyed a doubtful lunch which in cluded stewed coffee flavored with cinders, scorched potatoes and oleo margarine, cookies, mince pie, sand wiches and apples. The afternoon was spent in recovering from the lunch and getting home, and then recovering for good. They intend to go again. Raymond McDonald and Duff Mc Kitrick spent the week end with their families. Mrs. Whetstone, mother of Mrs. William Bechdolt and Mrs. E. J. Merrill, died in Heppner Friday morning. . I . Mrs. Ada Cannon is .all ready for spring driving with her new ma roon DeSoto car. On Friday the Spray high school came here for sneak day. They vis ited high school in the morning and played soft ball in the afternoon. They have a very good team which is shown by the fact that they won, Tubes Tested Free Latest Equipment SEE THE New ZENITH FARM RADIOS ESTIMATES GIVEN ALL WORK GUARANTEED BRUCE GIBB Phone 1382 Angel Food CAKES for EASTER Place Orders Early Also HOT CROSS BUNS HEPPNER BAKERY 31 to 17. Sometime before school is out, Hardman high school plans to return the visit and play them again. James Stevens and Ad Inskeep were business visitors in Heppner Saturday. There were three specials at the last Community Sing. A guitar duet, "Gold Mine in the Sky," by Mildred and Irl Clary, accompanied by Miss Iris Morton on the piano. A poem, "Step Faster, Please," by Nona Ins keep, and "In the Valley of the Moon" and "When I Grow Too Old to Dream," by Donald Robinson and Marvin Saddler. Mrs. Raymond McDonald was in Heppner Saturday to attend to bus iness. 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batty and Miss Gladys Smith and the Joe Batty family were visiting the Lewis Batty home Saturday. Fred Reed and Slim Underwood were visitors in Heppner Sunday. Miss Isabel McFerrin spent the week end at the mill with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Loy McFerrin. Church was held here on Sunday evening. Rev. R. V. Hinkle, arch deacon of eastern Oregon, preached the sermon A very good time was reported at the dance here Saturday night. Mu sic was furnished by Scott Brown's Old Timers. Ivan Leathers played his cornet which helped the orches1 tra very much. There will be a carnival at the SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. Daily Service Between PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER and Way Points Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE iiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiifiimiiiiiiiiii (iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiti; I The STAR Reporter I FRIDAY- SATURDAY , f ZANE GREY'S i BORN TO THE WEST with John Wayne, Marsha Hunt, John Mack Brown, Monte Blue f America's beloved humorist in the picture you'll always remember 1 ' him for! I ' WILL ROGERS in I 1 THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN j with Mickey Rooney, Evelyn Venable, Kent Taylor Also: "How to Dance the Shag," featuring Arthur Murray and his 1 I Shag Dancers. I SUNDAY-MONDAY I SPENCER TRACY JOAN CRAWFORD I I two bright stars glorifying the drama of the shopgirl, in I MANNEQUIN j 1 with Ralph Morgan, Allan Curtis I Also: Historical Mystery if "Captain: Kidd's Treasure"; "Land of the Incas," Movietone ews I TUESDAY .. I WIT, WISDOM and WISECRACKS in f LOVE IS A HEADACHE ( with Gladys George, Franchot Tone, Ted Healy, Mickey Rooney, Frank Jenks, Ralph Morgan, Virginia Weidler 1 Also: "Friend Indeed,' the story of the dog Sparky and his blind master; and "Somewhere in Paris" with stars of stage screen, radio I I WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, APRIL 13-14 I Mini moi miuti . Cecil B. DeMille PRODUCTION FREDRIC MARCH THE BUCCAME cDatiriciu cam Attn TAMIROFF Mirgot GRAHAM! Waiter BRENNAN wVlf A Paramount Plcturt Direct! by CECIL STAR THEATER SiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiHiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? Hardman high school Saturday, Ap ril 16, proceeds of which will be di vided equally among the grade school, Democratic committee and the Cove club. There will be a number of one-act plays and other shorter entertainment, as well as all the booths and fun that go with a car nival. Watch the posters and next week's issue for further information. The weather man made a last ef fort to provide skiing opportunities Snow fell Sunday night but started melting rapidly when the sun came out Monday. Tuesday morning we again faced a white world with 8 inch drifts and the appearance of the beginning of a real storm. Christian Endeavor will be held next Sunday by Rita Robinson. Ev erybody come. E. Jay Merrill is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Percy Bleakman, in Portland. While there he is having his eyes treated. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten went to Heppner Sunday where Mrs. Knighten consulted a doctor. They were accompanied by Miss Iris Mor ton and Marvin Brannon. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of County As sessor subject to the will of the Dem ocratic voters at the Primary Nom inating Election to be held May 20, 1938. (Paid Adv.) EDW. D. CLARK. Carl D. Spickerman, Agent B. OiMIUI 71 I c J 111 1