Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 07, 1938, Image 1

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POET LA . -. r .
Volume 54, Number 5
People Attend
Elks Minstrel,
Pay for Band's Trip
Large Cast Draws
Appreciative Hear
ing; Band Plays
More than six hundred people
paid admission to the Elks minstrel
at the gym-auditorium Saturday
evening, and in return may receive
the satisfaction of knowing that the
production, combined with the dance
afterwards netted $350, a sum suf
ficient to fully defray expenses of
the school band's appearance at the
state contest in Eugene Saturday.
The financial success of the ven
ture is a source of deep satisfaction
to the sponsors, and Bert Mason, ex
alted ruler of Heppner lodge of Elks,
has extended his deepest apprecia
tion for the warm cooperation re
ceived on every hand. Dr. R. C. Law
rence, minstrel committee chairman,
has also stated that the show would
not have been possible except for
the invaluable assistance received
from non-membesr as well as mem
bers of the lodge. Special recognition
is given Helen Ralph of lone, chorus
director; Juanita Leathers Carmich
ael, who arranged the music; Vir
ginia Dix, piano accompanist; Adele
Nickerson Hayes, make-up assistant,
Freddie Nordham, who did the post
ers; also to Frank W. Turner and
D. A. Wilson, fellow members of the
committee, and Loyal Parker, bus
iness manager, and Hubert Gaily,
properties manager.
Especially pleasing to the sponsors
was the fine attendance of people
from all Darts of the county, re
flecting the feeling that not alone is
Heppner interested in the success cf
the band, many members of which
come from points outside the dis
Featuring the show itself were
Russell McNeill and Helen Ralph,
soloists. Mr. McNeill singing "The
Sunshine of Your Smite," and Miss
Ralph singing "Star Dust"; ladies'
double trio, Doris Gaily, Lavelle
Leathers Sherman, Elizabeth Blank
enship, Coramae Ferguson, Mary
White, Pete Belanger, who sang
"Once in a While": Robert Knox
and Teddy Ferguson, tap dancers;
C. J. D. Bauman, interlocutor; and
eight black-faced end men who
were clad in extremely loud cos
tumes. These with solo of each were
Jimmie Estes, "Whistle While You
Work"; Gerald Cason, "There Were
Ten Pretty Girls"; Frank Turner)
"Rosalie"; Bill Isom, "Sweet Some
One"; Bob Runnion, "On the Sun
ny Side of the Rockies"; Ray P.
Kinne, "Thanks for the Memory";
Joe Belanger, "I Double Dare You";
Richard C. Lawrence, "Josephine."
A combined ladies' and men's
chorus sang chorses of the solo
numbers besides the opening num
bers, "The Moon Got in My Eyes"
and "Gee But It's Great to Meet a
Friend From Your Old Home Town,"
and the closing number, "There's
a Gold Mine in the Sky." Members
of the chorus were, ladies, Coramae
Ferguson, Margaret McNeill, Kath
erine Parker, Marie Barlow, Jose
phine Mahoney, Betty Lawrence,
Lavelle Leathers Sherman,' Mary
White, Elizabeth Blankenship, "Pete"
Belanger, Hazel Mahoney, Evelyn
Isom, Doris Gaily, Juanita Leathers
Carmichael, Lucy Spittle Peterson;
men, Jasper Crawford, Charles Bar
low, Ladd Sherman, J. O. Turner,
Frank Nickerson, Freddie Nord
ham, Ernest Clark, Frank Alfred.
Ken Olson of the Pendleton East
Oregonian took flash pictures of the
minstrel cast and band which ap
peared in Monday's edition of that
The band played contest numbers
. at the Elks hall following the min
strel before a large crowd, and danc
ing was enjoyed afterward.
One of the largest entertainment
undertakings in this city for several
years, the show was compared fav
orably in quality with similar pro-
Five Workmen Arrive; Materials
Ordered; Office and Service
Station Among First Buildings
The long delayed construction of
the Umatilla National forest local
administrative camp is slated to
start at last, announces F. F. Weh
meyer, local ranger. Five workmen
from the Squaw creek CCC camp
arrived the first of the week and
more are expected shortly.
Wehmeyer said materials have
been purchased for construction of
several buildings and will soon be
placed on the ground. Among the
first buildings to rise, he expects,
will be the office, service station
and one storage building. He be
lieves that landscaping of grounds
will probably be delayed until fall.
While assurance of the availability
of the camp site has been had for
several months, work of construc
tion by the government has been
held up pending necessary legal
work in clearing title. The last of
this work appears to be now in
sight, making it possible for the
forest service to proceed.
Local Chapter to
Enter State Contests
Ten FFA boys will go to Cor
vallis April 28 to compete in the
state FFA contest. The boys will
go in pairs and have demonstrations.
William Bennett, (instructor, will
pick up another boy with good class
work to accompany the other ten
Jack Healy wil Igo to Portland
to compete in the public speaking
contest about April 26.
It was decided at the last chapter
meeting that the FFA boys would
form a cooperative association to
buy their various kinds of feed and
Edw. D. Clark
Is Final Candidate
Closing time for declarations of
candidacies brought but one new
candidate into the local political
field, Edw. D. Clark, local man,
that day filed for assessor in the
democratic ranks.
The line-up for county offices on
the May 20 ballot will be: For 83'
sessor, Thomas J. Wells and Edw.
D. Clark, both democrats; for treas
urer, L. W. Briggs, republican; for
county commissioner, George Bleak
man and George N. Peck, both re
Apologies to Mr. George Bleak
man. In reporting his driving record
as gleaned from an editorial in the
Portland Oregonian, the Gazette
Times mathematician took it upon
himself to do a little calculating.
And in calculating, he did a bum
job. To drive 1,248,000 miles as Mr.
Bleakman was said to have estimated
his driving distance without an acci
dent, one would not have to aver
age 100 miles a day for 113 years,
but only 34-odd years.
Mrs. Joseuh Belanger received
word Saturday night of the death of
her father, James Henry Hensley,
at Hillsboro. Funeral services were
announced to be held there yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. Belanger left
early Sunday morning, where Mrs.
Belanger expected to remain until
after the funeral. Mr. Belanger was
forced to return Tuesday to conduct
a scheduled meeting.
Board of directors of School Dis
trict No. 1, meeting Tuesday eve
ning, named J. G. Barratt, J. O. Tur
ner and Dr. A. D. McMurdo as the
budget committee to sit with the
board in making up next year's bud
get. The new budget will be voted
on in June.
ductions in much larger cities, by
informed critics. Commendation
was heard for the high type of talent
throughout and for the novelty of
the presentations. - .
Oregon, Thursday, April
Time to Make City
ShineSay Dads;
Clean-Up Day 18th
Old Power House
Eyed Askance; To
Meet Other Dads
Whether or not you agree that
spring is here, Heppner's city dads
have determined that it is time to
make the city shine. In accordance
with long established custom, they
have set Spring Clean-up day, Mon
day, April 18.
As on clean-up days in the past,
again this year all garbage, trash
and other nondescript landscape per
version, if placed at street curb in
proper containers, will be hauled
away at city expense. Again, in
setting this day, Mayor Jones has
asked for the earnest cooperation of
all citizens in attaining the most
pleasant surroundings attainable
for everybody, and in promoting
health and sanitation on every hand.
Though unable to be present at
Monday evening's council meeting
in person, Mayor Jones transmitted
his clean-up day proposal to the
city law-makers who gave it their
whole-hearted endorsement.
In line with the clean-up theme,
the council referred to the public
properties committee the matter of
determining ways and means of
obliterating a blemish of its own on
the city's landscape. That blemish is
the old power house which the city
dads consider no longer serves any
good purpose.
Discussion of open sewers, offen
sive backhouses and other unsani
tary conditions, also of a new build
ing code by means of , which it is
hoped generally lower insurance
rates in the city may be obtained,
led to the conclusion that these sub
jects would be introduced for con
sideration of the League of Oregon
Cities meeting to be held in Pendle
ton soon, to determine general prac
tice in other cities. In response to an
invitation to attend this meeting,
details of which appear in a story
in another column, it was the con
census that all city officers who pos
sibly could would attend.
Found Wrist watch in front of
telephone ' office. Owner . may have
same by identifying at this office
and paying for ad.
Women's Foreign Misionary so
ciety of the Methodist church will
meet on Tuesday, April 12, at the
home of Mrs. M. L. Case.
There is no middle road! It's one or the
other! We create or destroy the oppor
tunity for work through our purchasing
habits. Which shall it be for us who live
here? We can provide WORK here or we can
create jobs in other places by buying
carelessly, unthinkingly! Through our
purchases of the products of the Columbia
Empire - of farm and forest, fishery and
factory, we can expand our own industries;
we can provide Jobs for 60,000 more''
WORKERS! By working, they become BUYERS.
The cost is nothing - and
7, 1938
Enrol lees, Officers Go to Lolo
Creek, Mont.; Expect New Com
pany Will Arrive in Near Future
Heppner will lose its present con
tingent of CCC enrollees and staff
of military officers tomorrow when
the remainder of the company now
stationed here leaves for Lolo Creek,
Mont. Official orders for the trans
fer were received this week. Until
the new company arrives in the
near future to fill the local barracks,
activity in the local camp will be
confined solely to the soil conser
vation division where no change has
been announced.
In the transfer which sends the
local company to the Missoula dis
trict wil lgo Capt. G. R. Kent, com
mandant here since the arrival of
the last company, his assistant of
ficer, and Marvin Dixon, educational
adviser here since the local camp
was established. No definite infor
mation has been received as to
where the next company will come
from or how soon they will arrive,
but it Is understood that the camp
will again be manned in the near
future. Sixty-seven former er.rollees
of the local camp were sent to New
York last Thursday.
Harold Evans Badly
Burned in Accident
Lighting a match near the tractor
the transmission case of which he
had recently washed with gasline,
Harold Evans last Sunday had his
neck and face badly burned from
the gas fumes thus ignited. Hair
was burned off his head, eyebrows
and other hirsute adornment wiped
clean while deep burns resulted on
part of his face and neck. His hands
were also burned.
Evans had to walk some distance
to - the house arid as the breeze
seemed to cool the burns he did not
realize how badly burned he was
until the injuries were dressed by a
local physician.
W. R. Irwin, former Heppner res
ident now a merchant at Rockaway,
is reported to have undergone a
major operation in a Portland hos
pital this week.
L. L. Gilliam, government weather
observer, reports 1.69 inches rain
at Heppner in the showers the first
of the week.
Lost $10 bill either in lone near
Congregational church, or between
lone and Heppner. Reward. Return
to Shelby Gaves, lone. ltp.
is no middle road!
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Bandsfers Leaving
For State Contest;
Appear Saturday
1 1 Competitors
Slated in Class C; 16
Cars Convey Group
Heppner bandsters are leaving
today and tomorrow for the much
anticipated Oregon state high school
band contest to be held on the cam
pus of the University of Oregon to
morrow and Saturday. The local
band's appearance will be made in
Eugene Saturday.
The band will be entered in class
C division with bands from Univer
sity high school, Woodrow Wilson
and Roosevelt junior high schools
from Eugene, and bands from Ar
lington, Creswell, Bums, Mori,
Powers, Sherwood, Santa Clara, and
Sandy high schools.
The contest is approached with
more than usual enthusiasm this
year because of the new ruling
which will allow all entrants receiv
ing superior rating to enter the na
tional regional contests to be held
in Seattle, May 14.
As was the practise last year, the
contest is divided into two sections
with all class B bands and ensemble
contestants having participated at
Oregon State college last week end,
and class A and C bands particip
ating in Eugene this week end.
Approximately 650 contestants will
be entered in the contest, with 17
bands and numerous soloists. Solo
ists will be entered from Medford,
Lebanon, Gresham, North Bend,
Springfield, Halsey, River Road, and
Portland's Grant and Franklin high
schools. ;
Judges for the contest at Eugene
will be Louis Wersen of Tacoma,
Arthur S. Haynes of Vancouver,
and Owen Sanders of Portland.
Visiting bandsmen will be lodged
at the campus living organizations.
John Stehn, director of the Univer
sity of Oregon band, and assistant
professor of music, is in charge of
the local contest arrangements.
Those expected to take cars were
announced by Harold Buhman, di
rector, as follows: Mrs. Henry Aik
en, Spencer Crawford, Lucile Mc
Atee, Harry Tamblyn, Harold Arm
strong, Mrs. J. G. Barratt, Mrs. Will
Morgan, Harold Cohn, D. A. Wilson,
Bert Johnson, R. B. Ferguson, Mrs.
Ed Dick, Raymond Drake, Mrs. R.
A. Thompson, Alva Jones.
Forty-nine band members were
expected to make the trip.
Good Score Again
Recorded by Shooters
A 74 team score was recorded by
Heppner Rod and Gun club for the
second consecutive Sunday in last
Sunday's round of the Oregonian
telegraphic trapshooting ' contest.
Making up the three-man team were
Chas. Latourell 25, A. D. McMurdo
25 and John Lane 24. Individual
scores for the day were:
75 birds A. D. McMurdo 74, P.
W. Mahoney 69, R. Jackson 54, V.
Kane 61.
50 birds John Lane 49, H. E.
Warner 46, C. C. Carmichael 44, Ray
Massey 41.
25 birds Chas. Latourell 25, E. O.
Ferguson 24, H. C. Happold 17, Auld
Morrow county schools were dis
missed yesterday until the end of
the week to permit attendance of
all teachers at the sectional insti
tute being held this week end at
Spokane. Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers,
county superintendent, and most of
the teachers from Heppner are in
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. War
ren of Dry Fork at Heppner hos
pital Monday, an 8-pound girl.
Would take boarders or roomers
or both. Inquire Gazette Times.