Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 31, 1938, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, March 31, 1938 -
Published by the Journalism Class
of Heppner High School
Editor Sibyl Howell
Assistant Editor Bill Barratt
Personals Patty Cason
Can You Imagine? .. John Crawford
Humor Joe Aiken
Sports Emery Coxen
Did You Know? .... Irena McFerrin
Years Ago Thomas Gonty
Gossip, Bethal Blake and Scott Mc
F. F. A. Howard Patton
Calendar of Events
Friday, April 1 Baseball, Uma
tilla, here (tentative).
Saturday, April Elks Band Ben
efit Minstrel, Auditorium.
Band Dance, Elks Hall.
Benefit Program for School Radio
On May 6th in the high school au
ditorium the Public Speaking class
of Heppner high school will present
two one-act plays. The proceeds of
these plays will be used to buy the
high school a radio. This radio will
not only be used for worth-while
broadcasts but especially in connec
tion with music work.
Weather Still Hampers Sports
it seems mat good old warm
weather is still being defeated by
the ill-natured bad weather and has
not as yet given the track and base
ball boys a chance to show their
abilities. Most of last week's practice
was spent in the school gym with
various exercises which gave the
players many aches in their bodies.
Coach Knox explained that this was
a good method of keeping fit and in
good shape.
Band Benefit Saturday
Let's not forget the Elks minstrel
this Saturday night in the high
school auditorium. This program is
for the benefit of the Heppner band
to help pay expenses for their trip
to Eugene, April 8th, where they
will compete in the state band con
test. -
They are going to do their best
toward winning the band contest,
thereby bringing honor to their
school and to the city of Heppner.
Cooperation will make this trip a
most pleasant and successful one.
Can You Imagine
Floyd Williams and Rose Cun
ningham spending their spare time
conversing in the back of the study
Lowell Ashbaugh and Bill Blake
at each other's throats over a little
Bob Scrivner entertaining Mr,
Peavys baby? Even woman-killer
Scrivner couldn't keep her from
Two members of the junior class
planning on getting married next
A certain senior boy with a shiny
new car trying to date a certain red
headed sophomore? Are the"Scotts"
trying to get together?
H.H.S. .
Years Ago
10 Years Ago . . . Senior program
was held last Friday.
Five Years Ago . . . Junior-senior
dance sponsored by Elks was held
last Friday. . . . Band spring con
cert given tomorrow
One Year Ago . . . Junior play
held last Friday was "a big success.
Impossible But True
It seems as though Alan Gibb has
changed his nickname from "Scotty"
to "The Chicken Scotchman," a
very appropriate title.
Did you know that
Bill Browning and Laura War
field are learning a new technique
by watching the Hollywood profes
sionals? Irena has just recently decided
that you can't love two?
Many students have been wonder
ing what Manine and "Punchy" did
over the week end?
We have heard rumors to the ef
fect that Bill Barratt is doing his
track practice at night. The walk
from Mccarty's to Barratt's ought
to keep anyone in good condition
It seems as though there is a lit
tie misunderstanding between Nor
ma Prock and Carolyn Vaughn over
the effects of spring. Don't forget
girls all is fair in love and war.
fatty: can you drive with one
Harry answered with an antici
patory "yes."
Patty: "Well, have an apple."
He: "Why is Shirley Wilson like
a car?"
She: She shifts her brain into
neutral and lets her tongue idle on."
Nit: 'Why is she like a glass of
wit: &ne looks as it she were
poured into her clothes and forgot
to say when .
Son: "Dad, may I have my allow
Dad: "Son, I have made so many
allowances for you I am bankrupt."
Miss Nordstrom: "What was the
most disastrous date in history?"
John Carwford: When Anthony
ran off with Cleopatra."
Here and There
Maxine McCurdy and Dora Bailey
were guests at the Alpha Zeta break
fast dance held at Jack and Jill's
Tavern in Portland Saturday morn
Jimmy Healy returned to school
Monday, after a two weeks' illness,
Delsie Bleakman returned, to
school Monday, after being absent
for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Blankenship and
Mrs. Clark motored to Walla Walla
Saturday to attend a conference on
secondary education at Whitman
Change in Band Contest
The fact that the school band is
preparing to embark for the state
band contest at Eugene is a secret
to a very few of us. Neither is it a
secret to competing bands that the
Heppner band is "the band to beat,"
as it is likely to supply some fairly
high class competition such as has
been proved in the past two years,
Heppner having taken first in both
consecutive contests.
This year's contest is apt to be one
which will test the band's capability
to the utmost, mostly due to more
severe competition. The placement
of the band from the class D divis
ion to class C will mean that it will
compete with bands of larger schools
and, subsequently, bigger and better
bands. .. .
Did You Know That
. The . ancient Mayans punished
misbehaving children by rubbing
chili pepper into their skins?
Large black spiders are relished
as a food by natives in the Garo
hills of Assam, India?
Egg prices are posted daily in
Hungarian post offices to protect
peasant buyers from unscrupulous
middlemen? - I
In serving dinners in private
homes in Paris the butler must serve
thewomen according to their ages,
starting with the oldest first, then
repeating the process with the men?
Eighth Grade News
The eighth grade has been busy
working on their annual. They plan
to publish it within the next few
The egihth gade listened to four
seventh grade girls sing the four
best songs written by the class. Bir
dine Vance and Libby Healy's song,
111 Be Loyal, was chosen for the
class song by secret ballot.
The teachers averaged " up the
grades for the year, and Claud Snow
was selected as valedictorian. Ellen
Hughes and Birdine Vance tied for
Inaugurating a new system, no
tennis player, who is of the mascu
line nature, will be permitted in the
boys dressing rooms of the gymna
sium unless track or baseball men
are using the dressing compartments
tennis players will also be ex
cluded on Saturdays and Sundays
or on other days during which school
is not in session . . . the purpose of
this is to keep unthoughtful ones
from cavorting around in the dress
ing rooms and doing things deemed
unwise and improper . . . downstairs
. . . the auditorium entrance hall
will be open to all tennis enthusiasts
as a drinking fountain and rest
rooms are avai'abb here ... the
door at the south side of the gym
will be left ajar on non-school days,
so that no one will be locked out of
this part of the gym when he wants
in ... . anyone who takes advantagi
of this privilege and abuses the
equipment will be deprived of his
right to use the gymnasium for this
newly-provided purpose ... as
matter of security for all valuables
inside the gym, the last person to
leave the tennis court is asked to
shut the door, which will always
be locked but left open when the
courts are being used, so all that is
necessary, to keep someone from
breaking in is to push the door shut
it locks itself automatically.
A man by the name of John War.
ren, more widely known as "Hon
est John," freshman football, base
ball, and basketball coach at the
University of Oregon, hit town last
Thursday evening and left the fol
lowing morning after interviewing
Van Marter, local boy, who is fig
ured as a possible college football
prospect ... the outcome of the
conversation was most enlightening
to both Warren and Van Marter, for
the former is on a scouting tour of
eastern Oregon for football talent
for the University, and the latter.
rated as some of that talent, will
probably enter the Webfoot institu
tion next fall, with a berth on the
Frosh football squad his ultimate
Since track season is starting into
full swing, John Crawford, a junior
baseball turn-out, chose as his sub
ject for a health class report one
pertaining to training rules . . . im
mediately the contention arose that
young Crawford was hardly an au
thority on the subject, at least from
reports concerning his adherence to
training regulations during the re
cently moth-balled basketball sea
son . . . however, his lecture proved
to be both instructive and entertain
mg, mostly the latter . . . Johnny
suggests that a track man take
easy for the first week and above
all, "Lay off the sweets," which the
class took more than literally. To
put a finish to his discussion, inas
much as victuals were concerned,
Crawford remarked, "Don't drink
any fried foods."
The rapid growth of tennis as a
spring sport in the local high school
has made it a difficult proposition
to gain a playing spot on the courts
. both , tennis arenas are always
in use whenever someone finds spare
time to play the popular game .
a high school tennis team with Mr,
Blankenship assisting as coach, will
probably be organized within the
very near future, with everyone in
school eligible for a squad position,
This week s surprise tennis racquet
wielder . . . Spencer Crawford,
chairman of the District 1 school
board . '. . for a man who had not
played for several years his game
was most encouraging to the young
er set who witnessed the public
demonstration of his heretofore hid
den abilities.
Hardman Teachers
Retained in Grades
The present grade school teach
ers, Miss Iris Morton and Mrs. Mur
iel McCutcheon, were -rehired for
the coming year with a salary in
crease. The grade school board also
hired Mrs. Carey Hastings for the
The Community Sings met at the
usual time Wednesday evening. The
Misses Vera and Maxine McDaniel
sang a duet and encore, and the pu
pils or miss Morton s room sang
"Down By the Old Mill Stream."
The Let's Talk club met Wednes
day evening following the sing. A
very interesting meeting was held.
It was decided that the Let's Talk
club and Miss Morton's and Mrs.
McCutcheon's room sponsor a car
nival to be given about the middle
of April. Watch the news and post
ers for further information.
Mrs. Maude Robison left last week
to go to work for Clarence Warren
at Gooseberry.
Mrs. G. I. Clary has been appoint
ed as official registrar for the Hard-
man precinct Anyone who wishes
to register or to change his party
must do so before April 19.
La Verne Hams was a visitor here
' Those attending the dance at Rhea
creek were Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Robison, Jim Stevens, Frances and
Nona Inskeep and Case Adams.
Irvin- Greener was in Hardman
on Thursday and Saturday."
Raymond McDonald and Duffwin
McKetrick visited their families
here this week end,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel went
to work last week at Mrs. Ada Can
A birthday dinner was given at the
J. E. Craber home Saturday night
in honor of Darrell Harris on his
25th birthday. Those present were
Miss Murl Farrens, Miss ' Delsie
Bleakman, Miss Creth Craber, Mr
and Mrs. J. E. Craber, Delbert Rob
inson, Darrell Haris, Raymond Ried,
and Dallas and Gordon Craber.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rogers of
Kinzua were visiting relatives and
friends here last week end.
Mrs. Ethel Knighten and Mrs. Mc
Cutcheon were business visitors in
Heppner last week.
Glenn Farrens is much improved.
He was very ill last week.
There will be a dance April 2,
Music by Scott Brown's orchestra
Everybody come.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bleakman and
sons, Norman and Skippy, visited
friends and relatives in this com
munity for several days last week.
Miss Delsie Bleakman, Mrs. Duff
McKitrick, Mrs. Raymond McDon
aid, Mrs. Richard Robison and Ray.
mond Reid visited in Heppner Sat
Miss Delsie Bleakman, Miss Loes
Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rob
ison and Raymond Reid motored to
Gooseberry Sunday to visit Mrs.
Maude Robison who is working for
Clarence Warren.
Creston Robison spent the week
end at the ranch.
Mrs. Richard Robison's ankle has
improved and she is able to walk
on it.
Frances Inskeep led Christian En
deavor Sunday night. The topic for
discussion was "Why be religious?"
Mildred Clary is the only one on
the spelling honor roll this time.
Mrs. G. I. Clary accompanied
George and Marion Hayden to Hepp
ner Saturday to attend to business.
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained IT org Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office in New Peters Building
F. W. Turner & Co.
Old Line Companies Seal Estate
Heppner, Oregon
Jos. J. Nys
Peters Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Laurence Case
"Just the service wanted
when yon want it most"
your new or old wheat, see
for grain stored in Heppner and
at lone for rest of Branch
Representing Balfour, Guthrie tc Co.
J. 0. Turner
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Dr. Raymond Rice
First National Bank Building
Office Phone 523 House Phone 823
Abstract Co.
Roberts Building Heppner, Ore.
P. W. Mahoney
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow St. Entrance
J. 0. Peterson
Latest Jewelry and Olft Goods
Watches - Clocks . Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Vawter Parker
First National Bank Building
Dr. Richard C. Lawrence
Modern equipment including X-ray
for dental diagnosis
Extraction by gas anesthetic
First National Bank Building
Phone 662 Heppner, Ore.
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492
W. M. Eubanks
on Heppner Branch
V. R. Run n ion
Farm Sales and Lirestock a Specialty
405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore.
Phone 452
Frank C. Alfred
Telephone 442
Rooms 3-4
'First National Bank Building
Peterson & Peterson
U. S. National Bank Building
Practice In State and Federal Courts
Real Estate
General Line of Insurance and
Notary Puhllo
Phone 62 i0ne, Ore.
A Home for the Aged
Home-like care and surroundings
with graduata nurse in constant
charge. Inquire for rates, including
room and meals.
Morrow General Hospital
Mrs. L. G. Rumble, Mgr.