1 Thursday, March 31, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three LEXINGTON NEWS Heavy Program Slated For Pomona Grange By Bertha Hunt An unusually heavy program is before Morrow County Pomona grange, convening at Lexington grange hall Saturday, announces Mrs. Mipnie McFarland, Pomona master, because of which members are urged to meet promptly at 10 a. m. Mr. Thompkins, field examiner from the J. D. Ross office, and Mr. Teutsch, assistant leader of county agents, will speak on the lecturer's program beginning about 1:30 p. m., to which all are cordially invited. After the program, Mr. Teutsch will be in charge of a meeting of the sev eral agricultural committees and all others interested, in a discussion of the '38 program for agriculture. B. H. Peck. r Lexington grange will hold its reg ular meeting Saturday, April 9, at which time certain state grange of ficers are to be balloted upon. J. P. Lineberry spent the week end in Portland. Jack and Wayne McMillan of Portland are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Miller of Jef ferson are visiting relatives in this community In a deal completed this week Orville Cutsforth bought the Miller ranch located north of Lex ington. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wise with their two children spent last week at the home of Mrs. Wise's great gran dmother, Mrs. Sarah Booher. The Lexington depot will open the tbfe first of April with Mr. Halfpen ny in charge. Arthur Hunt made a business trip to Pendleton Saturday.- Relatives from out of town at tending the funeral of J. G. Johnson in Lexington on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burchell and son, Larry and Bill Burchell, all of Corvallis; Mrs. LaMarr Sandy of Forest Grove, Grace Burchell, M. A. Hendrix and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hendrix of As toria, Mr and Mrs. Hayes Stockard, son Nat and daughter Opal of Her miston, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray and daughter, Miss Gladys Bresh ears of lone. James Leach motored to The Dalles Sunday. He reports Mrs. Leach's father, Mack Smith, to be in a critical condition following his recent major operation. . Shirlee Smith, teacher in the Heppner school, spent the week end at the L. L. Beach home. While Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hen drix, M. A. Hendrix and Grace Bur chell, all of Astoria, were enrout'e to Lexington Friday to attend the fu neral of J. G. Johnson a tire blew out near Blalock, causing the car to leave the highway. All occupants es caped serious injury. Mrs. Wm. Campbell and her daughter Patsy returned Sunday from Beaverton where they spent last week visiting with relatives. Jackson Implement company de livered an Imperial Chrysler custom built sedan to Dr. McMurdo in Hepp ner last week. There is just one oth er like it in the state, owned by Governor Martin. Marcella Jackson had a growth removed from the sole of her foot at a doctor's office in Heppner Fri day. ' See the lovely 34-piece tea set of "Golden Wheat" china on display at Lexington, to be given away by the junior class soon. We are going to miss our janitor, with his friendliness and attractive smile. He was a character one can not easily forget, and we never shall. BOARDMAN NEWS Boardman Hunter Tells Coyote Work By LA VERN BAKER class under the super vision of G. A. Corwin, motored out to visit Mr. Knoblock last Friday mnmintf in the bus. Adam Knob lock, Boardman federal hunter of Morrow county, is one of the best and most picturesque of the United States biological survey's predatory animal killers. Adam said that the coyote situation in Oregon is now well in hand. The predatory animai control has been established in this state for about twenty years. Prior to its establishment in this state sheepmen estimated an annual loss of 10 percent based on the total cen sus of their flocks. Today figures show that the loss has been reduced to 1.1 percent. "Even with the loss all over Oregon placed as low as 1.1 percent," said Adam, "the sum con cerned is still tremendous, as Ore gon's 2,382,500 sheep and goats are valued at $25,000,000, which would bring the annual coyote loss -in money to $281,350. It should be re membered, too, that these figures concern sheep only and that the de predation of coyotes on poultry and game birds are impossible even to estimate. The coyote is nature's craftiest killer, a shrewd animal that thrives in relatively thickly popu lated areas. Oganized warfare on the coyotet, such as is carried on by the federal government, is the only way to control them." The Home Ec club met at the home of Mrs. Nick Faler on Wed nesday afternoon. The main topic of the afternoon was the preparation for the coming Easter bazaar. Miss Hazel Tyler who has been employed in Portland is home visit ing her mother, Mrs. Grace Tyler. Miss Grace Baker returned Sun day after spending the past week with her mother in Freewater. Earl Cramer and son Basil re turned from Spokane Friday to visit Mr. Cramer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramer. Mr. and Mrs. Wilalrd Baker spent the week end visiting friends in Eugene. Miss Virginia Compton spent the week end visiting her father in Hil gard. , Warren Dillon and Mildred Ayers were business visitors in Hermiston Monday. Miss Maye Fisher of La Grande is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, for the coming two weeks. Miss Virginia Compton spent Mon day shopping in Pendleton. Miss Lucy Rodgers of Heppner and Mrs. Cowgill of Corvallis visit ed in the schoil Friday, organizing the 4-H clubs for the coming year. The F. F. A. boys motored to Ar lington Friday to attend their an nual field day. Different contests were held during the day with a smoker in the evening. , Miss Jeanne Bauer spent the week end in Pendleton. Beginning April 3 the chuch ser vices in the Community church will be held in the morning immediately after Sunday school. Vernon Root, Mrs. Ray Bown and Glen Carpenter motored to La Grande where they will spend a few days. Mrs. Victor Greg gand daughter of Battleground, Wash., are visiting Mrs. Gregg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McCutcheon Mr. and Mrs. E. Simila have taken over the Chas. Hango farm. Mr. and O Ten Years Ago Mrs. Hango will make their home in Portland. A surprise farewell par ty was given for Mr. and Mrs. Han go Friday evening with a number of guests present Mrs. Martie returned from The Dalles hospital this past week, where has has been recovering from an appendicitis operation. Fred Martin spent the week end visiting friends in Athena. Mrs. Buster Rands and Mrs. Ernie Peck were shoppers in Pendleton Saturday. S. C. Russell, Clyde Tannehill, J. F. Gorham, Ernie Peck and W. A. Baker motored to Walla Walla Fri day to attend a meeting concerning the docks to be built on the Colum bia river. W. H. French and J. E. Craber were in from thet Hardman country yesterday. Mr. French reported that the mercury registered 6 degrees above zero at his Blue Mountain farm yesterday morning FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I will be a candidate for the Re publican nomination for the office of County Commissioner at the Pri- marv Nominating Election, May 20, 1938. My record is your guarantee, and my experience is your protec GEO. N. PECK (Incumbent) (Paid adv.) The Pendleton Buckaroos will' ap pear here Sunday to test strength of locals in pre-season baseball game Heppners nine-hole golf course slated for improvement with en larged greens and better fairways. Helen Balsiger and Allan Learn ed married Sunday at lone. Dr. A. D. McMurdo has leased the Webb residence in east Heppner belonging to B. G. Sigsbee and is having it remodeled and recondi tioned into a modern hospital. Dean T. Goodman and Mrs. Gladys Baker married here Sunday. Feature attractions at Star thea ten Tom Mix in "The Last Trail," Lon Chaney in "Mr. Wu," John Gil bert in "Twelve Miles Out," Harry Langdon in "The Strong Man.' Dates for Morrow County Chau tauqua and pioneer reunion set for May 31-June 1-2-3. Max Gorfkle from Pendleton con tracts Emil Groshen wool at 35 cents, Phelps Funeral Home Ambulance Service Trained Lady Assistant Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT I will be a candidate for the Re publican nomination for County Commissioner in the coming Pri mary Election, and if nominated and elected my former experience in the office will enable me to give you the very best of service. I will appreciate your support. Respectfully, G. A. BLEAKMAN, (Paid Adv.) Heppner, Ore. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT I will again be a candidate for the office of County Treasurer on the Republican Primary Ballot, May 20, 1938, and ask for your support. In past elections my democratic friends have written my name in on their primary ballots, thus making me their candidate also, a manifes tation of friendship that I greatly prize. I solicit the support of all voters and hope that I have proved myself worthy of the confidence reposed in me. LEON W. BRIGGS, Present Incumbent. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR: I will be a candidate for the nom ination for the office of County As sessor at the Democratic Primary Nominating Election, May 20, 1938. If norniaated and elected I will continue to serve to the best of my ability. Respectfully, (Paid Adv.) THOMAS J. WELLS. Most Amazing EVER OFFERED! NEW REMINGTON PORTABLE only FIRST TIME I Remington'! new porch aM plan now wu too bn through our store genuine latest mode Remington Portable direct from the factory tor only lOe a day. Not used or rebuilt. Not Incom plete. A beautiful brand new regulation Kerning, ton Portable. Standard 4-row keyboard, atandard width carriage, margin release on keyboard, back apaoer, automatie ribbon reverse, exclusiY Hem. ingtoa feature "Self Starter" paragraph key, Tery essential feature found on standard type writonb With your machine we send yon free a 19-page course in typewriting. Teaches touch system quickly, easily. Soon you dash off letters quicker than with pen and ink. Yon also get a handsome, sturdy carrying esse free. 0 FREE Carrying Case Typewriting Course HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES Governor Martin am Bonneville The allocation by the President of funds for the construction of the Bonneville pro ject was, in a large measure, due to the ac tivities of Genral Martin while serving this State as a member of the Congress. Declaring that the project should be ad ministered for the best interests of all the people in the State, the Governor has, to this end, pledged himself to co-operate with the President and Administrator Ross in every way possible. It was largely through his efforts that ship locks were included in the Bnneville project thus making it possible for sea going vessels to take on and deliver cargoes as far up stream as The Dalles. He has never ceased his fight for the canalization of the Upper Columbia in order that the grain growers and shippers of the Inland Empire may enjoy such favorable rates as are obtained through water competition., Pd. Adv., Re-Elcct-Governor-Martin Club, 612 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Ore. ' r.T...mi MMiiiiHiitmniittitiimiMIIII " """' i....n.q SPECIAL SHOWING of BEAUTIFUL 3 rarzoL hn I 6 ) II ; T 1 MODERNIQUE j Since 1880 Montag craftsmen have produced stoves and kitchen ranges . . . famous for their efficiency . . . beauty and value. We proudly show attractive new models ; beautifully de signed and colored to harmonize with your individual kitchen color plan. We display Montage priced ai low ai MODERNIQUE Full Enamel CIRCULATQ HEATERS of Montag manufacture assure ut most heating comfort at lowest possible cost. We have Montags to meet every home heating re quirement. Modern in appearance and design. Models for wood only t . . others for both wood and coal. and up See Our Montag Display Case Furniture Co. r7