Page Four Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15.' 1912 . , . . j Published every Thursday morning by CRAWTOBD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear . $2.00 Three Years . 6.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 75 Single Copies 05 Official Paper for Morrow Cotmty Member. OregorTNewspaper PublisKprs NbA'ssociatiorT :!ali) How to Sell Bonneville Power? IT IS a ticklish job for any news paper to write anything about power, especially since the evan gelistic campaign in this state of Washington's now Senator Homer T. Bone in which Mr. Bone painted all newspapers with one fell swoop as being subsidized by the "power trust." But there is so much in the public prints, and otherwise being disseminated, of late that one feels a' lapse of editorial responsibility if he does not expound upon the subject, even though the demagogues do im mediately set up the cry of "Wolf! Wolf!' When the Bonneville project was undertaken by the New Deal with out apparent immediate need for the power to be generated, there could not help but be some question as to its economic soundness. The weight of public support in its favor was based on visionary pictures of im mense industrial development near the damsite. There were occasional flickerings of hope offered up for farm electrification because "juice" would be so cheap, but these were not generally acclaimed. Public sup port was builded mainly on the in dustrialization theme, and we admit being lulled somewhat into som nolent beatification by the magi cian's wand. Now Bonneville is completed, though without provision for gen erating all the power it is said to be capable of producing. And J. D. Ross has been named as administrator to make the power available to the public. In recent weeks Mr. Ross has been holding hearings at various places to determine, presumably, the extent to which the government is justified in building lines to points of probable outlet, and further to determine how the government shall charge for the power. Before the bill setting up the man ner of administration was passed by congress, reverberations (some quite uncouth) sounded from the verbal battles in Washington. Contenders for the civil administrator, in which capacity Mr. Ross was later appoint ed, won out. and their efforts clothed Mr. Ross with quite broad powers. This is a parenthetic observation to help clarify just what the adminis trator is now attempting to do. Parenthetic also, is the position of President Roosevelt, who has stat ed the desire that Bonneville be administered in a manner to return the largest benefit to the most peo ple. And it should also be said that Mr. Ross is instructed to sell only at wholesale, making the power ac cessible wherever sufficent demand is shown. He may not sell juice to and service the transportation of juice to the ultimate consumer. This meandering brings us again to the present situation, with Mr. Ross now circulating questionnaires to determine the manner of fixing rates, including the inquiry of whether the administrator should set the retail price. At the same time Mr. Ross is baiting our people to es tablish power districts through which hope is held for making Bon neville power light homes and turn machinery on farms over wide areas not now served with electricity. Mr. Ross' campaign, with Morton Thompkins as paid missionary, has Heppner reached largely into the granges, and there has been stirred within many breasts of our own farm peo ple the hope that Bonneville power may actually be brought to them at cost low enough to permit general installation of electric lights, electrically-driven labor saving devices and" other blessings of. electrical power. Before Mr. Thompkins ap peared on the scene, and even as the legislation in Washington was being ground; out, Representative' Pierce implanted the doubt in the public mind that Bonneville was threatened with being devoured by a huge ogre in the form of a large industrial concern which would utilize all the power while employing but ; a few people, and would leave the public holding the sack. , , , All of which brings us again to the beginning of these remarks.. Bonne ville was conceived without footing in necessity. As much power as could be economically disposed of was already being generated. Tho Uncle Sam gave, juice free at the switchboard, the saving over the mill per kilowatt hour generating cost of private companies would , be insig nificant in the final cost to the con sumer. Before any legislation setting up the administrator was passed at Washington, and hence before any chance of giving a contract was to be had, there were several front page reports in the Portland papers of offers of privately-owned indus trial concerns to take large quanti ties of juice. But since Mr. Ross has gone'on the job no such offers have come to light. , - It may be that since the "reces sion" the big industrialists have had a change of heart. But to us it looks like a cooked up story. The vision aries sold Bonneville on the promise of large industrial development near the damsite. Nothing would help Morrow county more than that, be cause it would be the means of bringing a market for our products closer to home. If, as Mr. Ross said on one occa sion, there is not power enough from Bonneville for everyone, there re main many other power sites for development. What Mr. Ross should interest himself in and apparently is is finding an outlet for Bonne ville power. A rate should be established that will repay the investment on a 40 or 50-year amortization basis. There should be no occasion for favoritism in disposal of the juice as between private companies and public power districts. Let Uncle Sam build trans mission lines with a uniform rate at all points of take-off and with a lower rate for larger quantities to induce use. But let there be no propagandizing for establishment of power districts where the cost of serving the people would be the "straw to break the camel's back." Congratulations COMING to the editor's desk this week was a newspaper of more than usual interest. It was the 60th anniversary edition of the Waitsburg Times, published by" Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wheeler. Covering much history of the Waitsburg section, it brings endeared memories, for it actually lays some of the background for this newspaper. It was in th$ Waitsburg Times office that Vawter Crawford, late editor of the Gazette Times, was schooled in journalism under C. W. Wheeler, pioneer founder of the Waitsburg paper and father of its present editor. And it was inter esting to note that the late Gazette Times editor's father, J. V. Craw ford, our namesake, was second mas ter of the Waitsburg Masonic lodge and first secretary of the Waitsburg Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler have produced a highly commendable edition in every re spect, reflecting the progress of journalism in the sixty years as well as the development from pioneer conditions into one of the west's more progressive sections. We ex tend our congratulations and wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler for many more years of success for their ef forts. Frank Saling was a visitor in town Monday from the farm north of Lexington. Mr. Saling finds it nec essary to come to town frequently in connection with his position on the county agricultural conservation committee. Gazette Times, Heppner, CAPT. BEARD PRESENTS CADET BAND; 33-YR. LEADER FATHERED SCHOOL BANDS Heppner is in position to appre ciate thoroughly the progress made by high school bands in the state in the last decade. And . as our bard plays in the state contest at Eugene on April 9, the hearts of our people should feel deeply a debt of gratitude to one man who, more Jhan any other, was responsible for bringing the state contest and through it the development of many high school bands in the state. That man is Capt. Harry L. Beard, director of the Ore gon State college cadet band. None other than Dr. D. V. Poling, long-time educational leader in Ore gon and now public contact man for the state board of higher education, is responsible for the tribute to Cap tain Beard. He gave the tribute at half-time in the band's appearance at Arlington Saturday night, when his path and that of the band on its annual spring tour inadvertently crossed, "Captain Beard conceived the idea of the state high school band con test and was most instrumental in its inception," Dr. Poling said. "The first contest was held some ten years ago, and since that time most of the many high school bands. now exist ing in Oregon have been developed." In his turn the 33 -year leader of the O. S. C. cadet bands modestly denied credit for the undertaking, saying that the taxpayers and the band boys and, girls themselves through their unselfish participation in and enthusiasm for the work h,ave made the development possible. He challenged the taxpayers with . the statement that every dollar expend ed on band work brings full value, declaring that the time of the high school student spent in the band is equal to a full credit in any other work, as it gives a type of training that cannot be obtained in any oth er way. The large amount of trained ma terial that comes to him as a result of the high school band work has made his own job easier, he said. Whereas, in former years it was necessary to train "raw" material to fill the band ranks, since the widespread development of high school and grammar school bands, a waiting list of studente grounded in music fundamentals is ever pres ent. Captain Beard emphasized the fact that the O. S. C. band is strictly a part of the military organization on the college campus, and that none of the state's tax money for higher education goes toward its support. The annual tours are entirely self supporting, though considerable "misisonary" work for the college is accomplished, he said. Oregon State college closely touches the lives of everyone in the state as a part of the states' higher educational system, and there can not help but be a deep human inter est on the part of everyone in just what makes the college "tick." A rubbing of elbows with Captain Beard supplies some information so far as the band is concerned. One senses in Captain Beard's small but energetic, snow-tipped form, a youthful enthusiasm for his work, and a consummate devotion to the high principles of classical music and to the inspiration of youth to full appreciation of these, thereby leading his students to a deeper love for the better things of life. The history of his work at the college, the sight of his directing the band at Arlington as he seemed to draw from the instruments at will just the shade of expression desired, and a few remarks in a personal conversation after the concert, serve as a basis for the estimate of Cap tain Beard. It was seen that the captain does n't have the idea that band is the most important thing on earth, when he referred with pride to his son being a member of the present or ganization. "Of course," said the captain, "my boy isn't taking up band as a life work. He expects to be an electrical engineer. Music is just a hobby with him." And it was plain to be seen that Captain Beard believed it to be a mighty worth while hobby. "I guess the boys think I'm pretty hard at times," he said again, "but discipline is essential to a band's success." Oregon . . Some of the local people attend ing the concert took pardonable pride in the appearance of Norton King, local boy, playing second trombone in his freshman year at the college. Serving as an example . of the "dream" of Captain Beafd for the development of high school bands was the appearance of the combined Arlington high and grade school bands before the college band con cert. In the playing of youths of all ages, almost from the first grade up, there was exemplified the same at titude of discipline and conscien tious effort that pervaded the ap pearance of the college bandsters. And the showing of the college band exemplified the future hopes of the younger students, revealing as it did the more perfect, development in in strument technique, tone control, and other essentials of music repro duction that added training brings. Even in this day of much radio and talking picture competition, the whole evening's concert was a treat which anyone would enjoy. ' And rarely through any medium is one given such a thrill as that produced by the trumpet solo of 9-year-old Oscar Severenson of Arlington, in which he double- and triple-ton gued and otherwise performed like an old trouper. STATE CAPITAL NEWS o Warmer Politics The Good Host o 2 Million for Roads By A. L. LINDBECK Salem Slowly but surely the po litical picture as it will present it self to the voters of Oregon in the forthcoming primary campaign is taking shape. Speculations are ma terializing into realities. Issues are being formed. With less than two weeks remaining in which to file there was a noticeable spurt in for mal declarations on the part of as piring candidates during the past week. Speculation as to the political in tentions of State Treasurer Rufus C. Holman were definitely set at rest with the announcement by Holman that he would seek the Republican nomination for United States sena tor. Holman's announcement is ex pected to put a crimp in the plans of a number of other ambitious re publicans who had been looking with longing eyes at the senate seat and waiting only for the call to service from the multitude before taking the plunge. No" man in Oregon is better known throughout the state than Holman who is now serving his sec ond term as state treasurer and member of the Board of Control and no republican is better able to weld together the various factions in that party's badly shattered organization in order to make a successful fight in the fall campaign. Willis Mahoney of Klamath Falls also took the public into his con fidence this week with announce ment that he, too, would seek the senatorship. Mahoney, however, is out after the Democratic nomination. The announcement sets at rest spec ulation to the effect that he might again aspire to the governirship al though those "in the know" have been convinced for several weeks that Mahoney would rather go to Washington than sit in the seat of might at Salem. Hall S. Lusk who was appointed by Governor Martin to fill the va cancy on the supreme court bench caused by the death of Justice J. U. Campbell this week filed his formal declaration as a candidate to suc ceed himself. Justice Lusk before his appointment to the supreme court, was for a number of years a circuit judge in Multnomah county. On the heels of Lusk's filing came the an nouncement from a close friend of Attorney General I. H. Van Winkle that he would oppose Lusk for elec tion to the high court. Van Winkle who is now completing his eighteen th year as attorney general refuses to comment on his political inten tions, but it is expected that he will issue a statement within a few days. Thursday, March 24, 1938 Secretary of State Earl Snell may or may not be a good pqker player, but at least he now knows what a full house looks like. Snell hails from the little city of Arlington on the upper reaches of the Columbia river. Last week the Arlington bas ketball team was nosed out of a chance to represent its district in the state tournament at Salem by a very narrow margin. Snell felt so badly over the disappointment experienced by the Arlington boys that he took his telephone in hand, called up the old home town and invited the bas keteers, or as many of them as cared about it, to come to Salem for the duration of the tournament as his guests. The next day the squad ar rived, all nine of them, accompanied by their coach, Vincent Barrett. Snell admits the team made quite a houseful but insists that a good time was had by all, including the cook. The storm of last week did ap- nvnv ways in the coast counties according to R. H. Baldock, state highway en gineer. Slides and washouts dam aged . the Roseburg-Coquille high way, the Umpqua highway and the Oregon Coast highway between Co quille and Florence, Baldock said. ...'' Governor Martin does not intend to enter into any debate with Henry Oleen or any other candidate, he has let it be known. Oleen, also a can didate for the Democratic nomina tion for governor, has challenged the governor to appear on the public i.i. . i . T r 1 1 . piattorm witn mm to aeiena nis rec ord as the state's chief executive; . More than $2,000,000 in federal road funds may be lost to Oregon next year because of inability of the state to provide match money, ac cording to R. H. Baldock, state high way engineer. Of the $238,000,000 in federal road funds set aside for 1939 $4,842,984 will be available to Oregon. Of this latter amount $3,188,000 is available only on condition that the state tnntfVi it uri4i t5 74Knnft nf Ha own money. Because of inability to pro vide this match money only $500,000 of this money will be taken up by me state tnis year, it is nopea tnat state funds will enable Oregon to take up another $3,000,000 of the federal aid next fall. Included in the federal funds al located to Oregon, however,' will be $1,254,044 of forest highway money and $400,000 for forest roads and trails, none of which is dependent upon state match money. , . ' Further legislative action may be required before the state can acquire an office building in Portland. At torney General Van Winkle in an opinion to the Board of Control has held that none of the rentals col lected from departments housed in such a building would be available ior operating expenses unaer Uie present law. In other words if a deal should be made for a building all of the rentals would have to go toward paying off the debt. There would, therefore, be no money available for heat, light, janitor and elevator ser vice. Members of the Board are known to be seriously considering the advisability of throwing the of fice building problem right back in to the lap of the lawmakers when they meet again next January. Lt. Col. Joseph V. Schur whose death occurred at the Veterans' hos pital in Portland last week had been a member of the adjutant general's staff in Salem ever since his return from the World War in 1918. "Joe" as he was familiarly known to his thousands of friends in the guard over the state had served in that or ganization for 27 years, receiving his 25 year medal two years ago. In that time he rose from the ranks to the position of lieutenant colonel. Of the seven persons who lost their lives as a result of traffic accidents during February six were pedest rians, according to records compiled by Secretary of State Snell. The ages of these six pedestrians ranged from 65 years to 83 years and all of them met their deaths in accidents oc curing after dark. George Peck, county commission er, motored to The Dalles Monday, taking Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith and daughter, Mrs. James Leach, who re mained there while Mr. Smith en tered the hospital to undergo an operation.