Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 10, 1938, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, March 10, 1938
Mrs. Louis Marquardt and two
grandchildren were ' visiting in
Heppner Tuesday from the north
Lexington farm. Work in the Mar
quardt wheat fields is now under
way with the tractor being used
double shift. The Marquardt family
expected to move Sunday to the Geo.
White farm which they recently
C. J. D. Bauman was accompanied
to Portland Friday by Earl W. Gor
don who spent several days in the
city. Returning Sunday evening the
sheriff was accompanied from Port
land by Mrs. Claude Graham and
Hobert Wightman who had been in
the city to attend funeral services
ior the late J. B. Huddleston.
John Turley returned to Heppner
Monday after spending the winter
at Coburg near Eugene, and expect
ed to go to work shortly with the
Justus sheep as is his annual cus
tom. The winter was exceedingly
wet in the Wilalmette valley and
vegetation grew all winter long,
Mr. Turley said.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ingles were
attending the basketball tournament
here the end of the week from For
est Grove where Mr. Ingles is pro
fessor of education at Pacific uni
versity. He formerly headed schools
at Lexington and Boardman in this
Chas. McElligott who has been in
Portland with his family a good part
of the winter arrived back in the
county this week and was in town
yesterday from the farm in the Lex
ington section.
Word was received this week of
the serious illness of J. H. Frad, for
mer resident, at his home in Port
land. His daughter, Mrs. Arnold
Pieper of Lexington, went below to
be with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Schafer of Yakima
have taken residence in the Arthur
Parker house on Gale street, Mr.
Schafer being employed at the Wray
mill, now in course of construction.
The regular business meeting of
the American Legion Auxiliary will
be held Monday evening, March 14,
at the home of Mrs. Lucy Rodgers.
All members are urged to attend.
Harlan McCurdy, Jr., Leonard
Gilman and Miss Irene Beamer vis
ited home folks the end of the week
from Forest Grove where they are
students at Pacific university.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Mikesell and
daughter were week-end visitors
from Toppenish, Wash., at the home
of Mr. Mikesell's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Mikesell.
E. R. Fatland, state representative,
was among Condon folk attending
the basketball tournament here the
end of the week, bringing a car
load of players.
Mrs. Jesse Deos from Hood River
arrived this week for a visit at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Alva Jones,
and with other relatives and friends,
George Krebs was in the city yes
terday from the Cecil ranch. He ex
pressed pleasure with the good shape
in which lambing was progressing.
Mrs. Eller Brock and friend, Mrs,
Wylie, of Pendleton were visiting
here Friday at the home of Mrs.
Brock's sister, Mrs. Josie Jones.
Mrs. Raymond Huddleston was a
visitor the end of the week from
Rufus at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Turner.
G. J. Ryan, manager Morrow
County Grain Growers at Lexing
ton, was a business visitor in town
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson
were among folks of the Gooseberry
section in the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D Clark left the
end of the week for a ten-day visit
at Portland and Eugene.
Grant Olden was a visitor in the
city Tuesday from the Rhea creek
o Candidates
o Labor Bill
o Holman Saving
SALEM. With the near approach
of the May primaries candidates for
state jobs are beginning to blossom
out like dandelions on a spring
Of the three high-up state officials
about whose political intentions there
has been so much speculation dur
ing the past few months uncertainty
now enshrouds only one State
Treasurer Holman. While Holman
himself is still non-committal there
is a strong suspicion that he will yet
enter the race for the republican
nomination for governor. At least it
is known that much pressure is be
ing brought to bear to persuade him
to make the race by prominent party
leaders who believe that in him alone
is there any chance for a republican
victory in Oregon next fall.
During the past week two new
gubenatorial aspirants made their
debut in the primary arena. Charles
L. Paine, Eugene real estate dealer
who two years ago aspired to be Re
publican national committeeman, has
anounced that he would this year try
for the governorship. At the same
time Dr. Ralph H. Erwin, Multno
mah county coroner, told the world
that he proposes to go out after the
Democratic nomination.
M. S. Shrock, Milwaukie feed man
ufacturer, who several weeks ago
announced himself as a candidate
for the Republican nomination for
governor this week filed his formal
declaration with the state depart
ment and is definitely in the race
on a platform that calls for arbitra
tion of labor disputes.
The surprise move of the wppk
was made by Clarence F. Hyde, Eu
gene realtor, who filed as a candi
date for the Democratic nomination
for Labor Commissioner. Hyde who
has served three terms as state rep
resentative trom Lane county had
been prominently mentioned as a
possible candidate for Congress from
the first district but crossed the
prognosticators up when he filed for
the labor post.
Walter Norblad, youthful -Astoria
attorney who has had four years ex
perience in the state legislature now
has his eye on Washington and has
been doing some checking up on
his prospects with a view to seeking
the Republican nomination for Uni
ted States senator.
So far only one candidate has ap
peared for the United States senate
short term from November 8 to
January 3. Colonel Robert A. Mil
ler, prominent Portland democrat,
has announced his intention to seek
that honor.
Five hundred and eighty-four
tardy motorists who failed to heed
the warning to do their license shop
ping by the first of the year were
arrested by state police during Jan
uary. In addition to being required
to buy their new plates these de
linquents also contributed $1060 in
fines to the public exchequer, rec
ords of the state police bureau re
A new organization which is said
to be opposed to the Townsend third
party idea was launched in Oregon
this week with the filing of articles
of incorporation; The organization is
known as -the Associated National
Recovery clubs of Oregon. Incorpor
ators include E. C. Ahlstrom and W,
T. Brooner of Lakeview and F. M.
Mortensen of Klamath Falls.
Uregons new lSMo road map is
now ready for distribution. The new
map contains much more informa
tion of value to tourists than its
predecessors. Among this informa
tion is the location and acreage of
game refuges and an extension of
the border of the map to show high
way connections in adjoining states,
District attorneys of the ten coun
ties in which labor racketeeres are
Gazette Times, , Heppner,
under indictment conferred here
with Governor Martin Saturday
morning. As a result of this confer
ence the governor has decided to ap
point a special legal assistant to the
state police department whose ser
vices will be available to the district
attorneys in preparing and trying the
labor cases. The governor made it
plain that the states' attorney would
in no wise supplant the county of
ficials but would cooperate with
them in coordinating the over-lapping
phases of the terrorist charges
which have been brought against
a number of alleged "goons." Among
the district attorneys attending the
conference with the governor were
G. Russell Morgan of Washington
county; Bruce Spaulding of Polk
county; L. L. Ray of Lane county;
John Baker of Hood River county;
T. Leland Brown of Wasco county;
Fred A. Miller of Clackamas county;
Earl A. Nott of Yamhill county; J.
K. Weatherford, Jr., of Linn county,
and Lyle J. Page of Marion county.
There are 30,000 dairy farmers in
Oregon according to J. D. Mickle,
dairy an dfood commissioner. Seventy-five
processing plants handle
dairy products valued at more than
$5,000,000 annually, Mickle said; 102
butter plants with an annual pro
duction of $30,000,000; 50 cheese fac
tories with annual payrolls aggre
gating $375,000.
When Mrs. Lorah Spaulding of
Salem was appointed by the Marion
county court to succeed her hus
band, the late Charles K. Spaulding,
as a member of the state senate she
became the fourth woman ever to
be elevated to membership in that
body. Mrs. Spaulding, however, will
not have a chance to see active ser
vice in the legislature unless the
lawmakers are convened in special
session before next January since she
has agreed not be become a candi
date for re-election. In appointing
the widow of a deceased member
of the legislature to fill the vacant
seat the Marion county court act
ed under a precedent established in
1931 when Mrs. Lotta Smith of Sa
lem was appointed to succeed her
husband, the late W. Carlton Smith,
former state representative.
STAR Reporter
Buck goes on a jaw-busting spree
in the badlands of Manhattan,
Another Jones Family Fun-Furore
Cartoon Sport Reel
Where hope laughter and heart
break meet starring
Ginger Rogers, Katharine Hepburn
Adolphe Menjou
Gail Patrick, Constance Collier, An
drea Leeds, from the famous stage
play by Edna Ferber and Geo. S
Disney's "Clock Cleaners"
Movietone News
Fun Melody Gaycty Romance
"Buddy" Rogers, Betty Grable, Rufe
Davis, Ned Sparks, Fibber McGee
and Molly, Mary Livingstone
Wcd.-Thurs., March 16-17
Just the program to make your
St. Patrick's Day a Happy One:
You're a Sweetheart
Alice Faye
George Murphy, Ken Murray and
Oswald, Chas. Wininger, Andy De-
vine, Wm. Gargan.
Six smash song-hits
March of Time Community Sing of
Irish Songs News of the Day
Cold Storage Food
Locker Operators
To Confer at OSC
In establishing cold storage lock
ers for individual family use, Ore
gon and the Pacific northwest ap
pears to have started something
which is sweeping the country like
the proverbial prairie fire. Recent
reports from the United States de
partment of agriculture indicate
more than 2500 plants for renting
family lockers are now in operation
with about 50 new ones opening up
each month.
To discuss the many problems that
have arisen in connection with,, this
new industry, the Frozen Locker
Association of Oregon, Washington
and Idijio have issued a call for its
members and all other operators in
terested in the subject to meet at
Oregon State college March 14 and
15 for a conference with the food
products industries section of the
horticultural department.
C. M. Duff of Walla Walla is pres
ident of the tri -state association,
while E. C. Reiman of Corvallis
heads the Willamette valley group
of locker operators. Possibility of
forming definite sectional units un-
For Information at to farmland othw
detail! inquire of your local ognt.
When brakes ara ap-plled,the"de-skidded"
cross cots 0 Into
action. . . hundreds ot
sharp pipping edges
bits through the slip
pery surface film...
onabla the flexible
tread units to solidly
grip the pavement
Wton the weight of tho
car suddenly thins to
thi side, In tnrnlni
corners, passing cars,
ttc., thi sharp lateral
edges ol the seven con
tinuous ribs co Into
action, Instantly bit
through the film and
fain i direct poslthro
tMtnoM an the ml
Page Five
der the main northwest organization
will probably be considered in the
conference meeting.
Program subjects for the twr-day
conference include a number of
technical discussions on installation
and operation of locker plants, as
well as explanations and demonstra
tions of various techniques in han
dling the stored food.
E. H. Wiegand and Thomas Ons
dorff, in charge of the food products
work at the college, will give the
visitors the results of more than 10
years research work at OSC in pres
ervation of foods by freezing. H. C.
Diehl of the federal frozen pack lab
oratory in Seattle, will also appear
on the program.
Members of the association will
discuss the business side of locker
operation, and specialists have been
obtained to explain legal aspects of
the new industry. A feature of the
conference will be an all-frozen-foods
banquet the evening of the
first day.
Marine delicacies
lend zest to our
Try our
Fountain Service
A Good Meal
at the
euce mm teie eua eaim mm uwu tmmmm
hum a.nmi mautwa
steta ee sue mmto uci ettn in tin ea eua
Convince yourself of this amazing new
safety all America is talking about. In
our one-minute test, you can see and
feel how De-Skidded Royal Masters
control dangerous side skids. . . make
quick, straight-line emergency stops
on wet, slippery streets.
U? m TO