Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 10, 1938, Page Page Two, Image 2

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lone Teacher Takes
Pro Baseball Job
Alexander McDonald, teacher in
high school, has resigned his posi
tion to accept a contract with the
Bellingham baseball club. He will
leave at once for California for a
training camp where his club will
be in training with the Mission club
of the Coast league. No other teach
er will be employed to take Mr. Mc
Donald's place but Mrs. Inez Free
land has been employed to assist for
a half day each day and his work
will be divided among the high
school teachers now employed.
The Women's Missionary society
met in the parlor of the Congrega
tional church last Thursday after
noon for its monthly meeting. The
meeting was devoted to a study of
the work done by various missions
in China and Japan. At the close
of the meeting refreshments were
served by the hostesses, Mrs. W. J.
Blake, Mrs. Frank Engelman, Mrs.
E. J. Bristow and Mrs. Fred Zielke.
The Past Noble Grand club met
at the home of Mrs. Walter Eubanks
last Friday afternoon. Nine members
were present. President Margaret
Morgan appointed Mary Swanson
as chaplain and Lena Lundell as
marshal of the club. Refreshments
were served by the hostess, Mrs. Ida
Fletcher. Guests of the club were
Mrs. Inez Freeland and Mrs. Walter
Eubanks. The next meeting will be
on March 25 at a place to be an
nounced later.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Odom and
daughter Juanita were visitors here
from Salem last week. They returned
home Sunday.
Mrs. C. F. Feldman received word
Tuesday of the death of Mrs. J. L.
Harvey in a Portland hospital fol
lowing a stroke. Funeral services
were to be held in Portland Thurs
day. Mrs. Margaret Rietmann was tak
en to Portland last week for medical
treatment. She was accompanied by
Robert Rietmann, Mrs. Werner
Rietmann and Mrs. Victor Rietmann.
Word has been received by lone
friends of the birth of a daughter to
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree of Salem.
The little lady has been named Car
oline May.
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Brace and
family have returned here from The
Dalles where they have made their
home for several months. They are
living in the house on the Blake
nlace in Eight Mile.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris have
moved into the Griffith house on
Second street.
Miss Bettv Bergevin spent the
week end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Bergevin. She is attend
ino sohnol in Baker.
Walter Roberts who has been quite
ill at his home, is somewhat un
proved. Errett Hummel, superintendent of
tliA Innal school, has been offered
and accepted a contract for the same
position for next year.
.Tpksp Dobvns. who travels for an
oil company, was in town for a short
time Tuesday.
Fourteen members were present
at the March study meeting of the
Women's Topic club held last bat
mvlav afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Dorr Mason. The subject for the af
ternoon was "France." Mrs. M. E.
Cotter told of a trip taken by trav
elers, "Through the Back Doors of
France." "Across the Midi in a Ca
noe," was the subject covered by
Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Mrs. Victor
Rietmann gave a report on "Camar
gue Cowboy Country of France.'
These ladies were hostesses with
Mrs. Mason. Mrs. Garland Swan
son was a guest of the club. The
March social meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. M. E. Cotter on March
Mrs. Delia Mobley has gone to
visit at Klamath Falls.
Charles and Alfred Shaver of
Bend visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Clark Tuesday enroute to their home
from Lewiston, Idaho, where they
have been visiting at the home of an
p uncle. .
Decrees for divorce were given
Opal vs. Emmett Ayers, Bertha
Maude vs. Lawrence Becket and
Ellis L. vs. Frances Pettyjohn in
circuit court here last week end.
Rhea Creek grange met at the hall
Sunday with pot luck dinner at noon.
First and second degrees were con
ferred on Thomas Wells. A literary
program was presented by officers
of the grange.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becket left
for Portland Sunday, being called to
the city by illness of Mri Beckets
sister, Mary.
Mrs. John Hanna spent the week
end at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Becket.
Attending the play at Hardman
Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. Parker, the John Bergstrom
family, Floyd Worden family, Mr.
and Mrs. B. O. Anderson, Mi and
Mrs. Ray Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Bar
ton Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Akers.
Mr. and Mrs Clive Huston went to
Lexington Monday to call on Mrs.
Eva Lane who is seriously ill.
Howard Anderson who has been
working for Hilma Anderson left
for his home at The Dalles, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brown have
moved on to the old Vaughn place,
formerly operated by Roy Lieual
len. A dance will be held at Rhea creek
grange hall Saturday night, March
12. Music by Kanouse's of Condon.
Mrs. Carolyn Bergstrom was called
to Portland Monday by the illness
of her sister, Mrs. Maria Engberg.
Word was received later that Mrs.
Engberg had passed ' away before
Mrs. Bergstrom arrived there. Those
going down for the funeral are Mr.
and Mrs. B. O. Anderson, John, Carl,
Al, Esther and Florence Bergstrom
and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bergstrom.
Court Proceedings
For February Term
Be it remembered, that County
Court met in regular session at the
Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon,
on Wednesday, the 2nd day of Feb
ruary, 1938, this being a regular
time for holding a term of said
Court, when were present: Bert
Johsson, Judge; George N. Peck,
Commissioner; L. D. Neill, Com
missioner; C. W. Barlow, Clerk; C.
J. D. Bauman, Sheriff; Frank C.
Alfred, District Attorney.
The minutes of the January, 1938,
term were read and approved.
In the Matter of Claims:
Now at this time the various
claims against the County were pre
sented and the Court approved, dis
approved or continued them and
ordered approved claims paid by the
proper warrant , from the proper
In the Matter of Salaries in the Sher
iff's Office:
At this time the Court orders that
Neva S. Cochell's salary be in
creased from $100.00 per month to
$110.00, the increase to be effective
from January 1, 1938. Also it was
decided by the Court to pay Ger
trude Applegate at the rate of $85.00
per month, while she is employed in
the Sheriffs office on extra work,
effective January 1, 1938.
In the Matter of Pea Seed for Ex
perimental Purposes
Upon petition of Wm. T. Campbell,
after careful consideration, the
Court agreed to pay not to exceed
$30.00 for pea seed for the purpose
of finding out whether or not the
pea industry might be profitable
in Morrow Ciunty.
In the Matter of Dog Licenses for
the Year 1938:
County Court orders that after
March 1, 1938, dog licenses be col
lected at the rate of Two Dollars
for males or spayed females and
Four Dollars for females.
Warrants Issued on General Fund,
February, 1938
Frank C. Alfred, District At
torney $ 10.00
Gertrude Applegate, Sheriff 57.80
Neva S. Cochell, Sheriff 5.00
Heppner Gazette Times, Sher
iff 4.75
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 42.10
Crane Direct-Mail Service,
Sheriff 23.50
State Ind. Acc. Comm., Sher
iff 8.39
Gertrude Applegate, Tax Ex
tension 27.20
Pac. Sta. & Prt. Co., Clerk .... 7.55
Emp. Don. Fund Dist. 8, Gen
eral Assistance 15.00
Bert Johnson, Judge, General
Assistance 333.02
W. M. Eubanks, Bonds 25.00
F. W. Turner, Justice Court 10.00
H. A. Duncan, Justice Court 1.50
J. O. Kager, Justice Court .... 8.40
Emaline Bisbee, Justice Court 1.50
Lulu McCarty, Justice Court 1.50
Frank Roberts, Justice Court 1.50
E. N. Gontv. Justice Court .... 1.50
Wm. Cowins, Justice Court .... 1.50
Ingrid Boling, Justice Court 13.40
Ralph Jones, Justice Court .... 13.40
F. P. Leicht, Justice Court .... 13.40
Mrs. F. P, Leicht, Justice
Court .. 13.40
J. C. Haddock, Justice Court 13.40
Pac. Power & Light, Court
house 41.52
Gilliam & Bisbee, Courthouse 3.38
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Current
Expense 41.65
Heppner Gazette Times, Off.
Pub. $46.84, Tax Col. $25.50,
Assessor $10.75 83.09
Archie D. McMurdo, Insane 10.00
C. J. D. Bauman, Insane 6.50
Mid-Col. Type. Shop, Treas
urer 10.00
Thomas J. Wells, Assessor's
Mileage 27.50
Thomson Bros., Jail 68.77
A. E. Burkenbine, Jail 5.00
Central Market, Jail 1.00
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.,
Courthouse Fuel 237.80
C. J. D. Bauman, Circuit
Court 5.90
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff's
Mileage 3.20
State .Dept. Agri., Sealer 1.20
C. J. D. Bauman, Indigent
Soldier 10.90
Thomas J. Wells, Assessor 3.50
Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. $40.00,
Mileage' $35.85 75.85
Vivian Kane, Emergency 4.75
Ralph Harris, Emergency .75
Bert Johnson, County Court 2.85
George N. Peck, County Court 31.50
L. D. Neill, County Court 19.90
Bert Johnson, Judge, Old Age
Assistance 351.10
Bert Johnson, Judge, Aid to
Dependent Children 91.88
Bert Johnson, Judge, Blind
Assistance 7.88
Ed Bucknum, Courthouse In
cidentals 3.00
Wm. T. Campbell, Emergency 21.45
C. J. D. Bauman, Tax Col 100.00
Warrants Issued on General Road
Fund, February, 1938
H. S. Taylor $116.74, M. V. Nolan
$103.74, Jack Stotts $77.74, Robt S.
Wilson $26,72, Pete Farley $2.24,
John McEntire $5.96, Glenn Sherer
$77.50, Ralph Marlatt $146.99, Albert
Connor $78.74, H. Wells $74.75, C. R.
Langdon $65.78, Ralph Moore $34.38,
Henry Schwarz $90.96, Dale Ray
$80.73, Harold Peck $68.77, Mack
Smith $78.75, Marion Hayden $51.88,
Harold Sherer $56.46, Grover Peck
$38.87, Clair Ashbaugh $41.86, Wm
Cunningham $8.97, Harold Peck $2.99,
L. N. Morgan $85.30, Walt Gilman
$56.80, A. J. Chaffee $48.11, Vernon
Munkers $42.74, Wm. Cunningham
$23.05, Chas. Williams $40.15, Frank
W. Gentry $125.76, Jim Farley $64.
66, Pac. Pow. & Light Co. $9.25, Bra-
Most Amazing
FIRST TIME 1 Remington's
new purchase plan now lew
roil bay throagh our store genuine latest mode)
Remington Portable direct from the factory for
only lOo day. Not need or rebuilt. Not incom
plete. A beautiful brand new regulation Reming
ton Portable. Standard 4-row keyboard, standard
width carriage, margin release on keyboard, back
spacer, automatic ribbon rererne, exclusire Rem
ington feature "Self Starter" paragraph key,
every essential feature found on standard type
wntorfla With jowc machine w wnd too re 19-pf
course in typewriting. Teaches touch system
quickly, easily. Soon you dash off letters quicker
than with pen and ink. You also get a handsome,
sturdy carrying case free.
den-Bell Trac. & Equip. Co. $169.33,
Green's Hardware $2.75, Frank Nix
on $19.90, Harry Tamblyn $105.48,
Thomson Bros. $4.20, Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co. $12.00, Claud Coats
$2.10, E. G. Noble $4.40, Mrs. T. E.
Hendricks $243, H. D. Rutledge $54.
42, Tom Caldwell $.80, Jackson Im
plement Co. $36.13, Mid-Columbia
Typewriter Shop $5.00, Mrs. Crystal
Barlow $2.15, Neal Bleakney $4.20,
City of Heppner, Water Dept. $1.50,
Gilliam & Bisbee $178.62, St. Ind.
Acc. Comm. $81.89, Pac. Tel. & Tel.
Co. $2.75, Charles Vaughn $4.90, F.
W. Turner $60.00, Columbia Equip
ment Co. $77.62, Howard-Cooper
Corp. $5.11, E. R. Lundell $95.27,
George M. Allyn $.75, Pure Iron
Cul. & Mfg. Co. $754.13, Standard
Oil Co. $431.88, Feenaughty Mchy.
Co. $240.20, Shell Oil Co. $91.68,
Heppner Blacksmith Co. $30.74,
Ralph Moore $20.93, Harry Tamblyn
$7.69, C. A. Kane $131.15, Harold
Becket $12.95, Ralph Marlatt $20.00,
Ralph Moore $20.93, arry Tamblyn
$35.00, Ferguson Motor Co. $465.01,
Lexington Oil Co-operative $150.00.
Warrants Issued on Market Road
Fund, February, 1938
Marion Hayden $73.36, Harold Sher
er $14.95, Grover Peck $41.86, Clair
"That's the day Jim
Telephoned me"
It took you but a moment it gave her joy that will
be remembered for weeks. Telephone frequently.
Your voice is you.
is much too useful a service to keep in reserve for
emergencies alone. Use it for friendships' sake. Use it
to plan trips, make reservations. Use it to consult, to
advise, to exchange views, to search out opportunities.
OBusiness Office: 4 West Willow Street cHeppner, Oregon
I 1 feiL. '
This beautiful, efficient Thor Agi
tator Washer is finished in all
white porcelain enamel. Comes
equipped with Lovell wringer.
See it today. Buy on con- (("fkge
venient terms. Price
Pacific Power & Light Company
Always at Your Service
Thursday, March 10, 1938
Ahautrh $40.36. L. N. Morgan $26.'
94, General Roads $45.00, Walter
Gilman $17.94, A. J. Chaffee $67.50,
Vernon Munkers $60.00, Wm. Cun
ningham $36.00, General Roads
$170.00, Frank W. Gentry $10.48, Jim
Farley $5.98, Harry Tamblyn $160.00,
St. Ind. Acc. Comm. $17.74.
Charles Cox Makes
OSC Glee Position
In the first spring campus con
cert of Oregon State college glee
club, Charles Cox of Heppner was
among the singers appearing in the
first bass section Cox is a fresh
man at the college, having gradu
ated from Heppner high school last
The initial spring appearance was
made at the Memorial Union build
ing Sunday afternoon, February 27.
Paul Petri, glee club director, has
commended Cox's showing and pos
sibilities for the future.
Howard Swick and son Bobby
were in Heppner Monday from the
farm in the Monument section.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rauch were
in town Tuesday from the farm in
the north Lexington section.
m" it .. g
' 21 19 to ..
M - U '
This smart new Thor Speed Ironer
will save you hours of work. It
irons everything beautifully. See
a aemonsuanon. meed aQC
to fit your purse... only 4
i r