Page Eight Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, March 3, 1938 iiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiinHHUiiiniiiiiiiiiin At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST ALVIN KLiEINFELDT, Pastor Bible School 9:45 a. m Morning Services 11:00 ,. m C. E. Society 6:30 p. m Evening Services 7:30 p. in Choir Practice, Wednesday .... 7 :30 p. m Midweek Service, Thursday 7:30 p. m "We are told that every man ap plying for a position in the Bank of England is given a list of twenty questions to answer. The first one is. 'How do vou spend your bun- days?' The answer tells something about the applicant's character and keenness of mind." Quotation from "Tho Quiet Hour." The meeting Sunday evening will h in the Methodist church. Mr. Kleinfeldt will preach at Lex ington Sunday evening. METHODIST CHURCH REV. R. C. YOUNG. Pastor Sunday:' Bible School . 9:45 A. M Worship Service 11:00 A. M Epworth League 6:d0 P. M Evening Worship 7:30 P. M Tuesday: Boys' Cfub J,:0 p- M Wednesday: Choir rracuce .. ;ar. ness and Social Meeting ... 2.30 All other Wednesdays Sewing Group meets. . Thursday: Prayer Meeting .. 7:30 P. M. Rev. Carl Bassett will begin a ser ies of revival services in our church starting Sunday morning, March 6. There will be services every night ovfnt. Saturday. Rnndav mornine at the Bible school hour, Rev. Bassett will give a talk on China. His sermons will be illustrated by chalk pictures, which he will draw during the progress of the sermon. We extend a cordial invitation to the public to attend these services. THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD "K" and Elder Sts., Rev. E. D. Greeley, pastor. Bible School 10 a. m. Devotional Service 11 a. m. Inspirational Service 7:30 p. m. Mid-Week Fellowship Meeting on Wednesday, 7:30. Cottage Prayer Meeting each Fri day, 7:30. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH (Episcopal) 10 A. M., Church school. 11 A. M., Holy Communion and sermon. 6:30 P. M., Young Peoples' Fel lowship. Visitors and strangers always wel come. Loan Applications Being Received Applications for emeregency crop and feed loans for 1938 are now be ing received at the county agent's office. The loans will be made, as in the past, only to farmers who cannot ob tain credit from any other source. The money loaned will be limited to the farmer's immediate and actual cash needs for growing his 1938 crops or for the purchase of feed for live stock, and the amount which may be loaned to any one farmer in 1938 may not exceeh $400. Farmers who can obtain the funds they need from an individual, pro duction credit association, bank, or other concern are not eligible for crop and feed loans from the Emer gency Crop and Feed Loan Section of the Farm Credit administration. The loans will not be made to stand ard rehabilitation clients whose cur rent needs are provided for by the Farm Security adrninistratiin, for merly known as the Resettlement administration. As in the past, farmers who obtain emergency crop and feed loans will give as security a first lien on the crop financed, or a first lien on the livestock to be fed if the money bor rowed is to be used to produce or purchase feed for livestock. Where loans are made to tenants, the landlords, or others having an interest in the crops financed or the livestock to be fed, are required to waive their claims in favor of a lien to the governor of the Farm Credit administration until the loan is re paid. Checks in payment of appoved loans will be mailed from the Re gional Emergency Crop and Feed loan office at Spokane, Wash. OUR ANNUAL EVENT MARCH 4 TO 10 Here it is, folks! The big sale of the year when Safeway "Shoots the works"and puts on a real celebration of values This year we have been unusually fortunate in securing some of the best values we have seen in many a sale. It s our party come and enjoy the fun. . M I m .......... . 1 NOB HILL COFFEE -.. 2 Lbs. 43c AIRWAY COFFEE 3 Lbs. 44c CI HI ID Harvest Blossom $1.45 TLUUK Kitchen Craft $1.69 MILK Tall Federal or Maximum Case $3.49 12 Tins 88c in I KRAUT No. 2 Tins .. 10c DOZ. $1.15 ' No. 2A TINS, DOZ. $1.45 2 Tins . . 25c LARD, Gov. inspected 4 Lbs. 59c HONEY, Bradshaw's quality .... 5 lb. tin 59c MARSHMALLOWS, fluffiest of all, Lb. 15c COCONUT, long, moist shredded, 12 oz. 25c SYRUP, Sleepy Hollow Vi Gal. 73c MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 5 Lbs. 39c SARDINES, large oval tins Each 10c SOAP, Superb Granules Lge. Pkg. 23c BACON ES Lb. 33c FS Lb. 29c HOMINY Van Camp's No. 300 Tins 1 Tc 2 FOR 1 J No. 2y2Tins $1 1C DOZEN p I . I - Per Tin . 10c Grapefruit No. 2 Mission 2 for 25c Broken segments No. 2 Del Monte .. 2 for 29c Fancy quality No. 300 Del Monte, 2 for 23c Fancy quality r 1 Fruit Juices Assorted 12 oz. Tins GRAPEFRUIT, PINEAPPLE, PEACH, AP RICOT, PRUNE 3 for 29C 1 SOAP Crystal White, P. & G. or O. K. 10 Bars . 33c RAISINS 4 LB. PACKAGE 25c CHEESE, Brookfield full cream, LB. 22c BEANS ffiHSr 10 POUNDS 49c CATSUP Ruby Brand, 12 oz. BOTTLE JLOc FARINA, NO, 10 BAG BEST QUALITY 49c SHORTENING.. . 8 LBS 98c RICE, Blue Rose head 5 Lbs. 29c OATS, No. 10 sack, quick or reg Bag 49c COCOA, Hershey or Bakers Pound 15c MUSHROOMS, 2 oz. cut and stems, Each 1 Oc SOUP, Chicken & noodle, lots of it, 3 for 29c PIMIENTOS, regular 4 oz. tins 2 for 1 5c OLIVES, No. 1 tins ripe olives 2 for 29c ' PANCAKE FLOUR, No. 10 Flapjack 59c DATES, fresh supply pitted . 2 Lbs. 25c DOG FOOD, Playfair 4 Tins 25c JELL-WELL Dessert 3 Pkgs. 14c SPAGHETTI, Franco-American .... 3 Tins 29c BEETS, Walla Walla whole, 2 No. 2 Tins 25c PUREX, Bleacher Vi Gal. Jug 25c PEANUT BUTTER New Supply Bulk 2 Lbs. 25c TOMATOES . dozen $1.15 No. 2xk with Puree STRIING BEANS . dozen $1.15 DOZEN $1.15 PEAS DZAN Fancy No. 2 Cut Beans CORN . . . No. 303 fancy cream style No. 2 tins fancy Western Grown TIN TIN TIN TIN lOc lOc lOc lOc SPINACH No. 2 Tins .. 10c DOZ. $1.15 No. IVi TINS, DOZ. $1.69 2 Tins . . 29C r PUMPKIN No. 2 Tins .. 10c No. 2Vi TINS, DOZ. $1.69 2 Tins . 29C I 1 Tomato Juice Walla Walla 16 oz. Tins 2 for 15c DOZ. 85c No. 2 Tins Doz. $1.05 3 Tins . . 27c I 1 Canned Fish SALMON, 2 Tall Tins 25c SHRIMP, 2 5 oz. Tins 33c OYSTERS, 2 5 oz. Tins 27c CLAMS, 2 Tall Tins .... 33c F. A. B. Minced, very fine I 1 PINEAPPLE No. IVz Broken Slice " 1 r EACH . I 8 oz. TIDBITS 3 FOR 15 oz. SLICED 2 FOR 25 25 T I SUGAR Extra fine granulated 10 LB. CLOTH CQP BAG DVC 1 00 Lbs. 5.65 r. l PRODUCE FRI.-SAT. ONLY NEW SPUDS, 4 lbs. 29c GR. ONIONS, 4 Bu. 15c New Carrots, 4 Bu. 19c RHUBARB, 3 Lbs. 29c CABBAGE Lb. 3c FARMER - CONSUMER APPLE SALE STORAGE ROMES Per Box 79c