Thursday, February 17, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Five Chas. Valentine was exchanging greetings with friends while in the city Saturday from the farm near Lexington. Recalling incidents of his old home in Scotland, Mr. Valen tine said J. Pierpont Morgan now has a farm and hunting lodge about four miles from his birthplace in the Aberdeen section. R. H. Zinter was in town Tuesday from the Gooseberry section, report ing roads in his section badly drift ed and most farmers unable to get out. He was in Walla Walla Mon day and found truck farmers at work in their gardens, with no snow from Lexington clear across to Wal la Walla. , Mrs. Bud Ayers motored to Hard , man Wednesday last week where a "bridal shower was given in her hon or by Hardman friends. Mrs. Ayers was formerly Miss Lucille Farrens, a native of Hardman and the G. T. reporter from there for five years. Mrs. E. Jacobson and Miss Judy Moore of La Grande visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Jacobson at the Jones apart ments, and to see Mrs. Jacobson's new granddaughter, Karen Margaret, who arrived last week. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hayden (nee Leora Devin) of Stanfield are the parents of a laby daughter born in Pendleton Friday. The young lady has been named Helen Anne, ac cording to word received by rela tives here. Mrs. Garnet Barratt was able to return home Monday after being confined for a week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Rice where she underwent treatment for a threat ened attack of pneumonia. Clair Cox arrived home last night from Corvallis for a short visit. He has been located at Corvallis for sev eral months. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hiatt of Her- miston were Saturday afternoon call ers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Jacobson. Mr. Hiatt and Mr. Jacobson were old-time cronies at La Grande from which place both originally hailed. Dr. Ai D. McMurdo returned home Sunday from Portland where he spent last week end attending the annual Northwest Jones lec tures, delivered by Eugene M. Lan dis, Ph. D., M. D. Mildred McDaniel was in from Hardman visiting Mrs. Walter Far rens, Miss Dolly Farrens and Mrs! Bud Ayers at their residence in the Yeager apartments, Thursday and Friday. Ed Shea of Portland was a guest over Friday night at the home of his brother-in-law. Blaine E. Isom. Mr. Shea, past Lions governor for Oregon, has many friends here. Horace Yoakum was in the' city over Saturday, coming up from Nel scott on the coast where he is spend ing the winter. He reported the win ter season very pleasant there. Fred Hoskins and son, Fred Jr., were in town yesterday afternoon. Fred Jr., still had his recently in fected hand in a bandage but the affliction was greatly reduced. M. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson ar rived the end of the week from their home at Astoria, for a visit at the home of Mrs. Anderson's sister. Mrs. W. C. McCarty. Mr. and Mrs. Austin I. Smith and daughter Dorothy were week-end visitors from Portland at the home of Mr. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith. S. J. Devine was transacting bus iness in the city yesterday from the north Lexington wheat farm. The STAR Reporter Friday-Saturday THE OLD WYOMING TRAIL starring CHARLES STARRETT with Singing Star Donald Grayson, Barbara Weeks, Sons of Pioneers, radio stars plus HITTING A NEW HIGH with Lily Pons, Jack Oakie, Eric Blore, Edward Everett Horton POPEYE THE SAILOR CARTOON . Sunday-Monday A PANMO f. HUNAN MOBUCTION. Dirtcttd by 0IOI0I STIVINf. Jwmi MY by ft 0. Wodthovn, Etntrt hitM, 1 K. Uunn. Disney Cartoon Movietone News Tuesday Bulldog Drummond Comes Back with John Barrymoore, John Howard, Louise Campbell Mysterious Pilot "Educated Fish" Cartoon Wed.-Thu., Feb. 23-24 PAL NIGHTS PAL NIGHTS High, Wide and Handsome with Irene Dunne, Randolph Scott, Raymond Walburn, Akim Tamiroff , Dorothy Lamour News of the Day Betty Boop PAL NIGHTS PAL NIGHTS STAR THEATER Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dillon, and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Guntler, all of Walla Walla, were week end guests at the J. 0. Rasmus home, visiting Mrs. Dillon's sister, Mrs. Johnson, mother of Mr. Rasmus. R. C. Phelps left Tuesday for Te nino, Wash., where on Wednesday he attended the funeral of an old-time friend, the wife of a man with whom he worked in the printing trade at Toppenish, Wash., for several years. Carlton Swanson was a business visitor in town Monday from lone where he assists his father, C. W. Swanson, in his mercantile business. An 8-pound baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oviatt in this city Monday morning. Both mother and babe are doing nicely. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec ialist of Pendleton, will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY, FEBRUARY 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Gustaf Nikander are visiting in Portland. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Rice left Tues day for Eugene in response to word of the serious illness of Dr. Rice's mother at that place. The American Legion Auxiliary will hold their annual pie and cake sale at Dixs store, Saturday, Feb. 19, at 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huddleston and Mrs. Huddleston's mother, Mrs. F. W. Turner, expect to leave tomorrow for Portland Jim O'Connor, in from the Rhea creek ranch yesterday, reported that he would start lambing operations March 1. Mrs. James Leach of Lexington was calling at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rice were vis itors in the city yesterday from the Artesian Well farm north of Lexing ton. Heman Nielson was a business visitor in town yesterday from the Rood canyon farm. Capt. G. R. Kent is still confined to his room at Heppner hotel though able to be up in his two-weeks' ill ness. Miss Creth Craber and brother Dallas were business visitors here Friday from the Hardman farm. Walter Dobyns was a business visitor in the city Saturday from the Eight Mile section. James M. McCabe was calling in the city yesterday from the farm in the lone section. Jim Hams was a business visitor in the city Friday from the farm near Hardman. Frank Saling was transacting busi ness here yesterday from the north Lexingtdn farm. Ingram Sign Service General Painting, Paper Hanging Interior Decorating NEON DISTRIBUTOR Leave orders at Tum-A-Lum Co. -se in ARE YOURS Because Of 6 Complete. Equipment Factory Trained Men Genuine "Caterpillar" Parts "Caterpillar" Special Tools Long "Caterpillar" Experience Seldom do owners of "Caterpil1ar"-built tractors need the service of a machine shop. But when they do, they want their jobs done "right now." That's why we've equipped our shops with every tool, every machine, that will speed up your work. All are manned by an expert in his line. That's the reason why rebuilt tractors from our stores are the best rebuilt machines on the market today. You can't beat the combination of trained mechanics, modern shop equipment and genuine "Caterpillar" parts. Long experience and complete knowledge of "Caterpillar" tractors of all models eliminates expensive guess work when the Braden-Bell shops are called upon to make your repairs. USED MACHINERY SPECIALS Reconditioned Model "30" HILLSIDE OPECIAL "CATERPILLAR" New guarantee, and only $11300 Reconditioned Model "50" "Caterpillar" Dicsol With new guarantee. Used ap proximately 2,000 hours. An excellent buy atr $4200 Lou of good buyt in used Traeton Di$e Plows Mould Board Plow also have 2 Pea Swathert at a bargain. Sradeij-Bell Tractor & Equipment Co. Pendleton PHONE 518 ) WALLA WALLA, WASH. PHONE 474 Athena Heppner and PHONE 171 PHONE 422 Arlington, Ore. PHONE 892