Thursday, February 17, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three IONE NEWS PINE CITY NEWS Mrs. McCabe .Rites Held at lone By MARGARET BLAKE Funeral services for Mrs. Jennie McCabe were held at the Christian church last Saturday afternoon with Phelps Funeral Home in charge and Alvin Kleinfeldt of Heppner offi ciating. Special music was sung by Mrs. Walter Roberts and Mrs. Ture Peterson accompanied by Mrs. Earl Blake. Pallbearers were Richard and Norton Lundell, Arthur Ritchie, Raymond Lundell, Bryce Keene and Howard Eubanks. Interment was in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Among out-of-town relatives who attended the services were Robert McCabe of Forest Grove, George Patterson of Heppner, Mrs. Muriel Palmer of Hardman, Miss Alice Patterson of Portland and Mrs. Antone Paulson of Molalla. Donald Heliker was a Portland visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Kuhn and son Wayne of Alderdale, Wash., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell. Mrs. Ida May Swick who has been caring for Mrs. Ralph Harris has returned to The Dalles and Mrs. Minnie Farrens has taken her place. A donation of five dollars by Ver ner Troedson has brought the total of Ione's part in the infantile paraly sis drive to $186.00. Wid Palmateed and Lloyd Morgan returned last Tuesday from a short visit with relatives in the valley. Among other places they spent some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan at Albany. Mrs. Ella Davidson returned last Friday from Heppner where she has spent the past two months. George Cochran has been ill at his home for several days. Mrs. Francis Troedson of Corval lis has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Troedson. Sally Joan, the infant daughter of James McCabe, was brought on Monday from Heppner to the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McCabe, who will care for her. Msr. Holmes' of Spokane was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason last week. On Friday she and Mrs. Mason, accompanied by Mrs. D. M. Ward of Heppner, drove to Portland to spend a week. Mrs. Ernest Heliker is attending a homemakers conference at Cor vallis. Robert Smith with his son and daughter, Harvey and Bonnie, and Mrs. Dixon Smith, visited Dixon Smith at the veterans' hospital at Walla Walla last Friday. They found him improved, having gained several pounds in weight since going there. Mrs. Ida Fletcher and Mrs. Paul CMeara will be hostesses to the H. E. club Friday afternoon, Feb. 28, at the home of Mrs. O'Meara. Mem bers and friends are invited. The business session will begin at 2. Mrs. Frank Helena and son, Frank Jr., returned to their home at Port land Sunday after a two weeks' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom. Mrs. Walter Corley spent the first of the week in Portland. The Topic club party to have been given Saturday has been postponed until Saturday, Feb. 26. The. Lewis Ball family has moved to the house on the Benedict ranch. Alton Yarnell is somewhat im proved from the illness which has kept him confined to his bed for several months. With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell, he vis ited a Heppner physician Monday. While there he had a toe nail re moved which was causing him trou ble from infection. Mrs. T. C. Riffe and daughter, Miss Bernice Wilcox, who have been at the home of George Ely have re turned to their home at Salem. Mrs. Ted Blake has been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. R. Fell, at Hepp ner. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin, Mr nnd Mrs. Clvde Denny, Mr. and Mrs. HYpd Mankin and Ted Smith attend ed the winter carnival at Mt. Hood last Sunday. They report a good trip and an interesting day. Mrs. Ted Smith and son Phillip wont to Portland Tuesday afternoon They were taken by car as far as Arlington by Harvey Smith. Logie Richardson spent the week Valentine Parties Held at Pine City By BERNICE WATTENBURGER A Valentine card party was en joyed Saturday night at the E. B. Wattenburger home. Five tables were in play. Men's high went to Russell Moore, low to Fred Rauch, Jr.; la dies' high, Mrs. Clayton Wright, low, Mrs. Bob McGreen. Miss Shirley McGreen had a Val entine party for the little folks Mon day afternoon. Those present were Miss Juanita Ayers, Darlyne Wat tenburger, Ronald Currin and all their mothers. Mr. and Mrs. Hickson of Baker are visiting their daughter, Mrs. H. E. Young. Miss Charlotte Helms is home this week end visiting her parents and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill spent Sun day in Kennewick, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wattenburger of Pasco are visiting at the home of Earl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Orr of Junction City, Kan., are working at the Lon Wattenburger home. Roy Coxen of Hermiston is work ing for Roy Neill. Mrs. W. D. Neill is home this week end caring for Mr. Neill, who is ill. Miss Betty Finch is on the sick list this week with flu. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McGreer and daughter Shirley and Miss Lilly Rauch were Walla Walla visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and Miss Dora E. Moore spent Sunday at the J. S. Moore home. Roy Neill left Wednesday for Portland on business. Fred Rauch, Jr., and Miss Char lotte Helms were Pendleton callers Saturday. Mrs. Bob McGreer ' left Monday evening for Portland to visit her mother who is ill with pneumonia. BUY NOW ! Supply Limited! STARTS WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 16. Heppner, Ore. NO TELEPHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED FAST COLOR PRHNT 8cvd. Balance of Women's COATS $5.00 each Balance of Boys' SUIITS 82.50 each FLOUR SACKS 2 for 15c Ladies' Silk Presses $1.99 each 36" Unbleached Muslin 5cyd. One Group MEN'S PANTS $1.00 pair 2 LB. DARK WOOL BAITS 69c A Women's Seamless SDILK MOSE 25c Look! Buy Now! Women's and Misses1 Tuckstitch undoes 5C each Women1 Tuckstitch PAJAMAS 50C each K One Group (Girls' Dresses 3 for 1.00 GIRLS' COATS $2.00 Part Linen Luncheon Sets 25c Remnants fl at New LOW PRICES V u I k A lk If WORK SHOES $1.79 L. A X V Balance of MEN'S (CORDS $2.00pr K M i- J men a uuu Boys' SOX 5c pair Child's PLAY SUITS Sizes 6 and 8 10c h UCKJ'C Bib PILLOW CASES 42x36 Overalls 69C U 10C each uisn Cloths 3c each MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 49c HEPPNER, OREGON end in Portland on business.