Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 03, 1938, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, February 3, 1938
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Three
Laurel Beach Injured
in Fall, Reported
By Bertha Hunt
Laurel Beach, who is teaching at
Gresham, fractured a knee cap in
a fall Friday night, according to
word received by his mother, Mrs
Elsie M. Beach. The injury is pro
gressing satisfactorily at present but
it will be necessary to beep the
knee in a cast for some time.
Mr. and Mrs Truman Messenger
and family spent Saturday and Sun
day in Boardman.
A small crowd was present at
Christian Endeavor Sunday evening.
A contest which has run for some
time ended with Edith Ewards' side
winning by 40 points. On Sunday
the 6th Rev. Cecil Warner of Her
miston will be present at 2:30 to
speak to the young people of the
Christian Endeavor. In the evening
officers will be elected. Walter My
ers of Eugene is also expected to be
Rae Cowins spent the week end
in Heppner with her mother, Mrs
J. G. Cowins, who has been ill.
Carty Luck of Pendleton was do
ing business in Lexington on Sat
urday. Mrs. Elsie Beach made a short
business trip to Portland this week.
Doris and Erma Scott spent the
week end with their grandmother,
Mrs. L. D. Neill, at Pine City
Mrs. Fred Fulgham is visiting in
Kennewick at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. W. F. Graves.
Ralph Jackson made a business
trip to Pendleton Friday.
George Nesbit with the Interna'
tional Harvester company of Port
land was here for several days this
Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. Staats of
Baker, sister and brother-in-law of
Mrs. G. J. Ryan, were visiting at
the Ryan home on Thursday. Patsy
Ryan accompanied them home for
a visit.
Sam McMlilan and Vester Thorn
berg were in Hermiston last Wed
Anne Johnson, Margaret Leach
and Rita Cutler were hostesses at
a stork shower honoring Mrs. Lon
nie Henderson at her home on
Thursday afternoon. Fifty-six guests
were present and refreshments of
cake, salad and coffee were served
Conrad Bissenger, service man
for the Jackson Implement company.
was in Lexington Monday.
Edna Rauch and Margaret Scott
were hostesses at a pot luck supper
held at the Vernon Scott home last
Saturday evening. Those present
besides the hostesses were May and
Faye Rauch, Edith and Jerrine Ed
wards. Glenn Willmschew, Glen
Thompson, Henry Rauch, Jr., Stan
ley Way, Vernon Scott, Kenneth
Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Rauch. Games were played through
out the evening which were enjoy
ed by all.
Dale Lane motored to Portland on
Sunday. Howard Lane, his father.
who has been in the city for some
time recovering from a major oper
ation, is expected to accompany him
home one day this week.
Among those motoring to Pen
dleton this week were Mr. and Mrs
Otto Ruhl, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mar-
quardt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smouse,
Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell and daugn
ter Patsy, Mrs. James Leach and
Mrs. Trina Parker.
Bert Bowker was in town Monday
from his home in the Echo district,
The next P. T. A. meeting will be
held in the school aditorium on
Wednesday evening, Feb. 9. There
will be a special program and re
freshments will be served. It
hoped that a large number will be
Mr. and Mrs. W. Tucker and
son Woodrow and daughter Wilma
motored to Portland Saturday morn'
ing. They were accompanied by
Mrs. Arthur Hunt and daughter,
Shirley Anne.
Mrs. Thompson of College Place,
Wash., is visiting at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Beach
W. S. Wade, district traffic su
perintendent of Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph company, was in Lex
ington on Wednesday.
Harold Henderson of Stanfie
was a business visitor in Lexington
The Lexmffton class Play liptoe
Inn" given last Friday evening was
attended and enthusiastically re
ceived by a large crowd. The cast
was well rewarded for its" efforts by
the applause and favorable comment
Lexington high school basketball
team defeated Stanfield at Lexing
ton, February 1. The score was 30
11, The Stanfield grade school de
feated the Lexington grade school,
Ladd Sherman, who up until the
recent cold snap, has suggested we
grow palm trees in eastern Oegon, is
now having his original views of the
climate verified.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Simpson of
Condon visited over Sunday and
Monday at the Carl Whillock home.
Salem, Ore. Appointment of Evan
Reames. Medford attorney, to suc
ceed Frederick Steiwer as United
States senator from Oregon has met
with varying reactions. Conservative
Democrats express themselves well
pleased with the governor's choice.
Republicans, also, generally com
mend the selection. Left-wing mem
bers of the governor's party, how
ever, are not overly enthusiastic over
the selection. Reames, they claim, is
too conservative to fit into the New
Deal program and can be expected
to oppose rather than cooperate with
the national administration.
A native of Oregon, born in Jack
sonville of pioneer parents, Reames
will be 68 years of age Saturday,
February 5, when he expects to take
the oath of office for his ne wposi-
Zimmerman Again
Senator Reames
Utilities Spending
Sam Brown of Gervais will an
nounce himself as a candidate for the
Republican nomination for governor
immediately upn his return from a
trip to Mexico, according to Walter
Bliven, Salem real estate dealer.
Bliven said that he had been auth
orized by Brown to make the state
ment. Brown is expected to return
within the next week or ten days.
Governor Martin experienced a
noticeable start one day this week
when one of the press representa
tives asked him if he had had his
mustache' shaved off. He quickly
raised an inquiring finger to his lip
to ascertain the extent of his loss,
it was still there as was revealed
upon closer scrutiny but an overly
ambitious barber had treated him'
to a trim that could hardly be de
tected from a shave.
Oregon taxpayers contribute $8,-
500,000 a year or more than $700,000
a month to the coupon clippers who
hold the bonds and warrants issued
by the state and its numerous sub
divisions, it was revealed this week
by State Treasurer Holman. At that
this figure represents a material im
provement over the situation in 1931
when interest on Oregon bonds and
warrants state, county, city, school
district, etc. totalled more than $10,-
000,000 a year or in excess of $800,
000 a month. Holman says that much
of the improvement in the financial
condition of the state and its sub
divisions is due to remedial legisla
tion sponsored by himself providing
for the issuance of serial bonds and
the use of idle state funds in' car
rying financially embarrassed de
partments over emergency periods.
Reports reaching Salem indicate
that a committee representing the
State Teachers association is draft
ing a measure for presentation to
the voters at the November election
providing for state support of the
common school system on the basis
of $10 for each child on the school
census. On the basis of the 1937
census which listed approximately
266,000 children that would require
an annual appropriation of $2,660,-
000. State support of the common
school system is now limited to the
interest-earnings of the irreducible
school fund which last year amount'
ed to $1.38 per capita. The increased
allocation of $8.68 per child would
necessitate an adidtional outlay of
more than $2,300,000 from some
source as yet not revealed.
Of more than 40,000 claims for
compensation passed on by the In
dustrial Accident commission dur
ing the last two years, only 303
claimants asked for a rehearing, the
commission reported.
First claim checks mailed out by
the Unemployment Compensation
commission last week averaged
slightly more than $12.60 each. More
than 40,000 idle workers have filed
claims for jobless insurance.
Slowly but surely the little one
room school house is passing out of
the Oregon picture. A survey just
completed by Rex Putnam, state su
perintendent of public instruction,
reveals that their number has been
reduced by 249 in the past six years
from 1326 in 1930-31 to 1077 in
1936-37. That is at the rate of more
than 40 a year, a rate which if main
tained wlil see the complete disap
pearance of the one-room schools
within the next 25 years. One-teacher
high schools are also on the
way out, Putnam explains. Whereas
there were. 30 of these small high
schools in Oregon in 1930-31 there
are now only five to be found in
the state.
Peter Zimmerman, state senator
from Yamhill county, may decide on
a try for the United States senate.
While in Salem this week Zimmer
man admitted that he was being urg
ed by many farmers to enter the
race and that he was giving the mat
ter his serious consideratios.
"Many farmers feel that we need
more farmer representation in the
senate," Zimmerman said. "If I de
cide to run I shall enter the Repub
lican primaries, reserving the right,
however, to run as an independent
candidate in the general election if
I am defeated for the Republican
While some authorities hold that
Zimmerman would be prohibited
from running as an independent in
the event of his defeat in the pri
maries others believe that he could
compel the secretary of state to ac
cept his filing if he should take his
case into court on a mandamus pro
ceeding. These latter base their op
inion on the action of the state su
preme court in requiring the secre
tary of state to accept the filing of
W. A. Ekwall as a candidate for
Congress while he was still serving
as circuit judge in Multnomah coun
ty. The high court in that case held
that the state was without authority
to prescribe the qualifications of
federal officers. Attorney General
Van Winkle in an earlier opinion
had held that whereas the state law
precluded a defeated primary candi
date from running as an independent
candidate there was nothing to pre
vent his friends from writing in the
candidates name and nothing to
prevent his serving in any office to
which he might be elected by that
Zimmerman, it is recalled, ran a
good race for the governorship in
1934 when he was an independent
candidate finishing second in a field
of three, 21,000 votes behind Chas.
H. Martin the democratic candidate
but 9000 ahead of Joe Dunne, repub
Oregon utilities plan to spend $8,-
217,210 in new construction during
1938, according to estimates filed
with Utilities Commissioner Wallace.
Telephone companies also plan to
spend $3,889,350 in improving and
extending their service, and electric
utilities have budgeted an aggregate
of $3,864,695 for expenditure on con
struction work during the year.
While these estimated expenditures
show an increase over expenditures
during 1937 they fall far short of an
nual improvements by the same util
ities during the period from 1935 to
1930, Wallace points out.
There will be no need for the ser
vices of the Gresham gentleman who
generously offered to play the role
of a human guinea pig in order to
test out the states new lethal gas
chamber. Neither is there any in
tention of sacrificing a dog or even
a rat in the new chamber. Warden
Lewis of the state prison brands
these stories, some of which arous
ed public indignation to a high pitch,
as figments of the imagination with
no substantial foundation. Lewis
says that as far as he is concerned
the new gas chamber is all set up
and ready for its first victim.
Income tax collections by Oregon
during 1137 totalled $5,344,047 it was
reported by the state tax commission.
Of this amount $3,328,683 was re
ceived from individuals and $1,741,
039 from corporations. The 1937 to
tal was more than twice that of 1931
when only $2,278,767 was collected
from this source.
For information at to faros and othor
dotaili inquiro of your local ogtnt.
Statement of Taxes
Levied in Morrow County, Oregon for the Year 1938
(Assessed March 1, 1937)
General Taxes Levied for State and
County Purposes
Character Rate
of Tax Valuation Mills Tax
State, County and
General School....$9,015,426 6.5 $ 58,600.27
Roads & Bridges.. 9,015.426 4.0 36,061.70
Market Roads 9,015,426 .9 8,113.88
Bond Sinking Fund
and Interest 9,015,426 4.5 40,569.42
Non-High School
Districts 4,967,111 3.4 16,888.18
Gam .66
Special Taxes Levied In Towns
Town Valuation Mills Tax
Heppner $692,057 13.3 $ 9,204.36
Lexington 75,163 19.1 1,435.61
Ine, 120,555 17.4 2,097.66
Boardman 25,872 36.8 952.09
Loss oi
Special Taxes Levied in Other
Taxing; Districts
West Extension Irrigation District $5,362.05
Forest Fire Patrol 1,670.90
Special Taxes Levied in Union High
School District
Dist. No. Valuation Mills Tax
1 $477,916 2.7 $1,290.37
Bonds & Interest .... 477,916 7.0 3,345.41
Bonds & Interest .. 2,990 7.0 20.93
Gain .02
(Comprised of Districts Nos. 19, 40 and 51)
This is on land taken from Union High
School District and put into District No. 6.
Union High School No. 1 is not a Stand
ard High School. Valuation Is included in
and tax extended in Non-High.
Dist. No.
Special Taxes Levied in School Districts
Dist. No.
5 307,901
6 191,909
8 - 140,309
9 122,092
10 871,296
11 88,461
12 426,937
14 175,766
15 125,377
16 48,681
17 119,588
18 77,875
19 84,906
21 93,200
22 17,190
23 101,527
24 92,033
25 918,590
26 328,459
27 129,315
Mills Tax
18.7 $ 16,780.24
4.9 1,180.43
1.7 316.23
"".5 153795
"".7 854.64
14.0 12,198.14
15.2 6489"44
2.6 456.99
5.6 702.11
16.1 783.76
4.3 514.23
29 $ 65,786
31 137,296
32 125,567
33 14,460
34 367,318
35 605.694
36 109,918
37 132,653
38 110,438
39 313,411
40 234,065
41 186,028
42 137,878
48 68,424
49 49,543
50 134,601
51 158,945
53 82,528
69 83.080
0 194,751
Mills Tax
7.2 $ 473.66
3.2 439.35
5.6 703.13
"2.4 401.56
6.6 3,997.68
3.0 329.75
"".8 88.35
1.3 407.43
"5.2 ' 967"35
2.7 372.27
"".9 121.14
"7.8 648.02
$ 65,052.56
Special Bonds and Interest Taxes Levied
in School Districts
Dist. No. Valuation Mills Tax
1 ...$879,339
10 871,296
12 426,937
25 918,590
27 129,315
35 605,694
59 83,080
$ 4,666.16
$ 20,879.92
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing
is a true and correct statement, according
to the records of my office. t
County Assessor.
Dated this 26th day of January, 1938.
General Summary
State, County and General School..! 58,600.38
Roads and Bridges . 36,061.67
Market Roads 8,114.09
Bond Sinking Fund and Interest 40569.62
Non-High School Districts , 16,888.35
Towns 13,689.71
West Extension Irrigation Dist. 6,362.05
Forest Fire Patrol 1,670.90
Union High District l!29o!37
Union High Bonds and Interest - 3!366.36
Special Schools 65,052.56
Special Schools Bonds and Inter-
est 20,879.92
Tax Collected by Assessor $ 55.76