Thursday, January 20, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three LEXINGTON NEWS New Leaders Set For Rebekahs, I.O.O.F. By Bertha Hunt The I. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodges of this community went to Heppner Wednesday evening, Jan. 12, where joint installation was held. One big feature was the turkey dinner serv ' ed at 6:30. Thirty-four attended from here. Those installed from Lexington were, I. 0. O. F., Joe Thornburg, noble grand; Dan Way, vice grand; George Peck, secretary; W. F. Barnett, treasurer; Rebekahs, Norma Marquardt, noble grand; Ann Johnson, vice grand; Margaret Leach, secretary; Trina Parker, treasurer. G. A. Olssen, chief clerk of the railway mail service and Chas. Cox, Heppner postmaster, called at the local postoffice one day last week. The Home Economics club met at the home of Mrs. Laura Rice Thurs day, Jan. 13, with Mrs. Ann Miller and Mrs. Margaret Miller assisting hostesses. The program was plan ned by Carna Campbell. Songs with Miss Dona Barnett at the piano, and readings by Mrs. Norma Marquardt and Mrs. Laura Scott were enjoyed. Following the business session, Ruth Lasich gave the report of Emil Lud wig's book, "The Nile." Carna Camp bell will report on V. Sackville West's book, "Depita," at the next club meeting to be held at the home of Anne Johnson in Lexington with Mrs. Alta Brown as hostess. Those present were club members Alta Cutsforth, Anna Smouse, Pearl De vine, Maude Pointer, Emma White, Bertha Nelson, Norma Marquardt, Frieda Slocum, Hortense Martin, Laura Scott, Bertha Dinges, Trina Parker, Carna Campbell, Dona Bar nett, Alta Brown, Laura Rice, Ann Miller and Margaret Miller. Addi tional guests were Ruth Lasich, Irene Rauch, Cecil Jackson, Anne Johnson, Cora Saling and Tempa Johnson. A delicious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Pieper and family motored to Hermiston on Saturday. Ralph Jackson and his daughter, Marcella, spent the week end in Portland. Otto Eugene, weight 8Vfe pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Ruhl at the home of Mrs. Corda Saling in Heppner Saturday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Helms of Pendleton spent one day last week in this community visiting with rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. John Lasich and Harry Dinges made a short business trip to Portland Saturday. Edward Rice who has spent some time in Portland has returned to his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt and daughter and Mrs. Eslie Walker and children motored to Hardman Mon day. They were accompanied by J. C. Walker who returned to his home after spending several days visiting at the Walker home. Mrs. Sarah White is driving a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt enter tained Mr. and Mrs. James Leach and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell at their home Sunday evening. Mrs. Wm. Van Winkle entertained a group of ' youngsters at her home last Sunday afternoon with a party honoring her daughter Lorine, who celebrated her ninth birthday on that day. Besides games, a taffy pull was enjoyed. Refreshments of cake, salad and punch were served. Those present were Marion Miller, Laurene Van Winkle, Marcille Pie per, Audrey Majeske, Jean Rauch, Patricia Majeske, Louise Hunt, June Van Winkle, Lavonne McMillan, Betty Jean Graves, Rena June Mes Rptv Ann Smethurst. Dor- V.A&W, ' othy Cutsforth, Carolyn Bauman, Jo Ann Graves, Colleen Miller, Ko berta Miller, Truman Messenger, Billv Scott. Wesley Fenore, Archie Padberg, Faye Cutsforth, Marjorie Bauman, Eileen Biddle, Marcella Jackson, Jimmy Bauman, Norman Ruhl. Reita Graves. Dean Graves, Buddy Peck, Jean Cutsforth, Buster Padhere and Roeer Campbell. Among those attending the dance at Hermiston Saturday night were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock, Helen Rroshoars. Doris Klineer, Lyle Al lyn, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rauch and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way Mustangs Trounce Fossif Quintet The two cellar teams of the Up per Columbia Athletic league met here last Friday on the local court, and while the lowermost team could have descended farther into the gloomy depths of the league stand ings, it went the opposite way, with the favored team losing, as Heppner won its first conference game of the season by trouncing Fossil, 40 to 23. Occasionally, Heppner- displayed the same championship stride that carried them to their last victory, that over Grant Union of John Day, one of the ranking teams of this district. The Mustangs were a scrap ping team, seeking their first con ference win over the team that had previously defeated them. Fossil was the favorite of local fans because of its early season win, plus the fact that Arlington had beaten Fossil by a much smaller score than it did Heppner. The Mus tangs got the jump on the boys hailing from Wheeler county by the baskets of Van Marter and Barratt, and at the end of the third quarter, Heppners half-time lead of 19 to 15 was increased to 33 to 19. From there on, Heppner coasted to victory. Lanky La Verne Van Marter, Mus tang center, accounted personally for 24 points in this game, one more tally than the entire Fossil quintet scored during the evening. ALL-DAY MEETING SET Willows grange home economics club will have an all-day pot-luck dinner meeting at the home of Mrs. George Krebs at Cecil on Friday, Jan. 21. A white elephant party will be a part of the amusement of the meeting. GRANGE MEETS 22ND Willows grange will hold the reg ular business meeting for January at Cecil, Saturday, Jan. 22. : 4 l : BUY MOW! Supply Limited! Prices Reduced! STARTS FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20 HEPPNER, ORE. A N Men's Heavy Cotton (Underwear CLEARING AT 79c CLEARING Men's Sleeveless SWEATERS Odds and Ends 50c K A ALL WOOL SKQRTS 1.00 Clearing One Group ( BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS $1.50 pair Men's Cotton 0X Plain Colors Limited Supply 5c pair N A 46" Oilcloth 15C yd. While it Lasts 27" White Outing FLANNEL NOW ONLY 82C yd. Women's and Misses' Tuckstitch UNDOES 2 for 25c A Terry Towels Limited Supply 7c V K Look! Buy Now! Clearing One Group Boys1 Dress Pants $1.00 Broken sizes Clearing One Group BOYS' PRE-SHRUNK OVERALLS 50C pair Not all sizes left pair Men's Canvas Gloves 5c pair V ' Clearing N All PLAY SUDTS 25c l V DISH CLOTHS 3c each 70x80 Part Wool SINGLE BLANKETS 90c Many other items not listed here have been reduced CLEARING h Odds and Ends Men's Heavy SHIRTS Sl.OO Boys' Blue Chambray SHIRTS 29c Wizard SHEETS 81 x99 59c r Kayon A Embroidery THREAD lc' Skein 70x80 DOUBLE COTTON BLANKETS Sl.OO une uroup 01 LADIES' Silk Hose of higher prices at 35c , PAIR Men's Blanket Lined JUMPERS $1.49 1 Ilwi$ HEPPNER, OREGON and family.