Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 20, 1938, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, January 20, 1938
Sympathy Shown
Fire Sufferers
Friends and neighbors gathered
at the Congregational church parlor
last Friday afternoon when Mrs.
Lewis Ball was given a shower of
household articles to help replace
those lost in the fire which destroyed
their home recently. About sixty la
dies were present and Mrs. Ball re
ceived many useful and lovely gifts.
Refreshments were served.
Mrs. M. R. Morgan has been very
ill the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smouse were
called to The Dalles last Friday by
the serious illness of their grandson,
Bobby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orlo
Martin of Moro. The boy seemed to
be suffering from infection of un
known origin and was in the hospital
for observation. Later he improved
so that his parents were able to re
turn home with him.
At the Union Sunday school last
Sunday it was voted ' to use the
amount of money left over from the
Christmas treat fund, about eight
dollars, and add to it enough funds
from the Sunday school treasury to
make ten dollars, the total to be
sent to the county committee which
is in charge of the drive for the in
fantile paralysis fund. The Women's
Missionary society voted to give five
dollars to this same cause.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ledbetter and
family and Mrs. Wm. Rowell, all of
Hood River, were Sunday visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Miss Bernice Wilcox, daughter of
Mrs. T. C. Riffe, is visiting her
The Women's Topic club party will
be given at the home of Mrs. Bert
Mason Saturday evening, Jan. 22.
The February study meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Clel Rea
on the date announced in the pro
grams. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Botts are the
parents of a son born at Heppner,
Jan. 17.
Mrs. Roy Brown spent the week
end at her home in Hermiston.
Mrs. Irvin Padberg was a visitor
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J
Blake Tuesday.
Itinerant preachers Wainright and
Campbell will conduct religious ser
vices at the Christian church next
Friday evening and also on Sunday.
Notice of any further meetings will
be made later. These gentlemen
state that they are non-denominational
and invite everyone interested
to attend.
Mrs. Perry Bartlemay of Duncan
arrived Tuesday to visit her moth
er, Mrs. M. R. Morgan.
Gene Grabill is home and able to
be around after his recent operation
for the removal of his appendix at
The Dalles.
Mrs. French Burroughs left last
Wednesday for Kirksville, Mo., for
a visit with her son Glen and fam
ily. Mrs. M. V. Ray is working at
the ranch while she is away.
Mrs. Agnes Wilcox is visiting a
sister at Redmond. Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Denny took her over. They
returned Friday.
Mrs. J. E. Crabtree of Salem is
working at the home of Mrs. Henry
Krebs in Cecil. Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Crabtree brought her up.
Paul Pettyjohn and Ed Powell
drove to Portland Sunday.
The play chosen to be presented
by this year's junior class is a three
act comedy farce, "Melodrama in
Nankipoo." It is to be given March
18, at the high school gym-auditorium.
The following cast has been
selected: Marjorie Landis, Mary Jane
Casteel; Mr. Landis, Robert Scriv
ner; Mrs. Landis, Bethal Blake; Aunt
Mary, Juanita Phelps; Helen Ste
vens, Sibyl Howell; Jimmie Barlow,
Bill Barratt; Jack Dixon, John Craw
ford; Horace Bilgewater Dilling
ham, Omer McCaleb; Miss Kelly,
Frances McCarty; Von Blagden, Joe
Aiken; Burke, Leland Edmondson.
The action of the play revolves
around a group of small town peo
ple trying to battle their way to the
glamorous motion picture metrop
olis Hollywood. Horace Bilgewater
Dillingham, a local "genius," writes
a "melodramatic masterpiece" in
which he employs the age old mort
gage theme with Simon Legree, Lit
tle Nell, and all the over-acting, vil
lainous gloating, and other laugh
provoking characteristics so remin
iscent of by-gone days and by-gone
With the people of the town as
actors, Horace's play is to be pre
sented before a famous motion pic
ture director who is to decide on
their ability to act. However, two or
three of the characters, very much
annoyed at the way events are
transpiring, plot secretly to change
the play around so as to make it ap
pear as ludicrous as possible.
Farmers to Plan Future
In County Conferences
Not what Oregon farmers can
grow nor even what they would like
to grow, but rather what can be
grown and sold at a profit now and
in the future will be given detailed
study at a forthcoming series of 36
county agricultural economic con
ferences, starting the last week in
January and continuing to early in
As a result of similar conferences
held over the past 15 years, many
changes have been made in Oregon
agriculture which were planned in
advance to meet changing conditions.
A review of past findings in the light
f recent developments and improved
farm home life in future agricultural
development are objectives sought in
the new series of conferences, ac
cording to farm leaders and 0. S. C.
extension men in charge of advance
"With some curtailment of some
of our crops apparently in the off
ing, Oregon producers are faced with
the question of what to grow in or
der to maintain and continue to in
crease the state's agricultural in
come," says F. L. Ballard, vice-director
of extension, in commenting
on the value of such conferences.
"Oregon is a relatively new state in
many phases of its agriculture. The
last 15 years have seen a tremendous
adjustment in production in Oregon.
"We have seen the small seed bus
iness approach a four million dollar
volume. Here we have no surplus
crop, and one which will stand long
shipment because of its concentrated
form. We have seen the turkey bus
iness grow to approximately one
million birds annually, in competi
tion with all the turkey states there
are. We have seen apples drop from
70,000 acres of trees down to 20,000,
and pears increase from 10,000 to
25,000 acres at the same time.
"In every county of the state, far
mers themselves, in cooperation with
the extension service, will give these
and other adjustments review in the
light of new conditions."
January conferences are: Linn,
January 24; Josephine, January 25;
Jackson and Marion, January 26;
Douglas and Washington, January
27; Coos and Yamhill, January 28;
Clackamas and Curry, January 29.
Most Amazing
FIRST TIME ! Remington's
new purchase plan now teu
you buy through our More genuine lutest mode
Remington Portable direct from the factory for
only 10o day. Not ued or rebuilt. Not incom.
plete. A beautiful brand new regulation Kemjng.
ton Portable. Standard 4-row keyboard, aundard
width carriage, margin release on keyboard, back
spacer, automatic ribbon reverse, exclusive Hem.
ington feature "Self Starter" paragraph key,
every essential feature found on standard type
writers. ,
With your machine we send yon free a iu-page
course- in typewriting. Teaches touch system
quickly, easily. Soon you dash off letters quicker
than with pen and ink. You also get a handsome,
sturdy carrying case free.
Hardman Plans
Birthday Events
Mrs. G. I. Clary was appointed
chairman by the county board in
charge of the infantile paralysis
drive. She appointed B. H. Bleak
man to be in charge of subscrip
tions, Carey Hastings and Max
Buschke are arranging the dance,
the community and Rebekahs are
making a quilt and giving a supper.
Mrs. Carey Hastings is in charge of
serving the supper; Mrs. Roy Rob
inson is chairman of the soliciting
committee; Mrs. Stanley Robinson's
committee is selling chances on the
quilt, but they will appreciate any
additional heh The committee for
making the quilt, with Mrs. Dick
Steers as chairman, met at the high
school Monday afternoon and work
ed hard all day. Mrs. Muriel Mc
Cutcheon is in charge of the candy
committee. The quilt will be disposed
of at the dance.
At the regular meeting of the
Community Sing, plans for raising
money for the infantile paralysis
fund were discussed at length. Don
ajd Robinson played two solps on
his new accordion. Miss Vera Mc
Daniel sang "The Pickininny Lulla
by." Mrs. Everett Harshman has re
turned to her home in Eighjt Mile.
The party for Miss Morton and
Mrs. James Bannon will be at 3
o'clock instead of 2:30.
Miss Iris Morton led the Christian
Endeavor meeting Sunday night.
Miss Frances Inskeep will lead next
Sunday's meeting.
Mrs. Roy Robinson has been
spending several days at their ranch
but arrived home Saturday in time
for the dance.
On Tuesday afternoon the student
body voted unanimously that we
have good weather for two weeks,
but on Wednesday morning Old
Mother Nature reconsidered the
motion in favor of snow.
Mrs. Floyd Adams and children
spent the week end at their ranch
below Hardman.
Mrs. Everett Harshman took her
little son, Gay, to Heppner Saturday
for a medical examination. She was
accompanied by her mother, Mrs.
Kinnard McDaniel.
Don't forget the next dance this
coming Saturday night. Come and
dance to the good old time music
Enters Body
Stomach and
Intestines to
Ease Pain
w. a
The speed with which Bayer tab
lets act in relieving the distressing
symptoms of colds and accompany
ing sore throat is utterly amazing
. . . and the treatment is simple
and pleasant. This is all you do.
Crush and dissolve three genuine
Bayer Aspirin tablets in one-third
glass of water. Then gargle with
this mixture twice, holding your
head well back.
This medicinal gargle will act
almost like a local anesthetic on
the sore, irritated membrane of
your throat. Pain eases promptly;
rawness is relieved.
You will say it is remarkable.
And the few cents it costs effects
a big saving over expensive "throat
gargles" and strong medicines.
And when you buy, see that you
get genuine BAYER ASPIRIN.
l.l FOR 12
Virtually 1 cent a tablet
by Scott Brown's orchestra. Every
body come and help with the down
fall of infantile paralysis.
An enjoyable time was reported
at the last dance here Saturday
The last Let's Talk meeting was
short but sweet, with President Mar
vin Brannon 'and Secretary Iris
Morton acting in a very efficient
Two small skifts of snow fell in
Hardman Sunday and Monday. It is
rather cold and disagreeable.
Visitors to Heppner Saturday were
Lewis Batty and Harlan Adams.
Charles Johnson was in Heppner
Friday at which time the doctor re
moved stitches from a cut on his arm
received about a week before. He
also received treatment for a sty
on his eye.
Mrs. Josephine Mahoney, J. L.
Gault and Henry Aiken were out
here Tuesday to discuss plans for
Hradman's share of Morrow coun
ty's quota for the infantile paralysis
Visitors at the Lewis Batty home
Sunday were Kenneth and Gilbert
Batty and Verne Sell.
Rev. Ralph V. Hinkle, archdeacon
of Eastern Oregon, held services
Sunday night following Christian
Endeavor. There was a better than
average attendance.
Carey Hastings went to Heppner
Tuesday to attend to business.
Mr. and Mrs. Duff McKitrick and
son and Walt McKitrick of lone were
visiting here last week end.
Those going to installation and
the turkey feed in Heppner last
Wednesday night were Mr. and Mrs.
L. C. Batty, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc
Daniel, Nelse and Henry Knighten,
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings, Elmer
and Gus Steers, Leon Chapin, Mrs.
Dick Steers and Billy Reynolds.
Carey Hastings took Jap Walker
to the doctor and later in the week
Bill Greener took him to Heppner
from where he went to spend a few
days at Lexington with his son, Es
lie Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McDonald
and son Monte went to spend a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Duff McKitrick in lone.
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bleakman and
family have moved into the living
quarters adjoining the- store.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rogers of
Kinzua have been visiting friends
and relatives here for a few days.
Just Thuoght of Something
Donald is studying Roberts' rules
of order. .
Loes should study up on Emily
Post's book of etiquette.
Why are Rita and Vera down
hearted? Why is Vern so happy today?
She didn't "esk 'em" she "told
'em," eh, Donald and Marvin?
Robert Hiller, former local CCC
who was mustered out last July and
returned to Massachusetts, writes
the Gazette Times to send him the
paper at 394 Main St., Brockton,
where he is employed with an auto
supply company. He writes that his
heart is in Heppner where he spent
the happiest days of his life, and Tie
is in hopes of returning here. Hiller
was one of the boys who sustained
injuries in a truck accident at Her
miston while enrolled here.
NOW . . . You can renew your subscription to the HEPPNER
GAZETTE TIMES . . . ONE YEAR ... and get 3, 4 or 5 of
your favorite magazines at a tremendous bargain. Don't wait 'til your
subscription runs out . . . Renew NOW before this offer is with
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You Want)
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Woman's Home Companion 1 Yr.
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Christian Herald .... 6 Mo.
Parents' Magazine ... 6 Ma
Good Stories 2 Yr.
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Open Road for Boys . . 16 Mo,
The Country Home . . . 2 Yr.
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American Poultry Journal . 2 Yr.
Breeders' Gazette . . . . 2 Yr.
Poultry Tribune 2 Yr.
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