Thursday, January 13, Court Proceedings For December Term Be it remembered that County Court met in regular session at the Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 1st day of De cember, 1937, this being a regular time for holding a term of said Court, when were present: Bert Johnson, Judge; George N. Peck, Commissioner; L. D. Neill, Com missioner; C. W. Barlow, Clerk; C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff; Frank C. Alfred, District Attorney. The minutes of the November term of Court were read and ap proved. In the Matter of Claims: At this time the various claims against the County were presented and the Court approved, disapproved or continued them and ordered ap proved claims paid by the proper warrant from the proper funds. Court orders sale of lands describ ed as the East 99 feet of lots 4 and 5, Block 4, to the Town of Heppner, Oregon, for the sum of One Hundred Fifteen and No-100 Dollars. Court orders sale of county, prop erty acquired by tax sales described as Lots 13 and 14, Block 38, and lots 4, 5, 6,- 7, 8, 19 and 20, Block 30, all in the Town of Irrigon, Oregon. Min imum price $40.00. In the Matter of the Budget for 1938: At this' time the Court considered the Budget as published and the same was approved as a whole ex cept the following: The State tax was lowered to the amount of $00.00, and the Elementary School to the amount of $15,099.16; this being the amount as set forth . by the State Tax Commission. The following items were raised to the following amounts: Sheriffs Deputies $2,970.00 Sheriffs Books, Blanks, Incidentals, Travel 935.00 Sheriffs Tax Collections 605.00 Jail Board and Expense 385.00 Official publications and Tax Foreclosures 550.00 Emergency 5,500.00 In the Matter of the Establishment of a County Road: On this day came G. W. Rugg who presents to the Court the petition of twelve freeholders residing within said Road District praying for the establishment of a county road de scribed as follows: Beginning at the end of the present county road at what is .known as the Vey gate on Big Butter Creek, thence up Big Butter Creek to the intersection with the present county road from Vinson down Big Butter Creek to the Morrow County Line. And it satisfactorily appearing to the Court, from proof filed herein, that due notice of the pendency of this proceeding has been given as by law required; that at least twelve of said petitioners are legal free hold ers of this County, residing in said road district, and that a good and sufficient bond has been filed. It is Therefore Ordered by the Court, That the Board of County Road Viewers meet on Monday, the 13th day of December, 1937, or in case of their failure to meet on said Want Ads RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on fanners in Morrow County. No experience or capital required. Steady work. Make up to $12 daily. Write MR. OVERLAND, 4613 S. Jay Street, Tocoma, Washington. - Lost New tire chain between my place and town. Guy Huston. Hay for sale, 75 tons 1st & 2nd crop alfalfa. Emma Holub, lone. 44-46p. Will care for children afternoon or evening, reasonable. Bonnie Cochran. . Why not buy an income with a home, furnished or not? Reasonable, easy terms. Bonnie Cochran, city. Chas. Smith residence for sale. Duvall & Eubanks, Hotel Heppner Bldg. . Rhea creek ranch for sale or trade. Gerald Slocum, city. 34tf Notson residence for sale. Inquire at residence. 30tf 1938 Heppner day then within five days thereafter, to survey, view, lay out, alter or straighten said road or re-establish the monuments thereon, and assess the damages suffered by each party through whose premises said road is located. The Court appointed Harry Tam blyn, F. S. Parker, and A. A. Mc Cabe as the road viewers in the above matter. Court ordered sale of lands pur chased at delinquent tax sales de scribed as the SEV4, NNEy4 of Sec tion 28, Twp. 2 North, Rg. 26 E. W. M. Minimum price $120.00. Court ordered transferral of ap propriations as follows: From the Assessor's Field Work Approp. to the Assessor's Books and Incidentals Approp. From the Superintendent's Travel Approp. to the Superintendent's Books and Incidentals Approp. From the Widows' and Old Age Pension Appropriations to the Poor Approp. From the Market Road Approp. to the General Road Approp. From the Emergency Fund Ap propriation to the following: County Court Approp. Sheriff's Tax Collections Approp. Sheriff's Books and Incidentals Approp. Treasurer's Salary Approp. Deputy Assessor's Salary Approp. Clerk's Deputy Salary Approp. Coroner's Appropriation. Courthouse Fuel Approp. Courthouse Incidentals Approp. Jail Expense Approp. District Attorney's Approp. Bonds Approp. Insurance Approp. Deputies' Sheriff Salaries Approp. Clerk's Books and Incidentals Ap prop. WARRANTS ISSUED DECEMBER, 1937 General Fund Circuit Court: W. O. Bayless $9.20, Hanson Hughes $9.20, H. E. Clark $13.60, Russell D. Moore $14.00, George N. Ely $12.60, J. I. Hanna $10.60, Robert Smith $14.00, Emmett Ayers $2.20, J. L. Yeager $2.20, Jack Andrews $2.20, Chas. A. Marquardt $5.60, Roy E. Ball $16.00, Phil Hirl $7.80, Chas. R. McAlister $6.20, David Hynd $5.80, M. C. Finch $8.60, Oscar Peterson $8.40, Roy Quackenbush $3.20, Carl L. Allyn $6.60, George W. Rand $17.00, Emil Groshens $3.20, Lee Beckner $8.20, Edmond Gonty $3.20, Frank Engelman $6.60, William Greener $9.00, Lester Hunt $3.20, Kenneth Batty $7.00, Ed Bennett $3.20, Oris Padberg $4.80, W. H. In stone $5.80, W. E. Pruyn $3.20, Alex Green $3.20, W. C. Isom $17.00, Creed Owen $3.20, Leo Gorger $8.60, R. B. Rice $7.00, Terrel Benge $6.60, Earle Bryant $3.00. Pac. Power & Light, Court House : $ 39.51 West Coast Printing & Bind ing Co., Treasurer 37.50 Clerk 6.40 Assessor 26.00 Heppner Gazette Times, Supt. $33.25, Sheriff $21.50, Tax Col. $47.10, Clerk $11.12, Off. Pub. $12.60, Treas. $.25 125.82 Frank C. Alfred, Dist. Atty 10.00 Pac Tel. &. Tel. Co., Current Expense 49.70 Emp. Don. Funt No. 8, Poor .. 15.00 C. J. D. Bauman, Cir. Ct. $13.00, Sher. $46.20, Jail $1.50 60.70 L W. Briggs, Treasurer 13.25 Thomas J. Wells .Assessor 2.00 Humphreys Drug Co., Supt. $3.00, Jail $.75, Treas. $.30.... 4.05 Huston's Grocery, Jail 66.39 D. A. Wilson, Jail 1.95 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt., Mil. $13.91, Supt. $5.71 19.62 Mack C. Smith, Emergency (Ditch Creek) 76.77 George N. Peck, County Court 86.60 M. Clarke Webb, Sealer 5.08 Althea Stoneman, Emergency (Nurse) 50.00 Bert Johnson, County Court 23.85 State Ind. Acc Com., Emerg. (D. C.) $3.31; Sheriff $8.35.... 11.66 L. D. Neill, County pourt 78.95 Thomson Brothers, Jail 80 Bert Johnson, Poor 395.52 Ray McCarroll, County Clerk 5.00 Frank C. Alfred, Dist. Atty. 17.75 L. E. Dick, Emergency 25.00 C. J. D. Bauman, Current Ex pense 50.00 Bert Johnson, C. J., Poor 7.88 Bert Johnson, C. J., Widows' Pensions 87.75 Bert Johnson, C. J., Old Age Pensions : 313.69 Shepard's Citations, Circuit Gazette Times, Heppner, Court 10.00 M. Clarke Webb, Sealer 4.18 F. W. Turner, Bonds 50.00 A. E. Burkenbine, Jail 8.85 Joe Delameter, Jail 42.00 Pac. Power & Light Co., Jail 41.71 C. W. Barlow, Clerk, Current Expense 10.86 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Current Expense 38.70 C. B. Cox, Current Expense .. 18.92 Remington Rand, Inc., Current Expense 8.40 Treasurer 4,50 Bruce Bothwell, Court House 6.75 Burroughs Add. Mch. Co., Emergency 463.50 Bert Johnson, County Court .. .90 George N. Peck, County Court 20.20 L. D. Neill, County Court 50.00 Gazette Times, Clerk 15.25 General Roads Wm. Greener $66.47, Mrs. Crystal Barlow $32.51, Geo. White $8.46, City of Heppner, Water Dept. $2.20, Frank P. Leicht $112.17, E W. Peck $41.70, Heppner Blacksmith & Mchy. Co. $101.95, Humphreys Drug Co. $.50, Pacific Power & Light Co. $4.21, Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. $3.05, A. J. Chaffee $112.25, Vernon Munkers $103.74, Wm Cunningham $74.75, Chas. Wil liams $29.74, Ralph Marlatt $246.74, Albert Connor $76.99, Clair Ash baugh $76.24, Harold Sherer $17.14, H. Peck $17.94, G. Peck $17.94, L. N. Morgan $112.25, Walter Gilman $74. 75, Ray Brown $23.94, E. R. Ash $23.94, G. McCloth $25.93, Robt. S. Wilson $60.75, Ralph Harwood $23.94, O. B. Olsen $2.99, Aaron Hug $17.95, Marion Hayden $94.53, Harold Sher er $40.83, Harold Peck $40.83, Grover Peck $38.83, Frank W. Gentry $87.80, Jim Farley $44.80, Standard Stations $11.80, Claud Coats $.35, Braden-Bell Tractor Co. $168.50, Harry Tamblyn $120.55, Shell Oil Co. $376.58, Fergu son Motor Co. $43.47, O. Coryell $54.29, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. $5.35, Frank Nixon $35.82, Union Oil Co. $137.86, H. S. Taylor $74.08, M. V. Nolan $105.73, Jack Stotts $70.26, Union Pacific Railroad $2.11, C. A. Kane $49.11, Feenaughty Machinery Co. $157.79, Kilham Stationery & Printing Co. $.28, Tom Caldwell $53. 27, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. $.30, Feenaughty Machinery Co. $404.81, Bert Johnson $60.00, J. B. Adams $29.69, Jas. Stevens $15.67, Forest Adams $20.71, L. Batty $2.76, St. Ind. Acc. Com. $72.03, Feenaughty Mchy. Co. $39.43, W. H. Tucker' $9.00, Green's Hardware $1.40, Thomson Brothers $.13, Montgomery Ward & Co. $58.58, Frank S. Parker $3.00, A. A. McCabe $3.00, Levi Morgan $25.00, C. R. Langdon $10.00, Glenn Sherer $10.00, Earl Snell, Sec. of State $12.00, S. C. Russell $26.51, Sanders Magneto Service $27.17, Columbia Equipment Co. $38.04, Tum-A-Luh Lumber Co. $12.35, Kilham Stationery & Print ing Co. $2.28, Pac. Power & Light Co. $9.25, C. W. Barlow, County Clerk $1.00, Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co $3.10, Howard Cooper Corp. $57.68, Fee naughty Machinery Co. $6.93. Market Foads General Roads $60.00, Frank W. Gentry $31.44, Jim Fraley $17.94, Marion Hayden $9.72, Harold Sherer $8.97, Harold Peck $8.97, Grover Peck $8.97, Henry Schwarz $112.25, Dale Ray $70.26, Harry Tamblyn $137.38, Omar Rietmann $2.60, State Ind. Acc. Com. $10.90. Walter R. Corley, Dog Fund ....$45.00 Gov. Martin on KOAC Jan. 13 Corvallis A New Year's address by Governor Charles H. Martin, in which he will summarize the "state of the commonwealth," as he sees it, will be given over KOAC, the state-owned radio station, January 13, at 7 o'clock. Governor Martin, who will be introduced by President George W. Peavy of Oregon State college, will summarize accomplish ments of the past year and direct at tention to possible progress in 1938. Get results with G. T. want ads. TRA No other cough drop offers you the extra benefit that Smith Brothers Cough Drops (Two kinds ... Black or Menthol, 5tf) give you:- SmithBros.CoughDropsaretheonlydropscontainingVITAMINA This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections. Oregon OSC Enrollment Up As Profs Work Hard Corvallis Heavy enrollment of new and former students at the start of the winter term at OSC more than offset the number who were dropped because of inability to suc ceed in college work, so that total registration during the first week in January actually ran ahead of the comparable period in the record high fall term. By the end of the first week, 3933 students had enrolled, a 9 per cent increase over the previous year. Indications were that the winter term might come near equalling the final fall term, which set an all-time record of 4068. Instructors, faced with bulging classrooms and heavy schedules, were reporting no trou ble with the so-called "excess leisure problem." Canadian Wild Rye Excclls Pendleton Canadian wild rye grass produced a stand unexcelled by any othe grass among the 1937 seed ings in the Ukiah forage nursery, reports County Agent W. A. Holt. Beardless blue bunch wheatgrass also showed excellent stand and de velopment when observed late this fall, and blue bunch wheatgrass also showed well, having made about half the growth of the beardless variety, Holt said. English rye grass made a better than average stand and was green quite late, considering the elevation. Other grasses making good showings were blue wild rye, mead ow fescue, orchard grass and slen der wheat. Of the older plantings, made about 1928, crested wheat grass continued to lead in general excellence, he said. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the Court Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, adminis trator of the estate of Lizzie I. Cox, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to pre- Oysters and Shell Fish NOW IN SEASON Marine delicacies lend zest to our menus. Try our Fountain Service o A Good Meal Anytime at the Elkhorn Restaurant ED CIHNN, Prop. MARK Page Seven sent the same to the undersigned administrator with proper vouchers at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published at Heppner, Oregon, this 13th day of January, 1938. F. D. COX, Administrator. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT. IN THE COUNTY COURT OP Trna STATE OP OREGON -FOR THE EStmEFntMORROW' proba Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as administrator C. T A. of hot ?-,ta?f ."ian M- Baker- deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and that Monday, the 7th day of February, 1937, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the court room of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and Pw forAh,? heafln& of objections thereto and the settlement thereof 1937 t6d and first published Dec. 16. Date of last publication, Jan. 13 1938. A . , STANLEY W. BAKER. ?m,1altrator,witn the annexed. Cookingham and Hanley, Attorneys NOTICE OP SALE OF BEAL FBOP. EKTY BY EXECUTOR. Notice is hereby given that pursuant S'he1JJy in him vested by the Will of Wm. Hendrix, deceased, and by order of the County Court of the State or Oregon for Morrow County duly made and entered on the 13th day of December, 1937, the undersigned as ex ecutor of said Will of said deceased, will on and after the 15th day of Jan uary, 1938, sell at private sale for caah or credit, or for cash and credit certain real property of said estate known as the Tash ranch, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: The W of SE, and SWV4 of Sec lm",?9, EX,f,,SE Nw& of SEV. Wand of NE of Sen ,P.yo0f,NW1 and NW of NE& of Section 32, all in Township 4 South, Range 25 E. W. M., except- to?wit-erefrm the followlng tracts- Commencing at the Northwest corner of the .NE of NE4 of Sec tion 30 in Township 4 S. R. 25 E. W. M., running thence South 25 ?dsk. thence East 24 rods, thence North 25 rods, thence West 24 rods to the place of beginning, contain ing 3 3-4 acres; ALSO, commencing at a point on Section line, 6 chains East of the Northwest corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 30, thence running East 25 1-3 rods, thence bouth 25 1-3 rods, thence West 25 1-3 rods, thence North 25 1-3 rods to the place of beginning, contain ing 4 acres, more or less, all in Mor row County, Oregon. All persons desiring to submit bids for the above described real property may submit such bids in writing to the undersigned at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, at any time from and after the date of the first pub 1 cation of this notice and up to the time that actual sale of said real prop ety is made. v Dated and first published this 16th day of December, 1937. juun WIGHTMAN. Executor. NOTICE OP FINAL AcrinrrwT. Tmu'f ,h?rebj: Biven that J- O. rwiJL' administrator of the estate of Charles Rector, deceased, has filed his final account of his adrninistra "ton of the said estate with the clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and the said Court has set as the time and place for hear inir on nnri fino? ti t:i S . . '.VurT ...... oc-Luciiiuiii. oi saia iinAi oTiH ; t'WyZJh-1938, a'. th? honuar eiiuuii oi sain nnv in the County Court room o 'the Court House of Morrow County, State of Ore f o"; fATne hav.inS objections to the boe'aidZe'1 mUSt ",e Same J. O. TURNER, Administrator 19?7ated and first Published Dec, 23. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT T,.rSi- Ls ,ne,reby given that J. o. urn?r' administrator of the estate of ff(edtlehfaReff0i che, deceased, h& filed his final account of his adminis tration of the said estate with the clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County and thL ?alr Court has set u the time and pllcl flaidhf?nrirg oh a"d final settlements said final account, January 31 193s at t,h nour of 10:00 in the forenoon of safd day, in hte County Court room of the kWST mUSt S 19?7atedJ- adtubli-stS18 NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that J n LUriJeiUardlan ' Ktate of Ma?: garet McKennon and Dallas McKennon. "'"ora, has filed his final amount of withadhln str1atio,ntv.of the 8aid estate with the clerk of the County Court of Jv6 S5tetK0f 0r?f- tor Morrow Coun f;aa"J'h said court has set as the time and place for hearing on and final art ?imein4f f,!nal account. Jan ary 31, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 in the forenoon of said day, in the County Court room of the Court House of Mor row County, State of Oregon. Anyone having objections to the slid finale date. mUHt fHe 8ar"e n or bef""e saTd J. O. TURNER, Guardian 3937 a"d firSt Published Dec? 23, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that T n Turner, administrator of the estate ot Frank Rector, deceased, has f led his final account of his administration of the said estate with the clerk of the ,U?,ty C()ur of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and the said Court has set as the time and place for hea?- inrr rn oti1 fiw,i K . - near mien auLuernent or said finni TZJb, a.t ?he hoC t.h rv.m,A, 01 ?a ? any. in V i ruurn 01 tne Court House of Morrow County, State of Ore fiw ftn"rne hav.ln objections to the befdorfelnslaldaCCd0Utet mUSt flle Same 0n " n-tJ-VS. Admlntatrator, 1937 yuuuanea Dec, 23,