Page Six THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of Heppner High School WmnTTPTttlMIMM1.t.tttlMimM...tttllH.MH1ir.tlHfnillttWHtUlimnl Events of the Past One Year Ago The varsity team of Heppner high school basketball squad defeated the town team 45-38 in the main game of last Friday night's sports performance; while the H. H. S. seconds lost to the Camp Heppner team to the tune of 35-14. . . . The Heppner school band se lected the musical numbers which it is going to play in the state cnotest to be held at Corvallis some time in April. . . . The H. H. S. Mustangs overcame another obstacle in their march for basketball honors by de feating the supposedly unstoppable Boardman auintet by a score of 30-23. Five Years Ago Mr. Robert Tur ner, who has just recently returned to this country from Japan, spoke to the student body about his travels in the Orient. . . . Local basket toss ers lost to the flashy Lexington Hi hoopsters 32-28 last Saturday night. The following Tuesday the squad motored to Umatilla and returned with a well-earned 20-13 victory over the Vikings. Ten Years Ago The Arlington Honkers snatched the fruits of vic tory from the Fighting Irish of Hepp ner in the last period of a thrilling battle. The final count was 15-13. . . . During the Christmas holidays, the high school library was moved from the main building to its new room in the recently-completed gymnasium. . . . The girls' basketball team of H. H. S. defeated the women's town team by a 14-8 score. The town team women were decidedly handicapped by lack of practice; however, the score does not indicate the true form of the older ferns, as all of their tallies were gathered the hard way. H.H.S. Can You Answer Them? What is the largest country in South America? Who is the governor of the Virgin Isles? Has the munitions embargo against Italy been lifted by President Roose velt? , H.H.S. Can You Imagine Why Pat Dooley has been so down hearted the last week? Douglas Drake not knowing where he was Saturday night? A boy without a plaid shirt? John Crawford winning two dol lars on the slot machine? Art McAtee with the romantic lead in the junior play? Vernon Knowles refereeing a bas ketball game? Shirley Wilson as lonely as a her mit? ' A semester without any examina tions? Bill Barratt suddenly changing seats with Mr. Peavy on the way to Arlington? Marvin without Joan? Everyone passing the semester ex aminations? Lawrence Wehmeyer not talking in the study hall? Lois Jones not reading? H.H.S. Yum! Yum! A week ago Tuesday the basket ball boys journeyed to the Barratt ranch to take part in a well man aged turkey dinner, which was given to the local players because they had beaten the Grant Union team and provided many thrills for the crowd. Van Marter and Aiken were victims of practical jokes launched by Mrs. Barratt and Mr. Knox. After the dinner, the boys who could walk with such a full stomach were rushed to town and treated to a show by Dave Wilson. All of the players wish to thank Mrs. Barratt and Mr. Wilson for their fine enter tainment. H.H.S. Support the Annual It was decided by the student council to have a school annual this year. In previous years we have had just a memory book, which has taken the place of the school annual, The staff is composed of members of the different classes, mostly juniors Heppner and seniors. These students have a large responsibility, but with the support of everey member of the student body, we can make this an nual a success. . H.H.S. Here and There Paul McCarty journeyed to Port land over the weelc end. Harriet Hager and Jack Morton are still confined to their homes due to illness. A. H. Blankenship, N. E. Peavy and Mrs. Knox accompanied the bas ketball team to Arlington Saturday night. Due to a collision with the referee at the Arlington game, .Douglas Drake suffered a temporary loss of memory. Jackson Gilliam has been spend ing the past few days visiting in Pendleton. H H S PINTO-POINTS Basketball does have its rewards,- in more ways than one ... Hepp ner's victory over Grant Union in a nerve-wracking over-time period called for a celebration, a double one . . . Mrs. Garnet Borratt, whose eldest offspring is a member of the basketball team, entertained the boys with a turkey feed, and Dave Wilson, local merchant and owner of a men's clothing store at John Day, home town of the Grant Union hoopsters, and the sports-minded citizen who so graciously sponsored the advertisement in connection with that game, topped the bird feast by purchasing for each squad member a ticket of admission to last Tues day night's theater attraction. Any one who wants to take in a rough house basketball game may do so by wandering over to the gymnasium around 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Tuesday and Thursday, the days singled out as the ones on which the boys shall take physical education . . . tripping, rushing, hacking, and blocking, not to mention an occa sional on-the-sly tackle, are mere trifles in these drag-outs. The boys of the school down Lexington way, according to a bona fide member of that institution, would relish a crack at the boxing team of the local FFA chapter ... in Ellwyne Peck and Clayton they have a couple of heavy hitting mitmen as well as several other capable boxing aspirants should the Jackrabbit squared-circle enthusiasts take on the FFA same, competition will not be so keen, as some of this school's best boxers, not being members of that organization. cannot and do not box under the col ors of the future farmers' club; how ever, if our neighbors took on the "H" club fist-slinging artists, the best of opposition would be offered. Speaking of boxers, this writer, soon after arriving in Portland last Sat urday morning, saw one in the Union depot whose size would seem to be against him ... he happened to be Pablo Dano, classy Filipino feather weight . . . the brown doll, despite his weight of 122 and height of 4 feet 10 inches, consistently wins over men larger than he. The basketbal games this week end are the last in that sport, or any other high schoo. sport for that matter, for La Verne Van Marter ... his ineligibility has been declared by the powers-that-be of the Oregon High School Ath letic association . . . watch the scor ing ability of the red -headed center go into action tomorrow night. The high tension of competition between Heppner and Arlington was brought out in the Mustang's last game with them ... a slight cuff on the cheek roused the ire of another . . . sud denly, another retaliated . . . both were removed from the game tem porarily. Basketball may now be played in houses of business as well as on the standard court, but the former scene of play is one marked by a floor of much smaller scale the first to bring such a machine to this area, one of the leading restaur ants of Arlington has placed within its doors a game, which upon the insertion of a coin of proper size. weight, and value, is manipulated by levers that enable the indulger to shoot from practically any spot on the floor ... it evidently is quite popular, as on the evening of instal lation in the eating establishment. an "out of order" sign had to be placed on the device, probably the result of unfair play on the part of an over-anxious hoopman. H.H.S. Seniors Win In the second of a series of casaba Gazette Times, Heppner, contests, the senior class five eked out a 23-21 victory over the junior class quintet on the high school ma ple court last Thursday afternoon. The senior hoopmen got off to a fast start and held a 10-0 advantage at the end of the first period. The score at halftime stood 14-7. The sec ond half was decidedly ' rougher. Plavers on both sides committed fouls right and left, intentional and unintentional, which resulted in the discharging of two men. With one minute to go, the score was knotted at nineteen all. The senior hoopsters sank two field goals in quick suc cession to put the game on ice while holding their opponents to one bas ket. H.H.S. Humor Lloyd B. "I'm trying to break myself of talking to myself." Juanita P. "How do you do that?" Lloyd "I ask myself fool ques tions and then tell myself to shut up." The strikes have brought labor and capital much closer together the last year. They now live within a stone's throw of each other. "Hi, there, you; didn't you tell me you never got tired?" "Dat's right, boss. Ah alius stops an' rests befo' Ah get tiahed." Sailor "H o n e y, I've brought something for the one I love best. Guess what?" Honey "A box of cigars." Bill Browning "You mean to say there is a way to keep from hitting your thumb with a hammer? What is it? Arthur Mc"Hold the hammer in both hands." Omer McCaleb (talking to drug gist) "A dollar and a half for this prescription? That's a very high price. Druggist "No, sir; the drugs in it are very costly." Omer "Since when? I used to be a druggist myself." Druggist "Why didn t you say so? It'll be fifteen cents." - H.H.S. Guess What What is it that seems the craze, That sets every student's heart a blaze? It has something to do with a . horse laugh, And the bellowing of a love-lorn calf. It is something that is different and new; It is just dripping with something to do. When you hear that hog call, Don't ask questions, just go to the BARNYARD BRAWL. IRRIGON NEWS Close Game Taken By Umatilla Quintet By MRS. W. C. ISOM R. V. Jones purchased a i937 used car of the Rohrman Motor Co. at Hermiston Monday. A splendid basketball game was played by our boys with the Uma tilla school team on the home floor Monday night. The game was lost to Umatilla by one point, made at the very last of the game. A large crowd of home golks as well as Umatilla folks attended. Mrs. D. H. Gordon made a trip to The Dalles last week. Her son who was employed at The Dalles had re ceived a fractured arm and returned with her. Mr. Stevens left Tuesday for Gol dendale, Wash., to obtain work. Ed Adams made a trip to Spokane Sunday to visit a sister who had been ill for some time. Chester Wilson is busy building 'himself a trailer house. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McCoy are visiting in Portland. Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Isom visited Mr. and Mrs Russell McCoy at Boardman Sunday. Alice Wilson is staying with Mrs. J. A. Grabiel. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Jones Sunday. HOME EC CLUB TO MEET ' Willows grange H. E. club will meet at the home of Mrs. George Krebs at Cecil on Friday, Jan. 21. A white elephant club sale will be con ducted. Friends of the club members are invited to attend the meeting. This will be an all-day meeting. Oregon CAMP HEPPNER NEWS A group of about 25 enrollees of Camp Hepnper are now under the supervision of Morrow county's sher iff, Clarence Bauman. This supervis ion, however, is not from the strong arm of the law, but that of the edu cated brawn of boxer and wrestler Bauman who, with Rangeman Wood- row Morris, camp recreational di rector, is conducting classes in box ing and wrestling. With two classes a week in a regulation ring in tne county pavilion, Sheriff Bauman and Mr. Morris believe some of the boy's will be in shape soon to participate in regular smokers. In the meantime, plans call, for a tournament to se lect a champion from each of the two classes in which enrollees are now learning the law of besting fellow opponents in boxing and wrestling. The writing on the hill spells "Camp Heppner, Co. 297, C. C. C." and it is readily visible for miles around. It is not a neon or an elec trical sign, but it is plain lettering, arranged of rocks painted a cream color, pointing out for persons in terested the exact location of Camp Heppner among the vast area of roll ing hills. Enrollees Peter Ratolo and Joseph Accuno were the letterers and Robert Strausbough and Sam Leone the painters of this sign on the hill. Four tickets of admission to the Star theater in Heppner and a one dollar canteen book are the awards sought in a pool tournament in which all of the enrollees of Camp Heppner are now competing. The tournament as scheduled gives each man a chance to show his skill among the fellow men of his barracks, the winner of each barracks receiving a ticket of admission to the local theater. These ticket winners will then play the finale, and the grand champion of Co. 297 will be the win ner of the canteen book. Harold Anderson was in the city yesterday from the farm in Goose berry. He reported snow there yes terday morning, falling much as it did at Heppner. Professional Directory A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Morrow County Abstract fir Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in New Peters Building F. W. Turner & Co. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies Real Estate Heppner, Oregon Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon Laurence Case Mortuary "Just the service wanted when yon want it most" FOR BEST MARKET PRICES for your new or old wheat, see CORNETT GREEN for grain stored in Heppner and Lexington, ELMER GRIFFITH at lone for rest of Branch Representing Balfour, Guthrie ft Co. Phelps Funeral Home Telephone 1332 Licensed Funeral Directors Trained Lady Assistant Heppner, Oregon Thursday, January 13, 1938 J. O. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. Dr. Raymond Rice PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office First National Bank Building Office Phone 523 House Phone 823 Heppner Abstract Co. J.'LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. RATES REASONABLE Roberts Building Heppner, Ore. P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance J. 0. Peterson Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches - Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing . Heppner, Oregon Vawter Parker ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment including X-ray for dental diagnosis Extraction by gas anesthetic First National Bank Building Phone 562 Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL, BANK BLDG. Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492 HEPPNER, OREGON W. M. Eubanks Representing KERR, GIFFORD & CO., INC. on Heppner Branch V. R. Runnion AUCTIONEER Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty 405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore. Phone 452 MAKE DATES AT MY EXPENSE Frank C. Alfred ATTORNEY AT LAW Telephone 442 Rooms 3-4 First National Bank Building HEPPNER, OREGON Peterson & Peterson ATTORNEYS AT LAW U. S. National Bank Building PENDLETON, OREGON Practice in State and Federal Courts Real Estate General Line of Insurance and Bonds W. M. EUBANKS Notary Publlo Phone 62 lone, Ore. A Home for the Aged Home-like care and surroundings with graduata nurse in constant charge. Inquire for rates, including room and meals. Morrow General Hospital Mrs. L. G. Rumble, Mgr.