Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 13, 1938, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, January 13, 1938
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon .
Newlyweds Given
Charivari at Lex
By Bertha Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carmichael
were given an old fashioned chari
vari at the Lawrence Beach home
Friday night by a large number of
their friends who gathered to give
them the right start in their marital
happiness. Much merriment was
produced at the expense of the new
ly weds who were callel upon to do
various stunts. After "treats" were
given out everyone departed after
reporting a very enjoyable evening.
Lexington grange will hold a
meeting Saturday evening, January
15, commencing at 7:30 o'clock.
Lexington grange members at
tending Pomona grange at Cecil Sat
urday were Mr. and Mrs. Al Troed
son, Henry Smouse, Burton Peck,
Joe Devine, Mrs. Bernice Bauman,
Mrs. Alta Cutsforth, Mrs. Alta
Brown and Mrs. A. H. Nelson.
After a lengthy discussion of the
Bonneville power question, on mo
tion a committee composed of Bur
ton Peck of Lexington, Oscar Lun
dell, Willows, Orrin Wright, Rhea
Creek granges, was appointed by Po
mona Master Minnie McFarland to
confer with Gilliam, Wheeler and
Umatilla Pomona grange commit
tees to see what could be worked up
toward a large power district.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson were
pleasantly surprised at their home
Friday when a group of their friends
came in unexpectedly to spend the
evening. "500" was played until a
late hour. High score for ladies was
taken by Mrs. Lowell Stockard and
low by Mrs. Emma Evans. High score
for men was taken by Earl Evans,
low by Claude Buschke. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. George Ev
ans and son Harold, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Evans and son Donald, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Bauman, Mrs. Biddle
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stockard, Mrs.
Chris Brown, Mr. and Mrs. James
Leach, Mrs. Merle Kirk and daugh
ters, Evelyn and Merelyn, Vernon
Brown, Joe Delameter.
Mr. and Mrs. James Leach enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell at
their home Saturday night.
The Christian Endeavor is being
held in the evening at 7:30 instead
of at 3:30 as before. Good interest
and attendance has been reported.
A contest was started in the group
with Edith Edwards and Glenn
Thompson as captains of two teams,
the losing side to give the winners
a party.
Mrs. James Leach, Mrs. Lonnie
Henderson and Mrs. Bob Cutler
made a trip to Pendleton Monday.
Fred McMurray of Hermiston was
a business visitor in Lexington Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Huston of Eight
' Mile called on Mrs. Eva Lane Sun
day. Lawrence Beach, accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. Elsie Beach, mo
tored to Portland on business Mon
day. Among those going to Pendleton
last week were Ralph Jackson, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Marquardt, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Hunt, Mrs. Roy John
son and son Duane and Raymond
Craig Carroll, with the Jackson
Implement company of Pendleton,
was a business visitor in Lexington
one day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beach and
daughter Kay and Mrs. Elsie Beach
returned Friday from a motor trip
to Phoenix, Arizona, where they vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beach,
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Brown of
Heppner were visiting in Lexington
Mrs. Tom Beymer of Heppner was
visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah
Booher, Sunday.
Lon Edwards and Gordon Banker
went to Hillsboro Sunday to resume
their well drilling.
Ralph Leach was -a dinner guest
at the Gus McMillan home one day
this week.
Mrs. Eva Lane who has been ill in
a Portland hospital has returned to
her home here.
Lexington high school was defeat'
ed by Stanfield on the" latter's floor
Friday night by a close score of
Mrs. Orville Cutsforth and Miss
Edna Rauch motored to Pendleton
home Saturday after spending the
last three weeks visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Paul Nichols, and family
at Corvallis, and her two brothers,
M. A. and J. E. Hendricks, at As
toria. Mr. Johnson reports that
her grandson, Bill Burchell, who
was injured some time ago playing
basketball has now recovered suf
ficiently to play with his team.
Leland Castor of Arlington, Homer
Davis of The Dalles and Henry Lar
son of Portland, all with the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph company,
were business visitors here one day
this week.
G. J. Ryan, George Peck, Orville
Cutsforth, Harvey Miller and Henry
Baker motored to Walla Walla Sat
urday to attend a meeting of mana
gers of cooperative grain growers.
Mr. Peck is president, Mr. Ryan
manager and Mr. Cutsforth and Mr.
Baker directors of the Morrow
County Grain Growers warehouse
at Lexington.
School News
The date for "Tiptoe Inn," a hi
larious, fast-moving comedy, has
been set for Friday, Jan. 28. Don't
fail to come. The cast of 12 members
has been working hard on it. The
play promises to be one of the best
ever presented at Lexington in re
cent years.
The next basketball game on the
home floor will be January 18 with
Donald Robinson; Mrs. Bob Grey,
Opal Hastings; Tom Carter, Marvin
Saddler; Mrs. Peter Wycombe, Rita
Robinson; Mr. Peter Wycombe,
James Stevens; Dorothy Landon,
Vern McDaniel; Mr. James Landon,
Marvin Brannon; Uncle Tom, Irl
Clary; Officer Hagan, Case Adams.
Watch for the date.
Mrs. Everett Harshman is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Kinnard McDaniel.
Miss Morton's room has new sets
of table tennis, badminton and cro
quet, and the pupils are working
very diligently.
Mrs. J. W. Stevens and Mrs. Frank
McDaniel were hostesses at a birth
day party hald at the home of Mrs.
Stevens on January 4, the occasion
being her birthday anniversary.
Those present were Mrs. J. W. Stev
ens, Mrs. Frank McDaniel, Miss La
villa Hastings, Mrs. Lewis Knighten,
Mrs. May Adams, Mrs. Sabin Hast
ings, Mrs. B. H. Bleakman, Mrs.
Owen Leathers, Mrs. Neal Knighten,
Mrs. Charlie Fraters, Mrs. Harlan
Adams, Mrs. Maud Robison, Mrs.
James Brannon, Miss Iris Morton,
Miss Loes Stevens, Miss Frances
Inskeep, Miss Opal Hastings, Miss
Maxine McDaniel, Miss Ollie Hast
ings, Miss Joan Adams, Miss Lillie
Hastings. Those who sent gifts but
were unable to attend were Mrs.
Raymond McDonald, Mrs. G. I.
Clary, Mrs. Muriel McCutcheon,
Mrs. Richard Robison, Mrs. Lewis
Batty, Mrs.. W. F. Gallagher. Re
freshments consisted of cake, sand
wiches and coffee.
The only one on the spelling honor
roll in Miss Morton's room last
week was Mildred Clary.
Miss Creth Craber was visiting
in Hardman Saturday.
The home of Mrs. J. W. Stevens
was in quite a turmoil last week
when something went wrong with
the gasoline lamp, . setting the cur
tains in the kitchen on fire. The
paint on the door was blistered and
a spot burned on the floor. Mrs.
Stevens' hand was severely burned
but it is getting well.
Miss Helen Cunningham and Miss
Isabel McFerrin were visitors here
Mr. and Mrs. James Brannon and
Mrs. Frank McDaniel motored to
Heppner where Mrs. McDaniel had
an ulcerated tooth pulled.
Lewis Batty went to Heppner
Friday on a business trip.
Just Thought of Something
Who went snipe hunting and were
left over the hill?
What a game of volley ball the
high school girls against the high
school boys!
Delvin likes good dreams.
What was the occasion for the
three cheers given Miss Morton at
the last "Let's Talk" club meeting?
Page Three
John Bergstrom returned home
from Portland the last of the week.
He was accompanied by his mother,
Mrs. Carolyn Bergstrom, Florence
and Gerald Bergstrom and Guy
Miss Velma Huston left the last
of the week to attend the Belling
ham Normal school at Bellingham,
There will be a pinochle party at
the grange hall on Saturday evening,
Jan. 15, at 7:30. Ladies are asked to
bring pie or sandwiches.
Florence Becket spent the week
end at her home in Eight Mile.
Marilyn Bergstrom was burned
quite badly when she fell against
the heating stove while visiting at
the home of her. grandmother, Mrs.
Chas. Osmin.
It is human to err, quoth the sage.
That is what we did in an item last
week in reporting that Elbert Cox
went off the highway at the scene
of the wreck of the Walter Eubanks
car. It was W. C. Cox, Morrow Coun
ty Creamery manager, whose car
was involved. He did not drive off
the highway, but had left his car
standing on the edge of the high
way and it decided of its own accord
to move on into the ditch. Our apol
ogies to brothers Cox.
Hardman Teacher
Injured by Clam Shell
After supper Saturday night at
the party held by the Rebekahs sev
eral people were throwing clam
shells. One of these shells accident
ally struck.Miss Iris Morton's glasses,
breaking the glass and cutting the
eyeball. Mrs. Neal Knighten and
Marvin Brannon took her to medical
aid In Heppner. She was not hurt
severely and was able to teach school
On Saturday night before installa
tion the Rebekahs served clain's, pie
and jello to the Odd Fellows) and
those who were interested in the
lodge. After supper installation was
held and a dance followed with mu
sic by James Stevens and Richard
Robison. Several songs were sung
by Delvin McDaniel and Richard
The largest attendance of the new
year was at Christian Endeavor on
Sunday night. Marvin Brannon was
leader and topic for discussion was
"What do we owe the public in ap
pearance and actions?"
Miss Opal Hastings, Claude Hast
ings and Leon Chapin were business
visitors in Heppner Sunday.
Don't forget the big dance to be
held in Hardman Saturday, Jan. 15.
Music by the Brown orchestra. Ev
erybody come; a good time is guar
The "Let's Talk" club met Wednes
day and elected Marvin Brannon as
president, Miss Iris Morton, secre
tary; Mrs. G. I. Clary, sergeant-at-
arms, and Loes Stevens as vice-pres
ident. It was decided that a debate
be given three .weeks from Wednes
day. At the last Comunity Sing Mrs.
Owen Leathers handed in her resig
nation as president of the organiza
tion, and the present vice-president,
Mrs. G. I. Clary, was elected presi
dent and Miss Iris Morton elected
vice-president. A vote of thanks was
given Mrs. McCutcheon for the song
books she gave to the community.
On January 1 Bud Cannon fell and
broke his arm. The mishap was in
Marjorie McFerrin, Vester Hams
and Gus Steers were visitors in
Heppner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robison,
Miss Delsie Bleakman and Raymond
Reed went on a trip to The Dalles
last week. While there Raymond
and Richard took the T. B. test.
There will be a party for the birth
day club at the grade school build
ing in honor of two members, Mrs.
James Brannon and Miss Iris Mor
ton. It will be on Friday, Jan. 21, at
2:30 p.m.
Oscel Inskeep came home Satur
day to visit his folks.
Practice has been in progress for
about two weeks for "Time of His
Life," which will be given by the
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high school in the near future. The
Mrs. J. G. Johnson returned to her
cast is as follows: Mr. Bob Grey,