Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 06, 1938, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    Page Eight
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, January 6, 1938
Many Visitors at
Boardman in Week
Mrs. B. Shannon returned to Nam-
Da. Idaho, this week after the holi
Havs with her daughter. Mrs. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Watkins of Pasco
Wn., spent the week end vsiiting
Mrs. Watkins' father, Frank Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. Turner Bond of Cor
vallis visited Mrs. Bond's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Myers spent
several days visiting in Pasco, Wn,
this past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bromfield, Mr,
and Mrs. Warren Lyle and Louis
Bromfield, all of La Grande, visited
at the W A. Baker home over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Cramer, Mrs,
Gladys Fortier, Miss Norma Gib
bons, Ralph and Bill Black returned
to Eugene, Springfield and Corvallis,
respectively, after spending the hoi
idays visiting friends and relatives
here on the project.
Miss Esther Jones of La Grande
visited her mother, Mrs. Blanche
Jones, over the week end.
Miss Hazel Tyler of Astoria spent
the holidays with her mother, Mrs.
Grace Tyler.
Miss Imogene Wilson of Moscow,
Idaho, left Saturday after spending
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Wilson.
Miss Naomi Black returned to her
home in Corvallis Sunday after
spending the past week visiting
friends here.
Mrs. Blanche Jones and family
spent Friday visiting in Hermiston.
H. B. Thomas and daughter re
turned from Halfway Wednesday
after spending the holidays there.
A New Year's eve dance was given
in the gym by the high school with
the Troubadors playing.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Coats and
daughter spent the week end visit
ing Mr. Coats' mother in Hardman.
Miss Awilda Bleakney returned
Sunday from a week's vacation in
Walla Walla.
The Boardman Yellow Jackets met
the Rufus team on the Boardman
floor Thursday evening. The game
was very close with the score tied
for a while. However, when the
whistle blew the Rufus team was
four points ahead. The ending score
was 24-20.
Helen Doney of Odell is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C
Vernon Partlow of Goldendale,
Wn., is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Partlow.
W. A. Strobel of Athena spent the
week end visiting his family here.
Miss Leota Rose and Glen Kobow
"of Lebanon returned to their homes
Sunday. They had been visiting Mrs.
Maude Kobow.
Jay Rothenberger returned from
Portland Sunday with a new car.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosiland of
Arlington spent the New Year's hol
iday with Mrs. Rosiland's mother,
Mrs. Grace Tyler.
Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson of
New Plymouth, Idaho, stopped at
the J. F. Gorham home for dinner
Sunday. They were enroute to Port
land where they were to spend their
honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
were married at the bride's home in
Fruitland on New Year's day.
At Heppner
Bible School 9:45 a. m.
Morning Services 11:00 ,. m.
C. E. Society 6:30 p. m.
Evening Services . 7:30 p. m.
Choir Practice. Wednesday .... 7:30 p. m.
Midweek Service, Thursday .. 7:30 p. m.
Roger W. Babson says: "The se
curity of a nation consists in keeping
its people physically, intellectually,
economically and spiritually in bal
ance. Are you spiritually developed en
ough to be balanced? It is certain
that America is out of balance be
cause of too little concern for spirit
ual things. Take inventory of your
spiritual assets now and resolve to
balance the neglected area of your
REV. R. C. YOUNG, Pastor
Sunday: Bible School 9:45 A. M.
Worship Service 11:00 A. M.
Epworth League 6:30 P. M.
Evening Worship 7:30 P. M.
Tuesday: Boys' Club 7:00 P. M.
2nd Tuesday, Missionarry Meet
ing 2:30 P. M.
Wednesday: Choir Practice .. 7:30 P. M.
1st Wednesday, Ladies Aid Busi
ness and Social Meeting 2:30
All other Wednesdays Sewing Group
Thursday: Prayer Meeting .. 7:30 P. M.
"K" and Elder Sts., Rev. E. D.
Greeley, pastor.
Bible School 10 a. m.
Devotional Service 11 a. m.
Inspirational Service 7:30 p. m.
Mid-Week Fellowship Meeting on
Wednesday, 7:30.
Cottage Prayer Meeting each Fri
day, 7:30.
There will be a pot-luck dinner at
All Saints' Episcopal parish house
Friday evening, January 7, at 6:30
o'clock. There will be reports from
the various organizations, election of
delegates to convention and presen
tation of plans for the coming year.
All members and friends are urged
to be present.
The person on foot was at fault in
55 percent of pedestrian fatalities
reported from five states, Leslie J.
Sorenson, Chicago traffic engineer,
states. Secretary of State Earl Snell
says some of the most dangerous pe
destrian practices are walking in the
main-traveled portion of the street
or highway, entering the street from
behind parked vehicles, and looking
up or away from traffic while cross
ing the street.
Enthusiastic response everywhere
has greeted the safety driving schools
being sponsored in several Oregon
communities by Secretary of State
Earl Snell. The schools will be start
ed elsewhere as soon as plans can
be completed. They are being held
currently in Albany, Corvallis, Dal
las, Grants Pass, McMinnville, Med
ford, Independence, Newberg, Ore
gon City, Prineville, Redmond and
West Linn.
Read G. T. Want Ads. You way
find a bargain in something needed.
Rumble Seat Cover
Injures Irrigon Man
Walter Connell was quite seriously
njured one day last week when a
rumble seat cover in his brother's
car accidentally fell on his head.
He is in the Pendjeton hospital for
James Warner visited his brother
in Portland last week.
Mrs. Bessie Strader and son Alvin
were called to Portland last week by
the death of her son, Gordon Strader.
Norman Connell is home for the
holidays from the CCC camp at Mc-
Kenzie Bridge.
Mr, and Mrs. Emmett McCoy ac
companied their daughter, Mrs. Jay
Berry and family home to The Dalles
after the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom returned
home Thursday from Kimberley.
Miss Neva Blair is visiting friends
in Hermiston.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bediwell left
for Sunnyside, Wn., Sunday for an
indefinite stay.
Mrs. Eva Fagerstrom accompan
ied her son Wayne to her home near
Portland Monday.
Miss Dusenberry returned from
Yakima Friday where she had been
visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. James Arnburg mo
tored to Pendleton Sunday to attend
the funeral of Mr. Arnburgs mother.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cross of Lake
Chelan, Wn., are visiting Mrs. Cross'
mother, Mrs. Alma Grieves.
Mrs. Robert Smith spent the week
end with home folks.
Joyce Puckett visited her uncles,
the Benefiel brothers, over the hol
idays. t Mr. and Mrs. Umiker and daugh
ter Kathleen returned to their home
near St. Helens the first of the week.
Frankie Leicht accompanied them
home for a visit of a few days.
Mrs. James Warner had the mis
fortune to crack several ribs in an
accidental fall at the home of her
son, Harvey, Sunday.
Mrs. Bert Dexter is assisting Mrs.
Warner in the post office.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Isom and daugh
ter were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Kendler, Jr., at Umatilla
spent Sunday with
Rex Moses, also of
Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Pedem of Malo, Wn., is vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. Clair Cald
well. 1
Mrs. Theresa Teel returned to her
home in Idaho after visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Stella Paulson.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steward cele
brated their 35th wedding anniver
sary Saturday.
Am I ever permitted to pass an
other car on the right?
In a highway of four or more
lanes, you may pass another vehicle
on the right if you do not exceed
the indicated speed in doing so. You
may also pass to the right of a ve
hicle making a left turn.
For Sale Equity in '35 Ford V-8
Tudor sedan. Mrs. Grace Turner,
Lexington. 42-43p
Country Store
Good Established Business
Gas Pump :: Post Office :: Dance Hall
Modern living quarters, with running
water and private electric light system.
CHOCOLATE, 3 Pound Ghiradelli's EACH 93c
RAISINS, Thompson Seedless . 4 LB. PKG. 31c
TOBACCO, Union Leader, Geo. Wash., LB. TIN 65c
SALMON, Alaska Pink 3 TALL TINS 50c
BROOMS, Monarch of them all GOOD BUY AT 43c
BEER, Brown Derby . Case' $2.29 4 TINS 43c
BAKING POWDER, Schilling's . 2Vz LB. TIN 85c
MATCHES, favorite of all PER CTN. 20c
RICE, Blue Rose Head, fancy 5 LBS. 35c
CANDY, fancy 2 Lb. Box Asst. Chocolates ....... 59c
PEANUT BUTTER, delicious, bulk .. 2 LBS.' 29c
SYRUP, Sleepy Hollow GAL. 73c
EGGS, fresh ranch eggs, large size DOZ. 25c
WALNUTS, fancy No. 1 Oregon 2 LBS. 39c
OYSTERS, Large 8 oz. tins fancy 2 FOR 33c
MALTED MILK, Kraft's 2 LB. TIN 59c
PEANUTS, fresh roasted 2 LBS. 25c
PANCAKE FLOUR, Maximum . LGE. PKG. 18c
PINEAPPLE, 15 oz. Crushed or Sliced 2 FOR 25c
Quick or regular,
Albers' or Sperry"s
& ,0....48c
O. K. P. G. or
Crystal White
Coffee Drinkers! This fresh, mellow blend is the favorite of
millions . . . and we think you'll like it too! Every pound
ground fresh at purchase for your method of brewing.
If s coffee's biggest value.
Lb15c 3Lbs-44c
Won't you enjoy this fresh
rich coffee today? Nob Hill
has the advantage of last
minute grinding.
2 Lbs- 43c
1 Lb. 22c
A superb blend of costly
premium coffees. Finest
coffee packed at a saving
4 Lbs- 89c
2 Lb. Tin 45c
Small whites or
Mexican reds
10 LBS.
Pure Hog
4 Lb. Ctn.
A( SUGAR 100 lbs.$ AO
Ui Extra fine granulated VT
CQp MILK, 12 tall tins QOrf
lffl Quality Maximum, very popular & mf
LEMONS, large size DOZ. 39c
GRAPEFRUIT, med, size DOZ. 39c
ORANGES, large sweet 2 DOZ. 43c
LETTUCE, Jumbo 2 HEADS 17c
CABBAGE, very solid LB. 3c
APPLES, Cold storage F. & F. IKr
Romes BOX . 3e
Shortening, 4 lbs. AQP
Alwavs fresh TtW
No. 2 Spinach, Peas, String Beans,
Kraut, Corn; No. 2V2 Hominy and
Tomatoes 6 TINS