Thursday, January 6, 1938 BOARDMAN NEWS Hardman Pupils Vote No Vacation By LA VERN BAKER An Associated Press item, rating the first page of the Oregonian on December 30, said that the teacher of a school in Eagleville, Missouri, let her pupils decide upon how long a vacation they should have and they decided upon one day. The Hardman high school went them one better. They voted almost unanimously that no vacation at all was desired in spite of the fact that this was the only year in over a dec ade when Christmas and New Year came on Saturday. ' Edith Stevens returned to the Weatherford home near Arlington where she has been working for the past year. , The dance at Hardman Saturday night was one of the best dances ever held here. The old time music by Scott Brown's orchestra had many of the old timers out dancing who had not danced for years. Another dance will be held here Jan. 15 with music by the'same orchestra. The last few days have been rath er cold and disagreeable. Between the fog and a light skift of snow i is also hard on ail Kinds or stocK. Believe it or not, but the telephone wires are shivering. Case Adams and Richard Robison motored to The Dalles Friday. An impromptu dancing party was held at the high school Friday night in order to see the old year to a happy closing and to greet the new year. Sandwiches and coffee were served. There was a small but en thusiastic group in attendance. The cheering and other demonstrations at midnight indicate a noisy year for Hardman. Since Mrs. Neal Knighten was ill, Mrs. McCutcheon led the Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday night. The discussion was on new year's resolutions. Marvin Brannon will lead next Sunday. Mrs. Neal Knighten, Mrs. Lewis Knighten and Mrs. Maud Robison were business visitors in Heppner Tuesday. The Community Sing met at the regular hour Wednesday evening. In the absence of Miss Morton, Marie Clary played the piano. In order to show their approval of his work, Marvin Brannon was reappointed chairman of the program committee with power to choose the other mem bers. Misses Vera McDaniel, Neta Rae Bleakman and Mildred Clary visited high school Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats and daughter Echo of Boardman were visiting relatives and friends here last week end. , The Let's Talk club met Wednes day night with Ethel Knighten as chairman and Vern McDaniel as sec retary. A humorous panel discussion was given by Irl Clary and Donald Robinson on the affirmative side Want Ads Hay for sale, 75 tons 1st & 2nd crop alfalfa. Emma Holub, lone, -i 44-46p. Residence property in Portland, good district, to sell or trade for wheat land. Myles Martin, Lexing ton, Ore. 43-44 Found Crosscut saw on Willow creek road. Owner may have same by calling at P. P. & L. office and identifying. For Sale Equity in '35 Ford V-8 Tudor sedan. Mrs. Grace Turner, Lexington. 42-43p Will nwsnn who borrowed my rifle three years ago please return same. Walter Eubanks. 42-43 Will care for children afternoon or evening, reasonable. Bonnie Cochran. Why not buy an income with a kome, furnished or not? Reasonable, aay terms. Bonnie Cochran, city. Chai! Smith residence for sale. Duvall & Eubanks, Hotel Heppner Hdg. ' Rhea creek ranch for sale or trade. Gerald Slocum, city. 34tf Ifotson residence for sale. Inquire at residence. 20tf Heppner and Rita Robinson and Marvin Sad dler on the negative. The topic was that every man, woman and child in Hardman should give up smoking at once. Mrs. Charles Fraters of Eight Mile has been visiting for a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gallagher. B. F. DeVore has gone to spend the winter at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. Archie Barnard, at The Dalles. " Arlton Stevens has gone to work for Ed Musgrave on lower Rhea creek. Little Darlene Brannon whose hand was severely burned, is get ting better, but the hand still gives her much pain. Doris Robison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robison, was en rolled on Monday in the 3rd grade. Mrs. George Samuels and her lit tle foster daughter, Shirley Ann, are visiting here for a week end with Mrs. Samuels' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel, and with other rel atives and friends. A daughter, Mrs. Ralph Corrigall, brought them over from Echo. Miss Neta Rae Bleakman who has been spending the week here at the Roy Robinson home, went to Hepp ner after the dance. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bleakman, came out to attend the dance. Mrs. Neal Knighten, Lester Bran non and others are recovering from the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Clemmer and daughter and Irvin Allen came in from the Oral Scott ranch in the Blackhorse district to attend the dance. Just Thought of Something We hope the state doesn't sue Loes Stevens for colliding with the grad er. Case Adams likes ice cream. Marvin Saddler was mightily dis pleased Friday night. James Stevens doesn't read his cigarette ads. John Kerrick, speaker from the office of Earl Snell, secretary of state, recently completed visits to 44 high schools which took him from Helix, above Pendleton, to Portland, show ing two short movies which empha size important safety lessons. The movies were shown to more than 5,000 students on a previous tour of 27 high schools. He is currently on a speaking tour of 33 coast high schools. SHERIFFS SALE OF COUNTY LANDS By virtue of an order of the Coun ty Court, dated 16th day of Decem ber. 1937, I am authorized and di rected to sell at public auction as provided by law, the following prop erty at not less than the minimum price set forth, to-wit: SEV4, Ny2NEV4 of Section 28, Twp. 2 North, Range 26 EWM. Minimum price $120.00. Terms if desired. Therefore, I will, on Saturday, 8th day of January, 1938, at the hour of 2:00 P. M. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bid for cash in hand or as stated above. Dated this 16th day of December, 1937. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW, PROBATE DEPARTMENT. In the Matter of the Estate of Lillian M. Baker, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as administrator C, T. A. of the estate of Lillian M. Baker, deceased, has filed his final account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and that Monday, the 7th day of February. 1937, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the court room of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Dec. 16, 1937. Date of last publication, Jan. 13, 1938. STANLEY W. BAKER Admlnsitrator with the will annexed. Cookingham and Hanley, Attorneys. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEBNl Pursuant to authority of the Comp troller of the Currency of the United States, the undersigned J, L. Gault, as Receiver of the Farmers & Stockgrow ers National Bank of Heppner, Oregon, will offer at public sale to the highest bidder or bidders for cash, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on January 8th, 1938, at 10 o'clock A. M., the remaining assets of the said Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank of Heppner, Oregon, consisting of real estate, bills receiv able, judgments, overdrafts, and other choses In action and chattels less such Gazette Times, Heppner, items as may be paid or otherwise dis posed of prior to the said date of sale herein mentioned. A descriptive list of the remaining assets so offered for sale may be inspected by prospective pur chasers at the office of the Receiver of the Farmers & Stockgkrowers National Bank of Heppner, Oregon, on all busi ness days up to and including the date of the said sale between the hours of 9 A. M., and 4 P. M. According to law said remaining as sets cannot be sold otherwise than with out recourse and without warranty of any kind or character, and subject to the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency of the United States and sub ject to confirmation by a court of rec ord of competent jurisdiction. Signed: J. L. GAULT, Receiver, The Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank of Heppner, Ore gon. NOTICE OF SALE OF BEAL FBOP EBTY BY EXECTJTOB. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the authority in him vested by the Will of Wm. Hendrix, deceased, and by order of the County Court of the State of. Oregon for Morrow County duly made and entered on the 13th day of December, 1937, the undersigned as ex ecutor of said Will of said deceased, will on and after the 15th day of Jan uary, 1938, sell at private sale for cash or credit, or for cash and credit certain real property of said estate known as the Tash ranch, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: The W of SEV and SW& of Sec tion 29, E of SE4, NW of SE&. NWli and W of NE of Section 30, NE& of NW and NW of NEV of Section 32, all in Township 4 South, Range 25 E. W. M except ing therefrom the following tracts, to-wit: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the NE& of NE of Sec- tion 30 in Township 4 S. R. 25 E. W. M., running thence South 25 rods, thence East 24 rods, thence North 25 rods, thence West 24 rods to the place of beginning, contain ing 3 3-4 acres; ALSO, commencing at a point on Section line, 6 chains East of the Northwest corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 30, thence running East 25 1-3 rods, thence South 25 1-3 rods, thence West 25 1-3 rods, thence North 25 1-3 rods to the place of beginning, contain ing 4 acres, more or less, all in Mor row County, Oregon. All persons desiring to' submit bids for the above described real property may submit such bids in writing to the undersigned at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, at any time from and after the date of the first pub lication of this notice and up to the time that actual sale of said real prop ety is made. Dated and first published this 16th day of December, 1937. JOHN WIGHTMAN, Executor. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. Charles Reynolds, as Receiver of The First Inland National Bank of Pen dleton, Oregon, a national banking corporation, Plaintiff, vs. M. K. Minard, the unknown heirs of Stella Vincent, deceased; Lottie A. Gillette; Lettie A. Howland, some times known as Levy A. Howland; Ada M. Downey; Quintilla Despain; Lottie A. Gillette and Lettie A. Howland, as administratrixes of the estate of Mary D. Matthews, de ceased; Daphne Howland Simpson; A. K. Smythe; Harriet St. Pierre; Harry Duvall and Amanda S. Du- vall, husband and wife; L. H. Estes and Jane Doe Estes whose true name is to plaintiff unknown, husband and wife; Bessie M. Johnson and John Doe Johnson, whose true name is to plaintiff unknown, wife and husband; Dell Baldwin and Jane Doe Baldwin, whose true name is to plaintiff unknown, husband and wife; S. Elanor Chapin and H. L. Chapin, wife and husband, also; "all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, interest or lien in and to the real property described in plaintiff's complaint' Defendants. SUMMONS TO, M. K. Minard, the unknown heirs of Stella Vincent, deceased; Ada M. Downey; L. H. Estes and Jane Doe Estes, whose true name is to plaintiff unknown, husband and wife; Bessie M. Johnson and John Doe Johnson, whose true name is to plaintiff unknown, wife and husband; Dell Baldwin and Jane Doe Baldwin, whose true name is to plaintiff unknown, husband and wife; S. Elanor Chapin and H. L. Chapin, wife ana nusoana, aiso, "an otner persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, interest or lien in and to the real property described in plaintiffs com plaint," defendants above named. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You, and each of you, are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four weeks of the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before Thurs day, the 6th day of January, 1938; that you will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer said comnlalnt or otherwise plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for and in accordance with the rayer or his complaint, namely; plaint ff prays that he be decreed to be the owner in fee simple of the hereinafter described real property in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: "tra a f mr. Millions of people now know that Smith Brothers Cough Drops (Two kinds:-Black or Menthol 5tf) give you an extra benefit: Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the only drops containing VITAMIN A This is the vitamin that raises the resistance of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat to cold and cough infections. Oregon TRACT I. The North Half and the North Half of the South Half of Section 1; all of Section 2; the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3; all of Section 6; the Southeast Quarter and the West Half of Section 10; all of Section 12; the East Half, the North Half of the Northwest Quarter, and a tract in Section 14 described as com mencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of the North west Quarter of Section 14, running thence South 9.50 chains; thence South 52 degrees East 16 chains; thence East 7.50 chains; thence South 22.50 chains; thence Squth 53 degrees East 26.75 chains to the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 14; thence North 60 chains; thence West 40 chains to the place of be ginning; the North Half of the Northeast Quarter, the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; the West Half of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter, and the West Half of Sec tion 15; the West Half of the North west Quarter of the Northeast Quar ter and the North Half of the North west Quarter of Section 22; the Northwest Quarter of the North east Quarter of Section 23, all in Township 1 North of Range 27, E. W. M. All of Section 6; the West Half of the Northwest Quarter and the North Half of the Southwest Quar ter of Section 8; the Northeast Quarter of Section 18 in Township 1 North of Range 28, E. W. M. The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 30; the East Half of the Northwest Quarter and the Northeast Quar ter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31 in Township 2 North of Range 27, E. W. M. free from right, title, interest or lien of the defendants and each of the de fendants; that it will be decreed that the defendants, or any one of them have no right, title, interest, or lien in said real property or any part thereof, and that the defendants, and each of the defendants, their heirs and "assigns, be perpetually restrained and enjoined from asserting or claiming any right, title, interest or lien in said real prop erty, or in any part thereof, adverse to the plaintiff, and that the plaintiff have such other and further relief as may seem proper In equity. This summons is published pursuant to an order made in this case, by Hon orable Calvin L. Sweek, Circuit Judge of the above entitled Court, dated the 4th day of December, 1937. The first publication of this summons to be made on Thursday, the 9th day of December, 1937, and the last publication thereof will be made on Thursday, the 6th day of January, 1938, In the Heppner Ga zette Times, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published at Hepp ner, Morrow County, Oregon. Dated this 4th day of December, 1937. GEORGE R. LEWIS, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. P.: Pendleton, Oregon. Oysters and Shell Fish NOW IN ' SEASON Marine delicacies lend zest to our menus. Try our Fountain Service o A Good Meal Anytime at the Elkhorn Restaurant ED CIILNX, Prop. Page Seven NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that J. O. Turner, administrator of the "estate of Charles Rector, deceased, has filed his final account of his administration of the said estate with the clerk of tha County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, and the said Court has set as the time and place for hear ing on and final settlement of said final account, January 31, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 in the forenoon of said day in the County Court room of the Court House of Morrow County, State of Ore gon. Anyone having objections to the said final account must file same on or before said date. J. O. TURNER, Administrator. .Dated and first published Dec, 23, 1937. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that J. O. Turner, administrator of the estate of Myrtle Rector LaRoche, deceased, has filed his final account of his adminis tration of the said estate with the clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, and the said Court has set as the time and place for hearing on and final settlement of said final account, January 31, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 in the forenoon of said day, in hte County Court room of the Court House of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Anyone having objections to the said final account must file same on or before said date. J. O. TURNER, Administrator. Dated and first published Dec, 23, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice, is hereby given that J. O. garet McKennon and Dallas McKennon, miniI o, Has iiicu ins unai account or his administration of the said estate With thfX narr rf Via fimf. n.,- . the State of Oregon, for Morrow Coun- T nr iUn .n J A. 1 . . iy, ohu me atuu iuun nas sei as tne Tim A dlnd r1 ana tnr Vianw4nn nn mi 1 " k.v, iwi uctu uig uii nnu mini flpfrmmonf rf oolH flnnl t ary 31, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 in the iwiciiuuii ui cam utty, m me county Court room of the Court House of Mor row County, State of Oregon. Anyone -o wwjv.v.w..o w uio miu initu ac count must file same on or before said utile. J. O. TURNER, Guardian. 1937 tiTBt publl8hed D0' NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOVNT Notice is hereby given that J. O. Turner, administrator of the estate of Frank Rector, deceased, has filed his final account of his administration of the said estate with the clerk of the Countv f!nnrt nt tha ntoto t r - . j wait? ui VJ CEUI1, for Morrow County, and the said Court ' i mo unie ana piace ior near ing on and final settlement of said final account .Tflnnnrv fll iqqq t tv. ? 10A00 ,n tbS forenn ' said day, In uuniy ,uun room oi tne court House of Morrow County, State ef Ore gon. Anyone having objections to the said final account must file same on or before said date. J. O. TURNER, Administrator. Dated and first published Dec, 18, 15WT NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, H. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, No vembe 17, 1937. NOTICE is hereby given that Elmer Corley, of Pilot Rock, Oregon, who, on March 1. 1934. mnH HirnioilJ ii 5atAi0Si&rH9-ui No- 28415-t0T Lots ?;J;,SNW Sec-1 an Lots l, a, se NE Sec. 2, Township 4 S., Range 29 B Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year Proof, t rau1" uiaun 10 me iana a Dove de scribed hpfnra Tt T j United States Commissioner, at Pes dleton, Oregon, on the 8th day of Jam uary, 1938. Claimant names as witnesses: Lvman Shprwnnr! nf TJi 1 nf Tj gon; Le Roy Wachter, of Pilot Rock, vicsuii: imnes a. liquet, of Pilot Rock, Oregon; Tom Enright, of Pilot Rock, Oregon. W, F. JACKSON, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the under signed, executrix of the estate of Thora- aa . oi-iBii, ueceasea, nas rued with the County Court of the State of Ore con for Mnrpnuf rv,nf v, - - -- ,. vuuutj, net ij j mi ac count of her administration of said es- lulo, una inai suia court has set Moa day, the 3rd day of January, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore noon of said day at the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner, o --- -w ujiu piiw;a iui Hear ing objections to said final account and mo ouLuciiieiu vi saia estate, and all persons having objections to said final account or thn gnttlsmonl nt ..IJ are hereby required to file the same 117 1 1 M BatH nnnrl 1 . i ""1 v"" 1 ueiore ine time Bet for said hearing. Dated nnri first nnhn j day of December, 1937. LUCY G. O'BRIBN, Executrix. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TOT i,,lrJLUt UKKUUN FOR 1111 COUNTY OF MORROW. BEULAH BELL, Plaintiff, vs. MITCHELL BELL, Defendant. SUMMONS. To Mitchell Bell, the above named tj- IN TTTE! NAM'S! ATT TtiU! oti vm OREGON, you are hereby required to j Bnawer piainuii 8 complaint filed against you in the above entitled COUrt Within twantv '9m - - - ...... j j nucju 11UIB the date of the first publication of this ouiiiiuuiis, una u you iau to so appear or answer, for want thereof, plaintiff Will annlv tn tha nUw nnitu.i i ror, the relief prayed for in her com- f iaim, lu-wh: inai me Donus of mat rimony now and heretofore existing be tween von and nlnlntirr k. r ji. solved and plaintiff have an absolute uivuiuB ior me care and custody of the minor chid Vernn -Coll ,1 t4. " . be reaulred tn mv tvn n per month for the care of said child. .1 ouui uiuer ana iurtner relief as may be equitable. Thin Mummnna la . ------ v. DO i uuun you u T PbucaUon thereof In the Heppner Ga zette Times a newspaper of general cir- .ct.w,i uuuuwiuu ui jtieppner, Oregon, pursuant to an order of Hon. Bert Johnson. .TuncA nf v,& rv..... n & of the State of Oregon for Morrow I 'AI1HTW HthloU J I 1 a - i ioo' Jri1,. "Jer 18 oaiea December 1, 1937, and. the date of the first pub- 2nd, 1937. x JOS. J. NTS, Attorney for plaintiff. Residence and Postoffice address. Heppner, Oregon.