Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 30, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Local 'BI
Harry Nelson and Howard Bryant,
clerks at local branch, First National !
bank of Portland, encountered the
slides on the Columbia river when
returning Sunday night from Port
land where they spent Christmas.
With Mrs. Bryant, Howard's moth
er, they left the city at 7 o'clock
Sunday evening. Finding the Co
lumbia river highway blocked by
slides near Multnomah Falls, they
returned through Portland and came
around the Mt. Hood loop, which
they navigated successfully in spite
of heavy snow part of the way, and
arrived back in town at 7 o'clock
Monday morning. Mr. Nelson spent
Christmas at the home of his parents
in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell McNeill
spent Christmas at the home of Mrs.
McNeill's parents in Langview, Wn.,
and Mr. McNeill made it back to
Heppner at 10 o'clock Monday morn
ing, just in time to assume his duties
as assistant manager of the local
branch, First National bank of Port
land. Don Jones and grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Miller, arrived from
Portland for the holidays with Hepp
ner relatives and friends. Don, who
is attending business college, re
turned to the city today, while Mr.
and Mrs. Miller, who have been in
the city for several months, will re
main here
Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Benton spent
Christmas with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert V.
Jones, coming from Marshfield where
Mr. Benton is located as Christian
minister. They enjoyed greetng many
old-time friends, made during Mr.
Benton's pastorate here.
Louis Marquardt and family en
tertained 16 relatives and friends at
Christmas dinner at the farm home
near Lexington. Included were Mr
. and Mrs. Clark and baby, son-in-law
and daughter from Pendleton, and
Mrs. Letha Rodgers and family
from Stanfield.
, Among Heppner people attending
last rites in Pendleton Monday af
ternoon for the late Clement L. Mc
Coy, vice-commander American Le
gion for Oregon, were Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Morton, C. J. D. Bauman, Loyal
Parker and Spencer Crawford.
Mrs. Henry Tetz and children,
Loren and Jacqueline, from Adams
arrived yesterday as holiday house
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. B. Ferguson while Mr. Tetz is
attending the O. S. T. A. meeting
in Portland.
Charles W. Smith, assistant state
county agent leader, was here last
Thursday for a meeting of county
AAA committeemen, and greeted
many old time friends made while
local county agent for several years.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Heliker of lone
and Mrs. Martha Dismore of Coburg,
were Heppner visitors yesterday.
Mrs. Dismore owns some Morrow
county wheat land and is visiting
the Helikers for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Goheen of
Portland, and Miss. Irene Beamer,
student at Pacific university, were
Christmas visitors at the home of
Mrs. Clara Beamer, mother of Mrs.
Goheen and Miss Beamer.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riggs and ba
by son, Frank Clark Riggs, were
Christmas week end guests at the
home of Mrs. Riggs parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. D. Clark, coming from their
home at Eugene.
Mrs. Lena White and daughter,
Miss Frances White, spent Christ
mas here with daughter and sister,
Miss' Mary White, coming from
Caldwell, Idaho, where Miss Frances
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case invite
theif friends to attend the wedding
of their daughter, Winifred Helen,
to Robert D. Evans at the Methodist
church at high noon, Sunday, Jan.
2, 1938.
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner came
over from their home at Pendleton
to spend Christmas with relatives
and friends here and at lone.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Becket came
over from Wallowa where Mr. Beck
et is manager of the branch of First
National bank of Portland, and spent
Christmas with relatives and friends.
J. J. Nys motored to Portland for
Christmas with his family, and they
accompanied him home for a few
days before returning to the city
where the girls are attending school.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer and
family of Morgan and their guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beers of Esta-
cada, were calling on Heppner
friends and relatives here yesterday.
Eddie Kenny is enjoying the
Christmas vacation from his studies
at a Portland business college by
visiting at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kenny.
Miss Winifred Case, who teaches
at Annex on the Snake river, ar
rived the end of the week at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. L. Case, to spend the holidays. I
Vawter Parker drove to Salem
Sunday and returned Monday night
after some delay and detours occa
sioned by storms in the Willamette
valley and Columbia gorge.
Miss Mary Driscoll spent Christ
mas at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Driscoll, coming
up from Portland where she works
in a dental office.
Mr. and Mrs. John Clouston and
family are holiday visitors at the
home of Mrs. Clouston's mother, Mrs.
Sylva Devin, coming from their home
at Lakeview.
Miss Jean Adkins who is attend
ing beauty school in Portland, was
a holidav euest at the home of her
mother, Mrs. R. E. Driskell, in Eight
Mr. and Mrs. John Farley of John
Day were Christmas day guests at
the home of Mr. Farley's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Farley.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hayden and
children of Stanfield are holiday vis
itors at the home of Mrs. Hayden's
mother, Mrs. Sylva Devin.
Miss Teresa Breslin, who is em
ployed in Portland, was a holiday
guest at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Breslin.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thompson
spent Christmas with Morrow coun
ty relatives and friends from their
home at Pendleton.
Students and friends, sleeping
rooms $3.50 week, board and room
$25 mo. up, modern. 3535 NE Sandy
Blvd., Portland, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Crocket Sprouls and
Janet spent Christmas with Hepp
ner relatives and friends from their
home at Hood River.
Miss Jeanette Turner spent Christ
mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Turner, coming from Rufus
where she is teaching.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Schwarz from
Senaca spent Christmas at the home
of Mr. Schwarz's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Schwarz.
Miss Bertha Akers who is attend
ing school in Portland was a holiday
guest here at the home of her broth
er, Kenneth Akers.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Clark from
Hood River spent Christmas with
Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James "Farley.
Walter E. Moore, son Larry and
daughter Mary, were calling in
Heppner Tuesday from their home
in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Schwaz
spent Christmas with relatives and
friends , here from their home at
Mrs. Agnes Curran went to Gol
dendale, Wash., for Christmas at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Gordon Bucknum who teaches at
St. Johns was home for Christmas
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs! E. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Devin and
family from Condon spent Christ
mas with Heppner relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes came
up from their home at Corvallis to
spend Christmas with relatives and
Dick O'Shea, student at Seattle
military school, is a holiday guest at
the home of his aunt, Mrs. Harold
Miss Beatrice Marx of Mt. Angel
was a holiday guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bucknum.
A holiday guest at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. John Vaughn, is Miss
Guyla Cason of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Chapin, Sr.,
are holiday visitors at the home of
their son, Ambrose, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs .Alden Blankenship
went to Everett, Wash., for the
Christmas holidays.
Glenn Boyer arrived Tuesday from
his home in Portland for a visit with
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker and fam
ily of lone were calling in Heppner
Chester Christenson, 0. S. C. stu
dent, is home for the holidays.
Wild Life Forces Seek
Facts for Future Acts
More dependance on scientific
facts and a determination to ap
proach Oregon's fish and game prob
lem from the standpoint of cooper
ative discussions among all con
cerned, characterized both the dis
cussions and the final action taken
by the Oregon Wild Life federation
at its second annual conference just
held at Oregon State college at the
call of Gov. Charles H. Martin.
This attitude was exemplified by
representatives of the game com
mission in outlining plans for the
coming year, by those who discussed
the inter-related problem of game
conservation and livestock produc
tion, and by those who are seeking
to avoid the continued pollution of
STAR Reporter
Robert Young: - James Stewart
Florence Rice Billie Burke
v Tom Brown
Also: Travelogue - Gang" Com
edy - Screen Snapshots ,
William Powell - Myrna toy
Double Wedding
Florence Rice John Beal
Jessie Ralph - Edgar Kennedy
Mr, and Mrs. Thin Man go new
places do new things to bring
you new laughs.
Jessie Matthews, with new
songs, new dances, in
Nat Pendleton
Also: "Mysterious Pilot" and
"Decathlon Champions"
WED.-THU., JAN. 5-6
Also: Comedy and News of the
UE, whose business it is to
' bring you entertainment,
thank you for your patronage
during 1937, and hope to do
our share toward making 1938
one of your happiest years.
Oregon's streams from city and in
dustrial plant waste.
In the last named instance, the
federation voted unanimously to
back a proposed initiative measure
which, if enacted, will create a state
sanitary authority, which in turn
will appoint a sanitary engineer. The
bill would give the sanitary board
power to prevent future stream pol
lution and gradually bring about cor
rection of present undesirable situa
tions, but without attempting to
force an immediate complete clean
up, which has proved impossible in
the past
The responsibility of came conser
vationists to consider th ritrhtc nf
farmers in any work undertaken
was brought out a number of times
during the meeting, once when it
was stated that additional efforts
should be made to see that farmers
on whose places upland birds and
other similar Came gain their sun-
port throughout the year should re
ceive some compensation when these
are killed durinff the onen season.
The interrelated situation of deer
and livestock in eastern Oregon was
discussed and a resolution pledged
the federation to take every effort
toward solving the problem on the
basis of facts and round-table dis
cussions among all those concerned.
Other resolutions opposed "big
buck" and "big fish" contests, ex
cept in the case of salmon, urged
strict regulation of mineral dredging
operations, and created a committee
to study and report on game and fish
law enforcement
New officers of the federation are
W. J. Smith, Portland, president;
Malcolm Epley, Klamath Falls, vice
president and H. H. Stage, Port
land, secretary-treasurer.
How does the shape of a warn
ing sign indicate its meaning?
A square sign means "caution" (as
"School" or "Men Working"); a diamond-shaped
sign means "slow" (as
"Tunnel" or Curve"); an octagonal
sign in all cases mean 'stop'; a round
sign means "railroad crossing."
Tubes Tested Free
Latest Equipment
. 518-522 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore.
As the old year wanes, we
pause to thank our many
patrons and friends for the
pleasant relationships of
the last year and to wish
one and all
A Happy
New Year
Morrow County's Own Store
Tractor S Equipment Co.