HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 30, 1937 PAGE TWO IOXE NEWS Many Visitors at lone for Holidays By MARGARET BLAKE Everyone enjoyed the white Christ mas which Mother Nature obliged with this year. Enough snow fell to cover everything with a blanket of white for the day, then a severe wind came up Sunday and it was soon gone. Before night dust was flying in a few places. The Union Sunday school had its Christmas program and tree" at the Christian church Friday evening. Special musical numbers were given by the grade school boys and girls and solos were sung by Eugene Nor moyle and Patricia Drake. Helen and Mildred Lundell sang a duet. The rest of the program consisted of readings and recitations. At the close Santa Claus arrived with a treat for everyone. The church was well filled by an interested audience. Thursday afternoon saw the close of school until Jan." 3. Parties and exchange of gifts were enjoyed in all the rooms. At noon a lunch of chick en pot pie was served to the pupils who take lunches each day. Miss Rosa Fletcher has returned from Hood River where she has been employed during the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Hara of Kin zua spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith. Miss Minnie Normoyle, who is a student at the U. of W. in Seattle, arrived last Friday morning to spend the holidays with her aunt and un cle, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Becknere. Willows grange enjoyed an all day meeting and Christmas party in their hall at Cecil last Sunday. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon, the regular business meeting was held and in the afternoon a program and Christmas tree with treats were enjoyed. Henry Peterson, who recently un derwent an appendectomy at ' the veterans' hospital at Walla Walla, is reported to be recovering rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Blake of Con don spent Christmas visiting rela tives here and at Heppner. They wtiirnpd home Tuesday. Lowell Clark arrived from Los Angeles in time to be at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heiiry Clark, for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo McMillan and daughter Beverly of' Salem spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson. Nor man Swanson of Portland came up with them. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Grabill had as their guests over Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Earle B. M. Wright and sons and Mr and Mrs. Everett Keithley and children, all of Baker. Phil Emert came up from Port land, where he has been attending school, to spend the holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Emert. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelman had the pleasure of having all their fam ily with them on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner from Pendle ton and Mr. and Mrs. Esper Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Engelman, all of Portland, were here from out of town. Mrs. Ethel Ritchie arrived on the train Tuesday morning from Ver nonia. Her son Freddie has been here with relatives for the past week. Arthur Reed spent Christmas with his family at The Dalles. He re turned to be with his sister, Mrs. Delia Corson, on Monday. Clifford Yarnell, a student at U. of O., is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Yar nell. "Larry" Ritchie departed Wed nesday for Clackamas where he will visit his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Troge. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Linn and daughter of Lapine spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn. Raymond Wilcox, stationed at Fort Lewis, arrived last Friday night to spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. T. C. Riffe. Cards have been received from Mrs. C. F. Feldman, telling of her arrival at the home of her son-in- law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Neil Shuirman, at Flint, Mich. Mr. Feld man "expected to spend Christmas with relatives at Las Vegas, Nev, The seventh annual reunion of the class of '31 of lone high school was held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan, both being members of this class. The afternoon was spent playing cards and talking over of high school days after which a delicious dinner was served by the hostess. Officers elected for the coming year were Earl McCabe. president; Margaret Crawford Morgan, vice-president, and Norman Nelson, secretary-treas urer. Members present were Helen Smouse, Earl McCabe, Geneva Pal mer, Irvin Ritchie, Veda Brenner, Norman Nelson, Barton Clark, Nor man Swanson, Louis Buschke, Mil ton Morgan and Margaret Morgan. Guests present were Beth Clark, Orlow Martin, Marion Palmer and Ruth Crawford. Dance at Legion hall in lone Sat urday night, Jan. 1. Music by the Troubadors. FACTS FO OMVEM What is a traffic lane? A traffic lane is a marked or imag inary division of the surface of a street or highway wide enough for a single line of vehicles. The law governing use of traffic lanes applies to, the unmarked, or imaginary lanes, just as it does to marked lanes. Docs the law compel me to drive in the right hand lane? The law states that you must nor mally use the right hand lane, re maining as close to the edge or curb as possible, except where the road is under construction or when you are passing another vehicle. You must drive within a single lane where lanes are marked, and must not leave the lane until you are sure you can do so safely. On a three-lane high way, you should use the center lane for passing only. AN APPRECIATION Our sincere thanks and apprecia tion are extended to the many kind friends who remembered us with flowers and words of cheer at the time of Mr. Jones' illness. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones. BOARDMAN NEWS Accidents Mar Holiday of Visitors By LA VERN BAKER As Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen ger and family were returning to Heppner Sunday after visiting Tru man's parents, they collided with a car driven by Bill Doherty near the McLaughlin place. Mrs. Messenger and two of the children received minor cuts and bruises. The front of their car was badly smashed in. Returning from Christmas vaca tion spent in Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller and children were involved in an auto accident. Miller's car skidded and crashed into another car. Mrs. Miller received lacerations about the face. The other occupants of the car were not hurt seriously. Naomi, Ralph and Billy Black of Corvallis are here to spend the re mainder of the Christmas vacation. Naomi and Ralph are freshmen at Oregon State college. All are for merly from Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. James and sons and Mary Chaffee of Eugene visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chaffee. George Corwin attended the E. O. T. A. at Salem Monday, returning home Tuesday. Miss Leota Rose and Glenn Ko bow from Lebanon are visiting their mother, Mrs. Kobow, who will take them to Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins ate Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harwood. Mr Ayers and daughter Mildred spent Christmas with Gorham's. Mr. and Mrs. McLouth spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Lee Putnam. Miss Wilma Myers, who is em ployed at Pendleton, spent Christ mas with her parents, returning to her work Sunday. The community church held their annual Christmas tree program dur ing the regular church hour Sunday morning. Church services were held in the evening. Mrs. Shannon of Weiser, Idaho, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bill Lilly. Visiting the Wilson's for Christmas were Imogene Wilson from Moscow, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wilson from La Grande, Dallas Wilson from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Claskey from Arlington and Mr. and Mrs. Morrison from Vale. Mr. and Mrs. .Lowell Spagle of Pilot Rock are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Packard. Rev. Thomas and Marietta and Lee Thomas motored to Halfway Mon day where they will spend the re mainder of the Christmas vacation. Lee will remain in Halfway for the rest of the school year. Josephine Mclntyre who is in nurse's training at Pendleton spent Christmas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lay and family spent Christmas in Portland. LaVern Ba ker accompanied them there to visit the Kings. Mrs. Fortier and daughter, Miss Norma Gibbons, of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cramer of Spokane are. visiting at the Frank Cramer home. The EarrCramer's have been visiting friends and relatives in Eugene. Mr. Stevens who suffered a stroke recently and is being cared for at the Pendleton hospital, is reported to be better. The community Christmas pro gram was held in the school house Thursday night. The program in cluded a skit and various song num bers. There was special Christmas mass held in the Catholic church Satur day with regular mass following on Sunday. Francis Titus stopped on his way to Idaho and spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Earl Cramer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barlow from jYIAR EMD fBL a afitfm SUITS O'COAT $29.50 O'COATS, Reduced to $23.50 $22.50 Q'COATS Reduced to $17.50 $19.50 O'COATS, Reduced to $16.50 SUITS $32.50 Curlee Suits, Reduced to $26.00 These are exceptional values. All the wanted styles and colors WILSON'S The Store of Personal Service Eugene are visiting relatives here. They visited Mrs. Barlow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, at Wasco be fore coming here. Seven Resolutions Cited for Motorists Taking advantage of the open sea son on New Year's resolutions, Sec retary of State Earl Snell this week listed the following seven pledges which, if observed by motorists, would in his opinion go farthest in . cutting this state's traffic toll. "I, holder of an Oregon driver's license, hereby resolve: "First, never to insist upon the right-of-way when to do so might cause an accident. "Second, to use my horn as a warning device and not as a public address system. "Third, to keep my car in tip-top mechanical condition at all times. "Fourth, never to drive my car at a speed greater than would permit me to bring it to a stop within the distance I KNOW to be clear and unobstructed whether by day or night. "Fifth, to know the traffic law and to give 100 per cent cooperation to traffic officers. "Sixth, to treat everyone I meet on the road, whether pedestrian or motorist, with utmost courtesy and consideration. "Seventh, to keep my mind on my driving." Mr. and Mrs. John Kilkenny, Jr., were Christmas visitors here from their home at Pendleton. PICK YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINES NOW . . . You can renew your subscription to the HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES ... ONE YEAR . . . and get 3, 4 or 5 of your favorite magazines at a tremendous bargain. Don't wait 'til your subscription runs out . . . Renew NOW before this offer is with drawn. . 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