Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 30, 1937, Image 1

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PORTL A:.: .
Volume 53, Number 43
Subscription $2.00 a Year
mtm 0
White Christmas
Enjoyed as Snow
Conies for Day
Happy Reunions,
Show, Ball Feature;
To Welcome 1938
Morrow county had its white
Christmas. In fact, the snow ap
peared to come especially to adorn
Christmas day, as it fell the two pre
ceding days and was cleared away
by a high wind the day after.
With the snow,' the moisture con
tent of which was only .02 inch at
Heppner, was the homecoming of
many students and former residents,
and visitation of many out-of-town
friends, to make the day one of joy
on every hand.
Public activities were confined to
the free show sponsored by the Elks
and Star theater and the ball at the
Elks hall, both of which drew large
crowds, but in most every home
there were family dinners and re
unions reflecting the spirit of the
Before the day arrived churches,
school, organizations and groups had
introduced the season with programs
and trees, and the air was filled with
the singing of carols, while homes
decorated inside and out with lights
and tokens of the season, and gay
shop windows on a Main street
adorned with large, illuminated trees
at the corners, all joined in to make
it a very merry Christmas, indeed.
The season's spirit will be carried
out until after the New Year is her
aided tomorrow night, though many
of those coming from the outside
have left or are leaving today or to
morrow. Church and private watch
parties are on the .slate to welcome
the stripling 1938, and the Elks hall
will again be the gala scene of a
large public ball.
Announcement was received this
week of the death of Father James
J. Walsh at St. Anthony's hospital
in Pendleton, where he was taken
following his recent accidental fall
into the channel of Willow creek
from the south Court street bridge
here. News of Father Walsh's pass
ing is received with deep regret by
his many Heppner friends.
Word comes from Mrs. Jones at
Portland that Mayor Jeff Jones is
"just doing fine and hopes to be
home before very long." Mayor Jones
underwent an operation at St Vin
cent's hospital in the city three weeks
ago, and word of his recovery is
welcomely received by his host of
Because of the New Year's holi
day falling on next Saturday, the
regular meeting of Heppner Lodge
No. 69, A. F. & A. M., will not be
held, announces Vawter Parker, W.
M. Degree work will be featured
at the meeting in the third Satur
day in January.
Holiday guests at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. R. C. Young were their
sons, Reo Young of Forest Grove
and Bob Young of Rainier; daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Rasmussen of Portland, and
friend, Miss Fayetta Wasser of Rain
ier. All were Christmas day guests
except Miss Wasser who arrived on
Tuesday and is leaving today.
Holiday guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Monahan were their
daughter, Miss Mary Monahan and
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. John Barrie of Yakima, Wash.
Miss Monahan who holds a position
as stewardess on the Dollar liner
President Jefferson, recently re
turned from a trip to the Orient
Miss Kathryn Bisbee, Clackamas
county health nurse, spent Christ
mas at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Bisbee.
Exterior Illumination Cheer
For Christmas Season Spon
sored by P. P. & L. Company
The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Y.
Ball on South Court street in Hepp
ner was given first choice by the
judges for its exterior Christmas il
lumination in a contest sponsored by
Pacifc Power and Light company to
promote this kind of Christmas
cheer. For their efforts, Mr. and Mrs.
Ball received the $10 cash first prize.
Second place winner was the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gilliam on
Baltimore street, who received the
$5 cash second prize. The E. L. Mor
ton residence on North Court street
was third choice of the judges, tak
ing the $2.50 cash third prize.
Eight homes were registered in
the contest, all of which were judged.
The exhibits were to have been in
place by 5 o'clock the evening of
December 22, and were expected to
be lighted from 5 to 9 each evening
until January 1. ,
Jan. 15 Closing Date
For '38 Work Sheets
A closing date for- filing work
sheets under the 1938 Agricultural
Conserevation program in Oregon
and specifications for practices un
der the range improvement program
were decided upon by the State AAA
committee at its recent meeting at
Oregon State college, reports N. E.
Dodd, Haines, chairmin.
January 15 will be the deadline set
for receiving additional worksheets,
the committee decided. County com
mittees have been receiving these
worksheets for the past month from
those who have not participated in
either of the previous programs. All
who have turned in these work
sheets previously are automatically
included for next year.
Specifications for the range build
ing practices have been sent to
Washington for final approval be
fore being forwarded to the coun
ties. It is understood they follow in
a general way the previous practices
with such changes as are necessary
to conform to some new national
The extent to which Oregon live
stock men have benefitted under
the range program is indicated by
statistical summaries in the state
office showing work done under the
first brief 1936 program and the re
cent 1937 program, summaries of
which are still incomplete.
R. G. Johnson, range specialist of
the state college staff, credits the
range program of the AAA with
bringing the greatest single ad
vancement in range rehabilitation
work. In the 1936 program there
were 1179 cooperators owning more
than 3 million acres of range land.
This year estimates are for close to
1900 cooperators owning 6 million
"Cooperators are not paid the total
cost of beneficial improvements,"
Johnson points out, "but are suffi
cient to encourage owners to con
tribute the balance." Figures from
the U. S. Forest service show that
it costs about $130 to clean out and
box a spring, with troughs and pipe.
The AAA paid $50 per spring last
year and a total of 1641 were devel
oped. "The value of these and other im
provements from a national long
time standpoint is the reason for
government aid in such conservation
An adjuster with the state unem
ployment compensation commission
will be at the office of Mrs. Clara
Beamer, county relief manager, all
day next Monday to assist with any
local problems arising under the
national security act
Mrs. Mary S. Sowers writes from
Kansas City that her husband passed
away a; that place last Friday, and
that she expects to return to Hepp
ner shonly to make her home.
Final Tax-Paying
Rush Makes Year's
Balance Pleasing
Current Roll 77 Pet.
Collected; Total Pay
ments Exceed Levy
With tomorrow as the deadline
date for paying delinquent taxes
more than three years hi arrears,
the sheriffs office has been the
scene of lively tax-paying activity
for several weeks. Payment of the
current year's taxes has been accel
erated by provision that paymnt of
penalty and interest on certain back
years may be escaped by paying this
year's tax in full plus a quarter of
the year's tax farthest delinquent.
Turnover yesterday of $31,476.63
on the current roll brought collec
tions on this year's roll up to 77 per
cent of the total. Cash collections
on the current roll up to that time
amounted to $210,842.81, the roll's
total being $277,073.66.
Payment of full year's tax before
due had resulted in total discount
of $4,051.29 being given, while total
interest for late payments amounted
to $969.91.
From turnovers already received
for the year, total collections on both
delinquent taxes and the current
roll were $10,000 short of equalling
the amount levied for this year, but
it was believed that unsegregated
collections of delinquent taxes still
in the hands of the sheriff would
more than equal that amount to show
total collections for the year more
than the amount levied, making the
second successive year that Morrow
county has emerged with a blue ink
balance in the tax ledger.
1 1 Realty Transfers
Made Since August
Eleven realty transfers through
the local office of affiliates with
Federal Land Bank of Spokane have
been made since August. They are
announced as follows:
L. P. Davidson lower ranch in
Gooseberry, 1488 acres, to Sidney
C. B. Ruley, 600 acres near Mc
Nabb, to Marion Palmer.
E. R. Minor or H. E. Cool farm on
creek 4 miles below lone, 356 acres,
to Harry Munkers.
F. O. Rasmus (formerly operated
by W. P. Hill), 320 acres, to B. B.
C. H Schmidt, 320 acres near Al
pine ,to Albert and Kathryn Bowker.
H. H. Crawford, 80 acres at Board
man, to Delbert Carpenter.
Blanche Watkins, 40 acres at Irri
gon. to Dee Gastin, Willows, Ore.
Edith Fagerstrom, 10 acres at Irri
gon, to Edgar Adams.
Arbogast and Dinius, 2080 acres
on North Fork of John Day near
Ritter, to Gerald Slocum.
Davidson ranch, 160 acres grass
land, to Jesse Warfield.
Oscar Keithley, 520 acres grass
land, to Harvey Harshman.
Offices of Vawter Parker and Har
lan McCurdy, secretary and apprais
er for farm loaning agencies, were
moved this week from the Roberts
building to upstairs in First National
bank building. The quarters now
occupied were formerly held by J.
L; Gault, receiver for local banks,
whose offices were removed last
week to upstairs in Hotel Heppner.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Chinn was the scene of a gay party
yesterday when a large group of
young friends of their son Daniel
were invited to help celebrate his
Sale of the Lucille Beauty shop
was announced this week to Mrs.
Lowell Turner, beauty operator at
the Coxen barber shop.
People Not Served First Notified
to Makes Plans to Meet
Contingencies Themselves
Engineer Armstrong of the state
highway department from Pendle
ton, and Bert Johnson, county judge,
have released the state and county's
highway clearing program in event
of snow blocking such as occurred
last winter. Armstrong went over
the matter with Judge Johnson when
in the city last week end.
It shall be the intention to serve
everyone as fast as possible, but the
principal routes will be given first
consideration, said the judge in re
minding those who may have to wait
that suffcient supplies of necessities
should be maintained to meet such
an eventuality.
The first consideration of the state
shall be to keep the Oregon-Washington
highway open between Hepp
ner and Heppner Junction. The
ond road to receive attention will be
the Heppner-Hardman road; thirdly,
the road east to Jones hill, and fourth
the Rugg-Eight Mile road. No effort
will be made to keep the Heppner
Spray road open south of Hardman
unless it can easily be done, ac
cording to the announcement. '
The county will give first consid
eration to mail and school bus routes,
clearing other roads thereafter as
they can be managed, said Judge
Johnson. While the county has
equipped itself better to meet an
emergency of snow-blocked roads
than it was last year, still there
might be some time before every
one could be served, and it is the de
sire to let everyone know what to
expect so that those who might be
unfavorably situated may plan as
they think best.
Pierce Helps Condon
Keep Mail Slate
Representative Walter M. Pierce
has offered to intercede in behalf of
the people of Condon and the John
Day valley to assist them in holding
the faster mail service obtained a
few months ago, according to Condon
Globe Times. The better mail service
was provided on the Condon branch
railroad by making up a baggage
carload of freight destined for that
branch at The Dalles and hooking
it on to a passenger train so that the
Condon branch train could be
cleared without waiting for the later
freight train. Threat of losing the
better service came from an appeal
before the railway board of arbitra
tion by train employees objecting to
the mixed service on the main line
passenger train.
A petition for better mail service
at Heppner resulted in the Portland
postal office asking for bids to haul
mail by truck on both Condon and
Heppner branches. Resultant threat
from railroad sources was that loss of
mail contracts to the roalroad com
pany would cause restricted train
service on both branches and likeli
hood of removal of railroad families
living in the two towns. Rather than
face such an eventuality many peo
ple who signed the petition for bet
ter service here signed a second pe
tition asking that no change be made
from the present method of handling
the mail, and general sentiment was
expressed at Condon supporting the
railroad holding the mail contracts.
The railroad position has been
given that the best possible service
in hauling the mail has been main
tained while at the same time meet
ing the demand for fast freight ser
vice. Delay in bringing the incoming
mail on the Heppner branch has
been caused generally by waiting to
meet a main line freight train.
Results of Mr. Pierce's intercession
in behalf of the neighboring people
will be watched with interest here.
Heppner Camp Fire girls dissem
inated Christmas cheer, to shut-ins
at Morrow General hospital which
did much to brighten the day there,
says Mrs. Lulu G. Rumble, superintendent.
Woolmen Program
At Prineville
Set January 10-11
National President,
Secretary Coming;
Many Topics Slated
Prineville has announced to the
world that it is ready to play host in
grand style to the 41st annual con
vention of Oregon Wool Growers as
sociation, January 10-11, and J. G.
Barratt, president, has added his in
vitation for everyone interested lo
cally in the industry to attend.
The complete program, released
this week, gives an imposing array
of speakers, including R. C. Rich of
Burley, Idaho, president of the na
tional association. An open forum
will be held on each topic introduced
for discussion, giving everyone a
chance to express his views.
Committees will meet at the Ocho-
co inn at 1:30 p. m., Sunday the 9th,
and the convention proper will open
at 10 o'clock the following morning.
Special music, address of welcome
by W. B. Morse, mayor of Prineville,
response by J. H. Dobbin of Enter
prise, President Barratt's address,
report of W. A. Holt, secretary;
"Whose Sheep?" "by F. R. Marshall,
secretary of the national association,
and announcements are on Monday
morning's slate.
Monday afternoon beginning at
1:15, the program will include: "How
come, my sheep she die?" Dr. J. N.
Shaw, O. S. C; open discussion of
sheep disease questions; observations
on range improvement,. J. H. Dob
bin; the 1938 range improvement
program, N. E. Dodd, chairman State
Agricultural ' Conservation commit
tee, Haines; open discussion of
range improvement program; "Your
Auxiliary," Mrs. Ira Staggs, presi
dent Women's Auxiliary, Keating;
"Sighs in Ewes;" D. E. Richards, su
perintendent Union branch experi
ment station.
The annual banquet will be held
at 6:30 Monday evening, with closed
meeting for woolgrowers at 8:30.
Tuesday morning beginning at 9
o'clock the program will include
"The Coyote Problem," Roy Fugate,
district agent U. S. Biological sur
vey; "What's happened to the wool
market?" handled as an open dis
cussion by nationally known author
ities and growers; report of Trans
portation and Marketing committee,
J. H. Dobbin, chairman; "Why a Na
tional?" R. C. Rich, president Na
tional Wool Growers; report of gen
eral resolutions and organization
committee, R. I. Thompson, Heppner,
chairman. .
Beginning at 1:15 Tuesday after
noon, program numbers will be
"Managing Oregon's Wild Life," Wm.
J. Smith, president Oregon Wild Life
federation; "Can a State Plan Ita
Land Use?" by Dr. E. L. Potter;
"Grazing Public Timber Lands," E.
N. Kavanaugh, assistant regional
forester, Portland; "Livestock and
Wild Life," Herman Oliver, John
Day; report of Grazing and Public
Lands committee, Robert L. Weir,
Lakeview, chairman; report of Pre
datory Animal and Wild Life com
mittee, H. E. Rooper, Antelope,
chairman; report of Legislation and
Taxation committee, W. H. Steiwer,
Fossil, chairman; election of officers
for 1938.
Mrs. Henry Krebs of Cecil under
went an operation for appendicitis
in Portland Sunday. At last reports
she was recovering nicely.
New OSC Term Starts Jan. 3
Corvallis Registration for the
winter term at Oregon State college
opens Monday, January 3. New stu
dents may enter at that time with
out serious difficulty in arranging
a program, says Registrar E. B. Lem
on. Seniors registered before leav
ing, for the first time, and hence will
report for class work January 4.