Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 23, 1937, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Heppner Upsets
Grant Union High
By Paul McCarty
i Playing a heads-up type of bas
ketball that seemed so unfamiliar
an accompaniment to the local squad
so far this season, the fighting Hepp
ner quintet, in an over-time period,
scored one of the stunning upsets
of the current year here last Tuesday
when it defeated the highly-touted
barnstorming team from Grant Un
ion high school of John Day and
Canyon City.
A victory it looked to be for the
visiting Prospectors, as they took a
four point lead with only a minute
to go, but Heppner tied it in the last
seconds with a basket that evened
things up at 30 all, necessitating the
over-time period.
Coxen led off for Heppner with a
basket on a solo dash down ' the
floor, after taking the ball away
from a Grant Union dribbler who
was caught napping as he scouted
around for a pass receiver. Farmer,
smooth working Prospector guard
who sets up all his team's plays, tied
the score with a field goal, only to
have Van Marter score on an under-the-basket
shot. Grant Union, evi
dently unaccustomed to being scored
upon so early in their games, called
time out. Two baskets thereafter
put the visitors in the lead, but
Aiken netted two free throws to
again tie the score, Drake, Mustang
guard, sank two baskets in rapid
order, and again Grant Union called
time out. Coxen swished a long one
through the basket, as Grant Union
converted a gift shot to give Hepp
ner a 12 to 7 lead at the end of the
first quarter.
The boys from the interior opened
up the second quarter with a bar
rage of shots that put them ahead
15 to 12, after scoring 8 points be
fore Heppner got settled. Barratt
retaliated for the locals with a bas
ket that narrowed Grant Union's
margin to one point.
Coach Knox, Heppner mentor, who
had been using his reserves, insert
ed three players to place on the floor
his complete first team. Drake, be
spectacled freshman who has a habit
of putting Heppner in the lead when
the going gets tough, scored as did
Crawford and Coxen, while Donald
son countered for Grant Union. Half
time score: Heppner 20, Grant Un
ion 17.
Both teams started checking very
closely in the first five minutes of
the third quarter, a decided contrast
, to the scoring in the first and sec
ond periods. Moore, Prospector for
ward, hit the basket, but Aiken and
Coxen tallied with a free throw and
a basket to stretch Heppner's ad
vantage to four points. A foul shot
by Moore and floor tosses by Blank
and Tracy resulted in Grant Union's
again forging to the front, as the
third quarter terminated in this
see-saw game.
A free throw by Van Marter,
Heppner center, score-boarded the
tallies at 24 all. Immediately follow
ing Donaldson and Farmer sank two
long ones that made the situation a
rather dark one for Heppner's hoped
for win. A gift shot from the foul
line by Van Marter and another of
the same by Aiken, with Coxen's
one-handed shot again tied the score,
this time at 28 all.
Again Donaldson, Prospector long
shot artist, went into action in the
last minute and sank one from mid
court to almost cinch a Grant Union
victory, but their stalling efforts
were unsuccessful as Heppner took
the ball away from them. With 6
seconds to go, Van Marter took the
ball directly under the basket on -a
pass from Barratt, leaped into the
air and rang the bill with the tie
ing score that sent Heppner fans in
to an unquellable frenzy of cheer
ing. Both warring hoop squads took
their time in passing and shooting at
the opening of the five minute over
time period, but as soon as Heppner
laid hands on the ball, a field goal
was in the making, with Drake
shooting a left-handed whirl shot
from front-court. A converted free
throw by Farmer sent the Mustangs
into scoring notions again, with Van
Marter, Heppner. offensive leader,
boosting his team into a 34 to 31
lead. As Tracy converted a free shot
the final gun sounded Heppner's
breath-taking win over Grant Un
ion high school, the third best team
in last . spring's district 13 tourna
ment. Line-ups:
Heppner (34) (32) Grant Union
Drake (8) g (6) .... Donaldson
Aiken (3) g (5) Farmer
Van Marter (10) c (3) Tracy
Coxen (9) f (4) Blank
Barratt (2) f (5) Moore
Substitutions: Heppner: CDon
nell, Crawford (2), Kenny, Bennett,
Morgan; Grant Union: Endicott (6),
Simpke (2).
Active at lone
Members of the American Legion
and auxiliary held a joint meeting
in the Legion hall Monday night.
Mrs. W. J. Blake, Mrs. Walter Rob
erts, Mrs. Fred Nichoson, Mrs. Jack
Wagner and Miss Barbara Wagner
were initiated into the auxiliary.
After the meeting members and their
families enjoyed a social hour. Small
gifts were exchanged and refresh
ments of pop corn and apples were
served. Hostesses were Mrs. Fred
Mankin and Mrs. Lee Beckner.
Mrs. Dorr Mason has returned
from Heppner with her infant son.
Miss Harriet Heliker returned
from Heppner Sunday and is em
ployed in Bert Mason's store.
Last Saturday night lone Lodge
No. 120, A. F. & A. M., and Locust
Chapter No. 119- O. E. S, held a joint
installation of officers at the Ma
sonic hall Alex Huber, as installing
officer for the 'Masonic lodge, in
stalled the following: E. R. Lundell,
W. M.; Henry Smouse, S. W.; E. J.
Blake, J. W.; George Ely, secretary;
Elmer Griffith, treasurer; John
Krebs, steward; W J. Blake, tyler,
and W. G. Roberts, marshal. With
Ruth Mason as installing officer,
Anna Blake, marshal, Martha Dick,
chaplain- and Gladys Drake, organ
ist, the following officers were in
stalled for the O. E. S.: Mary Beck
ner, worthy matron; Alex Huber,
ciate matron; John Krebs, associate
worthy patron; Mable Krebs, asso
patron; Beulah Mankin, conductress;
Anne Smouse, associate conductress;
Lena Lundell, treasurer; Roxy Krebs,
chaplain; Margaret Blake, organist;
Mildred Lundell, Adah; Dorothy
Smith, Ruth; Fannie Griffith, war
der; Elmer Griffith, sentinel. Other
officers who will be installed at a
later date are Alva Mason, Esther;
Orral Feldman- Martha; Elaine Riet
mann, Electa; Ruth Mason, secre
tary; and Anna Blake, marshal. Both
the incoming and outgoing matrons
were presented wtih gifts and flow
ers. Following the ceremonies re
freshments were served.
Miss Linea Troedson is spending
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Troedson.
College students home for Christ
mas are Eva Swanson, Joyce Carl
son, Fred and Ellen Nelson and
Kenneth Smouse from O. S. C, Paul
Smouse and Rossbelle Perry from
U. of 0., and Mignonette Perry, Eu
gene Normoyle, Charles and Wallace
Lundell from Pacific university.
The Past Noble Grand club had a
Christmas party following the reg
ular meeting of the Rebekah lodge
last Thursday night.
Francis Ely and Miss Fredrickson
of Salem, are guests of George Ely.
Ervin Ritchie has returned from
Yachats where he has been em
ployed. Miss Guyla Cason, who has been
visiing at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. Harry Snively, near Yakima,
arrvied on Saturday to visit at the
home of Mrs. Lana Padberg.
Robert Smith and his son and
daughter- Harvey and Bonnie, have
gone to California for a month. Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Smith are taking care
of their ranch.
Harry Munkers has purchased the
farm below town which has been
farmed by H. E. Cool the past few
Denward Bergevin is home from
Gonzaga university at Spokane.
Friends who sent birthday greet
ings early in December to Mrs. H.
C. Furnell at the I. O. O. F. home at
Saratoga, Calif., have had their cards
returned with the information that
the addressee was deceased No date
was given. Mrs. Furnell will be re
membered by many older residents
of lone.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seely and
daughter have been visiting J. F.
Hardesty at Morgan. When they re
turned to their home in the valley
Mr. Hardesty went with them and
will make him home with them.
Willows grange will hold an all
day meeting at their hall in Cecil
next Sunday, Dec. 26. There will be
a Christmas tree, program, etc., also
the regular business meeting of the
Two Councilmen
Resign at Boardman
Miss Barbara Narkoski of La
Grande stopped in Boardman Sat
urday enroute to her home near
Seattle. She is a former resident of
Victor, Jessie and Dante Petru
zelli of Bridal Veil spent the week
end visiting their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Colosso.
Ladies Aid was held at the home
of Mrs. Leo Root Wednesday after
noon. Simon Gent ,who has been visit
ing his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Baker,
left Thursday for Longview, Wash.,
where he will visit.
A dance was held in the grange
hall Saturday evening. Music was
furnished by the Troubadors and a
large crowd attended.
The Boardman Yellowjackets met
the Irrigon quintet on the Boardman
floor Tuesday evening. The Yellow
jackets won.
Miss Virginia Compton spent Sat
urday shopping in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lay have purchased
a new automobile from a dealer in
Mr. and Mrs. Turner Bond of Cor
vallis visited at the home of Mrs.
Bond's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fish
er Friday evening. They were on
their way to La Grande to spend
the holidays.
W. A. Strobel who is employed
at Athena, spent the week end with
his family.
T. Hendricks and R. Alt motored
to Bonneville the past week.
Two councilmen have resigned
from the city council. They are Ed
Barlow and Ray Brown.
Harlan Lundell of Pendleton was
a visitor on the project Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bottemiller and
children of Arlington spent Satur-
The appreciated
General Electric
R. C. A. Victor
New Models
$19.95 up
Give Your Family
a Treat . . . Eat
Complete Turkey
12:00 to 3:00
5:30 to 8:00
day visiting the J. F. Gorham fam
ily. A speciol school election was held
Friday to elect a new director to
take W. A. Strobel's place. Neal
Bleakney was elected.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown- Mrs.
Percy Rake and son returned from
La Grande where they have been
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peck, Mr. and
Mrs.' Lester Uthe and Norine Ol
son spent Saturday shopping iif
Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Pettys of
lone are visiting Mrs. Petty's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins and
Miss Jeanette Turner of Rufus were
visitors on the project over the week
Miss Helen Goosie and Elmer Chi
chester of Walla Walla visited at
the Harry Ford home Monday.
A birthday party given in honor
of Norine Olsen's and Mildred Ay
ers birthdays was given Sunday
evening at the Bleakney home. The
evening was spent making taffy, pop
ing corn and playing games.
A faculty Christmas party was
given at the Elmer Sullivan home
Sunday evening.
Juvenile grange was held Satur
day evening. Installation of officers
took place with all officers present.
Greenfield grange was held Sun
day afternoon with a pot-luck din
Ralph Jackson, manager of Jack
son Implement company, distribu
tors for International Harvester pro
ducts in Morrow county as well as
several other eastern Oregon coun
ties, was in Heppner on business the
first of the week. He announced the
opening of a new store at La Grande
to serve newly acquired territory in
Union and Wallowa counties.
My Friends
518-522 Pacific Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Life Accident Health
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We are moving a stock of lafe model,
fine quality overcoats at these good
$29.50 OVERCOATS $23.50
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