HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 9, 1937 PAGE FIVE LEXINGTON NEWS Lexington Responds To Red Cross Call By Bertha Hunt The annual Red Cross membership drive was completed Thanksgiving Day and all monies have been turn ed over to the Morrow County chap ter by the local committee. Lexing ton's drive exceeded its quota with 55 memberships and 2 contributors, Making a total of $56 received. The success of the drive was largely due to the efforts of the following peo ple who solicited: Mrs. Wm. Smeth urst, Mrs. Bertha Hunt, Mrs. R. B. Rice, Mrs. Chas. Marquardt, Mrs. A. M. Edwards, Mrs. Wm. Van Winkle, Mrs. Anne Jonhson, Mrs. Harvey Bauman. Following is a list of mem bers signed up: Edna Turner, W. R. Scott, Reta Cutler, Mary Alice Reed, Raymond H. Turner, W. S. Spencer, Spokane, Lavelle Leathers, Wm. D. Campbell, Elmer Hunt, W. B. Tucker, Lilian Turner, Tom Nichols (contributor), Lorraine Beach, Rufus Pieper (con tributor), Mrs. N. M. Davis, Ola Ward, Mrs. J. G. Johnson, Harry Duvall, J. Parker Lineberry, Ladd Sherman, Orville Cutsforth, Mrs. Orville Cutsforth, George Peck, W. C. Van Winkle, Mrs. R. A. Camp bell, Mrs. Gene Gray, L. A. Palmer, Mrs. Dee Cox, Jr., Mrs. Edna Mun kers, S. J. Devine, G. R. White, Maude Pointer, Anna Miller, A. F. Nelson, R. B. Rice, Annie Hynd, Nellie Doney, W. G. Hynd, David Hynd, Mrs. Chas. Marquardt, Mrs. Ruth McMillan, Wm. Smethurst, Ray Phillips, Roy Johnson, Mrs. Florence Beach, Mrs. Sarah White, Mrs. O. J. Cox, James L. Leach, Dona E. Bar nett, John Lasich, Elsie M. Beach, Mrs. S. G. McMillan, Edith M. Ed wards, Henderson Bros., Jackson Implement Co., Mrs. A. M. Edwards, Mrs. Ralph Jackson. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dough erty, a son Jerry Mack, weighing 6Vfe pounds, at the home of Mrs. P. A. Mollahan in Heppner, Tuesday, December 7. Mrs. George Smith and Mrs. Tom Solvester of Blalock are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dougherty. Mrs. Smith is a sister and Mrs. Solvester an aunt of Mrs. Dougherty's. Ed Warner and son Eldon of Pilot Rock were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott over the week end. Rev. Cecil Warner of Hermiston will preach Sunday at 2:30 at the Christian church. Christian Endeav or for young people will meet im mediately after the church services. A Christmas play and program are' being prepared for the Christian and Congregational Sunday schools to be presented Sunday, Dec. 19. Oris Padberg and Vernon Scott were business visitors in Condon on Monday. Mrs. Elsie Beach returned Tues day from a short business trip to Portland. Curley Sacks has returned from Spray where he has been working. Clay and Ray Phillips motored to Portland Sunday to visit their broth er, Howard Lane. Mrs. James Pointer who has been visiting with relatives in this com munity left for her home in Silver- ton Thursday. Eugene Gray, Wm. Van Winkle and Merritt Gray were in Pendle ton on business one day this week. Mrs. Marion Palmer who under went an appendicitis operation in Pendleton has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allyn of lone were in Lexington Monday. Howard Lane who underwent a major operation at Portland last Thursday is reported to be making good progress toward recovery. Arthur Hunt suffered a painful injury Sunday evening when he cut his wrist while chipping wood at his home. Seven stitches were required to close the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Eslie Walker motored to Hardman Monday where they at tended the funeral of Mr. Walker's uncle, Bert Walker, who passed away in Heppner Thursday evening.; Mrs. Sarah C. White, with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald White of Hermiston, spent the Thanksgiving week end with presentation was made through Miss her daughter, Mrs. Lee Gilbreth, at Waitsburg, Wash. Don Way returned from Newberg where he has been employed in a logging camp. Mrs. Lawrence Beach and Mrs. Claude Graham visited at the Dick Wightman home in Arlington Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Barnett, Mrs. Trina Parker and Dona E. Barnett were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Leach. A feature of the day also was the taking of moving pictures, Mr. Leach having a good Eastman movie camera. Word has been received here of the marriage of Miss Edith A. Tuck er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tucker of this community, to Brad ley Castle of Weiser, Ida. The mar riage was solemnized at Weiser on Sunday, Dec. 5. Mrs. W. B. Tucker and son Wood row motored to Salem Wednesday where they spent several days vis iting Mrs. Tucker's father, Tom Scott. They were accompanied as far as Portland by A. H. Nichols and son Billy. Among those attending the East ern Oregon Wheat league meeting at La Grande from Lexington were Frank Saling, A. H. Nelson, B. H. Peck, R. B. Rice, O. W. Cutsforth, George Peck, Louis Marquardt and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller. School News The local high school basketball team played its first game of the season with Echo on the opponents' floor Nov. 31, and met defeat with a score of 32-18. The grade school boys' basketball team was defeated by Heppner"s grade school team on the home floor Dec. 3. The final score was 18-4. ' A valuable addition to the Lex ington school library was made on November 13 when a volume of "Twenty Eventful Years" by Law rence K: Hodges, was presented by Mr. N. A. Leach of Portland. The Dona Barnett. The grateful apprecia tion of the Lexington high school is extended to Mr. Leach for this gift On the afternoon of December 3 the high school boys met the girls in a spelling duel, and were defeated. The girls expect a party in their honor sometime in the near future. The date for the student body play, "Tiptoe Inn," has been set for January 7, 1938. The cast is work ing at every opportunity. Lexington's first home basketball game of the season will be Friday night, Dec. 10, with Umatilla. Ad mission will be 10c and 25c. This main telephone or extension, "Christmas wrapped," installed just before or just after Christmas day, and billed to donor, is a mod ern Christmas idea. You can say "Merry Christmas" this way by just calling and arranging it with THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Business Office: 4 "West "Willow Street Jieppner, Oregon SEE HIM SMILE M the Men's Store where the most charming stock of Christ mas Gift Goods ever displayed awaits your selection SUITS and OVERCOATS They're CURLEE, showing the style and quality for which CURLEE is famous Stetson and Hardeman HATS Leaders in the head adornment SWEATERS The finest assortment, slip-ons, coat types, zippers; many weights and colors. WILSON'S Sees From I r CT, SHE WILL I tilfeol SMILE, TOO i '5:vyQ when she opens her 1 W,mlm kayser S? fW?m Mirror-dear HOSIERY T JL 0!l the thoughtful man-shop- 2? lP'' I find no more aP" g -..v.yv' predative gift. SHIRTS - CRAVATS - SOX All leaders in the winter fash ion show. ALL IN GIFT BOXES V FT SUGGESTIONS GLOVES BILLFOLDS TOILET SETS in leather case BUCKLE and TIE HOLDER SUSPENDERS BELTS GARTERS Take a GIFT RECEIPT If you are not sure about size, or other suitability of any ar ticle, we will issue a gift receipt so recip ient may make own choice of any article m Mm mm