HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 1937 PAGE FOUR Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15. 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CBAWTOBD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Three Years Six Months Three Months Single Copies . J2.00 6.0P 1.00 .75 .06 Official Paper for Morrow County 1937 NOVEMBER 1937 Or e Bun. Mob. Tut. Wed. Thu. FcJL Sit. (a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CO CO N CO n to co c We Are Thankful PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has expressed the sentiment of the nation on this day of Thanksbiving. First and foremost we are thankful that we are a nation at peace in a world torn by war. Then we are grateful for a generous Providence. The Thanksgiving theme is old, yet ever new. Thanks-giving ante dates the coming of our Pilgrim forefathers to America, though they gave it special significance on the new continent. It is as old as man kind. But it is new because man kind, though it has progressed in use and development of talents, still, as did the first man, depends upon a power over which it has no con trol to subsist in the world. Man is and always has been insuf -ficent unto himself. The elements of nature seem to play a lesser part , in his existence today than they did in primeordial times, yet the Four Horsemen of Hate, Fear, Pestilence and Death ride o'er the world and we know not whence they may strike. We as a nation have been little trod on by the arch enemies of hu manity in the last twelvemonth. And if we as individuals have escaped their course, then, indeed, have we real cause for Thanksgiving. No Day Dream TNLAND EMPIRE WATERWAYS JLassociation will shortly file a brief with the Board of Army Engineers at Washington in reply to the report of Colonel Robins made July first. The brief was expected to incorpor ate a voluminous array of letters from civic, farm and other organiza tions of the region in support of the association program. Morrow coun ty organizations which have not done so should act immediately. All have supported the Inland Water ways program, and a concrete ex pression now may be of material as sistance. The waterways association is con tentious for no single development. It's program asks for slack water navigation of the Columbia between The Dalles and Lewiston as the ul timate objective, leaving to the board of engineers the most logical and economical course to attain that end. This county's benefit is to be ex pected in the way of lowered trans portation costs for our farm prod ucts. If our average annual output of 1,500,000 bushels of wheat and 1,000,000 pounds of wool were to be moved at a cent a hundred pounds reduction in freight cost, the saving to our producers would be $90,000 each year. This would amortize quite a sizeable investment as this coun ty's share of river development, while in addition backhaul of heavy commodities consumed in the coun ty suitable for river movement would contribute an additional sav ing. With the county ever increasing Three Danger Zones in the j Although the number of deaths from tuberculosis In the general population has steadily declined during the past fifty years, there are still three groups of American citi zens, especially susceptible to the enemy's attack. It is still the leading cause of death for young women be tween 15 and 30; it takes 6 times more men in the lowest economic group than In the highest, and each year It kills three to three and one- its comsumption of motor fuel thru widening use of machine power on our farms, freight cost on this fuel item could reasonably be expected to be reduced which should con tribute a sizeable saving in this one item of consumption alone. Those who are promoting the river development program are not day dreaming. The saving which may reasonably be expected to be made in Morrow county is only a drop in the bucket to the total saving which should result to the Inland Empire The total figure should run into the millions of dollars each year. ENLISTS IN ARMY Major H. D. Bagnall, the Army Re cruiting Officer, 323 New Post Of fice building, Portland, announced Tuesday the enlistment in the Uni ted States army of Andrew McDon ald Shoun, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shoun of Heppner. Shoun applied for enlistment at the Portland office on November 3rd and was tentatively accepted on that date. After passing the final regular army examinations at Vancouver Barracks, Washington, he was en listed November 23rd for service with the Corps of Engineers with station in the Hawaiian Islands, Ma jor Bagnall said. The Major's report also indicates that Shoun will leave Vancouver Barracks without delay for the Ov erseas Discharge and Replacement Depot at San Francisco, Calif., to prepare to sail for the Islands on the army transport that leaves there on December 13th. Shoun is a native of Oregon and was born at Spray on November 20, 1919. HOW ABOUT IT, "FRED"? Some of Dr. Fred E. Farrior's old time Heppner friends chuckled when they read in the daily press of an in cident this week. i The former Heppner dentist was given a ticket for over-time parking in his home town of Pendleton. Re porting before the judge he was as sessed a $1 fine. He paid it, but re vealed upon doing so that working overtime on the teeth of the daugh ter of Henry Arkell, patrolman issu ing the ticket, was responsible for the overparking. Now Fred's friends here will ask if he tacked the price of the fine on the dental bill. SHEEP FROM MONTANA Sheep flocks of J. G. Barratt which were summered on Montana range arrived Monday morning and were unloaded at the local railroad yards. Full precipitation of winter in the Glacier National park region where the sheep were stationed occasioned removal of the sheep before the ex pected time. Mr. Barratt expected they might be kept there until the first of next month. CRAWFORD-MORGAN Return was made at the courthouse this week of the marriage of Miss Margaret Ann Crawford and Milton Riley Morgan, both lone young folks, who were married November 18 at the Congregational church in Ore gon City by Rev. E. P. Borden. half times more Negroes than white people. The college girl on the left is having an X-ray exami nation given as part of the health program, carried out in many schools and colleges. In the center is an industrial worker, whose em ployer has sent him to the factory doctor for a thorough physical ex amination. The little girl Is receiv ing her tuberculin test at one of the many free clinics where capable col BOARDMAN NEWS 'Henpecked Hero' is Boardman Offering By LA VERN BAKER The annual student body play was given Friday evening at the school auditorium. The name was "Hen pecked Hero." The cast was as fol lows: Mildred Ayers, Ted Wilson, Lewis Kobow, Maxine Stribel, Jan et Gorham, Edith Nickerson, Stan ley Partlow, Jack McEntire, Virginia Compton, Lyle Tannehill, and La Vern Baker. The play instructor was J. Rothenberger. The play was well attended. Mrs. Miller of Portland is visiting her son, Russell Miller. Basil Cramer of Spokane is visit ing his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramer. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Edith Hen dricks spent Saturday shopping in Pendleton. Mr. Walker and Philip Jones left for Portland Sunday on business. Several cars of young people mo tored to lone Saturday evening where they attended the dance. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Hendricks motored to Arlington Sunday where they visited friends and relatives. A farewell handkerchief shower was given at the Baker home Thurs day honoring Mrs. Otto Lubbes, who is moving to Bonanza. Missionary meeting was held at the home of Mrs. E. T. Messenger Wednesday. Secretary of the mis sionary board was here to speak to the women. A large crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gorham and daughter, Mardell, spent Sunday visiting in Pendleton. Mr. Lubbes and Mr. Alt took a load of Lubbes' furniture to Bon anza last Thursday. They will move the rest on Tuesday. Mrs. E. Roberts left this week for Seattle where she will visit a short time. Jessie Petrezelle, Dante Petrezelle and Vincieo Garlide of Bonneville spent the week end visiting at the Colosso home. N. A. Bleakney and Neal Bleak ney motored to Walla Walla on business. Orlando De Pinto of Portland is visiting his sister, Mrs. Calosso. Miss Jeanne Bauer spent the week end in Echo visiting. Bill Horn, John Day and Mr. and Mrs. Ingle of Tacoma, Wash., visited at the Strobel home Sunday eve ning. Bert Solesbury form Mosier has taken Mr. Halfpenny's place in the depot this week. Mr. Halfpenny went to Seattle. Mrs. Grace Gupton of The Dalles visited here this week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Peck motored to The Dalles on business. Mike Healy of Portland is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Healy. Cecelia Partlow of Portland spent the week end visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Partlow. The Girls Athletic association is giving a dance on Nov. 27 in the T. B. Battle ored physicians and nurses are in charge. A winning fight is being waged against tuberculosis, but until we conquer these three danger zones we must continue to wield our weapons. Christmas Seals sold throughout the country between Thanksgiving and Christmas help to make possible tuberculin tests, free clinics, and X-ray examinations. They are powerful bullets in the nation wide tuberculosis battle. school gym. The Troubadors are playing. The girls are giving this to raise money to pay their transporta tion to the play day to be held in lone on December 4. Mr. and Mrs. Faler were dinner guests at the Ray Brown home Sat urday evening. Miss Virginia Compton spent Monday and Tuesday in The Dalles visiting. The Townsend club is giving a turkey dinner on Monday, Nov. 30, at the church. A special speaker is planned for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kruse are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Jones, this week. New Supervisor Comes to Forest New forest supervisors for three national forests in the North Pacific region of Oregon and Washington were announced by regional forest er C. J. Buck this week. Ralph Crawford, Pendleton, who has been acting supervisor of the Umatilla national forest this year has been moved to Seattle to become supervisor of the Snoqualmie na tional forest, a position left vacant by John C. Kuhns who recently was made assistant regional forester. Carl Ewing, formerly supervisor of the Malheur national forest at John Day, has been appointed super visor of the Umatilla national for est at Pendleton, and Ed. E. Birk maier, now assistant in the regional range management office at Port land, will move to John Day to be come supervisor of the Malheur na tional forest, succeeding Ewing. Carl Ewing, who will be the new forest supervisor of the Umatilla national forest, received part of his trainnig at Ohio State university. He entered the forest service as a guard on the Fremont national forest, Lakeview, in 1908. In the ten years from 1912 to 1922 he left the service and engaged in varied professional and business activity, notably lum bering and ranching. Returning to the Fremont forest again in 1922 he remained until he became assistant supervisor of the Malheur forest at John Day in 1925 and supervisor in 1930. Ewing has had charge of range examination work under the range conservation program of the AAA in Oregon and Washington during the past year. In the Umatilla and Malheur for ests range livestock problems are extremely important, and Ewing and Birkmaier are considered excep tionally well qualified from exper ience and study to help meet these problems. Crawford's technical training and experience are believed to have fitted him for the complex problems of his important Snoqual mie assignment. Ewing and Craw ford are members of the Society of American Foresters. We have a few used band instru ments priced for quick sale. Come in and look them over. Pendleton Music House. 37-38. Good Elk Season Brought to Close More than 600 bull elk will have been taken out of Oregon's four counties of Grant, Baker, Union, and Umatilla when the last hunter has officially checked out of the hunt ing territory, according to estimates of E. P. Cliff of the U. S. Forest Ser vice division of wild life, who re turned to Portland from the hunt ing area this week. The ten-day elk season closed November 18. Records showed that of the 2,816 hunters who checked in at the 14 stations manned by state game com mission and U. S. forest service rep resentatives, 1,654 had "checked out" by november 18 which was the last day of the hunting season, accord ing to Cliff. More than 544 kills had already been reported with some 1,200 hunters yet to be heard from. La Grande topped the list of check ing stations with 591 hunters checked in and 129 elk brought out at that point, Cliff reported. Time for check ing out had been extended another day by state officials because of the inclement weather. Cliff reported that the elk hunt was managed, as in past years, by the state game commission, state po lice, and forest service working in cooperation. Each hunter was per mitted to kill one bull elk with horns. Regulations aimed at the com plete salvage of the meat, which is somewhat of a task as these animals weigh up to 600 pounds. Hunters were required to have sufficient tackle to hang an elk carcass and to have adequate tools properly to clean and prepare the meat. Few violations of the law were noted. A gratifying feature of the season this year has been the fact that a large proportion of the elk kill con sisted of mature bulls, indicating past seasons had not depleted the young er animals. Cliff also stated that the elk this year were more widely scattered over the range which means that concentrated and dam aging inroads on the winter forage supply will be less severe. It is evi dent according to Cliff, that in spite of open seasons for the past four years the natural increase of the herds has exceeded the toll from hunters. . Last year 547 elk were bagged by a total of 2,945 hunters and in 1931 2,761 hunters brought in 692 elk. Information gained by state game officials and the forest service this season will prove extremely valuable in framing future plans for manage ment of big game herds in the na tional forests, according to Cliff. HOWARD TO BE INAUGURATED Eastern Oregon Normal, LaGrande, Nov. 24 Announcement has just been made that the State Board of Higher Education will hold its De cember meeting at Eastern Oregon Normal school in La Grande, Tues day, December 14. It is also an nounced that at this time a formal inauguration will be held for Dr. C. A. Howard who took over the pres idency of E. O. N. on September 1, 1937. Special guests and speakers have been invited for this occasion. BAG THREE ELK Glenn Hayes, Delwyn Matteson and Larrence Matteson each bagged a nice bmll elk on their hunt from which they, returned the end of the week following the close of the sea son last Thursday. Bert Cason of Lone Rock who hunted with them accompanied them to Heppner, but he was not so fortunate. The Women's Misionary society of the Christian church will present their annual Woman's Day program the evening of December 5. A mov ing picture film, "Africa Joins the World," will be shown and special music will complete the program. The public is invited. Born, November 19, at Kalama, Wash., to Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Acker man, a IVz piund girl. The little lady has been named Mary Josephine. There will be a meeting at the Christian church Friday at 3:00. All children of grade school age are in vited. The purpose is to organize a Loyal Temperance Union for chil dren. This will be followed by re freshments and games. Wayne Papinau was treated by a local physician Tuesday for a dog bite received at the school grounds. He was bitten on a finger.