Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 18, 1937, Image 1

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Krebs Invited to
Nation's Capital
National Confab of
Grazing District
Directors Set 26th
Chas. Bartholomew, president, and
John Krebs, director, of Morrow
County Grazing association, receiv
ed notification yesterday from the
district office at Burns that they
had been selected to represent their
district at a national conference in
Washington, D. C, November 26.
The notification carried authori
zation of free transportation and ex
penses. , Neither of the men knew
definitely yesterday whether he
would be able to make the trip.
The national conference antici
pates the attendance of two direc
tors from each grazing district set
up under the Taylor grazing act in
the entire country.
Due to the expected absence of
the two local men, Marvin Klemme,
regional grazier, has announced
postponement of the meeting to act
upon applications from November
29 to 9 a. m., Monday, December 6,
at Heppner.
Pheasant Population
Increased by 500
Morrow county's Chinese pheas
ant population was increased by 500
head this Week when two shipments
of 250 birds each arrived Tuesday
and yesterday from the state game
propagation farm at Pendleton.
Members of Morrow County Hunt
ers and Anglers club assisted in
planting them at strategic points
along the creeks.
The mated birds are hoped to make
better game bird hunting on local
creeks another season. Varied re
ports of the last season showed a
balance of opinion believing that the
county Chinese pheasant population
had decreased largely from former
seasons, and that unless the supply
were augmented and measures taken
to protect the birds against natural
enemies the beautiful sight of the
bright plumaged cocks might soon
no longer be seen against the local
Former Ford Dealer
Files Recovery Suit
Suit to recover $13,418.06 from
Universal Credit company and Mor
ris Tudwell was instituted this week
by R. C. Banister, member of tha
former firm of Milsom-Banister Mo
tor Co., local Ford dealers.
The complaint asks for payment
of $3000 for wrongful conversion of
automobiles; $418.06 damages for
wrongful conversion of promissory
notes; $5000 damages for destruc
tion of business, and punitive dam
ages in the sum of $5000. J. J. Nys,
Heppner, and C. Z. Randall, Pen
dleton, are attorneys for the plain
Local readers, or picture viewers,
of the current issue of "Life" re
ceived a thrill when they recognied
a local boy, Joe Green, among a
group of University of Oregon sxu
dents, pictured carrying an O. S. C.
student to the millrace in the course
of the recent Oregon State victory
rally staged in the university town.
There was Joe, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Green of this city, just as real
as life, though names of the students
were not given. Another view
showed an Oregon State student with
arms and legs outflung between the
bridge and water in the millrace
Braden-Bell Tractor and Equip
ment company announces the staging
of a tractor school at the local store,
December 3. A general invitation to
the public is extended.
Several Nimrods
Bring in Their Elk
Among Morrow county nimrods
reported as successful in their quest
for elk are reported Gene Ferguson.
John Hanna, Chester Brown, Roscoe
Cox, G. A. Bleakman. Walter Cor
ley, Len and Earle Gilliam and Ray
Ferguson was with a party which
included Fred Mankin, Chas. Mc
Elligott and Amhrnsf C, anin Vis
ing the only successful one of the
tour. With Bleakman, Hanna and
Cox was Frank Standish. The Gil
liam boys and Drake were all in one
party, making a hundred percent
20 Workers Enlisted in Heppner
Other Points Active for Red
Cross; Drive Ends Thanksgiving
The annual
"mercy drive" is
on in Morrow
county. Twenty
Red Cross mem
bership solicitors
are at work in
Heppner under
tne chairmanship mm
of the other communities of the
county has a person in charge of
the drive to put the county over the
top for its $300 quota.
Indication of progress is given by
requests for more supplies coming
from lone and Lexington, reported
Russell McNeill, county chapter
chairman, this morning.
First on the scene of disaster to
give succor, the American Red Cross
has so proved itself in innumerable
instances the last great instance
being the devastating floods of the
Ohio river region last year that its
appeal is gladly received by all
Those who so far have not been
contacted by roll call workers may
expect to be called on before
Thanksgiving, next Thursday, the
final date
Masons Schedule
Education Program
A short program in honor of Na
tional Education week will be given
by Heppner lodge A. F. & A. Ma
sons beginning at 8 o'clock Saturday
evening in their hall. Special num
bers will be furnished by the Hepp
ner and Lexington schools.
Work in the E. A. degree will be
a part of the regular lodge meeting
later. All members are given an
urgent invitation to be present.
Curtis Thomson received scalp
lacerations which required several
stitches to close when he drove his
coupe into a truck belonging to Noah
Pettyjohn which was parked partly
on the highway at the Wightman
ranch 3 miles below town, about 5
o'clock last Thursday evening. Miss
Jessie French, who was with him,
escaped with bruises. One door of
the car was taken off entirely and it
was badly wrecked generally. A
plank protruding from the truck
penetrated the passenger compart
ment of the car exactly where Miss
French had been sitting but the first
impact of the collision threw her
against Thomson into the clear. The
truck had run out of gas and had
been left as far off the highway as
possible. Thomson said he never
saw it.
Heppner's water was "A", test,
showing only 15 bacterial count per
cubic centimeter, according to a re
port received this morning by J. O.
Rasmus, watermaster, from the state
board of health. The sample was
taken Nov. 10. This is the second
best report ever received, said Mr.
H. L. Duvall and W. M. Eubanks,
local realtors this week filed inten
tion of using the assumed name of
Morrow County Land company, with
the clerics office.
State Leaders
Attend District
B.P.W. Meet Here
Inspiring Program
and Local Products
Dinner Feature
Phases of local and national wel
fare were discussed by competent
speakers in a manner that would
have appealed to everyone, said Mrs.
Clara Beamer, president Business
and Professional Womens club, in
commenting on the successful dis
trict conference of the state federa
tion of B. P. W. held in this city
Sunday. Such tpoics of public in
terest supplemented a program deal
ing with club wirk, and inspired
those attending to greater effort.
Leading the distinguished visitors
was Mrs. Zola Morgan of Hillsboro
state president, who brought a mes
sage of greeting. Other state officers
here included Hilda Swenson, Eu
gene, recording secretary; Mrs. Jean
Porter, Klamath Falls, finance chair
man; Evangeline Philbin, Portland,
international relations; Emma Mc-
Kinney, Hillsboro, magazine chair
man; Constance Lofts, Hood River,
membership chairman; Anne Hindle,
Portland, publicity chairman. Visit
ing club presidents included Bernita
Kummer, Hillsboro; Irene Hollen
beck, Hood River, and Jessie Bell,
Pendleton. ;
Breakfast at 7:45 was attended by
28, and there were 46 at the noon
luncheon which featured lamb re
cipes on the menu and provided each
guest with a small sack of wheat,
reminders of local industries. Both
events were held at the Lucas Place
Mrs. Beamer presided at the dinner.
Club collect was given by Miss
Maud King; special music was pro
vided by Mrs. Elizabeth Blanken-
ship; Mrs. Beamer gave greetings,
responded to by Mrs. Morgan, the
state president; group singing was
led by Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, and
there were introductions of state
officers and club presidents with
one minute talks. A feature of the
program was the address by Miss
Rose Leibbrand of the local club who
drew from her experiences as a
newspaper correspondent for three
years in China in discussnig "Inter
national Kaleidoscope."
Tar Weed Seed
Averred Cause
Of Hog Mortality
Some local hog raisers are re
ported as having recently been
baffled by death of animals to
which they have been feeding
wheat. Comes now Ture Peterson,
local meat market operator, with a
possible answer, and he is quite
certain, the correct one.
The deaths, he avers, are caused
not by the wheat but by tar weed
seed in the wheat. Fan mill screen
ings, he says, are especially like
ly to be contaminated with this
deadly potion this year as there
has been a general prevalence of
the weed, and he advises caution
in feeding screenings.
He believes that growers who
will feed only thoroughly cleaned
wheat will have no sick hogs.
Hogs which get the tar weed seed
in their feed shortly become fe
verish, and accumulate a large
amount of liquid in the intestines.
They apparently have a "walking
disease," he says, and eventually
Examination of all those who wish
to officiate at high school basketball
games the coming season will be held
at the high school December 4, at 10
o'clock a. m., announces Alden H.
Blankenship, superintendent. Any
one who does not qualify in this
examination is not permitted to of
ficiate at any Oregon high school
game, says Mr. Blankenship.
NOV. 18, 1937
Mrs. J. A. Sharp
Succumbs to Stroke
News reaches us just at press
time that Mrs. J. A. Sharp, wife of
the Heppner bakery proprietor, just
succumbed to a paralytic stroke
which she suffered Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Sharp was at work in the bak
ery when she was stricken.
The Sharps came to Heppner two
years ago from Grass Valley, and
in their short resdience here have
made many friends who join in
mourning Mrs. Sharp's unfortunate
death. Outside relatives arrived
yesterday and today in response to
word of her illness.
T. J. Mahoney, Prominent in
Financial, Civic Circles,
Succumbs to Heart Attack
Heppner relatives and friends
were shocked by news of the death
of T. J. Mahoney, one-time Hepp
ner and lone banker and legislator
from this district for two terms, who
sucumbed to a heart attack at his
home in Portland, Sunday morning.
He was stricken two days previously.
Funeral services were held in
Portland Tuesday afternoon, with
Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, sister-in-law,
and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mahoney,
nephew and wife, attending from
Mr. Mahoney frist came to this
county in 1903 as cashier of the old
Bank of lone. Following two years
service in that position the family
moved to Heppner and Mr. Mahoney
took the position of cashier and gen
eral manager of the First National
Bank of Heppner, which position he
retained until 1917. He represented
Morrow and Umatilla counties in
the state legislature from 1909 to
1913. In connection with his bank
ing interests, Mr. Mahoney also had
sheep raising interests while resid
ing here.
Mr. Mahoney was born in Wiscon
sin, and he volunteered as a mem
ber of the 1st regiment of South Da
kota volunteers at the start of the
Spanish-American war, serving in
the Philippines until the end of the
war, and later seeing service in the
Boxer uprising in China.
Following his residence here he
became connected with livestock
lending agencies in Portland, was
president of the Stockmen's National
bank at Nampa, Idaho, from 1923 to
1926, in which year he returned to
Portland and became vice-president
and manager of the Citv Insurance
company, which he helped organize
and which position he held at the
time of death. In addition to his
other activities Mr. Mahonev was a
member of the commission of Dublic
docks, was a director of the Portland
union stockyards, and served as
chairman of the Battleship Oregon
commission recently named bv Gov
ernor Martin.
He was a member of Heppner
Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M.
Surviving are the widow. Daisv
B., whom he married at Cherokee.
Ia., in 1902; two daughters, Margaret
L. and Ruth B., all at the familv
home, 2810 Northeast Twenty-first
avenue; a son, Thomas J. Mahoney,
Jr., member of City Insurance agen
cy firm; a sister, Miss Elizabeth Ma
honey of Portland, and a brother,
Daniel, of Spokane.
Edmond Gonty, local General Elec
tric radio dealer, was among prize
winners in a recent company-con
ducted contest, receiving a $5 check
as an award in a jig saw and sales
talk contest. O. S. Johnson, district
representative, presented Mr. Gonty
with the prize and complimented him
upon his success in a contest onen
to 24,000 dealers.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Tennev. re
cent managers of Hotel Heppner.
have located at Arlington where
they have taken over management of
the Arlington hotel. They have ex
tended an invitation to all thir
Heppner friends to call on them at
any time while passing through.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
County Wins
Round in Battle
On John Day Tax
Not Required to
Make Levy to Pay
District Warrants
Morrow county is ' momentarily
relieved from facing a general levy
to pay off warrants of the John Day
Irrigation district held by Sandy In
vestment company.
The investment company had in
stigated mandamus proceedings to
which the county answered, and a
demurrer to the answer was argued
before Circuit Judge Wilson of Was
co county last Saturday, resulting in
the demurrer being overruled.
Frank C. Alfred, district attorney,
argued the demurer in behalf of the
county court, and reports that only
an appeal from the lower court's de
cision is now open to the investment
company, and that the countv court
is relieved of the necessity of making
the general levy this year as asked
for in the mandamus proceedings.
A 10-cents-an-acre assessment was
made on property within the district
last year on a previous circuit court
order, payment of which was obiect-
ed to by Northern Pacific Railroad
company, holder of a large amount
of district land, and payment by
other holders was quite light, caus
ing the Sandy Investment company
to demand a general tax levy. The
court's answer objected to the man
damus on the grounds that only
property within the district could be
held accountable as the warrants
were specifically issued against the
district and did not entail a general
obligation of the county.
Payment for Streets
Sanctioned by Dads
Authorization of payment of claims
of Babler Bros., contractors, and
Frank Hayes, engineer, for the re
cent street improvement work, was
made at council meeting Monday
evening, though a shortage of $4000
was reported in available funds. It
was expected receipts before the end
of the year would make up some of
this deficit, while $1000 has been
included in the proposed budget for
next year to help offset it. Meeting
for passing the budget is set for the
Council requested the chief of po
lice to check up on progress of the
work of razing the condemned Slo
cum buildings on the corner of Main
and Center streets, a time limit on
which was set for the first of next
Boardman Coming
For F.F.A. Smoker
Local sports fans will be treated
to their first FFA smoker of the year
when the Boardman chapter mixes
it with the Heppner chapter in eight
boxing bouts and two wrestling
matches at the gym-auditorium next
Wednesday. Though it is suspected
Uoardman will put up stiff compe
tition, no notice of their sauad has
been given.
Featuring the local fighters will
be Howard Patton, to be remembered
for his last year's exhibition with
Condon. Others in the fistic field who
participated last year and will again
be seen in action are Clavton Wright.
Johnny Hays and Rufus Hill. Prices
will be 15, 25 and 35 cents.
All young people are invited to
the Morrow County C. E. Pre-con-vention
rally to be held at th
Church of Christ on Friday evening
at 7:30. Delegations are expected
from Hardman, Lexington and Her
miston and possibly other places.
Union officers will be here to tell
of the coming convention and there
will be a social hour following.