OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUD I TOR I UV. PORTLAND, Volume 53, Number 36 HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1937 Subscription $2.00 a Year More Recognition For County Roads Asked From State Support for Position of County Court Asked Before Lions Need for concerted action by Mor row county people if this county is to get its just share of state highway revenues was told before the Mon day Lions luncheon by Judge Bert Johnson and Commissioner George Peck. Following up a letter stating this county's position in respect to state highway aid in this county, these members of the court declared it was the court's intention to get just recognition from the state high way commission if humanly possible, but that support from everyone is needed. Lions answered with a pledge of backing. Commissioner Peck gave a short summary of the situation, citing that state aid in this county in 1937 amonted to $8000 for maintenance of the state's 161.8 miles of primary and secondary highways and some $9000 turned back to the county for use on county roads. This figure compares with $99,125, or about one third of the total county tax levy, that was levied for county road pur poses this year. The only money ex pended by the state for new con struction in the county this year, that for surfacing of the Lexington Jarmon secondary highway, was ear marked for expenditure -in 1936 and came from monies allotted for that year. Actually the state has not ex pended a penny for new construction in the county out of 1937 monies, though the court had previously been given assurance that the Hepp-ner-Rhea creek sector of the Heppner-Wasco road would be oiled this year. Of the sum levied for roads in Morrow county in 1937, $50,000 was for construction and maintenance of the 1200 miles of county roads, $27, 500 for paymen of principal on road bonds, and $21,625 for interest on bonds. The levy for roads plus the levy for schools and old age pen sions comprises the bulk of the county levy, Mr. Peck said. He also called attention to the fact that the Heppner-Nye sector "of the Oregon-Washington highway has not been surfaced according to the statute under which the road was created a state highway in 1917. This point was emphasized in the court's letter to the state highway commission, which letter was read to the club by Judge Johnson. The substance of the letter follows: "During the early part of this year we received a communication from you stating that the plan for the al location of federal funds, etc., for use in the various counties of the state and the taking over of certain roads by the state in said counties would be worked out by you and the counties notified of your decision. We have not heard from you on this subject and it is now almost No vember except for the visit of your engineer, Mr. O. Cutler, who could only give us vague information of what the commission had in mind. "This cturt and the people of this county believe that they have not been dealt with fairly by you in the past in the matter of improving the secondary roads and the completion of the primary road from Heppner to Nye Junction as provided for in the session laws of 1937. We also strenuously protest the removal of the Oregon - Washington highway from Heppner Junction to Nye Junc tion from the Federal Aid system which was done some years ago. This removal was made without any no tice of any kind to us. We were cer tainly entitled to some consideration in that move in view of the fact that this county provided practically one Continued on Page Four UPSET SMELLED IN GRID TILT Hermiston Bulldogs Come Today as Favorites to Win; Heppner Leads in Past Games By SCOTT McMURDO Heppner high Mustangs will at tempt to duplicate last year's victory over the Hermiston Bulldogs in their tenth annual Armistice Day grid classic today at 2:30 at the Rodeo stadium. This game will climax the season's play for both teams. Alhough the Bulldogs enter the contest as favorites over the Heppner warriors, local dopesters predict a close outcome and a possible upset. Both teams have played Arlington, Hermiston being victorious, 13 to 6, with Heppner losing, 18 to 0. Two years ago the Hermiston lads came to this city with an impressive record and as heavy favorites to topple the Heppnerites, but at the end of the titantic struggle, the local boys walked off the field with a hard-earned 13-0 victory tucked un der their belts. Heppner's hopes- rest principally on a sturdy line, the line smashes of Van Marter, veteran back, and fleet open-field running of Milton Mor gan and Dean Gilman. Vernon Knowles, Emmet Kenny, Jackson Gilliam, La Verne Van Mar ter, John Hays, and Bill Browning, all seniors, will play their last game for Heppner high school today. In the last nine years of competi tion Heppner has won five games to Hermiston's three, with one ending in a scoreless tie. The following list reveals the scores of the previous Armistice Day games, with Heppner's score given first: 1928, 0-0; 1928, 21-6; 1930, 39-0; 1931, 0-7; 1932, 21-6; 1933 0-12; 1934, 0-18; 1935, 13-0; 1936, 7-6. Old Lexington Paper Gives lone News Walter Eubanks brought a copy of the old Lexington Budget into the office this week wih the request that we reprint the lone news there from. The paper was dated Novem ber 1, 1888. The lone Items of that date read: Jim Rhea was in town today. Everybody appears jubilant and happy since the rain. Times are lively here wih the far mers, who are all putting in an un usually large acreage.' The railroad thieves have all skip ped; gone to Lexington and Hepp ner. Look out for them. Marvin Smith was in town yester day. He is of the opinion that it CAN rain in this country; although people talk to the contrary. T. J. Carl has gone to Castle Rock to assist in tearing down Fell's store which will be removed to this place next week. His warehouse here is already under construction; dim ensions 40x132 feet. This morning the railroad moved everything on to the main line, in cluding the gang of brick-layers, who will be employed there in tak ing up old rails and replacing them with new ones. The old rails will be used on the Willow creek branch. The Chinamen will be removed to Lexington as soon as the construc tion train returns. "B." Progress Reported in Library Drive Good progress in the drive to soli cit funds for the library is reported by J. O. Turner, chairman of hte drive committee, who has announc ed receipts of $123.50 to date with several organizations unreported. Heppner lodge B. P. O. Elks gave the work a $25 lift, and individuals have responded readily. Funds so raised will be used for operation the coming year. Solicitation is being made this year in lieu of funds us ually obtained from staging of the annual vod-vil. Dance at Cecil hall, Sat., Nov. 13. Good music, supper. Everybody come. Peace Rejoicing Stirs America on Armistice Day Local Holiday Fea tured by Legion Ac tivity; War Decried Peace reigns in America today on the 19th anniversary of cessation of hostilities in the "war to end war." Only on the gridirons of the country today will American youth be asked to pit their strength against the enemy, and that not in the interest of annihilation but rather in cele bration of a time when those young men of the preceding generation were removed from the dangers of annihilation. We in Heppner today rejoice that famed Armistice of November 11, 1918. With members of the Amer ican Legion those who saw service in the late great war taking the lead in the celebration, we welcome a holiday from the work-a-day world to share their rejoicing. Activities in which all will unite include staging of an ex-service men's parade at 2 o'clock followed by the Hermiston-Heppner football game at Rodeo field, and in the eve ning, dancing at the Elks hall. A 6 o'clock dinner for ex-service men and ladies under auspices of the American Legion, and with Her miston legionnaires and auxiliary members as guests will be held at the Elkhorn restaurant. But even while America celebrates in peace and thanksgiving, war clouds shadow the horizon. Spain and China are suffering the ravages' of the war lord, and representatives of the major nations are even now headed for conference to try to see a warless way out of difficulties, each the while leaving a nation arm ed to greater proportions than at any time in peacetime history. War clouds come and go. But we in America have one major war in every twenty years of our history to remind us of possibility of recur rence. Those of the older genera tion want no more war. They know its heartaches, and social and econ omic futility. The younger gener ation does not know of these things first-hand, but must learn and take heed from their elders. The spirit of Armistice day is the rejoicing at dawn of peace. It's message is a world made secure against future war, that this peace may be everlasting. State BPW Head Here Tomorrow 'A 3fU k'W r l a i YrwdL ZOLA MORGAN, Hillsboro Zola Morgan, Hillsboro, state pres ident of Business and Professiinal Womens club will be among state officers here tomorrow for a district conference, with Pendleton, Tht Dalles and Hood River clubs parti cipating. Leta Humphreys is chair man of the local committee on arrangements. JOBLESS CENSUS ON NOVEMBER 16 Cooperation of Everyone Asked in Getting Accurate Check; Cards to be Mailed by 20th Census of Uncle Sam's unemployed will be taken from November 16 to 20 through the postoffices. Cards to be filled out by each unemployed or part-time employed person will be placed in the hands of each fam ily of the city on November 16 and are to be filled out and mailed by midnight of November 20. The cen sus is being taken through the post offices, and Postmaster Chas. B. Cox requests that those not needing cards return them to avoid a shortage. Mayor Jeff Jones has appointed a committee to assist in the census taking, as requested by the national census administrator. Named are J. O. Turner, Mrs. Clara Beamer, John Anglin, George Howard, W. Y. Ball, F. W. Turner, J. G. Thomson, Mrs. Hanson Hughes, J V. Crawford and D. A. Wilson. Object of the census is to obtain a complete and accurate check on the number of unemployed persons in the United States Such a census is expected to be of benefit as a ba sis for future relief measures, and wholehearted cooperation on the part of everyone is earnestly re quested to make it as accurate as possible. A card should be filled out by any one who would normally wish em ployment and who is now out of work or has only part-time work where full-time employment is de sired. School children should not be listed, however. Assistance in registration may be obtained at the postoff ice or from any member of the committee. While enlistment under the census does not carry the guarantee of employ ment, it should assist in bringing about adequate relief legislation. Car Accident Claims Couple Known Here Word was received by Lexington relatives yesterday of the death of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Standish of Salem who died as the result of an automobile accident at Woodland, Wash., Tuesday. Mrs. Standish, for merly Amy Leach, who was born and reared at Lexington, was a sis ter of Ralph Leach and uncle of James Leach, both of Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Standish with their daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. J. Stan dish of Holly, Ore., were on their return from Seattle. On a sharp turn in the highway at Woodland, they failed to make a right turn, skidded and headed into the rear of a Pacific Highway Transport truck parked beside the highway. Mr. Standish died as he was being placed in an ambulance, and his wife suc cumbed to injuries yesterday morn ing after being' taken to the Clark county hospital in Vancouver. The younger Mrs. Standish escaped with minor injuries. A double funeral will be held at Salem tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Standish but recently visited Mrs. Standish's old home near Lexington. Other surviving brothers include Dr. Mark Leach of Pendleton, and N. A. Leach and J. R. Leach of Portland. Robison Stock Ranch Sells for $22,000 The stock ranch of Lotus Robison, known as the Hardman ranch, com prising 4,040 acres was sold to Ray mond Wright of the same district for $22,225. The deal was consummated yesterday reports Eubanks and Du vall. of Morrow County Land com pany. Three hundred acres of the ranch is farm land and the remainder gra zing land, the realtors reported. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wightman and two children were visitors over the week end from Arlington where Mr. Wightman is Smith-Hughes instructor. Taxes for 1934 and Prior Years Face Foreclosure Sheriffs Office Advises Payment Before Decmber 31 Taxpayers must make a "riffle" in the next two months, or before De cember 31, to avoid issuance of de linquent certificates and foreclosure of property on which taxes are de linquent for 1934 and prior years, comes announcement from the sher iff's office. Under a statute passed in 1935, delinquent certificates must be issued each year on property on which payment of taxes is more than three years in arrears, and the sher iffs office is compelled to proceed immediately with foreclosure of such certificates. Foreclosure of delinquent certifi cates may be forestalled by payment of 1937 tax in full before Dec. 31 and additional payment of not less than one-quarter of the taxes of the ear liest year of delinquency, with inter est. This is the minimum require ment of the law, says the sheriff. Under Chapter 5, Special Session Laws of 1935, as amended by Chap ter 96, Oregon Laws, 1937, interest will be waived on a further payment of your delinquent taxes of 1934 and prior years, if made by December 31, with full payment of current taxes, provided that such fuhrter payment of delinquent taxes shall not be less than one-quarter of those of the earliest year of delinquency. By so paying your 1937 taxes in full and two -quarters of the taxes of your earliest year of delinquency, one quarter with and the other without interest, you will be enabled to take advantage of the interest waiving law in 1938 and subsequent years, in the case of real property tax. Interest running on delinquent taxes of 1935 and 1936 is not subject to waiver, therefore it is advised to pay taxes for these years as soon as possible. Notice by mail will be given each taxpayer of amount of delinquency on December 1. In the case of personal property tax delinquency, foreclosure of de linquent certificates may be avoided by paying the 1937 tax in full, with interest where applicable; delinquent taxes of 1936 in full, with interest; one-quarter of the taxes of the ear liest year of delinquency, without interest if accompanied or preceded by full payment of 1937 taxes. The sheriff's office welcomes any inquiries, and will furnish state ments of the exact amount required to be paid to avoid foreclosure on being advised of the desires of any taxpayer. PAST MATRONS PRESIDE Past worthy matrons of Heppner chapter 32, O. E. S., will fill the offices for work at the regular meeting tomorrow evening, announ ces Virginia Turner, worthy ma tron. All members are urged to be present. COMMITTEEMEN MEET County committeemen under the Agricultural Conservation act met at the courthouse Saturday to trans act business in connection with the new and old set-ups. Most of the committeemen were in attendance. OFFICIALS TO MEETINGS Members of the county cour, the county treasurer and county engi neer are among county officials go ing to Portland this week end to be in attendance at annual meetings of state associations. A weepy sky overhangs Heppner this morning as we go to press, fol lowing a heavy shower last night. Footballers will get muddy, while the farmers smile. William Instone was in town Mon day from the Butter creek ranch.