SOC I ETY Volume 53, Number 35 HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 4, 1937 Subscription $2.00 a Year OREGON HISTORICAL PUBLIC AUDITOR! 'J V. PORTLAND, ORE. WtttXBX City Taxpayers to Pay Larger Share Of Operating Cost Lack of Cash Carry over Seen by Budget eers; Tank Item Out Though the city government ex penditures for next year will be considerably lower than for the cur rent year, property taxpayers will be asked o conrtibute considerably more under the proposed estimates made at Monday evening's budget meeting and included in the publish ed notice of budget meeting in an other column. Reason for the added burden on taxpayers lies largely in the absence of a cash carry-over to be applied toward expected expenditures. At the beginning of the current year there was an estimated $9,000 cash-on-hand account. This year, in ad dition to the cash account being de pleted, an item of $1000 is included against an expected cash deficit. The deficit was incurred in doing additional street work while the surfacing machinery was on the job to take advantage of the saving thus afforded. Total estimated expenditures for next year are $23,660 as against $27, 565 for this year, a reduction of $3, 905. Bfct taxpayers will contribute $9,160 for next year as against $4, 165 for this year, an increase of $4,995. As has already been shown, the chief reason for the tax increase is the cash account item, for while in creases have been made in, estimated expenditures reductions have been made elsewhere as an offset. Among increased items are the salaries of chief of police and watermaster, each of which was upped from $1200 to $1500 for next year. The amount for streets and bridges, however, was lowered from $8000 to $3,150. P. W. Mahoney presided as chair man of the budget committee com posed of all members of the council and Claude Cox, Charles Vaughn, W. E. Pruyn, J. G. Thomson, Han son Hughes and L. E. Bisbee as free holders. In discussing inclusion of an item of $1500 for a swimmnig tank, the committee decided such item could not be included withuot raising the budget above the 6 percent limita tion and making a special election necessary. Rather than force the en tire budget to a special election, they believed it wiser to have the people vote on the swimming tank item separately in the form of a bond issue, if the people see fit to do so. BPW District Meet Slated Here Nov. 14 A district conference of Business and Professional Womens clubs, comprising clubs of Pendleton, The Dalles, Hood River and Heppner, will be held here Sunday next week, the 14th. Council breakfast at Hotel Heppner at 7:15, discussion meeting at library at 10, and luncheon at the hotel at 1 o'clock are scheduled. Speakers at the morning library meeting include Miss Constance Lofts of Hood River, state member ship chairman; Mrs. Jean Porter of Klamath Falls, state finance chair man; Mrs. Emma McKinney of Hills boro, state magazine chairman, and Miss Rose Leibbrand of the local club. Mrs. Clara Beamer, local pres ident, will preside at the luncheon and will extend greetings, with re sponse by Zola Morgan of Hillsboro, state president. Mrs. Lucy E. Rod eers has charge of the music and will lead group singing. Introduction of state officers and an address will also feature the luncheon. Richard Hamrick returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hamrick, this week after spending a year at Okanogan, Wash NOTE BURNING STAGED BY GRANGE Party Saturday Night Cele brates Acquisition of Lexington Hall, Free of Debt Burning of two $300 notes, pay ment of which liquidated all con struction cost, was a highlight of a large party at Lexington grange hall Saturday staged in celebration of the hall's acquisition free of indebted ness within three year's time. The cancelled notes were publicly burned. Midnight cafeteria supper found Orville Cutsforth and H. V. Smouse entertaining at table with a brief history of the building and financing of the hall. More than 400 hours of donated labor in excavating the basement and erecting the building was given as indication of the fine cooperative spirit of the community which went into securing the build ing. Oral Scott, Alta Cutsforth and Beulah Nichols, members of the dance committee, were highly com mended for their large part in pay ing off the indebtedness. After a series of games led by Ber nice Bauman ten tables of 500 were in play earlier in the evening. Frei da Slocum held high score and Ed na Hunt received the consolation prize. Annual election of officers and a vote on the Pennsylvania plan of paying Pomona dues are outstand ing features for the next regular meeting of Lexington grange, Nov. 13, a 8 o'clock. Railroad Stand Told Before Lions That no immediate change in op eration of the local branch railroad may be expected, but that should the mail contracts on both the Condon and Heppner branches be taken away from the railroad company there is possibility of tri-weekly railroad service on both branches, was learned by Ray P. Kinne in a recent interview with General Man ager Finch of the Union Pacific as reported to the Monday Lions lun cheon. Kinne, acting on a club committee in obtaining the inter view, said the railroad general man ager had informed him that the pre sent arrangement on the Condon branch whereby train service was speeded up by hooking a baggage carload of freight onto a mainline passenger train, was now being con tested by railroad employees before the railway board of arbitration, and may not be allowed to stand. Lions voted to favor inclusion of a $1500 item in the city budget next year for construction of swimming pool. Marvin Casebeer, local FFA chapter president, gave a short ac count of his recent trip to the na tional convention at Kansas City, and Capt. G. R. Kent, local CCC camp commander, gave greetings to the club. D. M. Ward and F. O, Vinson of Portland were guests. FARRENS-AYERS Miss Lucille Farrens of Hardman and Bud Ayers of Pine City were married Monday, Oct. 25, at Weiser, Idaho. They were married at the home of the minister of the Chris tian church, with Mrs. Walter Far rens, mother of the bride, present. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers will spend two weeks at the home of Mrs. Farrens in La Grande. NAMED TO STATE POST Frank C. Alfred, district attorney, this week received announcement of his appointment on the grievance committee of the Oregon State Bar association. Any complaints which may arise locally may be made thru him, it is advised. MEETING SLATED A meeting of county committee men under the Agricultural Conser vation program will be held Satur day, the 6th, at the office of Joe Belanger, county agent. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Warren were transacting business in the city on Tuesday from the Dry Fork district $41,000 in Taxes Needed to Equal Current Year Roll Favorable Situation Shown to Date in County's Receipts County taxpayers must drop $41,- 129.48 into the county coffers by De cember 31, if the year's collections of property taxes are to equal the current year's roll. That is the fig ure indicated by the statement from the office of Charles Barlow, clerk, following third-quarter turn-overs from the sheriffs office. So far this year collections of both delinquent and current year's tax has amounted to $235,954.18, while the current roll calls for a total of $277,073.66. Receipts on current taxes total $183,417.47, leaving a balance to be collected of $93,656.19. Receipts in clude $287.03 interest and $4,051.29 discount. While the amount for dis count is credited against the total collectible amount, it has actually not been received, making the total actually received only $179,466.18. Collection on the delinquent roll for 1936 and prior years is shown at $52,536.71, reducing the amount due the first of the year of $355,122.87, to $302,586.16. These receipts include $2,248.88 in interest, but no discount. Last year, total collections ex ceeded the current year's roll, mak ing it possible for tax levying bodies who had previously expended up to the limit of their levy by issuing warrants, to reduce their outstanding wararnt indebtedness. If the same rate of collection prevails during the fourth quarter as prevailed in the first three quarters of the year, total collections will again exceed the cur rent roll, making further reduction of warrant indebtedness possible and thereby decreasing the amount need ed for payment of interest. Indica tions so far this quarter are, how ever, that unless payment of taxes is stimulated considerably before the end of the year, the rate of payment will not be maintained, though a favorable picture of the warrant sit uation at the close of the year should be reflected in any event. A case in point is shown in the situation of School District No. 1, with the largest warrant indebted' ness of any tax levying body, whose total current levy for the year, in eluding bonds and interest, is $21, 206.99 of . which $13,822.39 has been received to date. In addition $3,937.92 has been received from delinquent taxes, making total receipts so far this year of $17,760.31, and leaving a balance of only $3,546.68 to meet this year's levy. Since an item of $5,000 was included to apply on prin cipal of warrants, a net reduction should be shown at the beginning of next year as against the first of this year as reflected by the tax picture. However, other items of re ceipts must live up to expectations to make this a true reflection of the actual situation. , Gourley Ships Fine Lot of Turkeys Wilbur Gourley this week shipped the first turkeys to leave Heppner this season, when he moved 633 birds, weighing 10,058 pounds thru Lyle Tilden of Hermiston, buyer for A. A. Welch & Co. of Portland. The purchase price was not given. Ninety-two percent of the Gour ley birds graded A grade, reported Tilden, who said they were among the finest birds seen this season. Buyers so far have been reluctant to quote an open market price be cause of the uncertaining of the strike situation affecting transpor tation. Joe Hughes is reported quite ill at his home, suffering from rheu matism. JOINT OBSERVANCE HERE, ARMISTICE Hermiston and Heppner Posts Unite for Day; Football Game, Dinner and Dance Scheduled Heppner and Hermiston high schools, traditional Armistice day rivals on the gridiron, will stage their annual pigskin battle on the local gridiron next Thursday as one of the outstanding features of the day's celebration. According to dope, the Hermiston gridsters are favored to win, having trounced the Arling ton team that set the locals down 18-0 last Friday. However, Arling ton's stinging defeat which stopped the local's prevoiusly undefeated record, is expected to contribute to a different appearing situation for the Hermiston lads. Hermiston American Legion and Auxiliary members will accompany the football team to the city to join the local service men and ladies or ganizations in making a festive day. A 6 o'clock dinner for all ex-ser vice men and ladies is on the slate followed by dancing at the Elks hall where the general public is invited to help rejoice in the ringing echoes of armistice which swept the world 19 short years ago on that memor able November 11 when peace fell upon Flanders fields. Mrs. Rebecca Baldwin Was 32-Year Resident Mrs. Rebecca Ann Baldwin died at her home in this city at 12:45 yesterday afternoon following a 14 months illness. Funeral services are announced for 2 o'clock tomor row afternoon from the Methodist church, with Rev. R. C. Young of- fciating. Interment will be in Ma sonic cemetery. ...... .-, . ...... Mrs. Baldwin was a 32-year resi dent of Heppner, having resided for that time in the large residence at the corner of Chase and Water streets. Born Rebecca Ann Hall in Montpelier, Indiana, Nov. 1, 1867, to James Hall of Ohio and Rebecca Ann Hall of Macon county, Mo., she was married to Lafayette Penland, Nov. 18, 1883. Mr. Penland was a large stock operator in this county for many years. To this union were born three children, William Le Roy, Jesse Eugene and Stella Lanes, now Mrs. Herman Eberhardt. After the death of Mr. Penland, she was married to John S. Baldwin, May 11, 1921, at Walla Walla, Wash. Besides the husband and three children, she is survived by two brothers, Sam Hall of Portland, Jesse Grant Hall of Heppner, and two sisters, Roxie Ann Arbuckle and Rosie Belle Dean, and niece, Mrs. Lulu Rhea of Heppner. Gene Penland, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Eberhardt and Sam Hall, all of Portland, are yi the city to attend the funeral services. Mrs. Eber hardt has been with her mother for several weeks, and Gene and Mr. Eberhardt were on their return to the city yesterday, having been here since Friday, when they received word at The Dalles. INJURED IN ACCIDENT Mrs. Lucille McAtee sustained painful bruises last night when the car she was driving collided head on with that driven by C. W. Mc- Namer, and was taken to Heppner hospital for treatment. Mr. Mc Namer had just left the doctor' office a few minutes before, having received treatment for an infected finger, and was just turning into his home on Court street when the ac cident occurred. Mrs. McAtee. ac companied by her son Austin and Clifford Fay was driving toward town from her home on the same street. It was at first feared that Mrs. McAtee sustained a broken leg, but x-ray pictures revealed no fracture. Both cars were badly damaged in front. Austin received a gash on top of his head and his right knee was injured. Clifford was cut on the chin and one eye and was treated at the hospital. Mr McNamer escaped injury. Production Control Underlying Feature Of New Farm Bills Hoke, State Farm Bureau Head, Gives Infbrmation at Meet Three farm bills have been intro duced from which it is expected to effect a compromise bill to present before the special session of con gress convening this month, all of which have the underlying princi ple of production control, Mac Hoke, president of Oregon Farm Bureau federation told a dinner meeting of the county chapter at Hotel Hepp ner Friday evening. One of the three bills was originally drawn by the Farm Bureau, he said, and it has gained prominence among those un der discussion. He read a bulletin from a Wash ington news agency which predicted that no farm bill would be passed by the special session because time is too short in which to draw up a bill satisfactory to all interests. This, he believed might not prove true, because all the fundamental prin ciples of all bills are the same, with differences only in minor detail. Ralph E. Reynolds, state Farm Bureau secretary, told of organiza tion work of the Farm Bureau and urged local membership on the grounds of the bureau being a strong medium through which to gain rec ognition for the farmer's legislative needs. Joseph Belanger, county agent, and E. H. Miller, chairman of the local agricultural conservation com pliance board, explained the agri cultural conservation set-up for 1938 as gleaned from a meeting attended at Arlington the day before. Out standing in this year's administra tion will be the additional authority placed in hands of local committees, it was said. This year there will be no blanket rate of crop reduc tion, but each county will be given a quota under which the local com mittees will work out with each individual farmer his proportion of compliance. Local meetings to explain the pro gram were anounced as follows: Monday, Nov. 15, 2 p. m., South Heppner and Eight Mile communi ties; Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2 p. m., lone and Morgan communities; Thursday, Nov. 18, 2 p. m., Lexington, Alpine and North Heppner communities; Friday, Nov. 19, 2 p. m., Boardman community. Community committee men for the year wil also be elected at these meetings. J. G. Barratt, president of the lo cal chapter, presided. He was re named to the office in the election of officers, E. H. Miller was re-elected vice president, and the same di rectors were held over for the new year. Library Day Slated Coming Saturday On Saturday, day after tomorrow, a committee will visit you in your home, at your office, your place of business or on the street and give you an opportunity to join the Hepp ner Library association and buy at least one membership, costing a dollar. Don't turn them away. Help the association to maintain that for which a few of our earnest citizens have worked so faithfully to create. While no one is obliged to buy a membership in order to take ad vantage of the facilities of the li brary, your dollar is needed, is for a worthy cause and the library as sociation depends upon every citizen to make possible the work of this worthwhile institution. The membership drive this year is being staged in lieu of the annual vaudeville show, a popular attrac tion for many years, but which has proved a heavy burden on a few individuals.