PAGE FOUR Heppner Gazette Times HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON THURSDAY, OCT. 7, 1937 THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CRAWFOBD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ,. $2.00 5.00 1.00 Three Months .75 Single Copies 05 One Year ...... Three Years Six Months Official Paper for Morrow County Or b gorpNeBrbTOlrs oWspowatiorrv 1937 SEPTEMBER 1937 San. iMon. Tne. Wed. Thu. Pri. Sat! a a a 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 u 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BJ t3 ca ta c " k llrt. IM I' NELSON BARTHOLOMEW RETURNS TO OLD HOME TOWN AFTER 33 YEARS Nelson Bartholomew was a lad in his teens when he left Heppner in 1904. That was 33 years ago. He was back for the frist time last week end, a third of a century older, but mighty enthusiastic about the old home town, though the interim carried him into far parts of the world. With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bartholomew, he went to Port land on leaving here, and three years later graduated from a Portland high school. Employment with Hon eyman Hardware company for four years after graduation put him in line for his next position, that as manager of the sporting goods de partment of the American Hard ware company in the Philippine is lands. He was in the islands until 1918, when he returned to the main land to enlist in Uncle Sam's army. Serving throughout the war on home soil, he was commissioned a second lieutenant He married, and with his bride shipped by army transport to Russia. Then to China, Japan, and again the Philippines. His last work in the islands was in the insurance business. He returned to the states about a month ago and is now con nected with an insurance company at Portland. Mr. Bartholomew accompanied Cyrus Aiken, Charles Corder and son, Charles, Jr., from Portland, and was a guest at the home of Mrs. Lillie Aiken while in the city. He evidenced extreme pleasure at meeting many old-time friends here. For many years he has had two main desires for returning to the states, one to see his son and mother at Portland, and the other to visit the old home town. "If I had the means of livelihood here, there is nothing I would like more than to spend the rest of my days in Heppner," he told one of his old-time friends. ironed out. It is hoped that every thing may be cleared up as soon as possible, for there is promise that work of clearing the site and, possi bly, erection of some of the build ings will be put under way just as soon as the property can be trans ferred. Where There's a Will- AN ENLARGED administrative headquarters for the Heppner district of the Umatilla National for est to be located at Heppner seems imminent. The matter of providing a site has been progressing slowly for some time. When it was first learned that such a headquarters development was possible here if a site were pro vided (it being against federal gov ernmental policy to buy sites for any purpose within the limits of any city) interested persons went to work on the matter. With no def init knowledge at hand as to the amount of land required, there were selected certain tracts which had been taken off the tax rolls for non-payment of taxes- These were inspected by represent atives of the forest service, who, af ter considerable time, selected the site that would meet their needs All of the selected tract, with the exception of one privately-owned lot. was made up of tax-foreclosed par cels. An agreement was reached be tween the city and county court whereby the tax-foreclosed parcels would be turned over to the gov ernment on payment by the city of $250, nd just this week agreement was made with the owner of the private lot to obtain it for an addi tional $250. This latter amount is now being raised by popular sub scription. There should be no criticism of the individual who is asking $250 for the one lot. This person paid $1600 for the lot, with small build ing, a good many years ago. The building was razed in the fire of July 4, 1918, but taxes have since been kept up on a valuation base of $500. In addition the owner paid $260 to have a concrete sidewalk laid along the front of the property The sidewalk was compelled by city ordinance, and has been mainly a convenience to the public. It is this cost that the owner feels should be salvaged from what has been any thing but a paying investment. The government is footing the cost of guaranteeing title to all the prep ay. A willingness has been shown by stockmen using the local forest dis trict and by businesses of the city to contribute toward the purchase of the private lot. The concensus of opinion is that the forest adminis trative headquarters, which in the ultimate will include a capital out lay of some $50,000 in buildings and improvements by the government, and which will concentrate trans actions of all local district business at this place, will bring benefits far outshadowing the comparatively small cost in providing the site. A few legal technicalities have arisen in the manner of transferring the property to the government, and in clearing up title. These are being Oregon Potato Growers Vote for AAA Goals Oregon commercial potato grow ers who took the trouble to vote in the recent referendum election called by the AAA are in favor of establishing goals under the 1938 farm program, although a compara tively small percentage of them took the trouble to vote. The unofficial total was 303 yes and 178 against, in the 18 Oregon counties which are classified as commercial potato areas. In general the western Oregon counties were more in favor of the plan of setting up voluntary goals than were those in eastern Oregon. Among counties voting favorably were Clackamas, Columbia. Coos, Hood River, Lincoln, Washington, Yamhill, Linn, Baker, Malheur, Mar ion, Multnomah, Umatilla and Union. Voting against the plan were grow ers in Klamath, Lane and Crook counties, although the latter by only a one-vote majority. The vote has been reported to Washington where returns from oth er producing states are being com piled. The AAA has announced that if a substantial majority is in favor of the plan it will be included in the 1938 agricultural conservation pro gram. It would apply only to growers producing three acres or more and would be on a voluntary basis for them. Hay and range for sale. Will care for 350 or 400 head of sheep or will lease range and sell hay. Range excellent, plenty of water. J. E. Craber, Heppner. 29tf. Public Library is Educational Facility Libraries offer the least expensive and most generally used form of recreation. One good book in a free ibrary can give pleasure and profit to scores of readers. The name of Andrew Carnegie has been closely and rightly linked with public library development in America. Realizing the responsibility of great wealth, he devoted himself to the work of providing capital for social and educational advancement. Among these the provision of pub ic libraries in the United States, Great Britain and other English- speaking countries was especially prominent, his method being to build and equip but on condition that the ocal authority provided site and maintenance. The following quota tion gives this great man's opinion of the value of public libraries: "The result of my own study of the question, 'What is the best gift which can be given to a community?' is that a free library occupies the first place, provided the community will accept and maintain it as a pub lie institution, as much a part of the city property as its public schools, and, indeed, an adjunct to these. "I choose free libraries as the best agencies for improving the masses of people because they give nothing for nothing. Thy only help those who help themselves. They never pauperize. They reach the aspiring and open to these the chief treasures of the world those stored up in books. A taste for reading drives out lower tastes ... I prefer the free public library to most if hot any oth er agencies for the happiness and improvement of a community." A public library is not a luxury for the benefit of privileged cities; it is a necessary part of the educa tional and recreational equipment of every community where a library can be maintained. Every man may go there it is open to all. Are you interested in your public library? Do you visit it? Use its books? Are you overlooking the ad vantages offered by this organiza tion? TEA TOWEL SHOWER SET Members of Ruth chapter 32. O. E. S., will shower the chapter with tea towels at the regular meeting at Masonic hall tomorrow evening. Each member will bring a towel and the social hour will be spent hemming them, announces Mrs. Virginia Tur ner, worthy matron. GIVEN BRIDAL SHOWER Miss Vallis Jones, bride-elect, was honoree for a shower given by friends at the Church of Christ last Saturday afternoon. Her marriage to Mr. Norman Washburne of Milton is announced for Sunday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C N. Jones of Heppner flat Give G. T. Want Ads a trial. Briggs' Attend Rites For 50-Year Couples Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Briggs were numbered among golden-wedding celebrants who attended the special annual service at Sunnyside Meth odist church in Portland Sunday evening. The service this year was attended by an estimated 300 cou ples who have had fifty or more years of wedded bliss together. The oldest couple present had been mar ried 72 years, and this couple with three other couples who had been married 68, 67 and 63 years respect ively, were honored by gifts of bouquets presented by five 1937 brides in bridal array. Mr. and Mrs. Briggs report a wonderful program. Leaving home at 4 o'clock Sunday morning, they were accompanied by their daughter, Miss Opal Briggs, and two CCC boys, Fred Briggs and Forest Martin, who assisted with the driving. The CCC boys who were about to return to their homes in Massachusetts wished to see the Co lumbia river highway and the Pa cific International Livestock expo sition before going east The party arrived home about 2 o'clock Tues day morning. Mr- Briggs, county treasurer, said he was able to get the monthly reports cleared out of the way Saturday evening in order to make the trip possible. PINE CITY NEWS Pine City Activities Varied for Week By BERNICE WATTENBURGER Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young of The Dalles are the parents of a baby boy, born Monday. James Daly and son Charley were Heppner visitors Saturday. Fred Rauch and family attended church in Echo Sunday. Tom Healy, who has been working at the John Kenny ranch, returned to his home on Butter creek Sunday, Mr. nad Mrs. Lon Wattenburger were callers Sunday at the Otis McCarty home. Mrs. Ollie Neill and daughter. Mrs. Dale Akers, of Heppner were visitors Wednesday at the Lon Wat tenburger home. Rev. O'Rielly, pastor of the Her- miston Catholic church, called at the James Daly home Wednesday evening. Fred Rauch and Jake Bowman of Stanfield went deer hunting Mon day. Mary Daly was in Lexington and Heppner Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and daughters, Betty and Frances, were Pendleton visitors Monday. Tom Boylen of Pendleton was a caller at the ranch on Butter creek Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C W. McNamer were visitors at the Fred Rauch home Sunday. A TIMELY TIP on financing your next car While we are insurance specialists, and not in the financing business ourselves, we can assist you in making arrange ments to finance the purchase of your next car on an ex tremely advantageous basis. Ask us about it. F. W. TURNER & CO. A proposed initiative measure de signed to purify Oregon's streams is rapidly nearing completion ac cording to State Treasurer Rufus C. Holman, president of the Oregon Stream Purification League which will sponsor the measure- State Sen ator Byron G. Carney of Clackamas county is assisting in drafting the measure. i i $ MR. FARMER: Your Meat Problem DIVED! WE DO CUSTOM KILLING AND CURING Ask us about this convenient service. Price reasonable. Central Market We feature Prime Steer Beef ON YOUR ORECONIAN SUBSCRIPTION (during the month of October only) BY MAIL-1 YEAR Regular NOW Daily only $7.00 $6.00 Daily and Sunday 11.50 10.00 Sunday only. . . . 5.00 4.50 SEE WIRE PHOTOS Flashed by wire di rect to The Oregonlan from the point of or igin in a matter of minutes. Today's Pictures Today MAIL THIS ORDER TODAY Pocket This $1.50 THE OREGONIAN. Portland, Oregon: Enclosed find for which please send me The Oregonian as checked on this coupon. V CHECK ONE Name Dally D. A S. Sunday City Address