HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 7, 1937 PAGE THREE LEXINGTON NEWS Grange Aids 4-H; Weed Control Talked By Bertha Hunt Lexington grange met in their hall Saturday evening. Plans were dis cussed for the district conference which will meet with this grange Oct. 16th. Mrs- Maude Pointer was elected to membership. The grange voted to sponsor 4-H club work in this community and provide a scholarship. The Pennsylvania plan for paying Pomona dues was discussed but ac tion was postponed until the dis trict conference. Weed control was emphasized as being economically necessary. A letter was read from the Wasco County Grange road com mittee who desire a state-wide drive to get a more equitable share of market and feeder road funds apportioned for use of mail route and school bus dirt roads of the state. Morrow County Pomona grange meets with Lena grange Oct. 9th. The Home Economics club will meet October 14th in the grange hall. Lon Edwards and Don Hammond made a business trip to Hillsboro this week. G. J- Ryan and family motored to Portland Saturday. The teachers' reception was held in the school gymnasium last Thurs day evening. About one hundred were present. An enjoyable evening was spent playing games. Refresh ments of ice cream, cake and punch were served. Mrs. Ralph Scott left for Elgin Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Scott are spend ing the week in Portland. Mrs. Lorena Isom and Mrs. Mar' garet Swift are spending some time in Canyon City. Arnold Sprauer spent last week in Portland. Six-man football was played last Saturday between the Lexington and lone high schools on the former's field. lone was defeated by a score of 12-7. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt and two children are spending the week in Portland. Ira Lewis accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. John Lasich made a business trip to Portland over the week end. Attorney J. N. Hart of Portland was in Lexington Saturday tending to some legal business. William Hecktner and Mrs. Mary McCall of Lapawai, Ida-, and Mrs. Addie Webster of Palouse, Wash., were 'visiting at the home of their sister, Mrs. S. G. McMillan, for sev eral days this week. Laurel Beach of Gresham was vis iting his mother, Mrs. Elsie Beach, Saturday. R. L. Benge is driving a new Nash coupe. Wilbur Steagall and Robert Reid were in Spray one day this week. THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of Heppner High School STAFF Editor Bethal Blake Assistant Editor John Crawford Pinto-Points Paul McCarty Sports Joe Aiken Humor, Scott McMurdo and Irena McFerrin Who's Who Alvina Casebeer Cranium Breaker Emery Coxen Did You Know that? Carol Coblantz and Howard Patton Interviews Bill Barratt Class, Club and Assembly News.... Thomas Gonty Alumni News Bethal Blake H.H.S. Still Room for Improvement Mr. Knox informed us the first of the week that a game had been scheduled with the Touchet stal warts here for October 15. There was the best turn-out in years at the Condon game, but the student body will be lucky to break even finan cially on the home-and-home series, after transportation to Condon this Friday and other expenses have been paid. The advertising committee is try ing to get the business men of Hepp ner to close their stores on the Fri day afternoons when there are home games. It is only natural for the stores to stay open and for towns people to stay away from the games, unless the students turn out better for the games and show more en thusiasm at the rallies before games Let's have a large enough turnout for this game to make Touchet go home with the memories of having played before the largest crowd this season. H.H.S. Alumni Activities Of the members of the class of 1936, only a small number are rep resented here. Their present occu pations are quite diversified. Three of the class, Howard Cleve land, Bernard McMurdo and James Farley are now attending Oregon State college. Cleveland pledged Sig ma Phi Epsilon. Two of the class, Howard Bryant and Boyd Redding have prominent positions in the local First National bank. Lola Osborne is attending the La Salle Extension university at Port land. Four of the class are employed locally. Howard Furlong and Ernest Clark are working in Clark's store; Ray Coblantz in the laundry, and James Driscoll in Dix's store. Irene Beamer is attending Pacific university. Jean Adkins is attending the Pa cific Beauty school at Portland. Of the class of 1937, a high per centage is attending higher educa tional institutions. Four of the class, Louise Ander son, Paul Brown, Charles Cox and Norton King, are attending Oregon State college. Neva Bleakman is employed in the local telephone office. Leonard Gilman is attending Pa cific university. Two of the class, Ruth Cowins and Kathryn Parker, are attending East ern Oregon Normal. Donald Turner is attending the University of Oregon. He recently pledged Beta Theta Pi. Two of the class, Dora Bailey and Beth Vance, are employed locally. Dora is employed as school secre tary; Beth, as city librarian. Marjorie Parker is attending Northwest Business school. Necha Coblantz is attending beau ty school in Salt Lake City. Continued on Page Six IRRIGON NEWS Voile to Hospital; Prof. Enjoys Hunt By MRS. W. C. ISOM John Voile is in the veterans' hos pital at Walla Walla for medical treatment. Prof. Ralph Jones went on a hunt ing trip over the week end. Mrs. Virginia Chaney entertained the Pep club at her home last Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. Alice Brown of Condon is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter Grider, and family. Miss Betty Hewitt of Toledo, Wn-, is a house guest of Mrs. George Alcorn. Vallis and Bessie Dexter were calling on the R. V. Jones family Sunday. Elroy Lamoreaux spent the week end with his family. Miss McDonald of Forest Grove was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C Warner. Mrs. Don Isom and baby daugh ter visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom Friday night. Miss Ruth Hayes, the blind evan gelist who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell, returned to her home at Horseshoe Bend, Idaho, re cently. Mrs. Teal returned to the home of her sister, Mrs. Stella Poulson, Sat urday from Echo. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom and Mrs. Don Isom and baby daughter mo tored to Yakima, Wash-, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Isom returned Wed nesday and Mrs. Don Isom and baby remained for a week's visit with her brother, E. Gentry. Dr. and Mrs. Willicut and two chil dren of Hermiston were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Kend ler Sunday. HOLDS STATE OFFICE Loyal R. Parker, secretary of Heppner lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks, was named a trustee of the state Elks association at the annual con vention in Medford last week. Addi tional recognition was brought to eastern Oregon through the naming of Bruce Ellis of Pendleton as first vice-president. Mr. and Mrs. Parker returned home last Thursday eve ning. While away they also visited relatives at Gold Hill and Lakeview. Ralph Butler was transacting bus iness in town Monday from the lower Willow creek farm. COUNTY COUBT PROCEEDINGS FOB AUGUST TERM met in regular session at the Courthouse in Heppnr, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 4th day of August 1937, the same being luc regular nme lor noiamg a term ol said Court, when were present: Bert Johnson, County Judge; George N. Peck, Commissioner; C. W. Barlow Clerk; Frank C. Alfred, District Attor ney; C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff. The minutes of the July term were read and approved. The various claims against the coun ty were presented and the Court al lowed, disallowed or continued them, and ordered approved claims paid by proper warrant from the proper funds. Court sells to E. D. McMillan Lots 1 and 2 in Block IS to the Town of Lex ington, for the sum of $360.00. GENERAL FUND WARRANTS ISSUED IN AUGUST Mack Smith. Km ... , 0wwj vr--;-v-v $ 89.43 iiiuuma j. wens, r ieia worK 72 35 Prank C. Alfred, District Atty. 7.50 C .T. D 'Rflllmon "Mtwiif iM..t o np C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 44.25 oiaie ma. acc. com., Sheriff 10 39 A. E. Burkenbine, Jail 2 05 M. D. Clark, Jail 1182 Lhas. B. Cox, Assessor 19.63 neppner uazette Times, Assssor 5 50 Thomson Brothers, Courthouse .... 4.34 Pac. Power lAtrht rM,.th,,a 00 ct Green s Hardware, Courthouse .... 2.80 t-tui. xei. si xei. uo., current Ex pense j. 30 40 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co.. fWronTliv" pense 42.29 ncppiier jazeue rimes, Official Publications 57 55 Lucy E. Rodgers. Supt. Incid." .'.'" 3041 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. Mileage (Board of Health) ., 18 05 Vivian Kane, Emergency (Board of Healthl r Ralph Harris, Emergency " 125 juiiawuu una, r'oor 10 UO Hill's Electric Service, Poor .... 8 90 First National Bank, Poor . 120 78 First National Bank, Poor ' 7' 97 m. fiance weDD, .District Sealer 5 96 A. B. Chaffee, Justice Court 4 85 Guy Barlow. .TnsHr rvn.t ' n'm Peter Farley, Jr., Justice Court"! 1.00 State Ind. Acc. Com., Emergency (Ditch Creek) .j, 3 84 Assoc. of Ore. Counties, County Court ; 67 01 George N. Peck, County Court n.eo Bert Johnson nminti rv,,,,- mm X-'O.l I XLUIIHIHI' .JlIKriffl I 'Ain't 1 A1 L. D. Neill, County Court !!!!!!! 32!85 ""I'l"":' xvuucu Assn., emergency 25.00 Louise Home, Appropriation 50.00 First National Bank of Portland, Old Age Pensions 323 17 First National Bank of Portland, Widows' Pensions .' 86.89 GENERAL ROAD WARRANTS ISSUED IN AUGUST mS TTyI2r 118 98' M. V. Nolan $103.74, Jack Stotts $67.74, L. N Mor gan $116.74, Walter Gilman $77.74, Glenn Sherer $77.74 O. B. Olsen $1.98, John McEnHre $3"' Robert S. Wilson $5.09, Nela Christenson $2-44. Marion Hayden $136.24, Harold Sherer $77.74, Harold Peck $77.74, Dale Ray $77.74, j. B Ad ams $17.15, Jim Stevens $14.55, H. Tam blyn, Jr., 111.96, L. C. Batty $3.22, Hen ry Schwarz $71.23, A. J. Chaffee $112.25, Vernon Munkers $95.76, H. D. Rutlede-n $24.20, Chas. Williams $39.74 Wn.. Cun ningham $65.78, Ralph Marlatt $149 24 Albert Connor $85.49, C. Ashbaugh $77. lia rk Gentry $90-06, Jim Farley $56.81, Heppner Bl. & Mach. Co. $171.40, I. R. Robison $7.40, Ferguson Motor Co' 6II3' Ray sParks $2.52, Frank Nix on $45.77, City of Heppner $3.55, E. R. Lundell $43.54, Shell Oil Co. $540.06, Charles Vaughn $4.98, Beall Pipe & T,k,nCPration 38-53' H- Tamblyn $100.12, Union Oil Company $74.63, Har old Becket $4.75, Wm. Greener $158.98, Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. $5.50, Gazette Times $19.35, Pacific Power & Light ?a J3-5$, Howard-Cooper Corporation $22.50, Feenaughty Machinery Com pany $116.18, Braden-Bell Co. $296.84 State Ind. Accident Com. $92.12 City of Boardman $22.09, City of Heppner $671. 77, City of lone $121.41, City of Lex ington $76.09, C. A. Kane $22.35. MARKET ROAD WARRANTS ISSUED IN AUGUST Frank Gentry $33.18, Jim Farley $20. 93, General Roads $52.50, Harry Tam- blvn $117.86 Ktnto TnH Alt n $3.09, LeviiMorgan $25.00, MISCELLANEOUS WARRANTS Joseph Belanger, Rodent Fund, $27.95 Joseph Belanger, Fair Fund, $500.00. ' COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR SEPTEMBER TERM Be It Remembered that the County Court met In nntiir ,.un - Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon, on Wed- ..couuy, mo iai nay 01 September, 1937, the same being the regular time for holding a term of said Court, when were present: Bert Johnnnn fVumfv T,, . r N. Peck, Commissioner, L. D. Neill, uiiuniBHioner; j, w. Barlow, Clerk; C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff; Frank C. Al fred, District Attorney. The minutes of the August term of Court were read and approved. The various rlnlms nc-ninot th. -,,.,.. were presented and the Court allowed, disallowed or continued them and or dered approved claims paid by proper nniiwii xiuiu me proper iunas. The Court nrrWoH tho $3700.00 from the Motor License Fund to the General Road Fund. GENERAL VTTWn WITlDl Kmo ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER Dr- R- M. Rice, Emergency nea.ii.ii j 20 50 Employ. Donation Fund, Poor 15.00 First National Bank, Poor 249.23 First National Bank, Poor 7.98 Thomson Bros., Jail . 27.23 Gilliam & Bisbee, Jail 1.15 Leon Totorica, Jail 42.00 A. E. Simmons, Sheriff 3.75 Chas. Peterson, Sheriff 18.00 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 55.14 Gazette Times, Sheriff 7.25 Burroughs Add. Machine Co., Sheriff j.oo State Ind. Acc. Com., Sheriff 6.37 C. J. D. Bauman, Circuit Court .. 2.10 C. J. D. Bauman. Ind. Soldier .... 11.20 Gazette Times, Clerk 5.14 Gazette Times, Official Publica-. tions 5.20 Frank C. Alfred. District Atty. 7.50 West Coast P. & B. Co., Assessor 5.85 Thomas J. Wells, Assessor Field Work 80.25 Pac. Power & Light Co., Court house 44.85 M. Clarke Webb, Sealer 5.25 Mack C. Smith, Emergency (Ditch Creek) 80.26 State Ind. Acc. Com., Emergency 3.46 George N. Peck, County Court .... 40.25 L. D. Neill, County Court 8.20 Bert Johnson, County Court 5.00 C. J. D. Bauman, Tax. Coll. 35.20 Current Expense 64.80 First National Bank of Portland, Old Age Pensions 329.74 First National Bank of Portland, Widows' Pensions 71.22 F. C. Fredrickson, Fair Fund .... 500.00 GENERAL BOAD WARRANTS ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER A. J. Chaffee $107.76, Vernon Munkers $95.76, Wm. Cunningham $71.76, Chas. Williams $29.74, Marion Hayden $104.80, Dy from October 16 to May Tl Union Pacific offer, special low oUururPiare.totheEM,Re ticket. (Pullman-iou.v -on Standard ticket. 30 day.. EXAMPLE ROUND TRIP TO CHICAGO IN DE LUXE COACH $54 .40 claa.es Tnwcost meals. Pillow, in W"" SUN VALLEY, IDAHO-Amerlca't JUH --' . rBUB1. Season fl..t Wim-r r.-, atloni lop..D..mb.:-B;c;fU afl.Bt. througn "7 - your friends . . . cheer folks up . . . bring loved ones closer . . . convey good news . . . maintain the contacts that enrich your life. The cost is low. Who would enjoy a telephone call from you today? THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Harold Sherer $59.80, Harold Peck $59. 80, Dale Ray $58.30, H. Tamblyn Jr. $29.90. Glenn Sherer $76.24, H. S. Tay lor $110.00, M. V. Nolan $99.75, Jack Stotts $74.75, Ralph Marlatt $137.76, Al bert Connor $80.75, -Clair Ashbaugh $74.75. L. N. Morgan $22.45, Walter Gil man $14.95, Frank Gentry $94.32, Jim Farley $50.83, Henry Schwarz $116.74. Henry Peck $51,52, Green's Hardware $8.50, Sanders Magneto Service $16.88. Independent Garage $525.00, Harry Tamblyn $102.93, Harold Becktt $2.50, L. A. Snow Company $172.20, Pac. Pow er A Light Co. $2.50, Gilliam & Bisbee $53.73, Nels Christensen $2.24, John Me Entire $3.99, Austin-Western Road Ma chinery Co. $15.64, Howard-Cooper Cor poration $5.46, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company - $42.94, Braden-Bell Tractor Company $167.25, H. D. Rutledge $26.78, Heppner Blacksmith & Mach. Co. $67.74, Feenaughty Machinery Co. $32.91, Shell Oil Company $84.38, Kane's Garage $48.35, Frank Nixon $49.75, Ferguson Motor Company $99.49, City of Hepp ner Water Dept. $3.40, State Ind. Acc. Commission $76.01, Joe Howell $8.96, C. E. McFerrin $8.96, Loy McFerrin $8.96. Ed Lyons $8.96, F. L. Dunseth $8.96, Kemper Snow $5.60, Bert Breed ing $4.48, Bud Lundell $1.12, Henry Moore $8.96, Jess Walton 1.12, Irvin Greener $2.24. Wm. Greener $2.24, L. E. Bleakman $4.48, Leon Totorica $28.00, H. H. Kincheloe $20.00. MARKET ROAD WARRANTS ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER Frank W. Gentry $31.44, Jim Farley $17.94, L. N. Morgan $62.55, Walter Gilman $58.30, Harry Tamblyn $116.73, State Ind. Acc. Commission $8.84. iAai n s QheiAuAneJL Tlve .ailing. ontr Wonl.t,7thA3thA9th,25&. 39 hr.. Chicago. No extralare. PORTLAND ROSE-Doiiy From Portland 9:33 p.m. N Stewarde.. .ervice available to passenger, without charge. PACIFIC LIMITED-Daily From Portland 8:00 a.m. Tor JjOCA.Ii AGENT jnTHoRIDE UNION FAUnu - . m I n LONG DISTANCE tele phone service will bind you to