Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 30, 1937, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Grange Conference
Set at Lexington
By Bertha Hunt
Lexington grange will meet in its
hall October 2nd at which time a
class will be instructed in the 3rd
and 4th degrees.
On October 16th Lexington grange
will be host to the state conference
for Morrow county- Among state
officers who will address the confer
ence are Master Ray Gill, Lecturer,
Mrs- G. W. Thiessen, secretary, Miss
Bertha Beck; Morton Tompkins of
the executive board, and Mrs- Fan
nie McCall, juvenile matron. There
will be dinner at high noon. All
grange members will bear in mind
that this conference comes to you, to
help you solve your problems. Come
and join in the discussions. Closed
session begins at nine p. m.
The first P. T. A. meeting this
year was held Wednesday evening.
Mr. Haguewood, district Scout ex
ecutive, Mrs. Rodgers, county school
superintendent, and Miss Althea
Stoneman, public health nurse, were
present and spoke during the meet
ing. It was decided that the P. T. A.
would take over sponsorship of the
Scouts instead of the grange as here
tofore. After the meeting refresh
ments were served.
Mrs. Elsie Beach made a business
trio to Portland last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs- Roy Britt and son
LeRoy visited at the Carl Whillock
home Monday.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Sylvannus Wright
and familv have moved to The
Jack McMillan returned Tuesday
from Portland where he has been
for some time.
Mr. and Mrs- George Gillis and
two children who have spent the
summer at a ranger station in the
mountains have gone to Corvallis
Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Scott on Sunday were Mr
and Mrs. Lee Sprinkel and son Dean
of Heppner and James Hartz of
Goldendale, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and
Duane spent Wednesday in Pendle
ton. Dan Way made a trip to Yakima
last Saturday.
Mrs. Myrtle Gentry and grands
daughter are visiting Mrs. Munkers.
John Miller has purchased the
house formerly occupied by the Syl
vannus Wright family.
Mrs. Maude Pointer and Mrs.
Laura Scott returned home Tues
day after spending two weeks at
Doints in the Willamette valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt and
dugahter Louise motored to Yakima
Leland Castor, lineman for the
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
company, was in Lexington Tues
Lou Broadlev received a deep cut
on the head when she -fell down the
basement stairs at the Warner home
last Thursday. Several stitches were
required to close the wound. .
Chloe Barlow Home
After Serious Illness
Chloe Barlow was brought home
Sunday from .The Dalles hospital
where she had been for a long time
with tvnhoid fever.
Ernest Peck was brought home
from a hospital in Portland this
week after undergoing an appendi
citis operation. Peter Farley drove
down and got him. Mrs. Peck and
' Mrs. Uthey went also.
Mr. and Mrs. H B. Thomas spent
Monday in Pendleton on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger
of Condon spent the week end visit
ing friends and relatives in Board
Eldon Shannon returned to Ar
lington to his work after spending
the week end visiting friends and
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis, the new sev
enth and eighth grade teacher, ar
rived Friday and started teaching
Monday. They are living in the
house across from the Paul Smith
A Christian Endeavor party was
given at the McCutcheon home on
Friday evening. It was the begin
evening was spent playing games,
and refreshments were served.
Rally Day program was given at
the community church Sunday with
a pot-luck dinner afterwards. Each
class gave a number after which
the teacher read the list of pupils
who were promoted to another class.
Mrs- Bickford of La Grande spent
the week visiting her daughter, Mrs.
A. R Hug.
Dave Johnston stopped in Board-
man on his way to Idaho where he
intends to enter Idaho State college.
Miss Imogene Wilson accompanied
his this far where she visited her
A card party was given at the
grange hall on Saturday.
Mss Ada Mae Harford of Arling
ton spent Wednesday visiting friends
in Boardman.
Mr. and Mrs- Delmer Horn of
Griddle, Calif., visited at the W. O-
Strobel home over the week end.
They went on to Midvale, Idaho.
Vernon Root who has been em
ployed in Aberdeen, Wash., is visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Root, this week.
Percy Rake and Fred Alt took a
truck load of melons to Longview,
Wash., on Saturday.
Herb Parson is visiting friends
and relatives in Spokane this week.
Bruce Pancake of Baker is visiting
at the H. B. Thomas home this week.
Ed Skoubo, Lawrence and Chalie
Smith and Buster Rands returned
from their deer hunting trip with
two deer.
Mrs. Victor Gregg of Vancouver
is visiting her mother and father,
Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon.
Misses Janet Gorham and Virgin
ia Compton spent Tuesday and
Wednesday visiting and shopping in
The Dalles.
Celebrate With Us and Cut Expenses
THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY, National Furniture Week is being celebrated
from Sept. 2 4to Oct. 2nd. Here are representative values to be found at CASE FUR
NITURE CO. We have the largest stock of new offerings that it has even been
our pleasure to show.
Living Room
Expertly upholstered,
with durable frames.
Perfectly matched
with an eye for beauty
and comfort.
The Referee Says:
"There are all sorts of fighters but only one can be a Champion."
It's the say way with heaters. There are all kinds of heaters but the Coleman
Oil Heater is without question the champion of its class. Cold weather doesn't
faze it. It can give better than it takes. The Coleman Combustion Chamber
that's where the fire is is made of the finest grade of 20 gauge copper bearing
steel It can take heat punishment for years and years. When you install a Cole
man Heater it is there to stay for a long, long time. Your yearly depreciation is less
your fuel cost is less. See CASE FURNITURE CO. about a Coleman Circulator
the heater than takes punishment and likes it. . , . , ...
Built of walnut,
carefully match
ed, and of guar
anteed construc
tion. An ensem
ble that is differ
ent from the us
ual run of suites.
.... MrilfKIHfTHtli.I:
Modern Home Furnishers
Heppner, Oregon
nins of the Endeavor after they had
adjourned for the summer. The
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