Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 16, 1937, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Guy Barlow Rites
Held at Boardman
Funeral services were held for
Guy Barlow on Sept. 9, in the Com
munity church. Rev. Thomas con
ducted the services. Mr. Barlow was
35 years old and had been a resident
of Morrow county all his life. He
left his wife and daughter, brothers
and sisters, and mother and father,
and many friends to mourn his death.
Interment was in the Boardman cem
etery. Mrs. McDonald and Louis returned
Saturday from a huckleberrying trip
to Mt. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Baker and
Mrs. W. A Baker spent the week end
visiting friends and relatives in La
Grande and Enterprise
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mackan of
Kinzua visited Mrs. Mackan's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kruse, over
the week end
Mr.' and Mrs. H. R. Parson left
Sunday for Spokane, Wash, where
they will visit their daughter for a
short time.
Miss Jean Bauer spent the week
end visiting in Echo where she
taught last year.
Vernon Partlow who has been
working in Goldendale, Wash., spent
the week end visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Partlow.
, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barlow of Eu-
Want Ads
For Sale 4 good dairy cows,
Guernsey and Jersey cross, mostly
Guernsey. Frank Lindsay, Morgan,
Ore. 28
Late model electric refrigerator
for sale, reasonable. Inquire this of
fice. 124-acre irrigated farm adjoining
the city of Redmond north in The
Dalles California Hwy, 2 houses,
barn for horses and cows, fine chick
en house, other buildings, electric
ity, milking machine, water system,
telephone, R. F. D., bus at door,
crops, alfalfa, alsike and red clover,
potatoes, peas, grains, etc, fine white
clover and gluegrass pasture. A, real
farm for dairying or general farm
ing or both. Owner has been in bus
iness all his life and is no farmer.
Must go East this fall, so do not de
lay. $12,000. Vz down, bal. terms. If
too large can be subdivided Come
and see it before you buy. No trades.
W. F. Sturges, owner
For Sale New wire netting, 500
rods, med. wt, 26 in. Mrs. Bertha
Johnson, city. , 27-29p.
For Sale Good ranch of 80 acres
on Rhea creek. J. E. Musgrave, lone,
Ore. 27-30p
Starting piano classes, 75c half
, hour, $1 an hour. Virginia Dix Am
orelle, city. 27-28
For Sale Team of horses, 1400 or
1100 lbs., sound and in fine condi
tion. A. P. Ayers, Boardman, Ore.
Sows and feeder pigs for sale.
James Hayes, phone 9F21. 26ptf.
wanted for a fine- high-grade Bun
galow type piano, nearly new. Cash
or $6 monthly. For full information,
address, Auditor of Accounts, Cline
Piano Co., 1011 SW Washington,
Portland. Oreeon. 26-28
TKrfo Hpdrooms to rent. Mrs. Glen
Tfavps. citv. Phone 102 26tf
W,4 Crton nf TnillpS. 2 to 8
IT CUUCU w - )
years old. J. H. Drennon, Hubbard,
Ore. 26-29p
Ten 2-yr-old fine muley bucks,
W. H. Cleveland, phone 8F11, Hepp
ner. . 25tf
12 fine wool rams for sale. Joe
ic -nlrl rams for sale
Will sell for cash or trade for Hamp
shires. James O'Connor, Heppner,
For sale, or will trade for calves,
one male hog, 13 mo. old, two brood
sows, one manure spreader. Swag
gart ranch, 9 miles NE of Lexington.
, 24tf
6 ft. McCormkk Deering binder,
nearly new. W. H. Cleveland, city.
gene spent the latter part of the
week visiting in Boardman. Mr. Bar
low was a brother of Guy Barlow.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson of
Wasco were visitors in Boardman
Mr. and Mrs. Waite of Troutdale
spent the latter part of the week
visiting friends on the project.
Misses Lillian and May Hango and
Harold Hatch of Portland spent the
week end visiting at the Hango
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Flickinger, E.
T. Messenger and Miss Lois Mes
senger spent the week end visiting
Mrs. Messenger who is in The Dalles
hospital. Mrs. Roberts returned with
them Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tannehill of
Long Beach, Calif., are visiting their
son, Clyde Tannehill, and family.
The regular North Morrow coun
ty fair was held in Irrigon Friday
and Saturday. Many of the Board
man people entered exhibits. The
Home Economics lub sold hambur
gers at the fair and the dance. Many
people attended the dance in the
evening as well as the fair.
Eldon Shannon who is employed
in Arlington spent the week end vis
iting friends and relatives in Board
man. ,
Imogene Wilson of Arlington spent
the week end visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson.
North Morrow Fair
Shows Fine Exhibits
The fair held Friday and Saturday
was quite well attended by those
from surrounding communities. The
exhibits from the various 4-H clubs,
both from Boardman and Irrigon,
were excellent. Mrs. W. C. Isom,
leader of Div. 1 sewing club, was
well satisfied with the work done
by her girls as they received four
prizes. Delpha Markham, first; her
sister, Lavelle Markham, second, and
their cousins, Lois and Patricia
Markham, third and fourth. The
girls will take up the coming year's
work in the near future.
Mrs. Teal from Wallowa is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Stella Poulson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Warner have
announced the arrival of a new
grandson born to Rev. and Mrs. Wal
ter Warner, Sept. 8, at Conton Cen
ter, Conn.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob West and baby
daughter and Mrs. Wheeler and lit
tle daughter from Wyoming are vis
iting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Fredrickson.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson are
the proud parents of a 9-lb. baby girl
born at the Hermiston hospital Sat
urday, Sept. 11.
Forest Hunting has his mother as
a house guest this week.
Laverne Duce was injured when
a car driven by John Swearingen
accidentally struck her as she was
riding her bicycle in town one night
last week.
Rev. H. B. Thomas, Presbyterian
pastor from Boardman, was in town
Saturday and states regular services
at the church will start Sunday.
The new school cafeteria opened
Monday, Sept. 13, with Mrs. Roscoe
Williams in charge.
Rev. Alcorn of the Pentecostal
church left Sunday for a trip to Cal
ifornia to visit his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Briggs from Hepp
ner attended the fair here Saturday.
G. T. Want Ads bring results
Don't Neglect Them !
. Nature designed the kidney to do
marvelous Job. Their Uak 1 to keep the
flowing blood dream free of en excess of
toxic impurities. The set of living fte
Uttlf is eonttintly producing wute
matter the kidneys must remove from
tbe blood if good health ii to endure.
When the kidneys (ail to (unction at
Nature intended, there 1 retention o(
waete that may cause body-wide dis
tress. One may suffer nagging backache,
persistent headache, attacks of dizziness,
getting up nights, swelling, puffinesa
under the eyes (eel tired, nervous, all
worn outr
Frequent, scanty or burning passages
may be further evidence ot kidney or
bladder disturbance.
The recognized and proper treatment
Is a diuretic medicine to hetp the kidneys
get rid ol excess poisonous body waste,
use Doan'i Pills. They have had more
than forty years of public approval. Are
endorsed the country over. Insist oil
Doan't. Sold at all drug stores.
4-H Clubbers Win
At North Morrow Fair
The 4-H canning club girls at
tended the Irrigon fair Friday and
Saturday. Cecelia Healy took first
prize with her fruit, Betty Finch sec
ond, Frances Finch third, and Mable
Rauch, fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch at
tended Mary Cunha's wedding at the
Catholic church in Hermiston Sat
urday. She was married to Mr. Frank
Correa of Echo.
The 4-H club boys returned from
Salem Monday. Guy Moore received
a first and second prize, Jack Healy
a third and fourth prize on their
E. B. Wattenburger and A. E. Wat
tenburger were Walla Walla callers
Charles Bartholomew spent Sat
urday in The Dalles.
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers was a visit
or in Pine City last week.
Roy Neill returned from Montana
where he has been shipping sheep.
Miss Dora E. Moore spent the week
end with Mrs. Joyce Smith and at
tended the Irrigon fair.
Mr. and Mrs. George Currin called
Sunday at the John Harrison home.
Fred Rauch was a caller in Stan
field Sunday.
Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew attended
the funeral of Mrs. Perry in Pen
dleton Saturday.
OSC Dean Returns
From War-Torn Orient
Corvallis Delayed 16 days in
north China by the war situation
there, Miss Ava B. Milam, dean of
the school of home economics at Ore
gon State college, and a party of
students and travelers she conduct
ed on a summer tour of the Orient
returned here September 12 with
first-hand stories of conditions in
both China and Japan.
After being marooned for two
weeks in Peiping, the party man
aged to get to Japan by way of Man
chukuo, from where they took a
British boat to Vancouver, B. C.
Japan is caught in the grip of war
hysteria, Dean Milam reports. The
government was already calling old
er men and those with families for
army service at the time the Ameri
cans were there late in August.
"The Japanese press says the Jap
anese people are of one mind con
cerning this Sino-Japanese war,
which they usually choose to speak
of as the 'China incident'," said Dean
Milam, "but our two weeks in Japan
made us believe they are trying to
Marine delicacies
lend zest to our
Try our
Fountain Service
A Good Meal
at the
ED CHTNTtf, Prop.
think this and hope by saying so
it may aid in bringing about a uni
fied mind."
The Oregon State party saw much
history in the making, but are as
much puzzled as others as to how
the upheaval in the Orient will end.
Potted plants at ail times, phone
1332; will deliver. 15tf
. ,
Notice is hereby given that Wes
ley E. McNabb, administrator de
bonis noh, of the estate of Alice E.
McNabb, deceased, has filed his final
account of his administrition of the
said estate with the Clerk of the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow county, and the said
Court has set as the time and place
for hearing on and final settlement
of said acocunt, October 18th, 1937,
at the hour of 10:00 A. M. of said day,
in the County Court Room of the
Morrow County Court House of the
State of Oregon. Anyone having ob
jections to said final account must
file the same on or before that date.
Administrator de bonis non.
In the matter of the estate of Nat H.
Webb, deceased.
No. 809
NOTICE is hereby given that T. J.
D. Jones, as administrator with the
will annexed of the estate of Nat H.
Webb, - deceased, has filed in the
above-entitled court, his final ac
count and report as such adminis
trator, together with his petition for
discharge, and that the hearing of
the same has been fixed by the
Judge of said court, for Tuesday, the
19th day of October, 1937, at 10:00
o'clock, A. M. of said day, at the
courtroom of said court in the court
house at Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon; and all persons interested in
the said estate are notified then and
there to appear and show cause, if
any they have, why the said account
should not be settled and allowed,
and why said administrator should
not then be discharged and his
bondsmen released from all future
Dated and first published this 16th
day of September, 1937.
as Administrator with the will
annexed, of the estate of Nat
H. Webb, deceased.
By virtue of an order of the Coun
ty Court, dated the 3rd day of Sep
tember, 1937, I am authorized and
directed to sell at public auction as
provided by law, the following prop
erty at not less than the minimum
price set forth, to wit:
SV2SEy4 of Section 24, NEV4)
NM.SEV4 of Section 25, and E
SEy4 of Section 31, in Township
6 South, Range 25 E. W. M.f and
SSWy4, NEy4SWi4 of Section
30, and NEy4NWy4 of Section 31,
Township 6 South, Range 26 E.
W. M. Minimum price $1,100.00.
lone lots 5 to 12 inc., Block 10,
Sperry's 2nd addition to lone,
lone Tract number 28 DR 32
532, and ENWy4 except plat
ted, and tracts and sold and R.
of W. Minimum price $150.00.
Heppner north 27 feet of lot
13, and south 39 feet of lot 14 in
Block 7 west of Willow creek.
Minimum price $15.00.
Heppner lots 8, 9, and 10, in
Block 1 Ayres 1st addition. Min
imum price $5.00.
Lexington lots 1, 2, 9 and 10,
Block 9. Minimum price $50.00.
Boardman lot 7, Block 8. Min
imum price $50.00.
N, SWy4, NWy4SEy4 of Sec
tion 12, Township 2 North, Range
26 E. W. M. Minimum price
All sales of $100.00 or more, terms
if desired. All amounts under $100.
00 cash.
Therefore, I will, on Saturday, the
2nd day of October, 1937, at the hour
of 2:00 P. M., at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner, , Oregon,
sell said property to the highest and
best bidder for cash in hand.
Dated this, the 3rd day of Septem
ber, 1937.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Morrow County.
In the matter of the Estate of Ber
nard P. Doherty, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that we
have filed our final account and re
port as Executors of the estate of
Bernard P. Doherty, deceased, with
the Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
gon, and the Court has fixed upon
the 4th day of October, 1937, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said day
as the time and the County Court
Room in the County Court House in
Heppner, Oregon, as the place when
and where any person having objec
tions or exceptions thereto may pre
sent the same, and when and where
said estate will be closed.
This notice is published pursuant
to an order of the Court made on the
1st day of September, A. D. 1937.
Executors of the estate of Ber
nard P. Doherty, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Clara
Beamer, executrix of the estate of W.
J. Beamer, deceased, has filed her
final account of her administration
of the said estate with the Clerk of
the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Morrow County, and the
said Court has set, as the time and
place for hearing and final settle
ment of said account, October 4, 1937,
at the hour of 10:00 A. M. of said
day, in the County Court room of
the Court House of Morrow County,
State of Oregon. Anyone having
objections to the said final account
must file same on or before that
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, execu
trix of the estate of Samuel E. Not
son, deceased, and all persons hav
ing claims against the esttae of said
deceased are hereby required to
present the same, duly verified as
required by law, to the undersigned
executrix at the office of her attor
ney, Frank C. Alfred, at the First Na
tional Bank Building, Heppner, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
of first publication of this notice.
Date of first publication, Septem
ber 2, 1937.
Date of last publication, Septem
ber 30, 1937.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, executrix of the
last Will and Testament of David O.
Justus, deceased, and all persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby required to
present the same to the undersigned
executrix, with proper vouchers ver
ified as required by law, at the law
office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner,
Oregon, within six months from the
date hereof.
Dated and first published this 26th
day of August, 1937.
Notice is hereby given that on the
20th day of September, 1937, at the
hour of 2 o'clock P. M. at the front
door of the Court House in Heppner,
Morrow county, Oregon, I will sell
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following described
real property situate in Morrow
county, Oregon, to wit:
SEy4NEy4 of Sec. 10, in Tp. 4 N.
R. 25 E. W. M.
Said sale is made under execution
issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Morrow, and to me directed in the
case of George Shane, plaintiff, vs.
M. K. Flickinger, defendant, which
said judgment is for the sum of
$200.00 with interest thereon from
June 26, 1930, at the rate of eight
per cent per annum, the further
sum of $50.00 attorney's fees to
gether witk the costs and disburse
ments taxed at $29.10.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.