1 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1937 PAGE TWO IONE NEWS lone Auxiliary Wins State Award The women's auxiliary of lone Post No. 95, American Legion, held its first meeting after summer va cation last Saturday afternoon in its room in the Legion hall. During the business session a gold cup, the Wa ters Junior trophy, was displayed to the members. This award was made to the local unit at the department convention in August for being the auxiliary to secure the largest ju nior membership in proportion to its membership role of any auxiliary in the state. At the meeting it was announced that the unit had also been given a citation for work done in the past year. After the business meeting refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. E. J. Blake and Mrs. O. G. Haguewood. Mr. and Mrs Pete Allen and daughter of Redmond were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith last weey end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ely of Taco ma were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Blake. Ted Thompson who has been em ployed here during the summer has returned to his home at McMinn ville. He will attend the U. of O. at Eugene again this winter. Mrs. Bert Mason and Bert Mason, Jr., motored to Portland Friday. Ju nior will remain in the city where he has work. Mrs. Mason returned Tuesday. Denward Bergevin has registered as a freshman at Gonzaga college at Spokane. Mrs. Diantha Akers came from Portland on Sunday and will make her home in the Elmer Griffith house on Second street. Her granddaugh ter, Helen Lindsay, is staying with her. Claire and Leo Young of Corvallis have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young. The Home Economics club of Wil lows grange has postponed its reg ular meeting from Friday of this week to next Wednesday, Sept. 22, at the home of Mrs. George Krebs in Cecil. Mrs. Ralph Harris has been very ill at her home in the Park hotel. Mrs. Earl Morgan, accompanied by her daughter Earline and her son Billy arrived last Thursday for a week's visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Eubanks. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson and daughter Eva attended the state fair at Salem last week. They were also accompanied by their granddaugh ter, Beverly McMillan, who was re turning to her home in Salem after spending the summer at their home. Irvin Ritchie went to Portland on Wednesday. Mrs. Delia Corson departed Mon day for Hood River where she was called by the serious illness of her brother, Charles Reed. Her place at the telephone office is being filled by Mrs. Beulah Nichols of Heppner. Wallace Lundell went to Portland last week. He will enter Pacific uni versity at Forest Grove as a fresh man this fall. . Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns are the parents of a daughter, Dorothy Grace, born to them in Heppner on . Sunday, Sept. 12. Mrs. R. S. Blackwell is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dan Long. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Balsiger were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. P. G. Balsiger. They have returned to The Dalles after a honeymoon trip fol lowing their marriage at Longview, Wash., Sept. 3. Mrs. Balsiger was Mis Esther Hutson of Hood River. Walter Roberts is at Walla Walla taking medical treatment at the vet erans' hospital. Charles Connor of Portland was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blake Sunday. Miss Minnie Normoyle has gone to Seattle where she will attend the U. of W. Norman Swanson has returned from a three-months' tour of the orient He reports his trip as very interest ing but was glad to reach the United States on his return. His ship reached Shanghai just as the first bombing was beginning and no one was al lowed to leave the boat when it put in to take on refugees and as he said "none of us insisted on going ashore." After a few days here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson, he will return to his work in Portland. Members of the Women's Topic club made up a theater party for "Romed and Juliet" at Heppner on Wednesday evening. The September social meeting of the Topic club will be held at the home of Mrs. Agnes Wilcox Satur day, Sept. 18. Elections of class officers were held in the high school during the past week. Barbara Wagner is president of the senior class and Harry Nor moyle is vice-president and secre tary treasurer. Junior officers are: Harry Ring, president; Bernice Ring, vice president; Eleanor Everson, sec retary. The sophomore class elected Thelma Nelson as their president and will complete their election la ter. Freshman officers are: John Do herty, president; Velvin Brady, vice president; Mary Kay Blake, secre tary; Ernest Christopherson, treas urer. Officers of the student body which were elected just before the close of school last spring are: Ruth Craw ford, president; Barbara Wagner, vice-president; Lola Cannon, secre tary; Helen Lundell, yell leader; Norman Bergstrom, athletic mana ger, and Harold Buchanan, transpor tation manager. CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thanks and apprecia tion are extended the kind neighbors and friends for the many kindly acts and expressions of sympathy at the time of illness and death of our be loved husband, father, son and bro ther; the large floral tribute was deeply appreciated. Mrs. Crystal Barlow and Chloe, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barlow and family. Miss Dolly Farrens is visiting with friends in Eight Mile for a while. HARDMAN NEWS Miss Adams to Wed Clarence Rogers By LUCILLE FARRENS Miss Charlotte Adams, bride-elect, was the honoree at a fine bridal shower last Saturday, Sept. 11, when a large assemblage of friends and relatives met at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams, bringing many lovely gifts and friendly wishes for her future hap piness. Miss Charlotte announced the marriage to be Sept. 18, to Mr. Clar ence Rogers of Lonerock, at Hepp ner. The teachers were given a recep tion at the school house Friday eve ning. A pot luck lunch was served. Dancing was enjoyed for a while. Mrs. Muriel McCutcheon is the pri mary teacher, Miss Iris Morton the principal of the grades, and Mrs. Marie Clary is the high school teach er for the fifth successive year. The new teachers are experienced and well recommended and Mrs. Clary has already made a good record with her work here, so a successful school year is anticipated. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Batty and children spent last week at Weiser, Idaho, visiting Clinton and Marshal Jackson, brothers of Mrs. Batty. Bernard Bleakman, local mer chant, postmaster and school direct or, who has been enjoying a vaca tion (?) from his various duties, making cord wood in the mountains, spent Sunday with home folks. Pad Howell is the owner of a used car and Pad says the next thing we would see him driving it, too. Who wants a ride Mrs. Dick Steers is cooking for harvest hands at the Cannon ranch in Burton valley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrens and Miss Lucille and Roland departed Tuesday by auto for La Grande where they will reside this school term. Roland expects to attend E. O. N. Mrs. Raymond McDonald has been quite ill at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Duff McKitrick, Miss Charlotte Adams and Clarence Rog ers were attending the theater in Heppner Sunday. Jack DeVore who has had em ployment in the Wallowa country this summer is making a visit here with friends and relatives. Mrs. Frank McDaniel returned Sunday from a visit in the mountains with her husband. PEHDUT0I1 ROUND September 16,17,18 10W RAIL FARES, UNION r REPLACE VOOK OLO ELECTRIC WASH - if W,TH A W fAODW The new washers are faster, gentler and more efficient. . . Prices are low terms most convenient. Visit a dealer near you. See his display of 1937 washers . ... and make your selection now! Look at Electric Ironers, too! When .you have an electric if oner, you can do 80 of your ironing sitting down. You have no laborious lift ing and pushing. Your ironer does your hard work does it so attractively and in about half the time you formerly took to iron. Electric ironers are reasonably priced, too, and are offered on convenient terms by a dealer near you. See a demonstration today. Electric Water Heaters are a comfort every minute, every day! Instant hot water day or night, winter or summer for launder ing and every other household use this is what you enjoy when you have an automatic electric water heater. Both heater and operating costs are low. So why put up with unhandy, undepend able range or furnace coils an other day? Learn more about the conven iences and economies of automatic electric hot water service now. D 0 fcay For electric washers, ironers and water heaters i SEE ANY DEALER IN ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT or PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Always at Your Service PnYT!7w MODEL 21J MODEL 61SL THOR IRONER $64.95 See these 2 appli ances today. Buy on convenient terms! lACIFIIL