Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 09, 1937, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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o Labor Candidate
o Land Blocking
o New School Supt.
SALEM. Apparently despairing
of their efforts to persuade Dr. J. F.
Hosch of Bend to enter the list as a
candidate for governor, labor lead
ers are now said to be tempting Hen
ry Hess of La Grande with offers of
support. As a member of the state
senate from Union county, Hess was
always recognized as a staunch
friend of labor and it is understood
that he is giving the gubernatorial
situation his serious consideration.
Dr. Hosch who for a time was re
garded as labor's best bet in the
forthcoming campaign is understood
to be luke warm toward the idea of
Ilnning for governor. Instead he is
said to be looking with a longing
eye in the direction of the national
capital and it would not be at all
surprising to see him contest Walter
M. Pierce of La Grande for the dem
ocratic nomination for Congress in
the second district next spring. If
he does not, he will content himself
with, another term in the state leg
islature where he will be a strong
contender for the House Speaker
ship, that is if the Democrats retain
their cintrol of that organization for
another session.
In the meantime Howard Latour
ette of Portland is still to be reck
oned with in any consideration of
Democratic gubernatorial possibili
ties. As a former Speaker of the
Want Ads
Starting piano classes, 75c half
hour, $1 an hour. Virginia Dix Am
orelle, city. 27-28
For Sale Team of horses, 1400 or
1100 lbs., sound and in fine condi
tion. A. P. Ayers, Boardman, Ore.
Three men free to travel, must
have car. Steady work. If $25 to $40
per week interests you, answer this
ad. Call Thur.-Fri. Sat., 6:30 to 8:30
p. m. Hotel Heppner. W H Fuller.
Residence and furnishings for sale.
Mrs. Mary Notson. 26-27p
Furnished house for sale. Mrs.
Minnie Furlong, city. 23tf.
Sows and feeder pigs for sale.
James Hayes, phone 9F21. 26ptf.
PIANO FOR SALE. To be taken
up and sold in this locality for un
paid balance. Good standard piano
and a real buy. Easy Terms. Write
Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Ore.
mellons at "JONES MELONS" high
wav stand. Three miles east of Ir
rigon. Patch prices. R. V. Jones. 26-7
wanted for a fine- high-grade Bun
galow type piano, nearly new. Cash
or $6 monthly. For full information,
address, Auditor of Accounts, Cline
Piano Co., 1011 SW Washington
Portland, Oregon. 26-28
For Sale 50 purebred white Leg
horn pullets, 4 mo. old, 60c apiece.
Franklin Lindstrom, Morgan, f ibt
Three bedrooms to rent. Mrs. Glen
Prion 102 26tf
Wanfort finan of mules. 2 to 8
years old. J. H. Drennon, Hubbard,
nr on-
T 9n1f1 fino TYillW bucks
j, en u jr x -v rf
"W. H. Cleveland, phone 8F11, Hepp-
12 fine wool rams for sale. Joe
Kenny, Heppner. 23tf
16 fine 2-yr.-old rams for sale
Will sell for cash or trade for Hamp
shires. James O'Connor, Heppner,
T5V cola nr will trade for calves.
-ft. Ul IM4) v
one male hog, 13 mo. old, two brood
i . r .
sows, one manure spreaaer. owag-
A i -Km - r T :
gart ranch, mues rtcj oi uenui&uju
6 ft McCormkk Deering binder,
nearly new. W. H. Cleveland, city,
House of Representatives and pres
ent national committeeman Latour
ette wields an influence in Demo
cratic circles that is not to be ig
nored in casting up the score of
possibilities in the forthcoming pri
maries. The public hearing scheduled by
the State Land board for next Mon
day when the question of blocking
the state's widely scattered school
lands into more compact grazing
units will be up for consideration
will be marked by demand for action
by State Treasurer Holman who has
shown considerable irritation over
the failure of the land board to take
any definite action on his proposal
after nearly 18 months of consider
ation. Two separate proposals are
now before the board. One of these
provides for the blocking of state
lands around private holdings in
units of a size to meet the needs of
the several stockmen. The other pro
posal involves the blocking of all
the state's holdings into from 16 to
20 large units to take in the best of
the grazing lands in central and
southern Oregon. These areas would
be well scattered over the several
grazing counties of eastern Orgon
and would be leased to the highest
W. L. Gosslin, secretary to Gov
ernor Martin, has recommended to
the governor that a widespread pro
gram of reform in the state's law
enforcement machinery be sponsored
by the state administration. This
proposed reform would include the
consolidation of circuit court dis
tricts into larger units in order to
eliminate some of the present judges
and the creation of a Department of
Justice for Oregon based upon the
present federal system. Under this
department' the entire state would
operate as a single unit in the su
pervision and enforcement of crim
inal laws. The attorney general and
all district attorneys would be ap
pointed by the governor without re
spect to geographical location. The
proposed reform, according to Goss
lin, would not only result in greater
efficiency in law enforcement, but
personnel would be materially re
duced. A high point in state affairs this
week was the induction of Rex Put
nam into office as state superinten
dent of public instruction. Putnam,
who comes to the state department
of education from Albany where he
served as city superintendent of
schools for several years, is the 11th
individual to fill this position since
its creation 65 years ago. Incidently
he is also the third democrat to hold
office, both of his Democratic pre
decessors, like himself, attaining to
the position through appointment.
Million dollar months have be
come the customary thing in gaso
line tax revenues. July was the third
consecutive month during which the
revenues from this source exceeded
the million dollar mark according
to Secretary of State Snell. Inci
dentally July set a new all-time
high mark in gasoline sales with 23,
702,505 gallons of the motor fuel
sold during the month on which the
state tax amounted to $1,185,125.
State affairs which, like most oth
er activities, have been in the dol
drums during the summer vacation
period, are back to normal again now
that Labor Day has come and gone.
The supreme court which started
vacationing in mid-July got back on
Don't Neglect Them t
Nature designed the) Mdneyt to do a
marvelous job. Their task la to ktp the
(lowing blood at ream fret of n exoess of
toxic impurities. Ths act of living
(del la eonstsntly producing waaU
matter tha kidneya mutt ramova from
tbe blood if food health la to endure.
When tha kidneys (all to (unction as
Nature intended, there la retention of
waste that may eauae body-wide dla
treai. One may Buffer nagging backache,
persistent headache, attack! of dizzineaa,
getting up nights, aweillng, puffineaa
under the eyaa (eel tired, nervous, ail
worn out.
Frequent, scanty or burning passage
may be further evidence ot kidney or
bladder disturbance.
The recognized and proper treatment
la a diuretic medicine to help the kidneya
get rid of excess poisonous body waste.
Use Coon's Pills. They have had mors
than forty years of public approval. Are
endorsed the country over. Insist oft
Doan'i. Sold at all drug stores.
the job Tuesday when it tackled a
heavy calendar of hearings and the
board of control held its first meet
ing in some time Wednesday when it
met with the Capitol Reconstruction
commission to consider the size and
type of the new state building to be
erected on property now being ac
quired just north of the capitol site.
Announcement of the prices be
ing paid by the Capitol Reconstruc
tion commission for property in Sa
lem to be included in the enlarged
capitol site has aroused a deal of
comment, much of it flavored with
criticism. Many persons familiar
with property values in Salem feel
that the prices being paid for the
new state property are entirely too
high, especially since the purchase
price in some instances amounts to
approximately five times the as
sessed value on which the owner has
been paying taxes. Defenders of the
commission's action justify the high
prices on the ground that they are
based on sentimental rather than in
trinsic values.
The Stayton-sponsored caravan
over the North Santiam highway to
Bend last week was given a dis
tinctly official flavor by the pres
ence of Governbr Martin, State
Treasurer Holman, Secretary of State
Snell and all three members of the
State Highway commission, as well
as several engineers from the high
way department. With both ends of
this route now highly improved the
highway commission is being pressed
to complete the route at an early
date. Principal obstacle to this pro
gram is the 12 miles through the
North Santiam gorge, construction
of which will entail an expenditure
of some $1,300,000 according to the
highway department estimates,
The reference by Governor Mar
tin to the "next governor" of Oregon,
in a speech at Bend last week was
interpreted by many as equivalent
to reading himself out of the picture
as a contender for a second term.
Supporters of the second term idea,
however, counter with the sugges
tion that Martin if re-elected would
be the "next governor" just as much
as would any other candidate who
might gain the favor of the elector
ate. Victir Hassen of Portland is not
one to put off until tomorrow that
which can just as well be done to
day. Although it is still more than
eight months until the primary elec
tion Hassen has already filed as a
candidate for the democratic nom
ination for state senator from Mult
nomah county. Probably figures that
the early candidates get the plums,
as it were. Hassen will champion the
o At least an occa
sional respite from
the hot kitchen will
make the summer
days less burden
some . . . Such res-
i i
pite win be given
added enjoyment
by our zestful
Try Our
A Good Meal
. at the
cause of licensed and legalized gam
bling to raise revenues so as to head
off any further attempt to enact a
sales tax.
Ernest B. Southwick who escaped
from the Oregon state prison 18
years ago will not be required to re
turn and complete his sentence, the
state parole board has ruled. South
wick, now 38, was apprehended re
cently at Boise, Idaho, where he has
lived for a number of years as a
law-abiding citizen
Hop growers of western Oregon
suffered heavy losses this year be
cause of inability to secure enough
pickers to harvest their crop prompt
ly, according to John Cooter, farm
placement director. Between 2000
and 3000 more pickers could have
found employment in the hop yards
of Oregon this year, Cooter said.
Cooter was unable to account for the
shortage of labor inasmuch as no
difficulty had been experienced in
supplying labor for other seasonal
Good Grass Seed
Makes Best Showing
The advantage of using a good
grade pasture seed mixture in re
seeding burned-over land was given
a practical demonstration this sea
son on the W. H. Bonney farm in
Clackamas county where, through
the cooperation of County Agent J.
J. Inskeep, a comparative seeding
was made.
Soon after a fire had burned
through a section of timber, an acre
of the ground was seeded to a mix
ture of such grasses as English rye,
chewing fescue, tall meadow oat,
and several others. A narrow strip
was left unseeded directly beside
this, and then an acre was seeded to
a cheap burn mixture, consisting of
such grasses as common rye, cheat,
mesquite and the like.
This summer the strip left un
seeded is a mass of fern and wild
blackberries. The plot seeded to the
cheap grass mixture has some fern
and blackberries growing on it, in
termixed with the more hardy of the
grasses, although there is little of
the common rye grass left.
On the acre seeded to a good mix
ture, on the other hand, there is a
thick stand of knee-high grass that
has given the fern and wild black
berries so much competition that
they are scarcely noticeable.
G. T. Want Ads bring results.
By virtue of an order of the Coun
ty Court, dated the 3rd day of Sep
tember, 1937, I am authorized and
directed to sell at public auction as
provided by law, the following prop
erty at not less than the minimum
price set forth, to wit:
S12SEV4 of Section 24, NE4
N12SE14 of Section 25, and E
SEV4 of Section 31, in Township
6 South, Range 25 E. W. M., and
Sy2SWy4, NE14SE14 of Section
30, and NEy4NWy4 of Section 37,
Township 6 South, Range 26 E.
W. M. Minimum price $1,100.00.
lone lots 5 to 12 inc., Block 10,
Sperry's 2nd addition to lone,
lone Tract number 28 DR 32
532, and ENWy4 except plat
ted, and tracts and sold and R.
of W. Minimum price $150.00.
Heppner north 27 feet of lot
13, and south 39 feet of lot 14 in
Block 7 west of Willow creek.
Minimum price $15.00.
Heppner lots 8, 9, and 10, in
Block 1 Ayres 1st addition. Min
imum price $5.00.
Lexington lots 1, 2, 9 and 10,
Block 9. Minimum price $50.00.
Boardman lot 7, Block 8. Min
imum price $50.00.
N, SWy4, NWy4SEy4 of Sec
tion 12, Township 2 North, Range
26 E. W. M. Minimum price
All sales of $100.00 or more, terms
if desired. All amounts under $100.
00 cash.
Therefore, I will, on Saturday, the
2nd day of October, 1937, at the hour
of 2:00 P. M., at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner, Oregon,
sell said property to the highest and
best bidder f6r cash in hand.
Dated this, the 3rd day of Septem
ber, 1937.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Morrow County.
In the matter of the Estate of Ber
nard P. Doherty, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that we
have filed our final account and re
port as Executors of the estate of
Bernard P. Doherty, deceased, with
the Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
gon, and the Court has fixed upon
the 4th day of October, 1937, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said day
as the time and the County Court
Room in the County Court House in
Heppner, Oregon, as the place when
and where any person having objec
tions or exceptions thereto may pre
sent the same, and when and where
said estate will be closed.
This notice is published pursuant
to an order of the Court made on the
1st day of September, A. D. 1937.
Executors of the estate of Ber
nard P. Doherty, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Clara
Beamer, executrix of the estate of W.
J. Beamer, deceased, has filed her
final account of her administration
of the said estate with the Clerk of
the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Morrow County, and the
said Court has set, as the time and
place for hearing and final settle
ment of said account, October 4, 1937,
at the hour of 10:00 A. M. of said
day, in the County Court room of
the Court House of Morrow County,
State of Oregon. Anyone having
objections to the said final account
must file same on or before that
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, execu
trix of the estate of Samuel E. Not
son, deceased, and all persons hav
ing claims against the esttae of said
deceased are hereby required to
present the same, duly verified as
required by law, to the undersigned
executrix at the office of her attor
ney, Frank C. Alfred, at the First Na
tional Bank Building, Heppner, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
of first publication of this notice.
Date of first publication, Septem
ber 2, 1937.
Date of last publication, Septem
ber 30, 1937.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, executrix of the
last Will and Testament of David O.
Justus, deceased, and all persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby required to
present the same to the undersigned
executrix, with proper vouchers ver
ified as required by law, at the law
office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner,
Oregon, within six months from the
date hereof.
Dated and first published this 26th
day of August, 1937.
Notice is hereby given that on the
20th day of September, 1937, at the
hour of 2 o'clock P. M. at the front
door of the Court House in Heppner,
Morrow county, Oregon, I will sell
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following described
real property situate in Morrow
county, Oregon, to wit:
SEy4NEy4 of Sec. 10, in Tp. 4 N.
R. 25 E. W. M.
Said sale is made under execution
issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Morrow, and to me directed in the
case of George Shane, plaintiff, vs.
M. K. Flickinger, defendant, which
said judgment is for the sum of
$200.00 with interest thereon from
June 26, 1930, at the rate of eight
per cent per annum, the further
sum of $50.00 attorney's fees to
gether with the costs and disburse
ments taxed at $29.10.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.