HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 19, 1937 PAGE EIGHT Nelson, Stephens To Judge Exhibits Wool Wheat Show 4-H Clubbers Will Make Good Showing With Fair at Rodeo With the wool and grain shows plus the 4-H club exhibits, the Mor row county fair, held in conjunction with the Rodeo, promises to be not only the largest but the best show ing since the abandonment of the old county fair some years ago. An outstanding feature of this show will be the 4-H club sheep ex hibits. Prof. O. M. Nelson, Oregon State college, has agreed to judge the sheep on Thursday, the 26th. Professor Nelson is an outstanding man on the Pacific coast as a sheep judge and goes from the Morrow county fair to the big Canadian show at Vancouver, B. C. The marked improvement shown in the sheep exhibits last year over the year be fore so impressed him that he ex pressed the wish to judge our show again if he could arrange it on his schedule. While there will be an ex cellent showing of blackface sheep, the outstanding feature of the sheep show will be the line-up of fine wools. The competition between De laines and Rambouillets should be of interest to every sheep man in the county. For the last two years, Morrow county 4-H club members have won all premiums at the state fair in the 4-H fine wool classes. With the quality of exhibits fur ther improved this year, 4-H club members are bent on making a third clean sweep at the Salem show. In the dairy department, nearly twice as many animals are lined up as were exhibited last year., Every sheep man in the county will be interested in looking over the wool show. Last year fleeces from this show won first and second in their classes at the Pacific Interna tional. There is every reason to be lieve that the wool show here at the Morrow county fair this year will be as fine as any in Oregon outside of the big show at the Pacific Interna tional. With Morrow county standing out as an important wheat producing section, our grain show should be good. D. E. Stephens, director of the experiment station at Moro, will be the grain judge. Samples of grain for this show should be a full bushel of wheat. These samples can be tagged with the name of the ex hibitor and the variety of wheat and left at any of the warehouses in the county where they will be picked up for the show. After the fair they again become the property of the owner. First and second prize win ning exhibits will be cleaned up and taken to the Pacific International. It is planned this year to show field run samples. Local Youths Hold High Episcopal Posts Jackson Gilliam was elected pres ident of the eighth province, Epis copalian youths, and Scott McMurdo was elected vice president of the northern division of the province at the annual conference at Lake Tahoe which they recently attended. The province includes California, Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Ari ona, Alaska, Hawaii, the Philippine islands and parts of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gilliam, is 17 and the youngest person ever elected to the office. IS TRANSFERRED Leslie Rasmussen, lineman with Pacific Power & Light company, is leaving with his family this evening for Condon where he has been transferred. Mr. Hamrick of Condon will succeed Mr. Rasmussen here. Notice of the transfer was received but a few days ago. Mr. Rasmussen has been connected with the local office since entrance of the com pany into the local field, and the many friends of the family wish them success and happiness in their new location. iiitmimiiiiiiiiHiiiHimiiiiiiiHiiiiiim At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST. ALVIW KLEINFELDT. Pastor Bible School 9:45 a. m. Morning Services 11:00 a. m. C. E. Society 6:30 p. m. Evening Services 7:30 p. m. Choir Practice, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Midweek Service, Thursday. 7:30 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH REV. R. C. YOUNG, Pastor 9 a. m. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Services conducted by Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers. Subject, "The Bible as Literature." NOTSON, JUSTUS PASS Continued from First Page all liberty loan and other national drives. Mr. Notson was elected to the of fice of president of the Lions club in July, but his illness prevented his serving in that capacity. He had served as vice-president of the club for several years, and signed the charter roll when the club was or ganized. He served several years as president of the commercial club, and was vice-president of Inland Waterways association, and first vice-president of the International Association of Sheriffs and Police, in both of which organizations he was long active. In 1912 Mr. Notson attended the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church as a lay delegate. Mr. Notson married Miss Mary Ann Nelson at Dunlap, Iowa, Aug ust 28, 1895, who survives. The chil dren are Lee Wallace Notson 6f Lo gan, la.; Mrs. Wevnor M. Sackett of Salem; Edward A. of Aonasket, Wash.; Robert C, city editor of the Portland Oregonian; Charles E., a missionary at Hochow, China, and Mrs. David Moser of New York city. Lee and Edward served with the American Expeditionary forces in France in the World war. Mr. Notson was affiliated with Heppner lodge 66, I. O. O. F., in which he was lbng active, and in which he had served as noble grand. DAVID OLIVER JUSTUS David Oliver Justus was born to James H. and Nancy (Bennett) Jus tus in St. Clair county, Missouri, July 22, 1863. His father was a na tive of Illinois and his mother a na tive of Knoxville, Tenn. His early days were spent in Missouri, and he married Miss Margaret Devin of Boliver, that state, July 30, 1882. He first came to Morrow county 46 years ago, making the trip out from Missouri with his brother-in-law, the late S. P. Devin. Mr. Justus first found employ ment on the James Jones ranch near Lexington, working there and on the Jones ranch just above Hepp ner, now the Frank Monahan place, for two or three years before locat ing on the present ranch on Hinton creek, the original part of which he took up as a donation land claim. Following stock and sheep raising continuously since that time, and for the last several years assisted by his sons, Nels and Ralph, highland holdings were largely increased to include a large tract just above the forks of Willow creek. For many years an additional res idence was established in town where Mrs. Justus and .the boys stayed through the winter while the boys attended the local schools. Mr.' Justus found time from his large ranch operations to take an active interest in fraternal work, and at time of death was a trustee of the Odd Fellows lodge. He was also af filiated with Knights of Pythias, Masons, Elks, Rebeccas, Order of Eastern Star and Ancient Order of United Woodmen. Of progressive na ture in both private and public af fairs, he lended his support to bet terment of the community, and while never himself seeking public office he was at all times interested in better government. He was a highly respected citizen whose loss is keenly felt by the en tire community which extends its sympathy to the bereft family. Mr. Justus was the last member of his immediate family. Surviving are the widow, two sons, and one daughter-in-law, Huldah Justus. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Jones at their home in this city Sun day, Philip Robert, weighing 8 lbs. Camp Heppner Rated Second in District In accordance with the policy es tablished by Capt. B. A. Johnson of awarding a gold flag with letter "S" to the superior camp, in all depart ments, of the Pendleton sub-district, Vaucouver Barracks CCC district, and a blue flag with letter 'T' for the camp showing the greatest amount of physical improvements each month, Camp Heppner won the blue flag for the month of July and was runner-up to Camp Squaw Creek for the gold flag, losing out by only two points. The losses were on administrative deficiencies and lost time injuries. With a little ef fort, care and watchfulness the above items can be reduced to a minimum and this camp will be the superior camp. Anent the honor Capt. W. R. Reynolds, camp commandant, said: "At this time I wish to give all credit for winning the blue flag to Assistant Leader Sylvio Roberts and his 'landscapers' because it was due to their efforts that Camp Heppner won this flag. If all members of this company will cooperate to re move weeds along paths, put papers in trash cans, keep bunks and lock ers neat and tidy, Camp Heppner can't help but fly both flags. The of fice force has agreed to do its part and with the spirit of the three mus keteers, 'one for all and all for one.' this company will rise to its rightful position in both district and sub-district." ATTEND CONVENTION Mrs. Clara Beamer, Mrs. Julia Hill, Mrs. V. R. Runnion and Mrs. Jennie Elder motored to John Day Tuesday to attend the eastern Ore gon convention, Degree of Honor. The day's events included a pro gram with speeches by national and state officers, and a school of instruction. IMPROVES HOSPITAL Mrs. Lulu Rumble, superintendent of Morrow General hospital, an nounces recent completion of reno vating work including provision of two additional well-finished rooms upstairs; An attraftive reception room is also included in the work. Potted plants at all times, phone 1332; will deliver. 15tf 'WE GIVE YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY at SAFEWAY I We say "We give you more for your money at ' Safeway" because for twenty-two years we have made a business of selling the finest foods at the lowest price. Add to that our quick, courteous service, and our new modern stores and you'll say, too, "We give you more for your money at Safeway." PRICES EFFECTIVE ALL WEEK AUGUST 20-26 INCL. LARD 8 Lbs. $1.45 Pure Hog BEANS ... 10 Lbs. 79c Small Whites CORN FLAKES . 4 Pkgs. 29c CHEESE Per Lb. 24c Full Cream SHORTENING 8 Lbs. 97c Always Fresh Vinegar Qt. ScGal.23c SUGAR 100 Lbs. $5.59 10 LBS. 59c MILK . . Case $3.43 . . 3 tins 22c Tall Maximum or Federal FLOUR Buy now while old wheat Flour is obtainable Harvest Blossom JtOk SACK JX1tJ Kitchen Craft SACK $1.79 Kr Jjh v - r m i 2r. Js US CEREAL DEAL 2 reg. 13c CORN FLAKES 1 reg. 15c KRUMBLES 1 reg. 13c PEP 1 SHOPPING BAG All for ... . 39c ALUMINUM KETTLE Cold pack 7 qt. jar capacity, reg. value $2.00, together with 50c worth of sugar All for . $1.98 TOMATOES 4 for 44c JAR LIDS 3 doz. 28c No. 2V2 tins PICKLES Gallon jug, Dills Kerr regular Each 69c STR. BEANS, 4 tins 49c Fancy cut BEER 4 tins 43c Tomato Juice 6 tins 48c Brown Derby CASE $2.55 Tall tins SOAP ..... 4 bars 25c Peanut Butter 2 lb. 38c Palm Olive Ice-box jar FLY SPRAY . gal. $1.45 Toilet Tissue . 4 for 18c Biff QUART 39c Waldorf White Silk Marshmallows, Lb. 15c SYRUP .... Vz gal. 73c CRACKERS, 2 lbs. 29c Flde, 6 pkgs. 25c JELLS RITE, 2 bot. 25c Pork & Beans 6 tins 49c For right jellies 16 oz. Tins SOAP ..... 10 bars 35c TOMATOES, 5 tins 44c O. K., C. W., P. & G. , No. 2 Tins SALMON . . 3 tins 29c Baking Powder, tin 35c 8 oz. Pink 50c size K. C. FRESH PRODUCE FRIDAY-SATURDAY ONLY Cantaloupes, per crt. .. $1.19 TOMATOES per crt. 69c POTATOES . .. 50 lb. bag 85c WATERMELONS .. per lb. 2c COFFEE SAVINGS Always fresh and most economical AIRWAY 3 Lbs. 49c NOB HILL 2 Lbs. 47c Edw. Dep. 2 lbs. 49c, 4 lbs. 95c