Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 19, 1937, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Lightning Strike
Knocks Man Down
Mrs. Jim Hams was in Hardman
Friday. She stated that the electric
storm on .Thursday night set three
fires on their place. The lightning
struck the fence and ran along the
telephone wires into the house. Ves
ter Hams was standing in the door
way when the lightning struck and
was knocked down.
Charley Latourell was a business
visitor at the Kinnard McDaniel
Tiome;; Friday.
Mrs. Neal Knighten motored to
Portland one day last week to get
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Knighten who
liave been doctoring there. Mrs.
Knighten is suffering from leakage
of the heart and has to stay in bed
several weeks.
Miss Creth Craber accompanied
Mrs. Neal Knighten to Portland. ,
Mrs. Earl Redding of Hood River
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. H. Bleakman.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson of
Eight Mile were week-end visitors
at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Tyndal
Mrs. G. A. Farrens and daughter
Murl motored to Heppner Saturday
to see their new granddaughter and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright are
the parents of a baby girl born Fri
day the 13th in Heppner. She has
been named Patricia Ann.
Mrs. Blaine Chapel was badly
scalded Monday, on the hands and
arms when a pressure cooker blew
up." Mrs. Floyd Adams motored her
to Heppner to a physician.
Mrs. R. O. Fisk of Arlington is
visiting her mother, Mrs. C. H. Mc
Daniel. Many of the young people attend
ed the final queen dance in Heppner
Earl Redding and Roy Kirby of
Hood River were week-end visitors
at the B. H. Bleakman home.
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mc
Daniel were calling on Mr. and Mrs.
Sam McDaniel, Jr., in the mountains
Miss Charlotte Gallagher is spend
ing a few days at the Harry French
ranch visiting her sister, Mrs. Wil
bur Lee. Mrs. Lee is reported to be
- Jim Stevens was able to return to
the Potamus lookout Sunday, having
recovered from his recent illness.
Mrs. Victor Johnson motored out
from the Bull Prairie ranger sta
tion 'for a short while Saturday.
Virgil Crawford and Clarence Rog
ers of Zinzua were week-end visit
ors in Hardman.
Neal Knighten is confined to his
home with the flu.
Owen Bleakman was a recent vis
itor here from Bates.
Ed Clark was a business visitor
here from Heppner Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Hams and Mrs.
Maud Robison motored to Lexington
Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Duff McKitrick and
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McDonald
were among those attending the
show in Heppner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Fisk and Mrs.
R. O. Fisk of Arlington and Mrs. C.
H. McDaniel motored to Ant Hill
lookout Sunday to visit C. H. Mc
Daniel who is stationed there.
Wes Stevens was in Hardman and
Heppner Monday from Hamilton.
Mr. Stevens is a former resident of
North Morrow Fair
Coming Sept. 10-1 1
The North Morrow County fair
will be held at Irrigon Sept. 10-tl.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Shell and two
children from Idaho are visiting at
the Verne Jones home this week.
Mrs. Yorke and two daughters of
Winley, Kansas, and Mrs. Brown and
daughter of Wichita, Kansas, visited
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom Monday as
they were enroute to the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Batie Rand and son
made a trip to Pendleton Friday.
Mr. Rand is hauling pea silage by
truck from the Weston district.
Kenneth Mace who has been stay
ing at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Roscoe Williams is employed at
Postmaster Cox of Heppner called
on Mrs. Warner at the Irrigon post
office this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Steward and
daughter Phyllis from Portland vis
ited over the week end with their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stew
ard, leaving for Klamath Falls Mon
day" to visit the Oregon Caves and
Crater lake region.
William Foster is visiting at the
home of Tom Caldwell.
Miss Rebecca Pierson of Hermis
ton is helping Mrs. H. C. Warner
this week.
The Irrigon school will start Sept.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brownnig and
family left Monday for a week's visit
with relatives at Centralia.
Bus Route Let;
School Repair On
School bus routes have been given
to Beulah Helms, Clayton Ayers and
Burl Wattenburger.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolf and
John Oliver of Echo are repainting
the interior of the school building.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Garner of The
Dalles spent the week end at the H.
E. Young home.
Ford salesman Acle Estle of Her
miston visited on the creek Wednes
day. Mrs. Scott and children of Lexing
ton spent Saturday at the Roy Neill
Want Ads
High school girl wishes place to
work for room and board. Inquire
at Gazette Times office. 24-25p
Room and board available with
Mrs. Rosa Eskelson. Will take teach
ers, high school students, 'or others.
Small farm for sale. See Wm. Le
Trace, city. 23-26
12 fine wool rams for sale. Joe
Kenny, Heppner. 23tf.
AUCTION SALE Purebred Regis
tered ewes and rams. Will offer my
entire flock of good quality Hamp
shires, about 600 head, at public
auction in Goldendale, Washington,
September 10. Sale begins at 1 p. m.
This sale will be so conducted to give
everyone a chance to purchase the
number desired of the various ages.
Registration certificate furnished
with all purchases. Terms: Cash or
bankable note. Dr. H. H. Hartley,
owner and breeder.
16 fine 2-yr.-old rams for sale.
Will sell for cash or trade for Hamp
shires. James O'Connor, Heppner.
For sale, or will trade for calves,
one male hog, 13 mo. old, two brood
sows, one manure spreader. Swag
gart ranch, 9 miles NE of Lexington.
call on farmers in Morrow County.
Make up to $12 a day. No experience
or capital required. Write today.
FURST & THOMAS, 426 Third St..
Oakland, California.
6 ft. McCormick Deering binder,
nearly new. W. H. Cleveland, city.
International combine harvester,
16-ft. cut, to trade for sheep, calves
or ? Write Box 23, Condon, Ore.
Don't Neglect Them t
Nature designed the kidneys to do
marvelous job. Their task It to keep the
flowing blood stream free of n excess of
toxic impurities. The act of living lift
ittelf is constantly producing wast
matter the kidneys must remove from
the blood if good health Is to endure.
When the kidneys fail to function as
Nature intended, there Is retention of
waste that may cause body-wide dis
tress. One may suffer nagging backache,
persistent headache, attacks of dizziness,
getting up nights, swelling, pufftneaa
under the eyes feel tired, nervous, all
worn out.
Frequent, scanty or burning passages
may be further evidence of kidney or
bladder disturbance.
The recognized and proper treatment
Is a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys
get rid of excess poisonous body waste.
Use Doan'i Pill. They have had more
than forty years of public approval. Are
endorsed the country over. Insist oft
Doan'i. Sold at all drug stores.
home. Erma Scott spent a week with
her grandmother.
Mr. and Mrs Lon Wattenburger
and Mrs. Reid Buseick and children
spent Thursday at Pasco, Wash., vis
iting EaVl Wattenburger.
Roger Moore and wife stayed over
night last week at the Roy Neill
home. He is back on his engineer
ing work at Chelan lake, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Belanger of
Heppner visited at the Roy Neill
home Friday.
Roy Neill was in Heppner Satur
day on county business.
Rex Ellis of Pendleton was giving
out the new rules on school busses
for the coming year.
(Continued from Page Six)
the current year, the reports show.
Only four counties failed to reduce
their tax delinquencies. These were
Clackamas, Jefferson, Malheur and
More men are now at work in
Oregon industries than at any pre
vious time in the history of the
state if figures compiled by the State
Industrial Accident commission can
be accepted as a fair criterion. Dur
ing the fiscal year ending June 30,
reports of the commission show,
there were an average of 109,094 men
employed daily in the industries
which have accepted the provisions
of the Workmen's Compensation act.
This accounts for a total of 34,037,
241 man-days during the 12-month
period. Previous high "record was
set in 1929-30 when 33,500,000 man
days were worked. The average daily
wage is also up to a new high point
at $4.30 compared to the low wage
level of $3.13 reached in April, 1933.
Miss Daisy Bevans, who served
Clackamas county as a state repre
sentative in the recent legislature,
let it be known on a visit to Salem
this week that she now aspires to a
seat in Congress and will probably
seek the Democratic nomination.
There is a greater percentage of
illiteracy in Klamath, Jefferson and
Sherman than in any other counties
in the state but even there the rate
is far below the national average,
figures compiled by the state depart
ment! of education show.
Fowl Pox Protection is
Easy, Sure, Profitable
Frequent occurrence of fowl pox
in unvaccinated flocks last winter
has emphasized the fact that it pays
to take this certain precaution regu
larly against this wholly prevent
able disease, says H. E. Cosby, head
of the poultry department at Oregon
State college.
"Fowl pox is likely to reappear
At least an occa
sional respite from
the hot kitchen will
make the summer
days less burden
some . . . Such res
pite will be given
added enjoyment
by our zestful
Try Our
A Good Meal
at the
each year after its first appearance,
unless controlled by immunization.
It does not necessarily reappear each
year, but it may," says Cosby. "In
this day of farm visitors, rodents,
birds, used crates, feed sacks, pur
chase of new stock, and dozens of
other possible carriers of virus, it
just isn't good head work on the part
of any producer to place the welfare
of his flock on the gambler's wheel
of chance."
The accepted method of immuniz
ing young birds against fowl pox was
developed by Dr. W. T. Johnson,
poultry pathologist at the Oregon
experiment station. It is much more
simple and certain than older methods.
Oregon railroad data compiled by
the Oregon State Motor association
reports that an additional 4,130 per
sons were injured in highway-grade
crossing accidents last year.
The national average accident fre
quency rate among industries was
13.57 disabling injuries per 1,000,000
man-hours worked during 1936, finds
the Oregon State Motor association.
Notice is hereby given that on the
20th day of September, 1937, at the
hour of 2 o'clock P. M. at the front
door of the Court House in Heppner,
Morrow county, Oregon, I will sell
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash the following described
real property situate in Morrow
county, Oregon, to wit:
SEy4NEy4 of Sec. 10, in Tp. 4 N.
R. 25 E. W. M.
Said sale is made under execution
issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Morrow, and to me directed in the
case of George Shane, plaintiff, vs.
M. K. Flickinger, defendant, which
said judgment is for the sum of
$200.00 with interest thereon from
June 26, 1930, at the rate of eight
per cent per annum, the further
sum of $50.00 attorney's fees to
gether with the costs and disburse
ments taxed at $29.10.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given by virtue
of the laws of the State of Oregon,
that I have taken up and now hold
at my place 4y4 miles northwest of
Hardman, the hereinafter described
animal, and that I will at 10:30 o'
clock A. M., on Saturday, Septem
ber 4, 1937, offer for sale and sell
said animal to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, subject to the right
of redemption of the owner thereof.
Said animal is described as follows:
1 yearling white-faced Hereford
bull, blotch brand on left hip.
24 26 Hardman, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator of the es
tate of James A. Knighten, deceased,
will on and after the 3rd day of
September, 1937, offer for sale and
sell for cash to the highest bidder,
the following described real prop
erty, situate in Morrow County,
State of Oregon, to-wit:
Ey2 of SE'4, Sec. 21; W of
SWy4, Sec. 22; NE& of SWy4 of
Sec. 22; NEy4 of NEy4 of Sec. 28
and NWy4 of NWy4 of Sec. 27,
all in ' Township Five South,
Range Twenty-Six east of Wil
lamette Meridian.
Sale to be made at private sale for
Administrator of the estate of
James A. Knighten.
Date of first publication August
5, 1937.
Date of last publication Septem
ber 2, 1937.
Sealed proposals will be received
by the Mayor and Council of the
City of Heppner, Morrow County,
State of Oregon, at their office in the
City Hall up until 6 P. M. August 30,
1937, (a) for paving with an oil mat
surface treatment of approximately
33,000 sq. yds. of roadway and street
in the City of Heppner, (b) for the
surfacing with a macadam surface
approximately 400 cu. yds. of road
way and street in the said City of
Heppner, (c) for crushing and pil
ing 500 cu. yds. of gravel into stock
piles for the use of the said Qty of
Contract specifications, plans and
blank proposals may be obtained
from the Mayor and City Recorder
upon payment of $2.00. A refund of
$2.00 will be made to the bidder for
plans and specifications returned in
good condition.
Each bidder must deposit with his
bid a certified check or bid bond for
an amount not less than five oer-
cent (5) of the amount bid.
The Mayor and Council reserve
the right to reject any or all bids.
City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, exec
utor of the estate of MOLLIE JOHN
SON, deceased, and all persons hav
ing claims against the estate of said
deceased are hereby required to
present the same with proper vouch
ers duly verified as reauired bv law.
to the undersigned at the law office
ot Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from the date
Dated and first published this 5th
day of August, 1937.
JEFF JONES, Executor.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly aDnointed bv
the County Court of the State of
uregon tor Morrow County, ad
ministrator of the estate of J. W
Jones, deceased, and all persona
naving claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby reauired to
present the same to the undersigned
administrator with proper vouchers
as required by law at the law office
of W. Vawter Parker, at Hennnpr.
Morrow County, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 5th
day of August, 1937.
Notice i3 hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, execu
tor of the estate of LUCRETIA SO
MO, deceased, and all persons hav7
ing claims against the estate of said
deceased are hereby required to
present the same with proper vou
chers to the undersigned executor
at his office at Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from the date
Dated and first published this 5th
day of August, 1937.
JOS. J. NYS, Executor.
a corporation, Plaintiff.
RIE L. HAMILTON, hi wifeTahfo
all the unknown heirs of Hiram M.
Hamilton, deceased. Also all other
persons or parties unknown claim
ing any right, title, estate, lien or
interest in the real estate described
in the complaint herein, Defendants.
Equity No. 3249.
To Hiram M. Hamilton, and Carrie L.
Hamilton, his wife, also all the u
known heirs of Hiram M. Hamiltoi
deceased ; and also all other persona
2T uPfi?8 unknowl claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest In
the. rf ai estate described In the com
plaint herein. Defendants:
OREGON, you and each of you are
hereby required to appear or answer
Pi'hK8 comP'a,lni "led against you
in the above entitled court and cause on
pr before four weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons)
upon you and if you fail to s appear
or answer, plaintiff will apply tb the
above entitled court for the relief pray
ed for in its complaint, to-wit: That
you and each of you be required to as
fPrLan.d, set forth the nature of your
right, title, estate, lien or interest in the
real property described in plaintiff
complaint and as follows, to-wit:
mhf fF uf. th? NW of Section
11 '5 T?wtlByP1 6 South, Range
25 East of Willamette Meridian, In
Morrow County, Oregon,
iTf . audged and decreed that
Plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of
the said real property and that you and
each of you be forever barred of and
from all right, title, estate, lien or in
terest in and to said real property and
for such other and further relief as may
be just and equitable.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof once a week for
four successive weeks in the Heppner
Gazette Times, a newspaper of general
circulation, published in Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, pursuant to an order of
Hon. Bert Johnson, Judge of the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrew County, which order is dated
July 20th, 1937, and the date of the first
publication of this summons is July
22nd, 1937.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Residence and Postoffice Address.
Heppner, Oregon. 20-24