Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 19, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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L(giil Hupp
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCarty, Paul
and Frances, returned home Sun
day from a two weeks' motor trip
which took them as far north as
Victoria, B. C. They returned south
by way of Hood's canal expecting to
stop at Long Beach, Wash., for an
outing on the coast. When they
reached there, however, the weather
was so cool that they decided to go
on to Rockaway where they spent
three days. A coronation ceremony
and celebration of the anniversary
of Queen Victoria were both in prog
ress at the British Columbia capital
city, causing that place to be espec
ially lively. They remained at Vic
toria but one day.
Mrs. Mattie Adkins was in the city
the first of the week taking care of
business matters. She expected to go
to Milton to spend a month with
her daughter, Mrs. Willetta Crigler,
before going back to Wallace, Idaho,
where she has made her home for
the last year. Mrs. Crigler is still
bedfast following a major operation
she underwent a couple of months
ago, and the doctor advised that it
would probably be three months
longer before she would be able to
walk again.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cox and Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Morton, Arlene and
Jack are enjoying a vacation on the
coast at Rockaway Mrs. Morton and
the children went down a week ago
and Mr. and Mrs. Cox and Mr. Mor
ton joined them last week end. While
Mr. Morton is away, Mr. Hester of
Pendleton is supplying as manager
at the local branch, First National
Bank of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin V. King, Mar
tin, Jr., and Norton King left yes
terday morning for Hollywood, the
Martin King family returning to
their home there after a week's visit
at the home of Mr. King's mother,
Mrs. Leta Babb. Norton accompan
ied them for a short visit, expecting
to return by Rodeo time. He expects
to enter Oregon State college with
"the beginning of the fall term.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyons and
two children from Portland arrived
the end of the week for a week's
visit at the homes of C. J. D. and
Harvey Bauman, brothers of Mrs.
Lyons, and Mrs. Chester Brown,
sister. They enjoyed a picnic in the
mountains Sunday with the family
and friends.
Del Allstott was in the city this
week from Portland buying live
stock for a North Portland meat firm
and superintended loading a ship
ment of cattle from the local yards
Saturday night. In the process he
cracked a rib and the injury result
ed in considerable pain.
Mrs. Mary Dunlap and Hugh Dun-
lap arrived the end of the week
from their home at Dayton, Wash.,
to visit relatives and friends here
They are aunt and uncle, respec
tively, of Mrs. Frank S. Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Caton of Pen
dleton were in the city Tuesday to
attend funeral services for the late
D. O. Justus.
This patch of Russian knapp weed
may have served a purpose in pro
viding shelter for some bathing
beauties, but its luxuriant growth is
a serious menace to profitable ag
riculture in the county, says Joe
Belanger, county agent. So far as he
has been able to determine, this is
Orrin and Katherine Bisbee ar
rived the end of the week for a visit
at the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. Bisbee. Orrin came north
from San Francisco where he holds
a managerial position with Standard
Oil company, while Miss Bisbee
came up from Oregon City where she
is doing nursing. She is spending a
week at home and Orrin two or
three weeks. Orrin has had widely
varied training with the oil company
since his graduation from Stanford
university two years ago, all the way
from office work in New York to
personnel work in the oil fields.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Crawford
returned Sunday from Albany where
they attended state American Le
gion and Auxiliary conventions last
week end. Going down Thursday
they were accompanied by Mrs.
Paul M. Gemmell who returned to
her home at Salem after a visit here,
and by Mrs. R. L. Benge who was
on her way to Visit at the home of
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. O.' Hilding Bengston at
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milsom, Mrs.
Ralph Corrigall and Fred Hoskins
motored to Portland Monday, re
turning home Tuesday evening.
While in the city Mrs. Milsom at
tended a conference of the League
of Oregon Writers, and the gentle
men attended funeral rites for the
late S. E. Notson.
R. C. Phelps and Mrs. W. P. Hill
went to Lebanon Wednesday of last
week in answer to word of the ser
ious illness of their brother, Ira A.
Phelps. Mr. Phelps returned home
the end of the week while Mrs. Hill
remained to assist with the care of
the sick man.
Mrs. Edward F. Bloom visited with
friends in Heppner a short time the
first of the week, coming over from
Pendleton where she has been visit
ing at the home of her parents, Ma
jor and Mrs. Babcock. The Blooms
are now located at Winslow, Wash.
J. L. Gault and Hanson Hughes
motored to Portland the end of the
week. Mr. Gault expected to go on
to Corvallis for a visit with Mrs.
Gault, while Mr. Hughes expected
to spend several days in the city on
Everyone interested in continu
ing the Heppner Public library
please attend meeting in library room
at 7 o'clock p. m. Monday, August
23rd. Important offices must be
filled and future maintenance dis
cussed. Mrs. P. W. Mahoney and Miss
Mary Chaffee, deputy clerk, accom
panied Jos. J. Nys as far as Portland
last Friday when Mr. Nys went to
Seaside to bring his family home
from their vacation at the coast.
J. J. Nys motored to Seaside the
end of the week to get his family
who have been sojourning at the
coast resort for several weeks.
Mrs. Earl Eskelson returned home
Sunday from a visit of several days
in Portland.
the only instance where the weed
has been of any benefit whatever.
Once it gets a start like this it is ex
tremely difficult to do anything
about it. Such patches are now com
paratively few, but if left unchecked
they will eventually cover the creek
bottom land.
J. B. Hudleston and L. D. Haver
stick were business visitors in the
city Monday from Lone Rock. Mr.
Haverstick runs a small sawmill
about six miles above the Huddle
ston ranch, trucking the lumber into
Dr. R M. Rice left the end of the
week for Eugene for a short visit
at the home of his mother. He ex
pected to return home next Tuesday
accompanied by Mrs. Rice who has
been at the coast for several weeks.
Jason Biddle was transacting bus
iness in the city the end of the week
from the Rhea creek farm. He re
ported harvest completed with a fair
average yield, though a little short
of last year.
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county
school superintendent, was back in
her office the first of the week fol
lowing a two weeks' vacation in the
course of which she visited Seattle.
Clarence Hayes recently resigned
his position as clerk at the Humph
reys Drug store where he has worked
for several years and has gone to
Corvallis to accept a similar position,
Miss Eene Kenny, former Rodeo
queen, was a visitor in the city yes
terday, coming in from the farm
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Kenny, in Sand Hollow.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hughes were
in the city Tuesday from Lena. They
announce good progress in the reno
vation of their residence on the farm
in charge of Truman Babb.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Frye and
Mrs. Florence M. Souther, all of
Alameda, Cal., arrived this week for
a visit at the home of Mr. Frye's
mother, Mrs. Olive Frye.
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Parker de
parted Sunday on a motor trip, ex
pecting to visit Portland, Eugene
and the coast before their scheduled
return tonight.
E. R. Schaffer was in the city on
Tuesday from the Freezeout ranch,
accompanied by Bob Hamaker of
Portland, a guest at the Schaffer
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner visit
ed Morrow county relatives and
friends over the week end, coming
over from their home at Pendleton.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Wright of Rhea creek at the home
of Mrs. Lillie Aiken in this city last
Friday a 7 3-4 pound daughter.
Mrs. Sadie Sigsbee returned home
Tuesday from a two weeks' visit at
Dillon, Mont., at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Parcell.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson and
family returned home the end of
the week from an enjoyable vacation
trip to the Oregon coast.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at the
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Foster Odom
of Morgan at the home of Mrs. Corda
Saling in this city last Thursday, a
9 -pound daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Wightman
were visiting relatives and friends
in the city yesterday, coming up
from Arlington.
Anyone finding a shopping bag
with a green clock in it, please re
turn to Bonnie Qochran home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston mo
tored to Portland over the week end.
Rice McHaley was in the city yes
terday from Prairie City.
Furnished house for sale. Mrs.
Minnie Furlong, city. 23tf.
Potted plants at all times, phone
1332; will deliver. 15tf
Hermiston More than 200 species
of ornamental plants and shrubs are
being tested on the Umatilla branch
eperiment station in actual use as
plantings around the buildings.They
are being watched primarily for
hardiness, as many of the ordinary
plantings common to Oregon will not
survive the occasional severe winter
temperatures of this region. The
plants have been growing now for
several years and are of an age when
their general characteristics may be
seen by visitors to the station.
Albany Keeping Canada thistles
constantly below the ground surface
through cultivation is the principal
factor in controlling this pest by the
summer fallow method, says County
Agent F. C. Mullen, after surveying
the results obtained by Linn county
farmers last summer. Farmers who
obtained satisfactory control culti
vated their land an average of 16
times, while those who got poor re
sults cultivated an average of eight
times. Starting cultivation early in
the season also seemed to give bet
ter results than where it was de
layed until late June or early July.
Motorists who carry trailers should
see that the clutch in the car is kept
properly adjusted at all times, ac
cording to Z. H. Lane, manager of
the Emergency Road service of the
To the store did you ever leis
urely go
While your biscuits baked in
the oven slow,
And return to find them crisply
It's a vexing experience sadly
What is more exasperating than to
have bad luck with yonr baking af
ter spending honrs in the kitchen
and it's costly too. Bnt yon can eas
ily eliminate this expensive habit,
for yon will find our products of the
same uniformity day after day. Get
the habit of trading with us.
Heppner Bakery
Tractor Fa
If you're not now operating a
you'll want to soon. . . NOW you can
see the DIESEL RD4 Tractor pulling 20
foot combines through a 10-hour day
using only 14 gallons of low-cost fuel oil
. . . and covering 50-55 acres of ground.
The CATERPILLAR does the work so
easily, so economically you'll want to
join the many users in Morrow county.
REMEMBER, there's only one CAT
ERPILLAR pioneered by experts, im
proved and refined ahead of the field!
... and backed by COMPLETE PARTS
Morrow County's Own Store
Tractor S Equipment Co.
Oregon State Motor association. Un
less the clutch is correctly adjusted
the extra strain caused by the trailer
load will cause slippage, increased
generation of heat and rapid wear of
clutch facings.
Pedestrians are the victims in two
of every five fatal traffic accidents,
points out the Oregon State .Motor
Representing an increase of 51
per cent in the past eight years,
highways in the world now total 9,
900,000 miles, reports the Oregon
State Motor association.
STAR Reporter
Friday-Saturday: The Burns
Boy is back with that little
(Martha) Raye of sunshine;
plus 'It Happened Out West'
and Popeye.
Sunday-Monday: "I Met Him
in Paris" with Claudette
Colbert, Melvyn Douglas,
Robert Young suarkling,
skylarking, romantic fun.
Tuesday: That irrepressible
Jones Family in "Big Bus
iness." Wednesday -Thursday, Aug.
25-26: America's Joyfriends
are back again in the most
hilarious film you will ever
want to see:
The Marx Brothers in
Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Gilliam,
Heppner, are invited to pre
sent this coupon at the box
office for complimentary ad
missions. Please use before
August 26th.
Star Theater
Heppner, Oregon