HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 19, 1937 Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CRAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered" at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Three Years Six Months Three Months . Single Copies $2.00 5.0P 1.00 .75 .05 Official Paper for Morrow County Or e gcg rs 1937 AUGUST 1937 Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Pri. St. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 a a a a ED U) CO C Mi l)ffc Um U Samuel E. Notson A LIFE just ended was so close to us, so intermingled with the threads of community destiny, that no proper perspective appears from which to view it. If Heppner has ever had a number one citizen who car ried her name with credit into places far and wide, his name was Samuel E. Notson. A man whom we did not suspect of being a close friend of Mr. Notson's remarked on hearing news of his passing, "If Sam Notson had lived in a larger place he would surely have been governor of the state, and he would have been a good govern or, too." As he appears to have been pre destined to a life of service to his fellow men, no more fitting tribute might be written than this: "He was his brother's keeper." Always his heart went out to those in distress, and though ofter it spelled financial loss to himself as a lawyer, he would first attempt arbitration of all dis putes before using the courts as a final resort. So strong was his ten dency in this direction, that as pros ecutor he gained prominence among his fellows as well as fire from those who opposed his theory, when he staunchly advocated that the state is as duty bound to protect the rights of the accused as it is to convict the guilty, and that truly every man un der the American system of govern ment is to be considered innocent until proven guilty beyond a reason able doubt. Mr. Notson followed what ap peared to be almost a heavenly com' mand, as throughout his life he brought some enlightenment to ev ery circle in which he moved. He was first and foremost the educator. His early training in the school room carried on through life, as county school superintendent, as district at torney, as lawyer, as civic leader, and as instructor of a Sunday school class, the latter, of all his activities, being probably his greatest pride and joy. Never was Mr. Notson so busy that Tie wouldn't spare a few minutes to help a debating student in search of material, to assist with a commu nity or church activity, or other wise to extend a helping hand where it appeared to be needed at the time. So enthusiastic was he about bringing good entertainment to the community that at one time he signed up for a lyceum course all by himself and almost single-handed put it across, even to putting on a presale of tickets all alone. It was on this program that Opie Reed, one of the leading literary lights of the country, was brought to Heppner. Almost every lyceum and Chautau qua guarantee had Mr. Notson's name at the head of the list and there were few times when he did not have to dig to help make up deficits. His name Was on a subscription list to help build a new hotel after the city had lost its old one by fire, even though it required signing a note at the bank for the amount. Enumeration of the activities in Mr. Notson s life alone requires much space without attempt to en large upon his contributions to the fields of his endeavor. His work in the field of good roads alone would make a story of impressive length. He was Morrow county's lobbyist at Salem when the state highway sys tem was first mapped, and to his ef forts may largely be credited estab lishment of the Oregon-Washington highway through Heppner. Too, it was through him as spokesman on many occasions that Morrow coun ty's road cases were presented to powers higher up. Mr. Notson conceived the Colum bia river as potentially a mighty transportation artery when he first came to Oregon. Riding along its banks on a train with his father, he was struck with the idea that some day it would play an important part in the development of a great new empire of the west. He never lost sight of that idea and when the first organized movement to obtain that goal was started Mr. Notson was among its numbers and he was act ive in every move since made to the same end. Always the student, Mr. Notson was keenly interested in new devel opments in all fields of learning. He was exceedingly well versed in po litical science and American history and was fired with a patriotic fervor that many times led to sacrifice of self in the interests of better govern ment. His health was poor when the World war came along, but he an swered every demand upon his ser vices as valiantly as any soldier at the front; and without so much rec ompense as "a dollar a year man," he used his voice, trained in elocu tion, to carry each successive mes sage forcefully, thereby contribut ing largely to Morrow county's be ing to the forefront many times in raising of quotas. Though of strong convictions in his religious and political opinions, Mr. Notson ever tempered convic tion with the logic of the lawyer, and if there were those opposed to his views he always gained respect for them. Any man's mortal life is but a fleeting moment in the space of time, and any man's greatness is measured by time alone. The fruits of man's labor live, however; and of the fruits of Mr. Notson's labor in Morrow county where he spent the most productive years of his life, let it be said, "They are good." Local Folks Attend Notson Final Rites Final rites for Samuel E. Notson, pioneer school man and lawyer, held at the Holman and Lutz chapel in Portland Tuesday morning, were largely attended by friends of this county and former residents now re siding in the city. A beautiful trib ute to his active career was given in the sermon by Rev. R. C. Young, pastor of the local Metohdist church in) which Mr. Notson was a leader throughout his residence here, Laurel Beach, son of Mrs. Elsie M. Beach of Lexington, a lifelong friend of the family, sang. Pallbearers at the Portland service were C. J. D. Bauman, Ray P. Kinne. A. E. John son, P. A. Anderson, J. O. Turner and F. W. Turner. Among those in attendance from here were Mr. Bauman, Mr. Kinne, Mr. Johnson, J. O. Turner, F. W. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Briggs, Mrs. J. O. Turner, Mr. and Mrs, Frank C. Alfred, Hanson Hughes, J. L. Gault, Tom Wells, Mrs. Neva Cochell, J. J. Nys and family, Fred Hoskins, Jack Milsom, John Barber, Former residents in attendance in cluded Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson, Mrs. Nellie Bissett, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Akers, Mrs. Lavelle White, Mrs. Al Emer son, Mrs, E. Palmer Hoyt, J. N. Hart, Commitment in Belcrest cemetery, Salem, followed the Portland service, CALL FOR BIDS Bids for transportation for school year 1937-38 from Dist. No. 9 to lone will be received by the clerk of Dist. No. 9 up to August 25. MRS. RUTH GORGER, , Clerk, Dist No. 9, Lexington, Ore. Prize List Given For Grand Parade The grand parade the last day of Rodeo is scheduled to start at 11 o' clock in the morning, forming on Gale street north of the Methodist church. All entries are welcome, and prizes are announced as follows: 1. Grand sweepstake, $25. 2. Floats: 1st, $30;2nd, $20; 3rd, $10. 3. Best costumed lady riding side saddle; 1st, $5; 2nd, $2.50. 4. Best four horse team: 1st, $10; 2nd, $5. 5. Best costumed cowgirl: $3. 6. Best costumed cowboy: $3. 7. Best buggy team: $2.50. 8. Best costumed juvenile cowgirl (under 12 years of age): 1st, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2. 9. Best costumed juvenile cowboy (under 12 years of age): 1st, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2. ' 10. Best clown with animal and equipment: $5. 11. Oldest pioneer man, Morrow County: $5. 12. Oldest pioneer woman, Morrow County: $5. 13. Pets, most original: 1st, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2. 14. Best representation of historical character, juvenile under 15 years: 1st, $2; 2nd, $1. 15. Ugliest pet, juvenile under 12 years: 1st, $2.50; 2nd, $1.50. 16. Most typical covered wagon: $2.50 17. Best equipped saddle horse, men: 1st, $5; 2nd, $2.50. 18. Best equipped saddle horse, wo men: 1st, $5; 2nd, $2.50. 19. ' Best paraded calf: $2.50. 20. Best paraded bull, any breed: $5. 21. Best float entered in parade by juvenile (15 years or under): 1st, $10; 2nd, $5. 22. Largest immediate family of Morrow county in parade: 1st, $12.50; 2nd, $7.50; 3rd, $5. Cash Contributions Make Parade Prizes Harlan McCurdy, Rodeo parade director, has had his crew busy the last two days soliciting cash for , prizes, meeting with ready response on most every hand. Contributions generally have not been large, and in some instances Mr. McCurdy be lieves not as large as might reason ably be expected, though a list of liberal prizes is provided. In the short time the committee has been at work so far it has not been possible to contact everyone, and anyone overlooked will be gladly mentioned in next week's paper. The list to date includes the following names: Hughes & Hughes, Gazette Times, Heppner Market, Central Market, Heppner Bakery, Dave Hynd, Fer guson Motor Co., Shell Oil Co., Bill Hynd, J. O. Turner, Morrow County Abstract Co., Safeway Store, John Skuzeski, Standard Stations, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., Heppner Ser vice Station, E. R. Huston, J. O. Pe terson, Green's Feed Store, E. G. Noble, Heppner Blacksmith and Machinery Co., Braden & Bell, Green's Hardware Store, Earl Gor don, Thomson Bros., Aiken & Aiken, Del Ward, Tom McMullen, R. C. Phelps, F. W. Turner, Key's Barber Shop, Morrow County, McAtee's, Gilliam & Bisbee, George Howard, B. R. Patterson, Gonty's, Heppner Laundry, Wightman Bros., Interior Warehouse, W. F. Barnett & Co., Beach Equipment Co., Ira Lewis, Elmer Hunt, Clair Dougherty, Mor row County Grain Growers, G. J. Ryan, W. W. Eubanks, Carl Allyn, Farmers Elevator Co. of lone, Paul Balsiger, Jackson Implement Co., Gilanders & Burroughs of Pendle ton, Frank Wilkinson, Harold Cohn, Victor G. Peterson, Dr. L. D. Tib bles, L. L. Matlock, Dave McAtee. PRIZE FOR BEST PONY Special prizes of $10 and $5 will be awarded for the first and second best saddle horses appearing in the Rodeo. Judging will be on Friday, the second day, at the afternoon show. Experimental Fur Farm Being Started at OSC Fur farming in Oregon and else where is "coming of age" as a reg ular branch of the livestock indus try, and is developing the usual op portunities, pitfalls, successes, fail ures and scientific problems of other agricultural enterprises. Convinced of this fact, the Oregon legislature included $5000 for use by the OSC experiment station in establishing investigational work of direct ser vice to the fur farming industry. "Fur farming now represents a business of $50,000,000 in the United States where upwards of 3000 fur farms are operated," says R. E. Dim ick, head of the department of fish, game and fur animal management at Oregon State college. "Oregon has more than 300 fur farms, many of which are showing good financial returns while others are not. Fur farming in general, however, was about the only branch of the live stock industrty to show profits dur ing the depression. With the new appropriation there is now being constructed an experi mental fur farm on some waste land of the experiment station near the campus. About 50 animals, mostly foxes and mink, will be placed there about September 1. Problems of breeding, nutrition, disease, and marketing will be studied the same as has been the case with other branches of the livestock industry. "Fur farming in Oregon possesses possibilities of further extension, particularly upon lands producing low crop yields," says Dimick. "Ex cellent furs are produced here that compare favorably with those com ing from much colder areas. Those contemplating entering the industry, however, must realize that under present conditions failures are many and successes are few. "As a general rule, those who suc ceed in a commerial way are per sons who own their own land and animals and who do most of their own work. Fur farming is a business of many details. Success comes from intelligent management and good business ability. The hired laborer who possesses these attributes is usually soon in business for him self." NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Motorists are hereby warned to lock their cars at night, and to re member their car license number. Pinball machines must be discontin ued by September 1. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff. BEEF FATTENING TRIALS MADE Dallas Fattening livestock on ir rigated pasture may develop into one of the important farm enter prises in the Willamette valley, if trials conducted on various farms in Polk county are an indication, believes County Agent W. C. Leth. It is not unreasonable, he says, to expect a production of 1000 pounds of beef per acre from good, well managed irrigated ladino pasture, which based on market prices for beef this season, would mean a re turn of from $50 to $90 an acre. Considering the fact that very little is involved in a beef production pro gram, this would be considered a satisfactory income, he says. Dr. A. D. McMurdo was confined at home by illness for several days this week. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this means of ex pressing our gratitude to our many friends for their kindness following the loss of our home by fire, and to thank everyone for the many gifts which will aid us in re-establishing our home. Beulah Nichols and Billie. Morrow County Grain Growers LEXINGTON, ORE. Warehouses at LEXINGTON and IONE PHONES: Heppner, 1462; Lexington, 1711; lone, 62 , i Grain Bought, Contracted or Consigned Get our market before you sell GRAIN MARKET ADVICE CAN BE SECURED EACH DAY BY CALLING EITHER OF THE ABOVE PHONE NUMBERS GRAIN BUYING, FEED, FUEL Oil Heaters Some REAL BARGAINS on a number of last year's stock. Priced to CLOSE OUT in next two weeks NEW MODELS in SPARK and DUO-THERM NOW ON DISPLAY See ED DICK Phone 622 for estimates on any heating problem