Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 19, 1937, Image 1

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Volume 53, Number 24
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Queen Betty to
Rule O'er Rodeo;
Mayor Carson Asked
May Preside at Pio
neer's Picnic; Queen
Ball Comes Saturday
It's Queen Betty to you.
Following the invasion of Hepp
ner last Saturday night by one of
the largest dance crowds ever as
sembled here, Miss Betty Bergevin,
Willows grange candidate, was
raised to the office of Queen of Ro
deo, and her co-candidates an
nounced as her attendants. They are
Miss Peggy Kilkenny, Lena grange;
Miss Marjorie Parker, Rhea Creek
grange, and Miss Bernice Martin,
Lexington grange.
Queen Betty's realm of rodeodom
is expected to have a number of
honored guests. Among them, if the
official invitation is accepted, will
be Mayor Joseph K. Carson and
Mrs. Carson, formerly Miss Myrtle
Cradick of this city, from Portland.
Telegraphic invitation was extended
them this morning, including invi
tation to Mayor Carson to act as
master of ceremonies at the pioneer
picnic next Thursday morning, the
first day of Rodeo. Signed by Hen
ry C. Aiken, chairman of the Rodeo
executive board, the wire to Mayor
Carson read:
"Presence of yourself and Mrs.
Carson at Rodeo would be deeply
appreciated. Would appreciate your
acting master ceremonies pioneer
picnic Thursday morning the twen
ty sixth."
Mrs. Alta Brown, chairman of the
pioneer event, is rounding the morn-
ing program into shape. It will be
held at the county pavilion, followed
by pot-luck lunch at noon. A will
ing corps of ladies with men to do
the heavy work is assisting.
Mrs. Brown wishes to impress the
fact that while the pioneers are be
ing honored by the homecoming
event, the general public is invited,
and everyone is asked to bring along
their lunch basket. As a remem
brance from the Rodeo association
all folks sixty years or older will be
given complimentary admission to
the afternon show.
Trucks are being sent to Kenne
wick tonight to bring the Rock Rich
mond string of bucking horses, and
the chutes from which they will
emerge before Rodeo spectators are
being nailed together today. Other
preparations for the arena show are
fast nearing completion.
Tomorrow or Saturday the street
decorators will get under way and by
the first of the week the stage will
be almost completely set for the
three big days the end of the week,
A special ball honoring Queen
Betty and her royal court is set for
the county pavilion next Saturday
night, sponsored by the 4-H clubs
who will benefit from the proceeds
The occasion will afford everyone
opportuntiy to fittingly greet the
Rodeo rulers and is expected to be
one of the highlight occasions of the
Rodeo season.
A new dpearture at the Rodeo
dances proper was announced by the
directors this week when it was de
cided to make a flat 25-cent admis
sion charge for everyone attending
the dances. This will be in addition
to the cost of dancing, which will be
on a jitney basis.
Preparations for the grand parade
the last day of Rodeo fbok definite
form last night when the parade
prize list was released following a
general solicitation. Cash prizes only
are being given for parade entries
this year. Lists of premiums and
contributors will be found elsewhere
in these columns.
Glenn Jones and son. Billy were in
the city, for a few hours yesterday
morning. They had just received word
from Mrs. Jones, in a hospital in
Portland convalescing from a recent
operation, that she expected to be
able to sit up in a few days.
Rodeo's Ruler
! : Y A
Miss Betty Bergevin, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ber
gevin of lone, who was named
Queen ' of Rodeo at the final
queen's dance here Saturday
night. A ball in her honor is set
for Saturday.
Forming of County into Control
District Favored; Increasing
Pest Menace Seen
Additional impetus to the war on
perennial noxious weeds in Morrow
county was given this week when
the Morrow County Farm Bureau
declared itself in favor of the county
court resolving the entire county
into a weed control district to the end
that assistance may be given as far
as possible in preventing. the, spread
of white top and Russian knap weed.
The Heppner Lions club previous
ly took' similar action, and the mat
ter is slated to be presented before
the various granges and other organ
izations of the county. While exter
mination of the weeds is not too
large a task to tackle now, if left
unattended they will offer an ex
tremely serious problem in a few
years, says Joseph Belanger, county
agent, who again cites the old adage
that "an ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure."
The seriousness of the weed men
ace is indicated by the fact that fed
eral loaning agencies will make no
loans whatever on lands infested
with these weeds. Elsewhere in this
issue of the Gazette Times is a pic
ture showing one of numerous
patches of Russian knapp weed al
ready in existence in the county.
The weed crowds out other cegeta-
tion and is worthless in itself.
Memorial Service to
Honor S. E. Notson
A memorial service to honor Sam
uel E. Notson is announced to be
held at the Methodist church, Sun
day, August 29, to which all friends
of the family are invited. It will be
conducted by Rev. R. C. Young, pas
tor. Mrs. Notson and other members
of the family will be presnt.
A. H. Hodgson, assistant regional
forester in charge of divisional per
sonnel; R. W. Crawford, supervisor
of the Umatilla National forest, and
O. J. Johnson, associate range exam
iner with the Umatilla National for
est, were visitors in the city yester
day on a tour of the local forest dis
trict in company with F. F. Weh-
meyer, ranger in charge. While here
they investigated the status of prog
ress on provision of the site for the
proposed forest camp here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milsom this
week purchased the late Mahoney
residence in south Heppner from
First National Bank of Heppner
through J. L. Gault, receiver. The
purchase price was given at $1000,
The house was the original home of
the C. A. Minor family in Heppner.
City Reoffers
Street Surfacing;
Bid Opening 30th
Amended Plans and
Specifications Ap
proved by Council
Heppner's street surfacing project
is being readvertised for bids, open
ing of which is slated for Monday
evening, August 30. Amended plans
and specifications were prepared by
Frank B. Hayes, Pendleton engineer,
and were approved by the council
last Monday evening.
No streets have been eliminated
from the new proposal, though a
lighter type of surfacing is contem
plated and the amount of rock in
stock piles also decreased. The new
proposal calls for 33,000 square yards
of oil mat surfacing, for macadam
surfacing of approximately 400 cu
bic yards, and another 500 cubic
yards of crushed rock in stock piles.
Bids will be received up to 6 o'
clock p. m., August 30, and plans and
specifications will be furnished any
one on deposit of two dollars.
When first bids were opened two
weeks ago, the council rejected all
bids because they so far exceeded
financial provisions for the project.
The bids, however, indicated where
cuts might be made to come within
reach of the money available with
out seriously curtailing the im
provement. Yellowstone Bear
A Bit Too Chummy,
Says Mrs. Beamer
"We had about enough of bears,"
said ,t Mrs. Clara Beamer shortly
after her return the first of the
week from a motor trip to Yellow
stone national park with her
daughter, Miss Irene Beamer.
"We had stopped the car and
Irene got out to see some cubs on
one side of the road. As she got
back in the car she ejaculated,
'Mother, I think we had better get
going!' Her fixed stare behind me
caused me to glance around almost
against the snoot of a large mama
bear who had her head in the win
dow in back of me. And, believe
me, we did get going.
"We had a most enjoyable trip
all the way, and of course the bear
incident isn't so terribly unusual
as it is quite a common thing for
bears in the park to go nosing into
cars in search of food," she con
cluded. Car Molestation
Leads to Warning
Molestation of local automobiles
recently led to a public warning this
week from Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman,
advising all automobile owners to
lock their cars at night, and to re
member their license numbers.
Most serious of recent offenses of
this nature was the theft of the Cor
nett Green car last Monday night.
Mr. Green had parked his car in
front of the hardware store and had
been gone but a short time when he
discovered the car was missing. A
gew hours later it was found desert
ed in Blackhorse canyon with a flat
tire in which were two large nails.
Jack Martin of the Martin Roof
ing company, Walla Walla, received
a badly burned hand Tuesday af
ternoon when hot tar was accidently
spilled on it while at work on the
roof of the new Dick building. He
left for Walla Walla yesterday.
Word comes from Portland that
Mrs. Kate Barr, formerly of this
city, is critically ill in a hospital
Sack needles for sale. Inquire tel
ephone office, Heppner.
Answers Summons
I ; " - :
S. E. Notson, attorney, long
prominent as civic leader, for
mer county school superinten
dent and district attorney, who
succumbed at Portland Satur
day, and was laid to rest at Sa
lem Tuesday.
Vacant Chair Placed for Late
S. E. Notson; Memorial Program
Set; Trombonist Heard
The chair at the head of the table
remained vacant at the Lions Mon
day luncheon. A bouquet of flowers
signified the presence in spirit of
the club's departed president, S. E.
Notson. Befbre taking their seats the
members stood in silent tribute to
the one who as a charter member
had most outstandingly exemplified
the principles of Lionism, the one
who had served outstandingly in
promulgating those principles in the
interests of community betterment
Next Monday, the club will honor
the absent member with a memorial
program. J. O. Turner will deliver
an eulogy, and Russell McNeill will
sing "The Vacant Chair."
Norval Martin of The Dalles, a
past deputy district governor of
Lions International, brought a mes
sage to the club from the last state
convention, stressing youth work
and especially work with the Boy
Scouts as one of the major activities
for the coming year. He also pro
posed a joint meeting between The
Dalles and Heppner clubs to be held
at Arlington, as a half-way point, in
the near future.
Mart King with the Paramount
studio in Hollywood, in Heppner on
a visit, played several trombone
numbers accompanied at the piano
by his sister, Mrs. J. V. Crawford.
Spencer Crawford brought a re
port of the state American Legion
convention which he attended last
week end at Albany. Having served
on the veteran's welfare convention
committee, his time had been, taken
up largely ' with the voluminous
work of this committee and he was
prevented from hearing several
leading speakers. Three results he
believed to be of general public in
terest: the endorsement of more pay
for legislators, state civil service for
all state, county and city employees,
and segregation of juvenile delin
quents up to the age of 14 years from
from the older juvenile offenders,
all in the interest of better govern
Announcement was made this
week that Ture Peterson of lone will
assume the managership of Central
market following the Rodeo. Mr.
Peterson has run a market at lone
for several years. Ray Oviatt has
been in charge at the Central market
for the last two years.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beamer and
son and Marshall Beamer, arrived
home Friday night from Virginia
where they went to attend funeral
services for the Beamer boys' father.
They were met at Pendleton by Cor
nett Green.
l -
Samuel E. Notson,
D. 0. Justus
Called in Week
Pioneers Honored at
Final Rites; Long
Prominent in County
Death this week claimed S. E.
Notson and D. O. Justus, two pion
eers long prominently identified with
progress in the county, Mr. Notson
as school man, attorney and civic
leader, and Mr. Justus as a stock
man. Mr. Notson succumbed at Emanuel
hospital in Portland Saturday after
noon, following a prolonged illness
in the course of which he recently
underwent a major operation.
Mr. Justus died at the farm home
on Hinton creek Sunday afternoon
following a paralytic stroke on Fri
day. Both were buried in funeral ser
vices Tuesday. Rites for Mr. Notson
were held from the Holman and
Lutz mortuary chapel in Portland
at 10:30 in the morning with inter
ment following at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon in Belcrest cemetery, Sa
lem, Rev. R. C. Young, Methodist
minister of this city officiating. A
number of long-time friends and
business associates attended from
here, and floral tributes included
those of county, city and Lions club
in recognition of Mr. Notson's con
nection with each.
Mr. Justus was laid to rest in the
Heppner Masonic cemetery Tuesday
afternoon following services from
the Masonic temple at 2 o'clock.
Heppner lodge 69, A. F. & A. M.,
officiated, and Alvin Kleinfeldt,
Christian minister, assisted. Lodge
ceremonies were held both at the
temple and at the grave. A large
concourse of old-time friends and'
neighbors attended and the floral
tribute profusely expressed the es
teem and affection of the entire
Samuel Edward Notson was born
on a farm in Decatur county, Iowa,
March 27, 18G7. Receiving his early
education in town and country
schools of his native state, he later
attended Western Normal school at
Shenandoah, Iowa, La Creole acad
emy in Dallas, Ore., Oregon Normal
school at Monmouth, and Fremont
Normal school at Fremont, Neb.,
which prepared him for his later
career as teacher and lawyer.
He first taught in Iowa when 17
years old, later teaching at Casper,
Wyo., before coming to Oregon in
1896. He was in this state four years
when he returned to the middle
west, and it was in 1900 that the
family came to Lexington and es
tablished their home. He studied law
while teaching and was admitted to
the Oregon bar in 1902.
He was county school superinten
dent from 1908 to 1916, during which
time he also practiced law. He left
this position to become assistant to
the district attorney, the late Hon.
Gilbert W. Phelps, and in 1917 was
himself elected to the office of state
prosecutor in which position he
served four continuous terms until
the first of the current year.
While serving as the first mayor of
Lexington in 1903 he issued the ap
peal for aid for Heppner flood suf
ferers. He served as mayor of Hepp
ner in 1916, having moved to this
city in 1905. Long prominent in re
publican party circles, he was active
on the state central committee for
18 years. He served as president of
the Oregon District Attorney's as
sociation and as president of the bar
association of the sixth judicial dis
trict. At the time of the World war, Mr.
Notson was county food administra
tor, member of the legal advisory
board, government appeal agent,
member of the Red Cross executive
committee, a rifleman in the home
guards and a prominent speaker in
Continued on Page Eight