Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 12, 1937, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Bulletin Summaries
Water Knowledge
A brief summary statement of
present information concerning
ground water supplies in five Ore
gon regions, together with an out
line of additional work needed or
contemplated has just been issued in
the form of Oregon Experiment sta
tion circular No. 124, entitled, "The
Ground Water Problem in Oregon."
With more demand for irrigation
water both east and west of the Cas
cades, and with the increasing pop
ulation needing more domestic wa
ter supplies, many inquiries have
been received regarding the avail
ability of water from wells.
Until a shortage of funds compell
ed a halting of the work in 1932, the
Oregon Experiment station has co
operated with the United States geo
logical survey in systematic surveys
of ground water supplies in three
leading areas. Two of these areas,
the Harney basin and The Dalles
region, have been covered by final
reports, while the Willamette valley
region has been covered by a pre
liminary summary of findings.
The Willamette valley is described
in the new circular as being essen
tially a ground water reservoir, the
bottom and sides of which are
formed from sedimentary and vol
canic rocks such as compose the en
closing mountains. Irrigation from
wells can be developed in small
units adapted to individual farms-
although well irrigation ordinarily
proves more costly than gravity
systems where the latter may be de
veloped. In the southern part of the valley
pumping from wells seems best
adapted to irrigation at outlying lo
calities or during the preliminary
stages of developing a gravity sys
tem, and possibly assisting drainage
of depressions in cultivated land by
lowering the water table, according
to the circular.
Similar brief discussions are con
tained for The Dalles region, the
Harney basin, Milton-Freewater dis
trict and the Butter creek basin. A
proposed six year program for fur
ther investigations, recommended by
the state planning board, is append
ed to the circular.
Experimental Station
Facts and Figures
Comparative tests made by feed'
ing cows alfalfa hay with and with'
out grain on the Hermiston branch
experiment station indicate that it is
profitable to feed grain to cows that
are capable of producing a good vol
ume of milk. Feed costs per pound
of fat were about the same with both
groups, but the cows fed grain pro
duced consistently higher. Fears that
a straight ration of alfalfa hay might
be a cause of poor breeding efficient
cy were not borne out by the test,
however, as there appeared to be no
difference in this respect between
the two groups.
The ability of trashy fallow to pre
vent water erosion, even under ex
ceptional conditions, was demon'
strated this summer in an area in
Umatilla county where a near cloud
burst struck. A field with trashy
fallow held the downpour with no
perceptible erosion, while a neigh'
boring field which had been summer
fallowed the old way was washed
out to plow depth. In five years of
testing on the Pendleton branch ex
periment station there has been only
one year in which the yield on disked
trashy fallow was significantly low
er than on the old clean cultivated
In traveling through mountainous
countrv remember this simple rule
use the same gear going down a hill
as you used in going up it, warns the
Oregon State Motor association.
Court Proceedings
For July Term
Court met on Wednesday, July 7th,
with the following members pres
ent: Bert Johnson, County Judge;
George N. Peck, Commissioner; L.
D. Neill. Commissioner; C. J. D.
Bauman, Sheriff; C. W. Barlow,
Clerk; Frank C. Alfred, District At
Minutes of the June term were
read and approved.
Claims were presented and the
Court allowed, continued, or disal
lowed them, and ordered approved
claims paid by proper warrant from
the proper funds.
Court heard petition of delegation
from Irrigon and agreed to fix roads
this fall or as soon as dust could be
Court ordered that $20 per night
be charged for dances held in county
dance hall and $10 per night for
Sheriff was allowed to hire a dep
uty during Rodeo at the rate of $5
per day.
Court orders increase of salaries
of deputies as follows: Elbert L. Cox,
$115.00; Neva S. Cochell, $100.00;
Mary Chaffee, $85.00; and Mrs.
Thomson, $85.00.
Court agreed to sell the NE
NEy4SEy4, SEy4 NEy4, Section 9,
and SWy4NWy4 NWy4SWy4, Sec
tion 10, all in 1 South, Range 24,
E. W. M., for $140.00, payable in ten
Dance license was ordered to be
issued to the lone American Legion
Post No. 95, for 1937.
Sheriff was ordered to advertise
and sell at public auction the East
99 feet of lots 4 and 5 in Block 4 to
Heppner for $115.00.
General Fund Warrants, July
(Except Salaries)
Mack Smith, Emergency
(Ditch Creek) $ 78.52
First National Bank, Poor .... 269.17
Pacific Stationery & Print
ing Company, Clerk 21.99
Sheriff 10.95
Superintendent 1.85
Treasurer .35
Justice Court 3.65
Frank C. Alfred, District At
torney 7.50
Justice Court 4.70
Humphreys Drug Co., Sup
erintendent 2.70
Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. mile
age 34.20
Incidentals 6.76
Thomas J. Wells, Assessor's
mileage 48.85
Incidentals 2.00
Sylva Wells, Assessor 80.50
Chas. Peterson. Assessor 7.50
Employment Donation Fund,
Want Ads
Small farm for sale. See Wm. Le-
Trace, city. 23-26
12 fine wool rams for sale. Joe
Kenny, Heppner. 23tf.
10& head young ewes for sale or
trade for cattle. Will keep until Sept.
W. H. French, Hardman. 23
For Sale Luitweiler deep well
pump, in fine condition; cap. 100
gals, per min., 200 foot lift, complete,
with drop pipe, rods, etc., suitable
for irrigation. Cheap if sold at once.
Apple Growers Association, Hood
River, Ore. 23
To trade .30 Remington automat
ic for .35. Will pay difference. Ho
mer Tucker, city. 22 23p
Room and board available with
Mrs. Rosa Eskelson. Will take teach
ers, high school students, or others.
6 ft McCormlck Deering binder,
nearly new. W. H. Cleveland, city.
International combine harvester,
16-ft cut, to trade for sheep, calves
or ? Write Box 23, Condon, Ore.
Help Them Cleanse the Blood
of Harmful Body Waste
Your kidney are eonaUntly fllterlnf
waste matter from the blood atream. But
kidneys lometlmea lag in their work do
not act aa Nature intended fail to re
move impurities that, if retained, may
poison the system and upset the whole
body machinery.
Symptoms may be nagging backache,
persistent headache, attacks of dizziness,
getting up nights, swelling, puffiness
under the eyes a feeling of nervous
anxiety and losa of pep and strength.
Other signs of kidney or bladder dis
order may be burning, scanty or too
frequent urination.
There should be no doubt that prompt
treatment is wiser than neglect. Use
Coo' Pill. Doan'i have been winning
new friends for more than forty years.
They have nation-wide reputation.
Are recommended by grateful people the
country over. Aik your nrighborl
Oregon State College,' Coun
ty Agent 1,1000
C. J. D. Bauman, Circuit Ct 42.65
Sheriff . 33.85
Harry Tamblyn, Watermaster 8.50
Pac. Power & Light Co.,
Courthouse 39.87
Heppner Gazette Times, of
ficial Publications 19.18
Sheriff 6.80
Lovinger Disinfectant Co.,
Courthouse 164.30
Clarke F. Davis, Courthouse 56.19
State Industrial Acc. Com.,
Sheriff 7.82
Ditch Creek (Emergency) 2.59
M. Clarke Webb, Sealer 5.29
E. R. Huston, Jail 17.94
Thomson Bros., Ditch Creek
(Emergency) 6.90
West Coast Printing & Bind
ing Co., Clerk 6.25
Supt , 4.70
Alex Green, Ditch Creek
(Emergency) 1.50
Case Furniture Co., Circuit
Court 7.32
Gilliam & Bisbee, Court
house 9.93
Bert Johnson, County Court 8.35
George N. Peck, County Ct. 36.25
L. D. Neill, County Court .. 42.20
Oregon State College, Emer
gency 60.00
First National Bank, Poor .. 7.89
First National Bank, Wid
ows' Pensions 92.90
First National Bank, Old
Age Pensions 308.74
City of Heppner, Emergency 100.00
Total $4,031.65
General Road Warrants, July
Harry Tamblyn $83.21, Frank W.
Gentry $52.66, James Farley $26.91,
Robert S. Wilson $18.44, Roy Ball
$3.99, Frank Walker $8.47, John Mc
Entire $6.23, Jack E. McEntire $4.
48, Harry Ford $2.24, Nate Thorpe
$2.24, Charles Dillon $3.35, Paul
Partlow $3.99, Oliver Forbes $3.99,
Ted Wilson $2.24, Harry Tamblyn,
Jr., $26.91, Harry Wells $2.99, Ralph
Marlatt $154.28, Albert Connor $86,
98, Clair Ashbaugh $78.10, W. Cun
ningham $70.63, John Miller $60.55,
H. Sherer $4.48, Harold Peck $5.98,
Dale Ray $16.81, Walter Gilman $12,
71, Ross Langdon $50.08, Glenn Sher
er $78.12, H. S. Taylor $121.23, M. V.
Nolan $107.73, Jack Stotts $80.73,
Marion Hayden $130.61, Harold Sher
er $73.61, Harold Peck $71.76, Dale
Ray $53.81, A. J. Chaffee $97.89, Ver
non Munkers $99.74, James Farley
$23.92, Chas. Williams $39.74, Wm.
Cunningham $7.47, Geo. N. Peck
$7.50, L. N. Morgan $65.10, Walter
Gilman $37.38, Henry Schwarz
$116.74, F. S. Parker $3.00, Standard
Oil Company $87.50, Sanders Mag
neto Service $13.33, Union Oil Com-
oAt least an occa
sional respite from
the hot kitchen will
make the summer
days less burden
some . . . Such res
pite will be given
added enjoyment
by our zestful
Try Our
A Good Meal
at the
pany $507.94, Heppner Blacksmith
& Machinery Co. $97.06, Braden
Bell Company 171.75, Heppner Ga
zette Times $43.20, Pac. Power &
Light Co. $2.60, State Indus. Acc.
Comm. $63.80, Harry Tamblyn $28.
39, Ferguson Motor Company $77.19,
Frank Nixon $45.77, E. R. Lundell
$25.35, Pure Iron Culv. & Mfg. Co.
$44.93, Austin-Western Road Mchy.
Co. $4.56, TumA-Lum Lumber Co.
$243.85, Feenaughty Machy. Com
pany $1,002.69, Howard-Cooper Corp.
$63.96, Isaacson Iron Works $27.00,
C. A. Kane $27.45, Pure Iron Culv.
& Mfg. Co. $144.50, Foster A. Odom
$40.00, Shell Oil Company $72.87,
Beall Pipe & Tank Co. $247.35, Wm.
Greener $52.80, Frank Dunseth
$22.20, City of Heppner $2X0, A. K.
McMurdo $22.90, J. B. Adams $45.52,
John Allen $20.16, Everett Hadley
$2.16, James Stevens $13.18, Jess
Coats $2.24, Lewis Batty $6.90, Wood
row Tucker $8.96, J. O. Swearing
ton $20.48, Gilliam & Bisbee $60.55,
L. A. Snow Company $131.20, C. R.
Langdon $5.98, Harry Tamblyn $3.34,
Leonard Carlson $12.50, Henry
Schwarz $50.00, Jack Stotts $10.00,
John Miller $44.85. Total $5,649.58.
Market Road Warrants, July
Harry Tamblyn $83.21, Frank W.
Gentry $30.94, Jim Farley $17.94, A.
J. Chaffee $12.34, James Farley $8.22,
L. N. Morgan $51.64, Walter Gilman
$28.40, Harry Tamblyn $49.80, State
Industrial Accident Commission $5.
46. Total $287.95.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator of the es
tate of James A. Knighten, deceased,
will on and after the 3rd day of
September, 1937, offer for sale and
sell for cash to the highest bidder,
the following described real prop
erty, situate in Morrow County,
State of Oregon, to-wit:
E of SEy4, Sec. 21; W of
SWy4, Sec. 22; NE of SWy4 of
Sec. 22; NEy4 of NEy4 of Sec. 28
and NWy4 of NWy4 of Sec. 27,
all in Township Five South,
Range Twenty-Six east of Wil
lamette Meridian.
Sale to be made at private sale for
Administrator of the estate of
James A. Knighten.
Date of first publication August
5, 1937.
Date of last publication Septem
ber 2, 1937.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, exec
utor of the estate of MOLLIE JOHN
SON, deceased, and all persons hav
ing claims against the estate of said
deceased are hereby required to
present the same with proper vouch
ers duly verified as required by law,
to the undersigned at the law office
of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from the date
Dated and first published this 5th
day of August, 1937.
JEFF JONES, Executor.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, ad
ministrator of the estate of J. H.
Jones, deceased, and all persona
having claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby required to
present the same to the undersigned
administrator with proper vouchers
as required by law at the law office
of W. Vawter Parker, at Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 5th
day of August, 1937.
Sealed bids will be received by
the City of Heppner up until 6 o'
clock, on the evening of August 16,
1937, at the City Hall in Heppner,
1. The construction of a reinforced
concrete roof over the existing old
reservoir in the City of Heppner.
2. The 'cleaning and water-proofing
treatment of the walls of the
aforesaid reservoir, and
3. Repairs to be made to the ex
isting intake.
It has been estimated that approx'
imately 26 cubic yards of concrete
will be involved.
Specifications and plans for the
construction of the above may be
obtained from the City Recorder of
the City of Heppner upon deposit of
$2.00. This deposit may be returned
to the bidder upon receipt of the
same specifications and plans in
good condition.
City Recorder.
Sealed bids will be received by the
City of Heppner up until 6 o'clock,
on the evening of August 16, 1937,
at the City Hall in Heppner, for the
purchase of approximately 750 feet
of 12 gauge steel pipe.
Specifications for the above men
tioned pipe may be procured from
the City Recorder of the City of
City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, execu
tor of the estate of LUCRETIA SO-
MO, deceased, and all persons hav
ing claims against the estate of said
deceased are hereby required to
present the same with proper vou
chers to the undersigned executor
at his office at Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from the date
Dated and first published this 5th
day of August, 1937.
JOS. J. NYS, Executor.
on the second Monday in August
(Monday, August 9. 1937) the Board
of Equalization of Morrow County,
Oregon, will attend, at the Court
House m Heppner, Oregon, and pub
licly examine the assessment rolls of
said County for the year 1938, and
will correct errors in valuation, des
cription or quality of land, lots or
other property, assessed by the As
sessor of Morrow County, Oregon,
as of March 1, 1937.
All persons interested or ha vine
any complaints against their assess
ments for the year 1938, should ap
pear at that time. Petitions for the
reduction in assessment must be in
writing, verified by oath of appli
cant or his attorney and must be
filed with the board the first week
it is in session. Any petition or ap
plication not so made, verified and
filed shall not be considered or act
ed upon by the board.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, July
15th, 1937.
THOMAS J. WELLS, Assessor.
19-22 Morrow Countv. Oreeon,
a corporation, Plaintiff,
Kllii Li. HAMILTON, HIS Wife, alSO
all the unknown heirs of Hiram M.
Hamilton, deceased. Also all other
persona or parties unknown claim
ing any right, title, estate, lien or
Interest In the real estate described
In the complaint herein, Defendants.
Equity So. 3249.
To Hiram M. Hamilton, and Carrie L.
j-itunmun, ms wiie, aiso an tne un
known heirs of Hiram M. Hamilton,
deceased; and also all other persona
or parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest In
the real estate described In the com
plaint herein. Defendants:
OREGON, you and each of you are
hereby required to appear or answer
plaintiff's complaint filed against you
In the above entitled court and cause on
or before four weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons
upon you and If you fail to He appear
or answer, plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for the relief pray-
en ior m no compiaini, lo-wit: mat
you and each of you be required to as
sert find not forth tho nihm
" - v..w .... i. u vi J UU,
right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the
iea urouerty uescnoea in piamuira
complaint and as follows, to-wit:
The SE'i of the NW of Section
26 in Township six (6) South, Range
25 East of Willamette Meridian, In
Morrow County, Oregon,
and It be adjudged and decreed that
plaintiff Is the owner in fee simple of
the said real property and that you and
each of you oe forever barred of and
from all right, title, estate, lien or in
terest In and to said real property and
for such other and further relief as may
be Just and equitable.
This summons Is served upon you by
publication thereof once a week for
four successive weeks In the Heppner
Gazette Times, a newspaper of general
circulation, published In Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, pursuant to an order of
Hon. Bert Johnson, Judge of the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrew County, which order Is dated
July 20th, 1937, and the date of the first
publication of this summons Is July
22nd, 1937.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Residence and Postofflce Address,
Heppner, Oregon. 20-24