PAGE SIX-v ... i - , HEPPNER GAZETTE TBlES,-HPPN!Rr OREGON, THURSDAY; AUG. 12;1937-.l;:-- : Weppner Eericfe I rivfteft toil to tffer IB raraaes ftiiora ODDortunitv for TV hr-ni aii 1- n. in . ,n in A ;-. .' ;! srtffiT ?jvv ' ' - .. . r present ; Certified . Vitamin -d: in new - 1 Beauty a Discovery! i Hollywood acclaims thii new All-Purpose Cream, activatedr with Vitamin D, which makes: . possible V - ' ; 3 JHESE JV BENEFITS TO V6UR SKIN . , M v v " 1. ' Reduce lare pores tp normal. -- -V, j 2. Erases premature wrinkles." ?; " A 1 - s ' - 13 .V Eliminates blackheads and pimplesV ' Corrects blemishes of, adolescence. ' V 1 ' S. Normalizes both oily and dry skins. '6. Refines and smooths skin, textures. ; ,7. Firms and rounds out contours. . . ' , . Colonial Dames All-Purpose Cream, with this yputh-gj--ing tctiTation, ?s awakens your skin instantly . , . refreshes it, i x stimulates circulation . . . sets your skin aglow with new-found health and beauty. Hundreds ; of tests show amazing results after only 14 days use! By all means use i Colonial Dames All-Purpose Cream, $1.00. 4 H HUMPHREYS rug Company ' ' ' , : IF YOU are seeking the most tender and tasteful of meats, your search is ended when you visit our market . The proof is in the eating. And . surprisingly low, in nnra fnv cflilt niiflTUir mis ?' CENTRAL MARKET i .CasH,1' Merchandise Prizes Offered :for! Vffriety of Entries 1 No niore popular Rodeo feature has ever beer( staged than the big annual parade on Saturday, the nal dayi . Each .year - this feature has crown. 'attracting more and mnra In terest. partly through the offerine of premiurns, but more s particularly through ; the pnde and enthusiasm with: which Morrow county people have 'supported ft, 1 J.The last few- v!rs. HpnnnM'hip. chants have helped create interesf through'vthe offering of cash and merchandise . prizes,' while Morrow countv - has encouraged ' interest in the -building of large floats by offer ins a $25 srrand sweenfitakes. Oiiof contenders for the sweetstakes hav oeen tne organization floats, In which county granges have taken an out standing interest'-And with a $25 prize for the best1 organization float added to , th $25 sweepstakes, good compensation has been received bv tne organization coming out 'on top . Prizes are offered in the bie ti rade for vvarious tvoes' of . entries. from' the sublime to the 'ridiculous, with ffood Drizes offered esoeciallv for the showing of horses and those things representative of the Old West This Vear for the first time,' in. ad. dition to . the big -Saturday parade, there will be parades of Rodeo stock and performers to the grounds to start each afternoon's show with ft grand entry. .. .-"v?' i. 1( , f vvy- i-. :i.-r ' " .. 1 -J. 1, 1: flft, QUEENS OF Vrrrrnvr a n IEJICIVICAIV h. 'i 1922-Miss Marjorie Clark"?1. w ''''! awmw mi ura tauuvijjv x , 1924-Miss' Alice Rietmanri' A:1 1925-Miss Mae Kilkenpy.; d ' 1927-Miss Katherine' Bisbee ' , nv : , 1928-Mirfs5lnez"'Hayes;: vf r;"'4r : 1929-Miss Reita Neal ;v ? i S30r-Wss 'Arieta Farrens'. s ,1931 Miss Margaret Bepjcet ' ' . '; 1932 Miss Mae Oehtry' "' 1 ; 1933--Miss Doromy Doherty" 4 1934 Miss; Dimple Crabtree r :t I; 1935 Miss Rene Kilkenny ' i ' : 193(-4-Miss nevieve'Harina1' ; i.--"m .,fi.yvrv'iM Floyd Peter? JHoldgg Rodeo Roping Record fc, . ' , . . I'l l" I'-" f . The, best all-time calf-roping time at the' Rodeo was hung up in 1933 by Floyd Peters'.who "has, also placed in the money several years at Pendle ton. That record is 20 seconds flat. v Other good roping times turned in on "various 'years included that ' of Jack Barber in 1924, of :24 2-3, Ed-r die Sheridan in 1925 and R.RInger soU irt 1928, both 27, and Tony Vey in 1924, of :30. These are times made in the contests. Vey lowered the con test .record in exhibitions on occa sion.. His " specialty Exhibition has been the roping and tying'of a, ialf without use. of a bridle -on his well ttained horse.1, IXll III rrilll IllHIH aw wiikiwi '.Si'V'-if w?rvW 1 ' 1 f - - ' . , - . ' 0:0 Attractively Displayed Popularly Priced ? t Conyenicntly Located 5- We invite your! acquaintance' 1 fs" MUSTANGS WHO Ti-ikr iruyu 3-jvf- l X9224-(Not. reeorded.);:; '-4-1923 Madam 'Queen 'n 'j '!,:.1924-Madam' Queen? Mc&' ;(;U2!Tefipoi .Jftomo-' ; A .Cl-VlL-,1926-Beri Bolt5t 6 r oti -TJ 1- if 1927-Colored. Boy,';- "i-fc-K- 5,1 "" 1B284-Steamboatu'r;0 1929 Butter 'Creek Cf-.f vur sx; . 1930 Julius Meier -it;JS&i: V 1931-Upside Down 1932 Black. Diamond 1933 Black Diamond r ' x 1934-BlackDliunonelniStV? V 1935Unside, Dowa',j.:b,'?ri( 'V'.1 n.WSC-rMuck-a-Mucfc-v-yrr-;!,;";';. u Potted plants at all tixneav phohe 1 MARCtET SERVICE ' - -iyiiiiMiwiiwniiiiiiMiiiwiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.mMMiliitwWwMwiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . - n 1; ., - ' - - iV '' Warehouses at Lexington and (one " r Main office at Lexington r.,5 v.. rvti vuc i ? V , Ci li r f ' J 2 " A i rnones: neppner i toz. Lexingron 1 1 1 S.vj ot f.!j"c- (ir-. J;n ic-l,-.3-to::, ootnotoup o u'-ja s! ',r 'i-b'nj'J o v iGRAI Nt JJ 0 U G H To ! COkITIiACTEDlnCONSIGNlD Get ourrnqrkef, before: ypu sell.; jGrqin mqrlcet advice can be secured -each day , by calling either of the above" K A H phone ngmbersAi T. 5 brain liaying - teed - ruel n,...i3A,.j.' .j, 'i;j-X'jii'j,'ii!i;--.5 if" f ' ' IQpOO cre at $ 0 on acre , 20 per cent down.. Terms Jo suit purchaser On creek amply watered; , VOO acres irrigated In alfalfa; "500 acres farm land;, t 2-room?hbuse; (excel lent; sheds, 60 x 200 feet; ,welLfencetl 'fine grazing land."' - , - ' ' Many other Good Listings in in Farm arid i City Property ' , . V....''" V.v . . -A. . . ; -f . , '...... IKGSilty 'Cdfil party Heppner 4 i, ' ) - : v - 5- " 4 y - t 1 - S' .-v' -f 7 1332; will deUvtr. ' - U"; 15tf 1