Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 12, 1937, SPECIAL RODEO SECTION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 12

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- ' -.-- , . ill . k 1099 ,t,0 firt sliowl I 1 a. ;-yS' V- - , V, -A - II
iu wc jro n , r , , , j. . - . - is ii
mm. i .. - aim-
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E DO not measure values by low
price onlyj AW: of ; our grbceries and .
fodastdffs'rhgst pqssfgici'standqrds
of quality before they ever reach our
Si nce; vye . put. qua i ty; ahead of eyery-
thing else, our prices are as low as
l quality willperrniVthem to be. Come
in and acuairvt.yUrSelf with he class .
. of,.rnerchanlise.,we carry, and,, how
reasonably the. i terris are priced. -
uak ... .m. .. .f-- i fa r-iff' . " V MIT.
y II- " I ' -
She Got- a Shock
But Jt. didn't, come
... ,i ,
ia? ,v from looking thru?.:jt .
r! :. or the keyhoieat ; y ?;u'
'. MiComoiin andr 'V- '
Become refreshed and
greet your friends .
As we approach the 16 annual
Jleppner feodeoriet'xis hearken back
to the year 1922 when the first show
was staged' ag the fruition of work
and plans of three men." " 1 '
- Ct Vti MeNamer, who served as the
president ;of the association -; until
thrpe vaars aizo: L. V. Gentry, stock-
man and public spintea citizen, ana
Chas. H.1 ,LatourelL progressive
HeDoner business man. 'served as the
board who brought the first show
into being. It was held September
28-29-30, 1922.' . 'v' '
They conceived the. plan or put
tine on the Rodeo as a community
cooperative .enterprise, non-profit in
nature, "'with the performing talent
volunteered to cpmpete for" prizes
otierea oy. me ?ssoi;ii4ui. iwwy
workers generally , were to be taken
from citizens of the community who
would donate their services. No One
connected, with the assoclatibn was
to "receive ahv remuneration.. The
profits, if any, were to, go Into civic
emerpribes '
rrt.5 f J li .UaiU cnl? 1 trt
casino' Viiisinpss men'of the corti-
nunity , who 'donated' a fund with
which to , embark the venture, ine
association was formed to include 'all
citizens " of the county ' who were
sufficiently interested to participate
.n tha tnoorintfe . TV .
tThe plan of organization . prpvea
so" successful that it 'has been ' fol
lowed since with slight alterations.
" fin enthusiastic abou; the plan was
Mf Rpnrtv. that, he had the lower
end of bis Hinton creekfarnv work-
ed over to proviae grovuius iui
i.'l-'ii.'i.V.l.1 0...'n!Ant lofii) woe
ing . wit;, stiuw, mmui, v--nrftvidpd
to " construct a' quartfer-
niile i, oval ' , race track; , circling an
ample v arena, rns . and bleacher
TVa cito latr mirchased bv
ttiA Htv for nublicrecreation grounds
- r - .. .1.. r- -
because ot its tine suitaDimy, iiea
just outside the city, limits at the
:. The first Rodeo was an all-home
talent -show:- There -were:-a -goodly
number of toprhands, among whom
J. D. Bellenbrock emerged cham
pion in the bucking contest., lloyd
Matteson placed second. Ane queen,
cpWtpd each vear ud to 19s4 by the
directors, was Miss Marjorie Clark,
daughter of s Mr.; and Mrs. - m. - u.
Clarke now v Mrs. ' Gordon Kidings.
.TnHfjps at Tlife. first show were R. J.
Carsher, 'Chancy .-Wilson anT ,Ben
Joryl . '
Walter' Richardsoil was secretary
the first vear. and WV Wi Smead, had
charge- of carnival and concessions,
which job he' handled . eacn year up
til three'years agoT "f"-" -
-That the f.rfct'ftArldwai silcceSs
is attested "by ,the., popular. 'accfaim
which has caused W ,oe,stagco gan
fall since, , ..
T: rtllTinrn 'torik OVer the lob
as secretary thev- second year"' and
Jack French was added to the board
nf directors. Mr!' Gilliam has served
efficiently in . his 'bffice"1 since.' 'Mr.
French, son of Mr.' rid, Mrs. J. D.
French, piqneer. stock operators, en
tered the list of performers as well
as aiding in'f directing r the show's
destinies, and in ' 1925 emerged y as
champion in the bucking contest
For many years, C. L. Sweek, Wal
ter E. Moore-,' 1 E, Bisbee and Chas.
B. Cox healed the organization com
mittco whn n:sistpH ttv naminff sub
committees of workers to handle the
sale and taking- of ' tickets at 'the
jhow and dances, parking and other
volunteer help 'needed. Their efforts
secured ready .cooperation from cit
izens of the" community generally.""
C The1 old ' organization worked' fef
fectivelj til, the time of Mr. McNai
mer's' retirement as ' president thre
years "ago'There. had' been'' good
ywfrs and lean years, to, be sure, but
dly PI
' 1 ,':V"
to meet
j, b -m ii . '-
.jw " A i f
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4 "'"WyrfH
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First National
Bank of Portland
Oldest Nafional Bank
WesTbf the Rockies
- ' OiFfers Complete '.V
, Banking Service
.5,;p: I V -IV. A'.-vIi'1' ""i
Established 1865
1". -r: "s , w: m -mm f ; mm mm -m m mi :
i OF POIlTLAtO - ferrr. i i Vv'
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