-- OREGON, THURSDAY; AUG. 12', mil P" ' ft W - . . . 1 . I . " . . - PAGETHRtJE - i4 r..- h I'D" " t 1 ance ' f. ... rtte rtai n nriiri 2isi 'R deo Band Appear Reflects Prid n a n n - . , v ,r - y y 1 a-hu. . w--Si bcnoolbhoes UT GONTY'S SHOE STORE SHOE' REPAIRING : NEATLY "DONE " See our stock of Noy l938 GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIOS 3 if t f . r 8 v. i V ff ' - f DRESSUP! We have the togs ,, J10DE0,,,;; -TIES - SHIRTS - HATS " Select your suit for, evening wear 4 , from bur - NEW FALL, AND WINTER CURLEE LINE ; - 'Vr JV V WHERE QUALITY MEETS PRICE " w. : theitore of Pensinal Service ur tommunny Group' Making (Sixth Rpdea Showing; Buh 1 man Only1 Header " .The Heppner school band under direction of Harold Buhrnan is mak' ing iW sixth appearance at the Ro deo this yearV.The, band was ft fledg' linjj group .th rfirst year.of it? ap pearance, having been! organized but: one year arid' quite uncertain' on its' wings. However, since', that', time it has made real history having won the state championship '.in its' divis ion each of the last two, years. . Mr. -Buhman has been, with the band since its beginning, and major credit for the band's "progress must of necessity go' to hm since each year experienced members have left the organization through graduation or otherwise. In addition to directing the bancL Mr.'Burman is principal of the grade school and eigntn grade instructor. '' " ' '" Losing older members each' year, the majority of whom plaV lead in struments, offers a problem in work- mg in new material so inai mere is always someone to step", into the place of the member Who is leaving, This problem has beert met through the organization of. a junior band which; while throwing an added burden on the leader, furnishes the necessary supply of new material. Mr. Buhrnan has been given 'no extra .salary for his, special band work, muchof which s done out- Slue t regular ,m;uuuj, .uuiua, uiuugu appreciation! of the community has bee'n'shown in various'ways on oc casion. The. city dads last year voted a substantial bonus for the leader. "When you hear the band thii year. you will undoubtedly feer reflected the great measure 6f pride, the com munity holds for the 'accomplish-' ments of the organization. The band youngsters .' and their ' leader work hard during Rodeo." 'friey' give5 of their; efforts generously,' and they are entitled to ' appreciation from ,1 is at Wanid 1 r . " i I ) - 1 1 TOPPING THE TOP-HANDS 1922-Aj. D. Bellenbrock ld2J-Jack Terry . ' , 1924 Jack Terry - . 1925 Jack Trench f ;Tl92fr-Bert ,Troub . r 1927 Tim Dery. " s ,1928-H. R. Hayworth .,; . ; 1.929-i-Turk Greenbaugh " -J. .. 1930-Walter Bonifer ' ' " , 1931 Burl High, , j ' . , , . 1932 Bud Colvin V ,,,t .) 1934 Kenneth: Depew, . ; '. .. inixy &eimeui xepewj(. 1936--Tom Healy ; BAD bASUALTY IN 192J '' wOne of the most , serious Rodeo casualties , was. recorded, the second year of the show when "Buck", Lieu alien, now mayor of Pendleton, was thrown and trampled tinder hoof .by Paul Hisler,, one iof the, meanest horses ever shown at, the Rodeo. It Is said that up to the time the horse . Take advantage of its gopadays -to prepare for winter WHEN PLANNING THAT PAINT JOB '"I get our prices on dependable, paints; ivn ALSO THE i BEST IN o 1C n BUILDING HARDWARE The Deer Hunting Season Opens,;. SEPTEMBER 20. JTTme'now fo b" thinking of ydur' needs . . ?;0,.-'"A LEONARD tw s ;i!-v: 'I I - v' 'fills just fas big. a need fn tKe'all ' J . '.'''as lnlt'Suninij,r.,'0.VJK ' , i Oliver Farm Machinery and Cheney Weeders , II c . r PS 11 II 1 sim rvy Gilliam Bisbee w-" f irp.'t ": ; A RE you one of those superstitious ..'. " people whobelievesj! thbt when ' the 13th of the month falls on a Fri day, that no good will come of it? WelL'yoCi can forget all . the" silly things you heard about this so-called - unlucky clay; and prove to your entire ; - satisfactfoh that if is not unlucky, but lucky that we. a re fortunate; enough to have the 13th fall on a Friday. Es- pecially this Friday. V ;,-V V n, We have arranged a special 'Lucky Friday" saiej!ahd5lackywill they be r who participate. in thisr the . only one J of its kind this year. ' Perp.feSon The REXALL Store 1 ; 1 was sold to the Pendleton .Round Up association no man , had ever 'ridden him. v