Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 05, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Loral ISiipjp)iaoii
The Misses Jeanette and Anabel
Turner arrived home the end of the
week from Portland, where the for
mer attended U. of O. summer school
and the latter has been working for
some time. Miss Jeanette will teach
at Colton again the coming school
year, and Miss Anabel plans to re
turn to the University of Oregon
in the fall.
Wm. S. Bennett, Smith-Hughes
instructor, departed the end of the
week for Waldport on the coast to
attend the annual conference of in
structors in Smith-Hughes work.
At Arlington he was joined by Mar
vin R. Wightman, S.-H. teacher in
the school there, and they made the
trip to the coast together.
M. D. Clark on Monday under
went the second of two operations
for which he entered Emanuel hos
pital in Portland two weeks ago,
undergoing .the ordeal quite well,
according to report to friends here.
Mrs. Clark and daughter, Mrs. Gor
don Ridings, are still in the city
with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marquardt
were in the city yesterday from the
farm north of Lexington where har
vest is in full swing and yields in
various fields averaging from 10 to
17 bushels. They were accompanied
home by Mrs. Bonnie Cochran who
went to spend the week end.
Alvin Kleinfeldt and Miss Irene
Beamer are at Wallowa Lake this
week attending a young peoples con
ference. Mr. Kleinfeldt's brother,
Ray, of Bend who took the mile
event in the recent state high school
track meet, accompanied them, be
ing in Heppner on a visit.
Joseph Belanger, county agent, left
this morning for the Union experi
ment station, expecting to accom
pany Walter Holt, Umatilla county
agent, on from Pendleton, to attend
a district conference on extension
work. He expected to return home
some time tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Gemmell were
in Heppner over last night, going to
day to Ukiah, the Jordan valley and
other southeastern Oregon points in
line with Mr. Gemmell's work as ex
. aminer of operators and chauffeurs
from the office of Earl Snell, sec
retary of state.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beamer and
children and Wilson and Marshall
Beamer departed the end of the week
for Virginia where they were called
by the death of the Beamer boys'
father. Mrs. Clara Beamer took them
to Pendleton by car.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Daniels of Sa
lem have , arrived in Hepnper and
Mr. Daniels has taken a position with
Turn - A - Lum Lumber company.
They expect to live at the Case
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Darland ar
rived this week from their home at
Cuprum, Idaho, for a visit with rela
tives and friends. Mrs. Darland was
formerly Miss Ailene Sprouls of
this city.
Grant Olden was in town this
morning from the Rhea creek farm.
He is now putting up his second
crop of alfalfa with a good yield,
and is looking forward to a third
George Peck, county commission
er, took time off from his harvest
yesterday to attend the monthly
court session. He estimated his yield
would average from 10 to 12 bushels.
Hazel Cantwell returned to Hepp
ner the first of the week from John
Day where she has been working for
some time, and is again assisting at
The Elkhorn.
Sheep buyers registered at Hotel
Heppner yesterday included G. V.
Culp of Salt Lake City, Tom Boylen
of Echo and Lyman Miller of San
Heppner hotel registrants yester
day included Claude C. Clark of
Portland and P. M Russell of Se
attle. Potted plants at all times, phone
1332; will deliver. 15tf
I A familiar face of former days in
Heppner is that of Al Garrett who
joined the Braden-Bell service staff
at the local store this week. He
worked in local garages several years
ago, leaving here about nine years
ago and has since been at Walla
Walla where he was connected with
the Machinery & Draper company
for some time before joining the
Braden-Bell company. He expects
to move his family here about the
end of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Todd and
daughters, Virginia and Peggy, came
over from Hermiston Saturday eve
nnig and visited over Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer
Crawford. Miss Shirley Wilson ac
companied the Todds home that
evening to visit for the week, while
Miss Peggy Todd is spending the
week at the Crawford home.
J. A. Anglin reports that Jess
Main, formerly with the local Safe
way store, has been promoted to the
managership of the store at Pom
eroy where he went about two
months ago. This makes the eleventh
man with whom Mr. Anglin has
worked since being with the com
pany to be raised to the position of
John Anglin motored to Yakima
Sunday on a business trip and to
visit Mrs. Anglin and daughter Ra
chel. Mrs. Anglin who has been in
the Washington city for several
months will return to her home here
about the "first of the month, Mr.
Anglin said.
J. J. Nys arrived home Sunday
from a short vacation trip to the
coast at Seaside. His family re
mained for a longer sojourn before
returning in time for opening of
school. Mr. Nys reported the coast
weather most enjoyable during his
Members of the state highway
crew working in the Heppner vicin
ity this week were registered at Ho
tel Heppner as follows: Thomas H.
Wilson, Glenn Himmel, Richard An
derson of Salem, S. H. Moore and
William W. Freer of Portland.
Among out-of-town registrants at
Hotel Heppner the first of the week
were F. S. McKeown, Portland;
Lawrence E. Badell, Washougal,
Wash.; F. R. Beck, Corvallis; Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Harr, Portland; N.
F. Bates, Stanwood, Wash.
Jackson Gilliam and Scott Mc
Murdo left Thursday by car with
Miss Catherine Peterson to take in
a summer Episcopal school at Lake
Tahoe. Miss Peterson, missionary
from Pendleton,, drove over after the
Mrs. Crocket Sprouls and Janet
arrived the end of the week from
Hood River for a visit with relatives
and friends.
Mrs. George Stephens and son
Buddy departed Sunday for their
home at Salem after visiting with
Mrs. Stephens' sisters, Mrs. Wm.
Smethurst at Lexington and Mrs.
Earl W. Gordon at Heppner.
Fan Miller was in the city from
Hardman the end of the week as
sisting with funeral arrangements
for his brother, the late James A.
Miller, who died in The Dalles hos
pital last week.
Mrs. Daisy Shively will take a po
sition with Case Furiture company
beginning the first of the month,
announces M. L. Case, manager. She
will assist as sales lady and book
keeper. Mr. and Mrs. Kinnard McDaniel
and small daughter were in the city
yesterday from Hardman, Mrs. Mc
Daniel being on her way to Arling
ton to work at the Weatherford
Mr. Burt, with the White Pine
mills of Spokane, and Mrs. Reed,
whose husband manages the com
pany's plant on Rhea creek, were
visitors in the city Monday.
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers departed
Tuesday for Seattle to spend her
two weeks vacation period from of
ficial duties as county school super
intendent. A. A. Lesseg, assistant cashier First
National bank of Portland, and Paul
H. Sayre, attorney, both of Portland,
were business visitors in the city
Potted plants at all times, phone
1332; will deliver. 15tf
STAR Reporter
Crime Story
'You Can't Get Away With It'
A story alive with the crash
power of the timber country!
Plenty of star entertainers in
a tuneful musical with peppy
Tuesday The big night gets
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely, Mor
gan, are invited to present
this coupon at the boxoffice
for complimentary admis
sions. Please use before
August 12th.
Star Theater
Heppner, Oregon
on one of these
I 4 1,111" ll'.l'MYPI I
. . u t Mv Priced Mf fS ,.tt52l2i-
Walter L. McGhee was calling on
the trade here the end of the week
from Walla Walla in line with his
work as farm machinery salesman.
Oscar Cutler, engineer with the
state highway department, was in
the city yesterday meeting with the
county court on road matters.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at the
DAY, AUG. 11th.
Nat Kimball, land sales man for
Federal Land bank, was here Mon
day and Tuesday from Pendleton.
H. O. Tenney went to Portland
Monday on a business trip, expect
ing to return home this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Slevin of Board
man were transacting business in the
city Monday.
Bill Greener was in town Tuesday
from the mill south of Hardman.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis AUstott and new
baby arrived home at Kimberley
G. T. Want Ads bring results.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, execu
tor of the estate of LUCRETTA SO
MO, deceased, and all persons hav
ing claims against the estate of said
deceased are hereby required to
present the same with proper vou
chers to the undersigned executor
at his office at Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from the date
Dated and first published this 5th
day of August, 1937.
JOS. J. NYS, Executor.
ppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw minimi mn i mum
are used exclusively in the making of
International Custom Clothes
Cut to individual measure and bcautiufully styled
from your own selection of model.
JOHN SKUZESKI - Custom Tailor
Hundreds of Caterpillar Tractors are
now in the field pulling combine
We advise any prospective tractor pur
chaser that you will gain valuable in
formation by making a tour of the har
vest fields now.
See how the tractor performs.
See the condition it leaves the ground.
See how it makes difficult turns.
Just ride a few rounds watch every
Ask the owner for his experience.
Get prices now on the John Deere Drills
and Chisels you'll be needing soon.
Morrow County's Own Store
Tractor & Equipment Co.