HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1937. PAGE THREE LEXINGTON NEWS Baby Girl Arrives At Beach Home By BEULAH NICHOLS The Troubadors have been en gaged to play for the second Rodeo queen dance which will be held at the Leach hall Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beach are the parents of a daughter, Cath erine Lorraine, born Thursday, July 15, at their home here. Gene Cutsforth was in Heppner Monday afternoon having stitches removed from the cut on his head which he received when he fell from a combine last week. , Dan Way has purchased the Min nie Zochert house and has moved there with his family. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller have moved into the house formerly occupied by the Ways. Mrs. Elsie M. Beach is having the outside of her house painted this week. The work is being done by Thomas Thompson and Fred Adams of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Orlow Martin and sons of Moro drove to Lexington Sunday and visited at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Smouse and Mr. and Mrs. Myles Martin. Miss Bernice Martin who has been in Portland for several weeks re turned to her home here Friday eve ning. Mrs. Maude Pointer and daughter .Harriet, who have been visiting rel tives and friends in this commu nity, have returned to their home in Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coblantz and family, formerly of Heppner, have moved into the T. L. Barnett house. Archie Munkers of Salem is vis iting relatives in this community. Mrs. Minnie Woods, accompanied by her daughter and granddaughter, is visiting at the home of her moth er, W. R. Munkers. Mrs. Woods makes her home in Portland. John McCormack of Athena is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruhl. Mrs. Margaret Swift and Mrs. Lo rena. Isom motored to Pendleton Monday. Edwina Breshears is attending the Catholic summer school which is being held at Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer of Hardman spent Sunday with rela tives in Lexington. Russell Wright went to Irrigon Monday and brought home a load of apricots. HARDMAN NEWS Burgess Boys Visit; In Rail, Air Service By LUCILLE FARRENS Mr. and Mrs. Haynes Burgess of New York and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burgess of Seattle were recent vis- itors at the E. Jay Merrill home. Both of these boys attended the Hardman school in 1903 with Mrs. Merrill as their teacher, and both have attained success, Haynes being solicitor for the Lehigh Valley rail road of New York and Walter a member of the U. S. air corps of Seattle. As a compliment to their old home they both stated the hap piest times of their lives were spent in Hardman. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Barnard and Mrs. Ada Osborn of The Dalles were calling on B. F. DeVore, father of the ladies, one day last week. Richard Robison and Lester Ash baugh motored to Salem Tuesday. Mrs. Blaine Chapel surprised her sister, Mrs. Jim Burnside, with a birthday dinner Thursday Mrs. F. E. McDaniel returned to her home from Salem where she has been attending secretarial school the past few weeks. Miss Pat Bleakman was hostess at the birthday party honoring her sister Delsie. The evening was spent dancing. Rrefreshments of cake and punch were served. Guests were Misses Marjorie, Louise and Isabel McFerrni, Lucille and Jean Reed, Margaret Levos, Frances Inskeep Jake and Forrest Adams, Raymond Reed, Lester Ashbaugh, Lane Owens, Richard Robison, Jim Stevens, Les lie Brannon, Leslie Bleakman, Bryce Keene, Gus and Bunny Steers, Ir win Greener and Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Duff McKitrick vis ited at the J. B. Adams home Sun day. Mrs. Stanley Robinson was con sulting a physician in Heppner Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens and Jim Stevens were calling in Hepp ner Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harshman of Eight Mile visited in Hardman Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Charley McDaniel and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McDonald spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson at the Tamarack lookout Miss Rose Merritt is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. O. H. Leathers. Mrs. Maud Robison has gone to work for Mrs. Jim Ham. A large number of Hardman peo ple attended the pioneer picnic near Fossil Sunday. Miss Margaret Levos returned to her home in Spokane Monday. She was accompanied by Mrs. Fred Reed who will visit there a few weeks. They were motored as far as Hepp ner by Mr. Reed and daughter Lu cille. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burnside were calling in Hardman Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McDonald were business visitors in Heppner Monday. Clarence Rogers and Arnold Pheg ley of Kinzua were Hardman visitors Sunday. Potted plants at all times, phone 1332; will deliver. 15tf Among Heppner people at Ritter springs Sunday for the opening of the resort hotel under Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lucas of this city were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Morton, Mr. 'and Mrs. Chas. B. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Parker. R. B. Rice was a visitor in the city Tuesday from the Artesian Well farm north of Lexington. Harvest in that section is just getting under way. WW CLEARING 1 Group LADIES' 81.00 Each Odds and Ends v CLEARING 1 GROUP LADIES' SUMMER AT 81.50 V N 46 in. (LDflD (CDdDlllu 19Cyd. 81 x 90 Unbleached SMEEFS 49c Not Hemmed N ALL Summer Dresses NOW $2.44.. LUNCHEON SET for Bridge Table 25c FLOOR MATS 3 for 25c V 36 in. Fast Color (Batiste 2 yds. for 25c A Clearing' 1 Group LADIES' Blouses 50C Each v K CLEAKDNG K One Group s OZVU LCCICII Linen and Novelty Weaves V Men's ., WORK smbrts 39c A Boys' Blue Chambray SNORTS 35c 81 x99 WIZARD SHEETS 89c Each A r..r.. man CLOTHS 3C Each N Misses1 Swimming Suits SL00 Ea. P LADIES' CREPE GOWNS N REDUCED TO CLEAR Many other items too numerous to A BATH MATS 25c s Men's ATHLETIC UNDER. WEAR 2 for 89c 2 FOR 81.00 Bleached MUSLIN 8c AMI LAUIti A WHITE 2c Each Boys' Dress SHIRTS 2 for rjgc Broken Sizes V