HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1937 ! : V 5 PINE CITY NEWS Pine City Folks Attend Air Circus By B EUNICE WATTENBURGER Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. John Healy and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vey all attended the air circus in Pendleton Wednesday. Wayne Caldwell was a valler at the Roy Neill home Wednesday. W. J. Wattenburger and daughter were callers Tuesday at Lon Wat tenburger's. Miss Charlotte Helms left Satur day for Spokane for a seven-months course in a busines school. She won the course as a scholarship in school, Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison were visitors at the George Currin home in Lena recently. The 4-H cokoing class met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Roy Neill, last Friday for their final meeting. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and family were dinner guests at the Walter Wigglesworth home in Echo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison have purchased a . new Ford V8 car. Jasper Myers was a Hermiston caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Knotts of Co burg visited the John Harrison home last weke. Mr. Knotts is a brother of Mrs. Harrison. REPEATERS STRIKE OFTEN Case histories of traffic accident "repeaters" culled by the Oregon State Motor association, show that the average lapse of time between accidents for the repeaters studied was two years, ten months. The Heppner Gazette Times One Year and GROUP Ckeci 2 mtgnio" ihui (X) American Fruit Grow l.Yr. Capper's Firmtr I Yr. HoutehoM Magaiino 1 Yr. Noodlecraft - - I Yr. Q Successful Farming - 1 Yr. Woman't NPorW 1 Yr. T1t Country Homo 2Yr. Q Farm Journal 2Yr. rarnfindsr (26 touts) Brooder Gazctto 1 Yr. GROUP-I Cheek t miftlintt ihut (X) American Boy I Yr. Better Homes & Gardens I Yr. Christian Herald 6 Mo. Flower Grower - - ( Mo. McCaH's Magazino 1 Yr. Motion Picture Magazino 1 Yr Parents' Magazino 6 Me. Open Road (Boyt 2Yr. Opportunity Magaziat 1 Yr. Pictorial Review Pathfinder (Weekly) Romantic Stories Screen May Star AfieM Truo Confsiiisno 1 Yr. lYr. IYf. lYr. IYf. IYf. IYf. Woman's World IYf. Gearlemea: I enclose THE EC0XTJY CFFQ (ES) QICI tZTQ XSLX2 I m checking atom newspaper. Poet OftVo i intiitimtmmmiimittimtiHtitiiiiHH At Heppner CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH REV. R. C. YOUNG, Pastor Sunday. Church School 9:45 a. m. Morning worsnip n:uu a. m. Epworth League 7:00 p. m. Evening -worship 8:00 p. m. Tuesday. Junior League .... 8:45 p. m. Boys' C1UD :uu p. m. Wednesday. Choir Practice 7:30 p. m. Thursday. Fellowship 7 :30 p. m. ' CHURCH OF CHRIST. ALVIN KLEINFELDT. Pastor Bible School 9:45 a. m. Morniner Services . 11:00 a. m. C. E. Society 6:30 p. m. Evening Services v :au p. m. Choir Practice, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Midweek Service, Thursday. 7:30 p. m. Come apart from the cares of life and worship with us on Sunday morning. Union evening service at the Methodist church. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. (Episcopal) Holy Communion, 8 a. m. There will be no 11 o'clock service. Ralph V. Hinkle, archdeacon. THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor, E. D. Greeley Lord's Day Services: Bible School 10 a. m. Devotional Service 11 a. m. Revival Evangelistic Service 7:45 p. m. Week Day Services: Tuesday evening Prayer Meeting. Friday evening Evangelistic Ser vice. A ' welcome awaits the hungry heart at the Little Church Around the Corner. THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Yr. AND . Magazines From Group A Magazines From Group B GROUPD Check 2 mtgnjwet thus (X) Q Amaricaa Foultry Joaraal I Yfc Q The Country Homo 1Y. IT. ITr. I Yf. IYf. IYf. IYf. Farm Journal Q Gentlewoman Masashw Good Storie Illustrated Mechanic Leghorn WorfcJ Mother! Homo Ufa Flymouth Rock Monthly to, Q Khode bland Red Journal Y. THIS NEWSPAPER, lYr. Magazines From Group 1 Magazines From Group GROUP lYs. ! lYs. IYf. tY Ith. I Vs. IYf. 1Y m AllMfiCM rfHuT The Co try GtMltiWwQMkM Good Ugfcera World . , IV Woamrt WmM I I Ciaairt (met yv 2 2 NATIONAL SECRETARY HERE Continued from First Page He told of various studies now under wav. inculdine that of stiff lambs, on which it is hoped to have definite information another year. A tecn nical discussion of stiff lambs show ed various causes of the affliction, exDlainine. Dr. Shaw said, why his department' has not so far been able to prescribe treatment for every grower who simply stated that he had stiff lambs. He emphasized the imDortance of having grower coop eration, and a little forebearance, in carrying on the present work. Outside attendants at the dinner included Virgil MacWhorter, large grower who operates in the Horse heaven section, and K. G. Warner of Pilot Rock. Ralph Thompson, presi dent of the county woolmen's asso ciation, presided. ROBBERS CAPTURED Continued from First Page shot in the foot. The car in which 6 DAY SALE July 16 to 22 Inc. JOIN THE F ABASE! Safeway presents Its annnal July Pageant of values, with tre mendous price oats to stimulate summer buying. Here's a chance to save real money en hundreds of foods in every department. JELL WELL -j6f 4 PKGS. JLVJeV WALNUTS Qfip Oregon Soft Shell 2 LBS.tJVJ?" HOT SAUCE OC0 6 TINS M& RED BEANS 7Qo 10 LBS. kS RAISINS 4 LBS. SODA Shaker Salt, Corn 3 FOR Starch 30c 25c CATSUP ...... ... Per Bottle 11c Ruby SOAP .... .... 10 Bars 35c Crystal White FLAVOR AID ..... 6 Pkgs. 25c MATCHES ... Ctn. 18c DOG FOOD 4 Tins 25c Play Fair CRACKERS .... 2 Lb. Box 29c Snowflakes or Honey Graham OYSTERS .... Fri-Rite, large size TOMATOES . Large 2 tins DRESSING Salad Serve CORN FLAKES Kellogg Onions 10 lb. bag 25c; Bu. Veg. 3 for 8c Watermelons lb. 3c; Tomatoes 3 lbs. 25c COFFEE Our Coffee sales are increasing1 each week by leaps and bounds. "THEBB'S A SEASON" AIRWAY, Mild and Mellow . 3 LBS. 50c NOB HILL, Ground as you purchase 2 LBS. 47c DEPENDABLE 2 LBS. 49c 4 LBS. 95c the robbers went on, a 1927 Chevro let coupe, was commandeered a few minutes later from a Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers. The robbers had a good hour head start before Holverson recovered to turn in the alarm. Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman, Deputy Elbert Cox and State Policeman W. K. Francis joined in the search im mediately the alarm was received here late Monday night, and assisted in patroling the Heppner-Spray road which could have been taken by the robbers from the John Day high way. A report turned into the LaGrande state police dispatching office early Tuesday morning, that the bandit car had been abandoned near here, proved to be false. CALL TOR BIDS Bids will be received up to and in cluding July 27, 1937, for shingling one wing of the Boardman school house with asphalt shingles, space CV 2 5 ox. Tins 25c 6 Tins 69c Qt. 35c 3 Pkgs. 23c a FRI.-SAT. ONLY POTATOES .... 9 LBS. 19c 100 LBS. $1.89 APRICOTS, 15 lb. box 85c 5c LB. BY APPLE BOX aDDroximatelv 45 squares. Also sew er job bidder to furnish material and labor. 4-in, pipe, approximately , 25 feet, depth 3 to 14 feet Will be let in one or separate con tracts. Specifications furnished on demand. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. By. order of the Board of Direct ors. Dated at Boardman, July 13, 1937. FLOSSIE COATS, Clerk School District No. 25. It's most embarrassing, comments Ray Conway secretary of the Ore gon State Motor association, to find yourself under someone's car just as you start , on a little jay-walk across the street. Skidding on dry roads, especially at curves, has precipitated 166 ser ious automobile accidents in the state this year, Oregon State Motor asso ciation figures show. Best 491 AGSl V 1 Always f -q! Hi HARVEST Si-m I SS?N $1 i J Very Spcd 1 o Lbs. 98CJ