Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 15, 1937, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Boardman F.F.A. Boy
Makes Bean Shipment
Miss Hazel Tyler of Portland is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Grace Ty
ler. Mrs. W. A.. Baker and children
spent Saturday in La Grande where
they attended the wedding of Miss
Fern Broomfield to Warren Lyle,
"both of La Grande.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tubbs
-of Arlington Sunday evening.
Silver tea was held at the home
of Mrs. Neil Bleakney Wednesday
The oiling crew oiled the highway
in Boardman Tuesday.
Dale Russell shipped a large pick
ing of beans Tuesday. Dale's crop is
on an F. F. A. project.
Miss Janet Gorham and Kate Gor
ham spent the latetr part of the week
visiting in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mackan are
visiting at the home of Mrs. Mackan's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kruse.
Mr. Mackan has employment in
H. B. Thomas left Monday for Eu
gene where he will attend synod.
Mrs. Olive Atterburk returned
Saturday from Heppner where she
has been employed.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Strobel spent
Sunday in Umatilla.
Eleanor Skoubo returned home
due to illness. She has been em
ployed at the Packard home.
Miss Cowgill and Mrs. Rodgers
and a team of demonstrating girls
spoke to the 4-H club girls Monday
afternoon at the school house.
Jack Gorham was a business vis
itor in Hermiston Tuesday.
The highway crew has been di
vided into two shifts this week. One
works in the morning while the
other works in the afternoon.
Miss Wilma Myers left Monday
to go to Pendleton where she is em
ployed. Bill Black and Dale Russell mo
tored to Hermiston Tuesday.
A. B. Black is home for a few days
and will go on to Ontario. Mrs. Black
will accompany him that far and
then go on to Idaho where she will
Emmett McCoy's
Move to Hermiston
David and Herbert Rand, small
sons of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand,
were operated on at the clinic held
at the Hermiston hospital last week
for the removal of their tonsils and
adenoids and are getting along nice
ly. Miss Melba Havener is employed
at the cafe of their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Coryell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Arnburg mo
tored to Pilot Rock Sunday to visit
his mother who is quite ill.
Mrs. Edith Markham and family
visited friends and relatives in this
vicinity Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McCoy have
leased their home to Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Smith and are moving to Her
miston where they will live with
their daughter, Miss Snow McCoy.
The small children of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Adams and the baby daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom have been
quite ill the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Challis of
Stanfield were Irrigon visitors Sun
A surveying crew for river navi
gation is working in this vicinity.
Mrs. Stella Poulson and Mrs. Tom
Caldwell were Pendleton visitors
Mrs. W. C. Isom with five of her
4-H club girls, Lois and Patsy Mark
ham, Vivian Caldwell, Dolores
Brown and Ella McGinn motored to
Boardman Monday afternoon to meet
with Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county
school superintendent of Heppner,
and Miss Cowgill from Corvallis and
othrr club members of the county.
Miss Lillian Parr and Miss Morton,
who accompanied Miss Cowgill, put
on a demonstration for the benefit
of the club members. Their subject
was the cleaning, dying and making
into rugs raw wool, which was en
joyed by all. Mrs. Houghton and her
girls in the home making club from
Irrigon put on a demonstration:
Lois Markham and Dolores Brown
in Div. I demonstrated the making
of a breakfast cloth. A very plea
ant afternoon was spent.
John Sparks returned from the
Heppner hospital and is staying
at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Ray Brown.
Building Plan Book
I ssued by State College
Assistance with many of the or
dinary farm building needs is now
available to a greater extent than
ever before through the O. S. C. ex
tension service, as shown by the re
cent issuance of a progress report
on a farm building plan service. This
has been issued in the form of a 23
page mimeographed handbook, one
copy of which has been distributed
to each county agent, where it may
be examined by anyone interested
in farm construction.
It is not intended for general dis
tribution, as it is more in the form
of a descriptive catalog of plans and
specifications now available through
the extension service. Descriptions
of many building and equipment
plans are given to aid Oregon farm
ers in planning and 'constructing bet
ter and more serviceable buildings.
The farm plan service is not an
architectural service, and farmers
planning on making any major al
terations had better obtain compe
tent help, it is pointed out by Everett
H. Davis, extension agricultural en
gineer. The handbook has been pre
pared by Davis and H. R. Sinnard,
experiment station architect.
In each case where the college has
designed a farm building for use on
the central station or the various
branch experiment stations, plans
and specifications have been re
tained and copied. These and numer
ous other plans, ranging in extent
from residence plans issued by the
U. S. department of agriculture to
the various minor equipment .items
are included in the booklet. Blue
prints for each may hh had at cost
price, ranging from 10c to $4.35 each.
A few of the items listed are farm
house, barns, roof designs, hog, sheep
and poultry buildings, machine shed,
shops, garages, manure pits, hay
sheds, grain elevators and granar
ies, storage houses, milk houses,
smoke houses, fruit and nut driers,
and ' various minor miscellaneous
Court Proceedings
For June Term
Court met on Wednesday, the 2nd
day of June, when, were present:
Eert Johnson, County Judge; George
N. Peck, Commissioner; L. D. Neill,
Commissioner; C. W. Barlow, Clerk;
Frank C. Alfred, District Attorney;
C: J. D. Bauman, Sheriff.
The minutes of the May term were
read and approved.
Various claims against the County
were presented, and the Court al
lowed, continued or disallowed them
and ordered approved claims paid
by proper warrant from the proper
Court agreed that the officers and
their deputies in the offices of Sher
iff, Clerk and Assessor may take
turns in not working Saturday af
ternoons, as agreed between them
selves, except and when the work
is sufficient to require all employees
to be present.
It was ordered that $500 be sent
to the Oregon State Game Com
mission at Portland as a trust fund
to be matched by them with a like
amount and administered for the
Predatory Animal Control in Mor
row County, in cooperation with the
United States Biological Survey.
Sheriff was ordered to advertise
and sell at public auction the fol
lowing lots:
Lot 4, Block One, Adams section
addition to Hardman for a min
imum price of $10.00.
Lots 25 and 26, Block 29, Town of
Irrigon, for a minimum price of
$5.00 per lot.
Lots 19 and 20, Block 30, to the
Town of Irrigon for a minimum
of $5.00 per lot.
Dance hall license was issued to
Lena Grange for the year 1937.
Dance hall license was issued to J.
F. Thornburg and R. F. Phillips,
Lexington, for the year 1937.
Court agrees to pay $100 to C. W.
McNamer, on the lease of the CCC
camp site for the year 1937.
Court appointed Thomas J. Wells
as Asssesor of Morrow County to fill
the unexpired term of Jesse J. Wells,
deceased. Court also approved ap
pointment of Sylva Wells as Deputy
Assessor at a salary of $100.00 per
Sheriff was ordered to sell at pub-1
lie auction the following described
Heppner Tracts No. 110, 112, 113,
114, 115 and 116 for a minimum
price of $250.00.
General Fund Warrants, June
Widows' Pensions
Ada Cason $10.00, Virginia Chaney
$15.00, . Delia Crump $15.00, Grace
Hughes $20.00, Blanche Jones $25.00,
Elvia W. Knig $20.00, Emily A. Peck
$10.00, Stella Poulson $20.00, Ethel
Ritchie $10.00, Grace Tyler $25.00,
Izora Vance $20.00, Nora Wilson
Circuit Court
J. I. Hanna $4.60, W. O. Bayless
$3.20, Russell D. Moore $8.00, Robert
Smith $8.00, H. E. Clark $6.60, Han
son Hughes $3.20, Geo. N. Ely $6.60,
Earle A. Bryant $9.00, C. F. Feld
man $14.40, Joe Devine $12.20, Frank
D. Brace $21.40, Elvin L. Ely $18.00,
Bert Mason $12.60, R. L. Baldridge
$15.40, R. S. Wilson $18.00, W. H.
Cleveland $1.80, V. L. Carlson $14.60,
H. O. Bauman $10.20, A. F. Palma-
teer $14.40, John F. Kenny $10.60,
Frank Munkers $11.50, E. H. Miller
$12.60, Frank Moyer $10.50, David
Rietmann $13.40, E. O. Ferguson
$9.20, Henry Baker $8.00, Orain
Wright $11.40, Alex Hunt $10.80,
William G. Hynd $11.80, T. E. Gra'
bill $11.00, James Monahan $3.20,
Frank Monahan $9.20, Walter Evans
$5.20, George White $6.20, S. G. Mc
Millan $4.80, R. L. Ekleberry $8.00,
Mary Beckner $8.40, J. J. Miller
$5.00, M. R. Wightman $3.80, M. C.
Smith $13.00, Walter Blackburn $6.80,
P. G. Balsiger $4.80, J. G. Barratt
$3.20, D. R. Long $7.60, Frank Young
$10.20, Jess Hall $7.80, Fred Lucas
$8.45. ,
Employment Donation Fund,
Poor : $ 15.00
Heppner Market, Jail 1.50
Heppner Laundry, Jail 2.00
Hanson Hughes, Jail 35.10
Central Market, Jail 3.75
Elbert Gibson, Jail ..: 7.00
Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt 41.06
Mrs. Walter Blackburn, Supt.
Tests : 45.00
Frank C. Alfred, Dist. Atty. 7.50
M. Clarke Webb, Dist. Sealer 5.35
Lucy E. Rodgers, 4-H Clubs 100.00
Sylva Wells, Assessor 85.75
Harry Tamblyn, Watermaster 24.26
Gazette Times, Official Publi
cations 13.68
Sheriff 7.75
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 80.90
Circuit Court 33.60
W.est Coast Printing Co., Supt. 13.05
Assessor 134.85
Frank Shepard Co., Circuit
Court 35.00
Kenneth Groves, Watermaster 31.00
J. M. Spencer, Watermaster .... 1.05
Vivian Kane, Emergency 4.75
Ralph Harris, Emergency .75
Pac. Power & Light Co., Cir
cuit Court 40.72
Courthouse 27.70
Mack C. Smith, Emergency .... 97.72
Earl Snell, Accountants 285.21
George N. Peck, County Ct. .. 38.70
L. D. Neill, County Court 39.70
Bert Johnson, County Court 25.05
Thomson Bros., Jail 2.20
Emergency 20.24
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Current
Expense 43.20
State Ind. Acc. Com., Sheriff 7.85
Emergency 3.22
First Nat. Bank, Poor 208.53
Dr. J. A. Best, Insane 5.00
J. O. Archer, Courthouse 8.00
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Current
Expense 45.58
First Nat. Bank, Old Age Pen
sions 308.73
First Nat. Bank, Widows' Pen
sions , 65.42
First Nat. Bank, Poor 7.98
General Road Fund Warrants, June
City of Heppner, Water Dept. $2.95,
E. R. Lundell $7.28, Shell Oil Com
pany $60.32, Frank Nixon $33.83,
Harry Tamblyn $83.21, Union Oil
Co. $84.91, Pendleton-Heppner Frt.
$.40, Jack Allen Supply Co. $18.00,
George M. Allyn $.75, Ferguson Mo
tor Co. $68.40, Sanders Magneto
Service $16.63, Sherman J. Frank
$85.65, Austin Western Road Ma
chinery Co. $93.92, Beall Pipe and
Tank Corp. $7.98, Pac. Power & Light
Co. $2.69, Henry Schwarz $116.74,
Glenn Sherer $90.74, Harry Tamblyn
Jr. $8.97, H. S. Taylor $118.98, M. V.
Nolan $103.74, Jack Stotts $77.74, W.
Cunningham $32.98, L. N. Morgan
$114.49, Walter Gilman $73.25, Frank
W. Gentry $98.14, Jim Farley $4.48,
Ralph Marlatt $152.60, Albert Con
nor $71.98, Clair Ashbaugh $78.12,
W. Cunningham $39.62, John Miller
$26.91, A. J. Chaffee $118.43, Vernon
Munkers $105.24, Dan Lindsay $42.27,
Chas. Williams $39.74, James Farley
$45.64, Wm. Cunningham $4.48, Mar
ion Hayden $133.21, Harold Sherer
$74.24, Harold Peck 79.23, Dennis
McNamee $8.96, Dale Ray $71.76, R.
S. Wilson $20.20, Roy Ball $3.99,
Harry Ford $2.24, Teddy Wilson 1.11,
John McEntire $3.99, Paul Haber-
lein $2.00, Braden-Bell Tractor Co.
$166.01, , Heppner Blacksmith and
Machinery Co. $21.43, Standard Oil
Co. $438.73, Kane's Garage $14.95
Daisy Shively $14.28, Bert Dexter
$12.31, Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. $5.50,
Thomson Brothers $.38, State Ind.
Acc. Com. $67.58, L. A. Snow Com
pany $131.21. Total $3,415.42.
Market Road Warrants, June
Frank Gentry $20.65, General
Roads $30.00, Jim Farley $7.00, Sher
man J. Frank $85.65, Harry Tamblyn
$115.17, State Ind. Acc. Com. $1.59.
Total $260.06.
Outstanding warrants of School
District No. 1, Morrow County, Or
egon, up to and including Warrant
No. 4159, will be paid on presenta
tion to the district clerk. Interest
on said warrants not already called
ceases July 17, 1937.
on the second Monday in August
(Monday, August 9, 1937) the Board
of Equalization of Morrow County,
Oregon, will attend, at the Court
House in Heppner, Oregon, and pub
licly examine the assessment rolls of
said County for the year 1938, and
will correct errors in valuation, des
cription or quality of land, lots or
other property, assessed by the As
sessor of Morrow County, Oregon,
as of March 1, 1937.
All persons interested or having
Want Ads
APRICOTS RIPE Dealers' prices
in 1-2 ton lots. Co-op with neigh
bors and send truck with boxes and
pick, 3c; less quantity, 3 l-2c. Ed
monds Orchard, 2 miles west of
Umatilla. 17-19.
I have four mares for sale or trade
for cattle; price is right; weight from
1150 to 1400, broke single and dou
ble. W. H. French, Hardman. 14tf
Wood for Sale Fir or pine; $3.75
cord in mountains; Rube Voile's old
homestead on Rhea creek. Leon
Totorica, city. 18-21p
For Sale Two month-old poults
and White Leghorn pullets, priced
reasonably. W. L. Suddarth, Irrigon,
Ore. 16-19p.
WANTED: Men with cars to take
over profitable Rawleigh Routes In East
Umatilla end Grant Counties. Estab
lished customers. Musts be satisfied
with earnings of $30 a week to start.
Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ORG-84-101,
Oakland, Calif.
Lost White boar hog, wt. about
25 lbs. Ervin Anderson, lone.
For Sale Montag colonial stove
with water back, pipe and tank, $35;
bedroom set with bed, springs, inner
spring mattress, dresser and chest
of drawers, $30; dining set with table
and 6 chairs, in need of slight repair,
$5. At Tom Barnett place, Lexington.
For Sale Combine, International
No. 8. Joe Devine, Lexington. It
New Home sewing machine, good
as new; electric Maytag washing
machine, used; Montgomery-Ward
table cream separator. Beach Equip
ment Co., Lexington, Ore. 17-19
6 ft. McCormick Deering binder,
nearly new. W. H. Cleveland, city.
For Sale or trade, gentle milk cow,
trailers, Model T Fords, battery ra
dio. Max Schulz, city.
International combine harvester,
16-ft. cut, to trade for sheep, calves
or ? Write Box 23, Condon, Ore.
20 fine 3-yr.-old bucks for sale.
Will sell cheap if taken at once. Joe
Kenny. 12tf.
any complaints against their assess
ments for the year 1938, should ap
pear at that time. Petitions for the
reduction in assessment must be in
writing, verified by oath of appli
cant or his attorney and must be
filed with the board the first week
it is in session. Any petition or ap
plication not so made, verified and
filed shall not be considered or act
ed upon by the board.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, July
15th, 1937.
THOMAS J. WELLS, Assessor,
19-22 Morrow County, Oregon.
By virtue of an order of the County
Court, dated the 25th day of June, 1937.
I am authorized and directed to Bell at
public auction as provided by law, the
following property at not less than the
minimum price herein set forth, to-wlt:
Heppner Tracts number 110, 112,
113, 114 115, and 116 to the Town of
Heppner. Oregon. Minimum price
Therefore, I will, Saturday, the 24th day
of July, 1937, at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner, Oregon, at the
hour of 2:00 P. M. sell said property to
the highest bidder for cash in hand.
Dated this 30th day of June, 1937.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned were duly appointed by the
County Court of the Stat of Oregon
for Morrow County, executor and exe
cutrix of the last Will and Testament
of the estate of S. P. Devin, deceased,
and all persons having claims against
the estate of said deceased are hereby
required to present the same to the
undersigned executor and executrix
with proper vouchers as required by
law, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 1st day
of July, 1937.
HARLAN J. DEVIN, Executor,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was duly appointed by the
J - v v.av, WM.IV Wfc 1 l;UU
for Morrow County, administratrix of
the estate of John C. Swift, deceased,
find nil rtAmnnn hnirincr ftlalmn ntfnln.
f- . , . nOlllDb
the estate of said deceased, are hereby
i tHjuueu io present me same to tne un
dersigned administratrix with proper
vouchers as required by law at the law
office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
hereof. '
Dated and first published this 17th
day of June, 1937.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Morrow.
Department of Probate.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have been appointed execu
trix and co-executors of the estate of
Jesse J. Wells, deceased, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Mor
row County, and have qualified. All
nersons havfni? rlnlma ncninat aaM Aa
. 1 1 DO.U O
tate are hereby notified to present the
biuii, uuiy veruiea as required by law,
to the undersigned, at the office of the
County Assessor, in Heppner, Oregon,
within six months from date hereof
Dated and first published July 8, 1937.
Last publication August 5, 1937.
Glenn Y. Wells, Attorney,
535 Mead Building. Portland, Oregon.
Spring Fruits
& Vegetables
Served Fresh Daily
For a Good Meal
ED CHINTf, Prop.