Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 08, 1937, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Spruce Springs Draw
lone Celebrants
Many lone residents took advant
age of the double holiday last week
end and enjoyed trips to the beach,
moun.tains or other places of inter
est. About fifty persons spent most
of Sunday at Spruce springs in the
Blue mountains. Among those going
up with their families were Ted
Smith, Chas. McElligott, Victor Pe
terson, M. E. Cotter, Clyde Denny,
J. E. Swanson, C. W. Swanson, Earl
Blake, C. W. McNamer, Werner
Rietmann, Carl Feldman, Cleo Drake
and Mrs. Frank Holboke.
Mrs. Garland Swanson and baby
are visiting relatives in Salem.
Mrs. Sam Hatch and children,
Barbara, Donald and Kathryn, of
Walla Walla spent the past week vis
iting fritnds here. They returned to
their home Saturday morning with
Mrs. Fred Mankin.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Heliker have
received word of the marriage of
Miss Louise Osenbrugg and Harold
Finnell at Marshfield on June 26.
Mr. Finnell has been with the Hel
ikers during several summers.
Last Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
Carl Feldman entertained in honor
of Mrs. Hatch with an afternoon
bridge party. Guests were Mes
dames Werner Rietmann, Omar Riet
mann, Ted Smith, Cleo Drake, E. R.
Lundell, Fred Mankin, D. M. Ward,
L. E. Dick, Victor Peterson, Roy
Lieuallen, C. W. McNamer, Bert
Mason, M. E. Cotter, Clyde Denny,
Agnes Wilcox, Clel Rea, Walter
Corley, Elmer Griffith, Lee Beckner,
Louis Bergevin and Sam Hatch.
Prizes went to Mrs. M. E. Cotter and
Mrs. D. M. Ward, and Mrs. Hatch
was presented a guest prize. Re
freshments were served.
Ten members of the Women's Top
ic club were present at the July
study meeting held at the home of
Mrs. Ture Peterson last Saturday
afternoon. Study was commenced on
the Scandinavian countries of Swe
den, Norway and Denmark, and it
will be continued during the rest of
the year. The geography and foods
of Sweden were discussed by the
hostesses, Mrs. Inez Freeland, Mrs.
D. M. Ward, Mrs. C. W. Swanson
and Mrs. Ture Peterson. For refresh
ments Swedish foods were served.
Guests other than members were
Mrs. F. E. Sturdevant, Mrs. Carl Al
lyn, Mrs. J. E. Swanson, Miss Olga
Moore and Miss Margaret Kellogg.
Mrs. Elda Zink and baby daugh
ter of Antioch, Calif., were recent
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Heliker.
Morrow County Pomona grange
and picnic will be held at Irrigon
next Sunday, July 11.
Mrs. Elmo McMillan of Salem ar
rived Monday night for a visit at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Swanson.
Miss Margaret Kellogg of Forest
Grove is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. F
E. Sturdevant.
Miss Gladys Brashears, who has
been working in Seattle, spent the
week end with her mother, Mrs.
Dale Ray. Claude Brashears was up
from Arlington also.
Mrs. Clel Rea entertained at her
home last Thursday afternoon for
her cousin, Mrs. Jalmar Koski, who
has been visiting here. Mrs. Koski
and her daughter, Thelma Jean, de
parted Friday for their home at
Olympia, Wash. They were accom
panied by Miss Alice Nichoson who
will spend the summer with them.
. Omar Rietmann and son Paul went
to Hood River last week where they
had their tonsils removed by Dr.
Chick. They returned home Satur
day. Robert Smith with his son, Har
vey, and daughter, Bonnie, enjoyed
the week end at Wallowa lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Ture Peterson have
as their guest, Miss Olga Moore of
Mrs. Ella Davidson returned on
Tuesday morning from a two weeks'
visit in Portland and other points.
While in Portland she had the pleas
ure of a short visit with her son Tom
of Los Angeles who had been sent
by his company on a business trip
to Portland and Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howk of Condon
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P.
J. Linn. They were enroute to their
home after a vacation trip.
Clarence Linn and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Linn of Vernonia are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn.
Miss Elaine Nelson has returned
home from Arlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith and
children motored to La Grande Sat
urday. Mary Jean Bristow of Nampa,
Idaho, is visiting with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bristow
and Mrs. and Mrs. T. E. Grabill.
Mrs. William Bergstrom and son
Rudolph of Portland spent the week
end at the Eric Bergstrom home.
Miss Guyla Cason has returned
from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin and
family and Mrs. Bert Mason and son
Bert, Jr., enjoyed the Fourth at
Lehman springs.
Mrs. Henry Clark and daughter
Valjean went to Pendleton last week
to be near Mrs. Clark's father, Geo.
Gienger, who was very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blake, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Padberg and daughter
Emerald and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Kincaid and family spent the Fourth
at Ritter. They visited at the camp
of W. H. Padberg who is taking care
of his sheep and those of Arley Pad
berg near there.
Mrs. Jennie McMurray recently
disposed of a half section of farm
land on the north side to Johan
Mrs. Josephine Daugherty who
has been caring for Mrs. Ida Peter
son returned to her home at Walla
Walla Monday.
Walter Roberts returned from the
veterans' hospital at Walla Walla
last Wednesday. He is much im
proved in health.
Raymond Turner and Henry Pe
terson have entered the veterans'
hospital at Walla Walla for medical
George Frank, who has been with
his daughter, Mrs. Henry Rowell, at
Hermiston, was in town for a short
time on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Timm were
here from Pendleton Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edison Morgan and
children spent the holiday at Bon
neville and The Dalles.
Mrs. Wallace Matthews of Rose
burg is at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Ely.
Potted plants at all times, phone
1332; will deliver. 15tf
Oregon Traffic
A series of weekly articles on
the problem of Highway Safety
by Earl Snell, Secretary of State.
Approximately a quarter of a
million Oregon motor vehicle oper
ators have applied to my office dur
ing the oast thirty days for a renewal
of their drivers' licenses. It is expect
ed that another hundred thousand
applications will be received during
the present month, and that all of
these licenses will be in the hands
of the applicants before the first of
Proper handling of this work con
stitutes a considerable problem, as
well as being an important factor in
safety work. The actual writing and
mailing of the license cards is a com
paratively small matter, but to see
that they are placed only in the
hands of people who are able to meet
the requirements considered neces
sary for safe driving involves a
large amount of checking and per
sonal investigation. This constitutes
a responsibility that I am .conscien
tiously trying to meet, and at the
same time give as prompt service as
Defective vision, lack of know
ledge of the motor vehicle laws, in
ability to properly handle a car and
many other reasons compel the li
cense division to reject hundreds of
applicants, in the interests of safety.
Proper licensing of drivers is a
heavy responsibility, but only thru
a strict compliance with the law is
it possible for the department to do
its part in helping to eliminate Ore
gon's traffic deaths.
nmpMffy atinMinnieir (CaD(oMini(ij
Keep coo and comfortable by using
Electrical Appliances like these!
It's a "cinch" to prepare meals
A modern electric roaster roasts, bakes, stews, steams . .
and, with a special attachment, even broils. A heat con
trol keeps your food at the temperature you desire. In
sulation keeps heat in your kitchen stays cool. Con
veniently shaped dishes enable you to cook a complete
meal all at once. You'll find an electric roaster wonder
fully helpful the year 'round. So see a display today.
Let an Electric Mixer
do it for you!
Beating, blending and mixing can be
hot, tiring work. But not when you
have an electric mixer. This willing
appliance stirs things up in a jiffy and
does a better job than you can do by
hand. Prices are low.
served either
iced or hot!
If you haven't an electric
coffee maker, this is a
good time to get one. The
new models are both
beautiful and reasonably
priced. And the coffee
they make is so fragrant
and delicious!
Ironing is easy with a
Speed laundering with a modern elec
tric iron. The heat control gives you
the exact tempera
ture needed for
every kind of cloth
. . . lets you iron
fast, sure and with
a minimum of effort.
Always at Your Service
For a fresh,
cool kitchen!
Install a kitchen ventilating
fan. Smoke, fumes, steam
and cooking odors are re
moved quiedy, quickly and
without draft. One type of
kitchen ventilating fan fits
into any sash window. In
stallation is very simple. The
other type is installed in
your kitchen wall during
building or remodeling.
Prices of kitchen ventilat
ing fans are most reason
able. And at Pacific's new
low rates, the operating cost
is very small.
at the table
With an electric cook
er, you can prepare all
sorts of foods right at
the table. Toasted sand
wiches, hot cakes, ba
con, eggs and lots of
other appetizing sum
mer dishes are ready in
a jiffy without using
the kitchen range. Waf
fle grids are available
for some electric cook
ers. See the new models
at dealers or la our
nearest office.
Get an Electric Fan!
Electric fans are now made in both
floor and table models. Blades are
designed to operate quiedy and give
a greater circulation of air. Don't
swelter on hot days. Keep cool with
aa electric fan. Prices to suit your
Mrse. Operating cost is small, too.