Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 24, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Mrs. Elaine Furlong returned home
Monday from a vacation trip to San
Francisco during which she took in
the Golden Gate bridge fiesta. While
in Portland on the way home she vis
ited her sister, Mre. Bernice Grosh
ens and reports her recovering rap
idly from an operation which she
underwent recently. Mrs. Sadie
Sigsbee, mother of the girls, is in
Portland with Mrs. Groshens.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ridings ar
rived in Heppner Saturday evening,
coming from New York where they
were located during the school year
and Mr. Ridings taught in Seth Low
Junior college. Mr. Ridings went
on to Eugene while Mrs. Ridings re
mained for a visit at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D.
Fred McMurray, in the city Sat
urday from Hermiston, said he ex
pected .to start digging his early po
tatoes in the near future. He has
planted a large acreage of potatoes
again this year, having just finished
planting his late tubers. Fred has
helped supply the local market for
many years.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Copenhaver
have returned to the county from
near San Francisco where they re
sided for some time, and Mrs. Co
penhaver is reported ill at the home
of Mrs. Corda Saling in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Copenhaver farmed for
many years in the Sand Hollow dis
trict. Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, who
were married in Portland last week,
called at the home of Mr. Parker's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Parker,
on the way to their home in Port
land from Wallowa county, leaving
Saturday afternoon. While here they
received felicitations of many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hughes were
callers in the city the first of the
week from the Butter creek ranch.
They recently moved their home
from over on the John Day river
and have established residence just
above the home of their son, Ed
win. L. Hedrick of Stanfield and John
E. Clark of Hermiston were in the
city yesterday spreading advertising
for the Fourth of July celebration
to be staged at Stanfield. Motorcycle
races and stunts will feature the cel
ebration, covering two days, July 4-5.
John Doherty, 12, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Neil Doherty of Lexington, was
thrown off a horse he was riding
on a slippery hillside when the horse
slipped. His left leg was broken
near the ankle, and the fracture was
reduced at a local doctor's office.
Harold Crawford while working his
first day in the woods for the Scritz
meier mill on Rhea creek Monday,
nearly severed the last two toes of
his left foot with a double bitted
axe. He was brought to Heppner
hospital for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schwartz
arrived in the city from Portland
Monday, expecting to spend several
days while making arrangements to
reconstruct the residence on their
Skinner creek farm, which was re
cently razed by fire.
County commissioners George N.
Peck and L. D. Neill were in the
city yesterday to attend funeral ser
vices for the late county assessor,
Jesse J. Wells. Mrs. Neill accom
panied her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chinn ar
rived home the first of the week
from Portland, Mrs. Chinn being well
on the road to recovery from a ma
jor operation which she underwent
recently in the city.
Jesse Goff, formerly of Lonerock
and now with federal airways com
munications division, was a visitor
in the city Friday. The family now
resides at Pendleton and Mr. Goff Is
stationed at North Dalles, Wash.
Colleen Miller, little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Miller, and Tom
my Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Hughes, both underwent tonsilec
tomies at the office of a local doctor
this mornnig.
Bernard McMurdo arrived home
this morning from Portland where
he had been since the close of the
school year at Oregon State college.
He was a freshman at O. S. C. last
See or write Victor G. Peterson,
Field Salesman, Heppner, Oregon, for
Federal Land Bank farms in Mor
row, Gilliam, Wheeler, Grant and
Harney Counties. 16-17
Elmer Grififth, H. O. Ely and Bert
Mason were among folks of the lone
and Morgan section in the city yes
terday for funeral services for the
late Jesse J. Wells.
Mr. and Mrs, Victor G. Peterson
left Tuesday for Spokane, where Mr.
Peterson expected to attend a meet
ing of Federal Land bank employees.
Edmon Fulgham, 9, of Lexington
broke his arm Sunday while crank
ing a car and the fracture was re
duced at a local physician's office.
Phillip Smith, 4, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Smith of lone, underwent
removal of tonsils and adenoids at a
local physician's office this week;
E. H. Miller returned home the
first of the .week from Spokane
where he attended the meeting of
North Pacific Grain Growers.
I have four mares for sale or trade
for cattle; price is right; weight from
1150 to 1400, broke single and dou
ble. W. H. French, Hardman. 14tf
Cecil Thorne was in the city Mon
day from the Morgan district, ex
pressing pleasure over better crop
prospects since the recent rains.
Alvin Casebeer, in the city this
morning from the farm at the head
of Stingle canyon, reported his wheat
crop looking pretty fair.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at the
DAY. JUNE 30th.
Miss Colleen McMillan of Lexing
ton underwent a tonsilectomy and
removal of adenoids here the first
of the week.
Victor Rietmann was up Monday
from the farm in the lone section,
feeling pretty good over crop pros
pects in his section.
Continued from First Page
Mr. Wells first assumed the office
of county assession January 1, 1911,
and had served continuously since,
his record of service calling forth
the confidence of the voters as shown
in his constant reelection. That the
confidence was fully merited is evi
denced by the fact that Mr. Wells
caused to be established in his of
fice a system of records that was
copied in many other counties over
the state. Basis for the system which
Mr. Wells conceived was the index
ing of property by description, rather
than by alphabetical name of own
er as had been the custom before he
took office.
Probably no man in Morrow coun
ty was known to more people in the
county than was Mr. Wells, as his
work took him into homes and busi
nesses in every part, and he became
recognized as an authority on as
sessment practices, not only to local
people but to authorities over the
Throughout his 62 years resdence
in the county Mr. Wells witnessed
the growth of Heppner from a small
pioneer town through its entire de
velopment, and had part in many
outstanding events in the develop
ment. As a baby he experienced the
Indian scares, and when in 1878 res
idents of Heppner thought it neces
sary to build a fort to protect them
selves, the fort was built on proper
ty of his father, and young Jesse
was among the number taken into
the fort's refuge while his father
acted as second lieutenant of the
protective forces, captained by Frank
Maddock and with J. L. Morrow as
first lieutenant.
Mr. Wells' father made his first
trip to the county in 1858, as chron
icled in a' history compiled by W. S.
Shiach, and returned on a freighting
expedition in 1864. He told the
chronicler that as he remembered it
the population at that time consist
of John Jordan, at the forks of Wal
low and Rhea creeks; T. W. Ayers
and William Ayers on Butter creek;
A. J. Breeden on Willow creek about
seven miles below the site of the
present Heppner; Oscar Clark at the
mouth of Clark's canyon, just below
and on the opposite side of the creek
from the present town of Lexing
ton, and William Cecil at the point
where Willow creek was crossed by
the old emigrant road.
STAR Reporter
Why not have a
Theater Party?
Seats may be reserved in
on any adult admission
One ad to a ticket cut this
out and bring it along must
be used before July 1st.
Star Theater
Heppner, Oregon
r.v... inuarfinnra unnr rnic ninn um cnvp vni i i . .
ivw agent or DroKer. &WMm
Investigate what this plan will save you!
O Lowest financing costs.
O Smaller monthly payments.
O Insurance placed locally with your own
agent or broker.
O Established bank credit for future needs.
The original Wells home in Hepp
ner was situated on Willow creek at
the west end of the property now
owned by Judge W. T. Campbell.
The large black walnut tree along
the west fence line of this property,
where for many years youngsters of
the community picked up the fallen
nuts, was planted by Mr. Wells'
mother. It was just a sprig when
first set out and she protected it by
placing a fruit jar over it.
Both Mr. Wells' parents, two bro
thers, George and Harry, a sister
Pearl, Mrs. Robert Morgan, also her
husband, and a sister-in-law, Mrs.
Clyde Wells, were all victims of the
flood of June 14, 1903.
Surviving Mr. Wells are the wid
ow and baby Betty, sons Thomas J.,
deputy assessor of this city, and Har
ry of Vancouver, Wash.; daughters,
Mrs. Helen Nichols of Corvallis, and
Miss Myra of Berkeley, Cal., and
brothers Clyde of Pendleton, Rich
ard of Heppner and Glenn Y. of
G. T. Want Ads bring results.
west of thb noacrej-
All trucks that use Oregon highways at night,
more than three miles beyond the limits of in
corporated cities and towns, must be equipped
with three flares on July 1.
We can supply you with legal flares,
flags, reflectors and side lights.
Milsom-Banister Motor Co.
Sales QgjSs Service
Phone 192 Heppner
It's Weeding Time!
Do the job thoroughly, effi
ciently and economically with a
Diesel Tractors
A complete range of sizes, featuring the
single, double and triple units. With the
double unit, 24-foot hook-up and tractor
traveling at 3 miles per hour, approxi
mately SVi acres can be cultivated in
one hour, or more than 80 ACRES IN A
Also John Deere Mowers and Rakes
1 1 John Deere Combines Sold This Year
Morrow County's Own Store
Tractor & Equipment Co.